Quotes on Split Energy & Mixed Vibrations

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Re: Quotes on Split Energy & Mixed Vibrations

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Chronic physical Pain is the Indicator of many Desires, that you are denying yourself to fulfill!
(same trains of thought as with not having enough money!)

I'm kind of new to thinking this way, and I can feel everything feels right, with what you're saying. Does it work physically, too?

Abe: Yeah.

I have chronic pain. And when I live with pain, all the time- how do I unthink the pain?

Well, it is harder just like with our friend. It's harder to have an occupation where she's focused continually on something that we're encouraging not to think about for a while. And so, when something's hurting in your body, it's hard not to notice it. So look at it this way... you're gonna like this. So let's say that your goal is to have a whole lot more money than you have. And your logic tells you, that it's not just going to fall into your bank account today. But you could -in five or ten minutes of conversation- you could find the feeling or the essence of prosperity!.

So, you could accomplish the feeling of prosperity even though the reality, the manifested actualization of money, hasn't come, yet.

Does that make sense? So, you could have physical pain - which is the same thing as the absence of the money - and focus upon or find the feeling place of alignment, and freedom from that pain. It's like calling pain the manifestation of something that you are changing the vibration of. We like that analogy. If you can feel rich, when you don't have any money, you can feel pain free when you've got pain. It's the same process of thinking.

It's just a little harder when it's so up... money is tricky, too, because money or lack of it, affects you all day long. And pain affects you all day long! And maybe not having something that you want affects you all day long- but not as much. So, you have to use the power of your mind, you have to be a little more disciplined, you have to be a little more decided.

So, we're gonna tell you some things about pain that we think, will help you a lot.
If you have resistance - if you have a belief that is contradicting a desire - you're gonna feel negative emotion about it. And the more you want the desire and the more you don't believe it, the stronger that resistance is going to feel. So, if you've got resistance - if you've got that negative emotion within you, which is simply the indication that you're not up to speed with who you really are - you're holding yourself back.

Part of you is going, and the other part of you isn't going which causes this tug of war. Which is what the feeling of negative emotion is. If you've got negative emotion and you don't recognize it and do something to soften it, it will get bigger. It will become more and more and more and more and more- and eventually it becomes physical pain.

Physical pain is just an extension of - it's an indication of - resistance!

But it's not very helpful to someone to say, "Well, your pain is because you've got resistance. Get rid of it," because if you could get rid of it, you would. But it is helpful to know that you can do something about it, and the thing that is most important for you to understand...oh... most people think that when they have physical pain, that there must be something really, really big and important that they are denying. And that is rarely the situation. What it is, is a whole bunch of things that you care about that you're just denying. And a lot of people are doing the same thing.

You have so many beliefs that are contradicting so many desires. That's all that it is!
Beliefs that contradict desires.

And so, now you've focused on that, when it comes up and you're actually in the moment of doing it, you'll catch yourself doing it. And then maybe, if you care about it, you can soften the thought just a little bit. Here's the other thing, now that was not all that helpful. Because what we just said to you is, "You're doing stuff and you don't know you're doing it and that's why you hurt. So don't do that anymore." That was completely not helpful.

But it is the basis. It's important to understand that, so, in that way it has the potential of being helpful! It's just not helpful, yet. But this will be helpful right away: In the same way that we're talking to you about your open-circuit, relative to something that you want, your body has trillions of cells that are consciousness - that are open circuits. And when the circuits in your body are open to each other, and to the impulses that are coming from your central nervous system and from your thinking system, in other words, when your circuits are open, you thrive. Open circuits are what makes you intend to pick up that glass of water, and be able to do it. It's what makes your body respond to your thought. Those are open circuits, you see. And so, even though you have more open circuits than not- all of you-, you might be closing some of those circuits down through thoughts or beliefs that you have.

So, in the same way that we were demonstrating that if you have a desire, and a belief that matches it- then the circuit is wide open and the Universe can deliver to you - you can get back - what you want. It's just an open circuit. But if you want something that you don't believe, then it's like electrocuting yourself. And you don't get it back, and it doesn't feel good, and the result is negative emotion. Stronger result than negative emotion is physical pain. Which means... Pain always means this:

The cells of your body are requesting things that are being offered, that you're resistant thought is keeping them from receiving. So, pain means - first and foremost - help's on the way!

It means, the cells are asking, because they know how to stay in balance. The cells of your body are so brilliant! They are such genius consciousness. Think about it. Do you ever think about your body? How incredible it is? You don't lie in bed at night and keep your own blood pumping. You don't make that a conscious thing, that you do. There are so many things, that you call unconscious! Unconscious success in your body, that the cells of your body are tending to. And the cells of your body are regenerating, they're becoming new, over and over and over again.

And so, they don't hold old beliefs!
Because they're becoming new again. But you teach them the beliefs that are hindering through your thoughts. In other words, when you think about getting older and, therefore, you're teaching the cells of your body things that cause resistance- that don't let the circuits flow. So, when your cells ask for something and the circuit is closed, that equals pain. That's all that it is. And you get a few trillion cells asking, and not receiving- then the physical result to you is: you don't feel so good.

Did you hear us when we said, "It's not a big thing?" You don't have some big, terrible, hairy, secret doubt within you! It's just a whole bunch of stuff, like, "I'd like to do that, but I can't." -Something that simple. And just multiply that by a few dozen times a day, about a few hundred subjects, and then you've got resistance. That's all that it is.

Is... is that why when I get really angry about something... I can move!

It gets worse?

No, I can move for a while.

When you get angry... What happens when you really know what you don't want is: you know what you do want.
And so, your belief or your desire has just been emphasized! This is really good, because this is something that we said for the first time today, and this is the follow-through on it. So we are appreciating your observation! Because this is, what it means. You know earlier, when we said to you that if you've got a very clear desire, it doesn't matter what you believe?

So, when something happens that really made you angry, because you knew you really didn't want it, it made you know you really did want it and for a moment, the energy really flowed in a powerful way. Yeah, the desire was dominant for a moment! As you said: "FOR A MOMENT." Yeah.

So, I don't wanna stay angry all the time, though!

Well, beats hurting! (big laughter) Clarifying is just gonna keep coming to you. But, don't overthink it, but pay attention to the way you feel. Haven't you noticed that, all of you!- we're asking, all of you, that- but you'll be able to answer this specifically, too. But, all of you think about this:

Isn't one of the most uncomfortable moments that moment of indecision?

About anything. Should I do this or should I do that? That uncomfortable decision that...it's kind of like you just sort of paralyzed, and then, isn't the opposite true when you've decided something?
-When you decide something, don't you then feel like getting into motion?
-Don't the ideas begin flowing?
-Doesn't the magic start happening, once you've decided about something? And so, the same thing is true about this.

The helpful things that we've given you here... first of all, there's not anything big that's gone wrong. You don't have some big belief that is hindering you! You just have - like almost everybody else - a lot of hindering thoughts about things that do matter to you.

And our friend who said earlier, "I just decided not to care. I just accepted that I was probably not going to get called on." -And there was such power in that! Because as soon as she accepted that she wasn't going to get called on, she'd let go of the struggle of that. And when she let go of the struggle, the resistance went away, and the light around her - it was like suddenly she turned to beacon of light on that!- took our attention right to her.

When you decide that you're just not gonna worry about the physical discomfort... you're just not gonna worry about it! You're not going to exaggerate it, you're not gonna try to explain it to anybody, you're just gonna accept it. You're just not gonna try to make a big thing about it. You're just gonna accept it. You're just gonna accept it. Just accept it without trying to change it, without wondering how it got there, without feeling like you did something wrong, without turning it into more.

It just is and it's okay.

"Well, it just is and it's okay." That feeling of, "It's okay," diffuses so much!
One day, not too long ago, Esther was in a hotel like this and she was going through the kitchen, back to her suite on the segment of refreshment. And she rides the service elevator, because it's a more direct route up - she doesn't bump into so many of you. So, she got on the elevator with a man who belongs on the elevator, because he works back there. And he saw Esther and knew she didn't belong. And so, he explained to her there's another elevator for you. And Esther's looking at him - he was so sweet - and then his next words were, "But you didn't know. But you didn't know."

And, Esther just wanted to lick his face! She just wanted to wrap him up. She felt such tenderness and such understanding from him! Not wanting to make her wrong. And she thought, 'Oh, this is the most delicious moment that I think I've ever stood in, where I'm doing something totally off-limits and totally inappropriate. I could not be doing anything more wrong in this moment, than being on the elevator, with all the dirty clothes... "But you didn't know. You didn't know."

And this is the way we want you to feel about anything that isn't going the way you want it!
You didn't know that the cells of your body are communicating with each other! And you didn't know that you were blocking them, with your negative thoughts. You didn't know! You just thought, your negative thoughts were just negative thoughts. And you also thought, that they were logical negative thoughts! And that they were understood negative thoughts. And that they were commonly thought negative thoughts! You didn't know...!

But now you know! Now you know. In other words, now you know! Esther explained to him, "They gave me permission for this," and then she wanted to give back to him. She said, "but you didn't know." -Just giving everybody the benefit of the benefit of the benefit! Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Everything's all right. And the cells of your body know, that everything's all right! And the cells of your body are not letting you down: They're asking for what they need and in that softer vibration...

See that? See that? You got that? You know what that is? You feel that? ...That's your confirmation! That's your inner being saying to you, "You didn't know! But now, you know." Did you feel that on your cheek, just now? (HS mumbles)

Yeah. You're not having a stroke. Lots of things like that. That's you, releasing enough resistance that you're allowing energy to flow where a moment ago you weren't allowing it to flow. You're gonna begin feeling a lot of twitters. Yeah.

It's a good thing?

It is a VERY good thing.

from the youtube clip "The Root Cause of Chronic Pain | Abraham Hicks"
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Re: Quotes on Split Energy & Mixed Vibrations

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Is there really Gender- Inequality?
(Jerry steps in!)

(I want) the chance to really see a world, in which men and women have equal opportunity, equal power. Equal access...

Well, just ask your Inner Being! If you have an opinion already- which you do, where men and women do not have equal power -so, "this is the stance from which I look." So, what could you possibly see, other than inequality, from that vibrational stance? -And you say, "no I'm looking at reality!" We say: You're looking at old news!

And then you say: "Well, I want to create a new!" and we say: then don't look at the old news. So, what do you think the old news has put into your vortex? Something different! Are you looking there? Not right now!

So, when you realize, that law of attraction doesn't say (disgusted voice): "Ah, it's a girl. Let that go." Or all the intervenes of all the women: (Disgusted voice again) "Ahh. Not so much."

And that's where all of your power is! So, if you want to say to us -and we'll go along with you- that there are some women, who- in their belief that there is inequality, block some of the power, that is flowing to them. We will go along with you in that! And if you say "oh, and there's some men that kind of like it that way." -we might even go along with you about that, too!

But we will NEVER acknowledge, that there is inequality of your face under the Sun. Or your beingness in this environment. Or your relationship with non-physical energy!
So, if there is any diminishment of anyone, it is ALWAYS self-inflicted.

And once you understand that, then you have your power, you see!

You see... this is so clear. Here's a clear way of explaining it to you, that would be like you, saying: "I've been noticing that the law of gravity is discriminating against women. It holds them closer to the ground! Men float more free than women." And we say: Perception is everything! What you think and continue to think, becomes a belief, that is sort of hard to let go of.

But your beliefs are the only limitations you have!
There's only a separation between your desire and what you believe.

...A contradiction in that energy, which is always evidenced to you by negative emotion- which is your indicator: you're doing it now! You're doing it now, you're doing it now. You're doing it now! You're doing it now! (HS seems speechless. Audience is laughing)

-We know. When we say: What you believe- based upon what you've witnessed, what you've lived, doesn't have to be that way. You want to say... in fact, here is Jerry! (HS adored Jerry, Esthers croaked husband). He said: "I'd like to get on your side for a minute, here. He said to us... (Audience laughs and Abe are playful about Jerry stepping in in this way) ...There's a whole lot, like this. This is one of his favorite haunts, yeah!

He (Jerry)... he said often: "But, Abraham!!! I didn't feel that way about that, until that happened. So that reality influenced the way I feel! So isn't the way I feel therefore valid?" and we said: of course it's valid! And if you want more of it, keep focusing on it! (laughter) (HS: Yeah.) Because it didn't seem to him like he went out looking for that relief! It felt to him like, the world demonstrated. And he observed. And so, "that's how it is!" And he'd like to change it. And we say, we know that's why you came: You came to change things, that are not the way you want them to be.

But you never do it by claiming inequality!
You never do it by pushing against what you don't want!
That just causes your influence to become more about what you don't want.

And today we want, more than anything, to help you feel: You're part... you're important part!- in your expressing your influence. Your influence in the world, you see! Your Inner Being- oh, your Inner Being is flowing to you and through you. The influence for everything that you want, especially on this subject, is huge. But sometimes you get crosswise. You don't let your own inner being influence you! Because you've got some belief walled up, that doesn't let you receive it. But don't worry! As long as you hold that desire... because your Inner Being knows. Your inner being will inspire you to the experiences, that will help you unfold into the desire, that you want!

Because your Inner Being... oh this is such a wonderful thing for you to know!
Your inner being knows where you stand, in terms of what you've allowed to unfold, in relationship with what's in your vortex, and what you're asking for... so,

your Inner Being knows where the path is. What the path is! -The path of least resistance.

Which is to say, the path considering every belief you've got, that's in your way! Your Inner Being isn't saying "clear the path, and then you will know." Your Inner Being is saying: "You got quite a resistant path!" and will show you through it. We will show you through it, and some times -and this is really important for you!-

sometimes, the path to clarity about what you want, is going right through those unpleasant neighborhoods, that cause you to launch more rockets of desire- until the rockets of desire outweigh your feelings of disgruntlement. And then, off you go! .

Sometimes you have to meditate your way there. Because your thoughts won't let you go there- you've practiced too many, you've read too many books, you've marched in too many movements, you've watched too many programs, you're too mad at too many men... and so, it just can't get in. But when you meditate and clear your mind, stop your thought altogether, and your vibration rises to the equivalency of what your Inner Being knows- then what your Inner Being knows, begins to occur to you.

The other day Esther said: "I want my influence to help this situation. But when my influence helps this situation, and that situation improves- then what I think about the current situation won't be right." She's picked out someone, that she wants to blame for a whole lot of things! And she wants to help it... but then, all of her complaints would be invalid!

Because, sometimes you want more to be right than you do to feel good.

And so you gather up all the evidence of how right you are, and as you gather up all that evidence about how right you are- and you might very well be right about a situation!! But you're messing up the future! And it's not the path of least resistance, but the path of most resistance.

And the way you feel, which is everything that matters, indicates that. -Helpful?

Yeah. This just connects another thing... since I saw you, two weeks ago, I've been gathering evidence for the Universe is conspiring for me to be happy! And every time something happens, I put it in my little PDA, you know, and... and capture it. And then I celebrate it, and I realize: I haven't been doing that with gender equality! I haven't been building a case, and building evidence.

Because building the case for something you want goes against what you believe, and nobody wants to do that. But, when what you believe is a sucky thing- that you would like to change...?? (laughter) Yeah, yeah! Really good!

from the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks - [NO ADS] There Is NO Gender Inequality"


How the Inner Being guides us

Your inner being knows where you stand, in terms of what you've allowed to unfold, in relationship with what's in your vortex, and what you're asking for... so,

your Inner Being knows where the path is. What the path is! -The path of least resistance.

Which is to say, the path considering every belief you've got, that's in your way! Your Inner Being isn't saying "clear the path, and then you will know." Your Inner Being is saying: "You got quite a resistant path!" and will show you through it. We will show you through it, and some times -and this is really important for you!-

sometimes, the path to clarity about what you want, is going right through those unpleasant neighborhoods, that cause you to launch more rockets of desire- until the rockets of desire outweigh your feelings of disgruntlement. And then, off you go! .

Sometimes you have to meditate your way there. Because your thoughts won't let you go there- you've practiced too many, you've read too many books, you've marched in too many movements, you've watched too many programs, you're too mad at too many men... and so, it just can't get in. But when you meditate and clear your mind, stop your thought altogether, and your vibration rises to the equivalency of what your Inner Being knows- then what your Inner Being knows, begins to occur to you.

from the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks - [NO ADS] There Is NO Gender Inequality"

Gender-Inequality is (as all hardship) always self-inflicted!

Law of attraction doesn't say (disgusted voice): "Ah, it's a girl. Let that go." Or all the intervenes of all the women: (Disgusted voice again) "Ahh. Not so much."

And that's where all of your power is! So, if you want to say to us -and we'll go along with you- that there are some women, who- in their belief that there is inequality, block some of the power, that is flowing to them. We will go along with you in that! And if you say "oh, and there's some men that kind of like it that way." -we might even go along with you about that, too!

But we will NEVER acknowledge, that there is inequality of your face under the Sun. Or your beingness in this environment. Or your relationship with non-physical energy!
So, if there is any diminishment of anyone, it is ALWAYS self-inflicted.

And once you understand that, then you have your power, you see!

You see... this is so clear. Here's a clear way of explaining it to you, that would be like you, saying: "I've been noticing that the law of gravity is discriminating against women. It holds them closer to the ground! Men float more free than women." And we say: Perception is everything! What you think and continue to think, becomes a belief, that is sort of hard to let go of.

But your beliefs are the only limitations you have!
There's only a separation between your desire and what you believe.

from the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks - [NO ADS] There Is NO Gender Inequality"

Wanting to be Right more, than wanting to be happy!

The other day Esther said: "I want my influence to help this situation. But when my influence helps this situation, and that situation improves- then what I think about the current situation won't be right." She's picked out someone, that she wants to blame for a whole lot of things! And she wants to help it... but then, all of her complaints would be invalid!

Because, sometimes you want more to be right than you do to feel good.

And so you gather up all the evidence of how right you are, and as you gather up all that evidence about how right you are- and you might very well be right about a situation!! But you're messing up the future! And it's not the path of least resistance, but the path of most resistance.

And the way you feel, which is everything that matters, indicates that.

from the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks - [NO ADS] There Is NO Gender Inequality"
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Re: Quotes on Split Energy & Mixed Vibrations

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The 17 Second -Rule and -Process:
How fast momentum adds up when you hold a PURE thought!

Hold a thought for as little as 17 seconds- there's enough attraction power in that consistent thought- by holding the thought, we mean holding it without contradicting it, holding the thought purely without introducing resistance, then Law of Attraction will add momentum to that thought.

Another 17 seconds, and then another, and once you cross the 68 second mark, there's enough momentum to start receiving thought about it. To start receiving impulse about it. Surprisingly, 68 seconds is a rather long time to focus purely! Because you are all sort of accustomed to pros and cons, and pluses and minuses. And being very objective about things! And because every subject is two subjects, and you often have activated the not wanted end of the stick- so even though you're making a statement of what you do want, the other end of the stick is rather active. If you can accept that, the whole purpose of paying attention to that 17 seconds is to affect the way you feel, and nothing more than that.

So, that you can find that 17 seconds, and stay there, and then another- until your enthusiasm for it is building. That's all you have to accomplish!

If you can get across that 68 second mark and even beyond, everything else will take care of itself. that really is the most productive process that we could ever offer to any of you! Because in accepting these facts, it accepts that you have already created the vibrational reality that you now want to blossom out. And to see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, touch it- fashion. So it already exists. And as you are now playing this 17-second game, with that knowledge that it does already exist -and that it is a foregone conclusion that it will manifest, but you're not going to get hung up in the treacherous territory! Because that distance between the emotion and the manifestation is where you throw the most stuff on the trail. That's where you throw all the resistance on the trail!

So, if you only come this far, where there's no resistance. And you maintain it, until you own it, and then you come there again, on another subject, and another subject, and another subject, and another subject- until you are in that emotional state of positive expectation: oh then the inspiration just blossoms! You just find yourself feeling inspiration. Your timing becomes really good! The entire universe cooperates with you. You just almost stand in amazement at the Universe's ability, to give you timing!

Creation is about timing more than anything else!

And unless you've accomplished that part of it, your timing is off. If you've been trying to deal with the condition rather than with the emotion- ooh that's another piece of it, that we said powerfully:

Just feel it and never mind how it plays out! That's not your business! You've already accomplished your manifestation:
Your manifestation of feeling the energy move. You know, if you got that far- the rest is inevitable.

from the youtube clip "17 Seconds to Power Up the Law of Attraction - Abraham Hicks Gems"
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Re: Quotes on Split Energy & Mixed Vibrations

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The Value of Politics

I never really paid attention to politics, until about 10 years ago, and...

Stop!! (HS: You'r right. -laughter-)
It all it is the streams of consciousness, that are pitted against each other, as an excuse to pinch each other off from the clarity and well-being that would be there, if they weren't doing that.

And there is nothing about politics, that have anything to do with you, or what will happen to you!
You can use it as a reason to not allow yourself to be aligned. But that's it's only real use: To pinch you off!

Jeah. I realize that the world is a reflection of what I have going on, inside me.

The world is a reflection of what everyone has going on! And there are a lot of things going on. In other words, it's not only your reflection. The world is the things, that have come from the thoughts, that the world has thought. But you didn't think all the thoughts!

Well the the thing that caught my attention is: I've been observing people, in how they pay attention to politics and politicians, and it seems to me that a lot of people will... they'll go by what one the politician says. But totally disregard what the politician does, which is often completely different!

When you ask about the value of politics... let's focus there just for a moment. If it has done anything for you, as a mass consciousness, we're talking globally, not just nationally! ...If it has done anything for you as a mass consciousness, it must surely help you to know this one powerful thing:

You can't sort it out.
You can't even begin to know what is really going on!

Esther's phrase is: "The words don't match the music."
The lyrics don't match the music- which is sort of a little bit, what you're talking about. But, oh, talk about a rat's nest of vibrations that just has the potential of holding you apart from everything, that you've been asking for! And what's so interest, this is another thing that it'll do for you, we want you to hear this!-

People think that they can think their way out of things.
But all they do, is think their way deeper and deeper into things. You've got to feel your way out!!

And so, a lot of rabbit holes, that a lot of people are going down- the rabbit holes just get deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper. And they keep thinking, they're gonna find satisfaction in there! But they don't.

The thing that... it occurred to me was, that I look at them and I'd say their thoughts in their words, and their actions...

"...are non of my business!" That's the thing that you should say!! "They're not any of my business!" Because you're assuming that they're thinking and they're acting, in order to get your approval! -That's what you'd like! But that's not working out well for you. So, what you're saying is: There are those that think this, and there are those that think that- and I want to choose those that think that. "Okay! Got my party picked! I've picked my affiliation! -But now they were saying these things, which I resonated with- but now they're not doing those things!" So, you've found yet another reason to feel dissatisfied.

Because you're looking for love in all the wrong places!

-You're looking for satisfaction in all the wrong places. You're following us, at all?

Oh, absolutely! I am in agreement with you. But the thing that it also pointed out to me is, that I feel like MY thoughts, MY words and my actions don't all line up. And I wonder if that's the reason why they don't manifest things, the way that I wish that are they would?

For sure! It's true of everyone. But you see, can you let your thoughts be an evolving thing? and can you let what you believed at one time which served you be something that you don't believe at this time... in other words, can you be the evolving being that you are? Can life experience give you new asking? (HS: yes!) We really like you! We like what you've stirred up. We'd like where you now are! We like the vibrational becoming, that has happened here. We're like the clarity, that is in your being, that is exaggerated from where you started! We like that you have a sense of what to do next. We like that you don't feel any great big agenda. That you don't have any really strong sense of responsibility. But that you do feel more alive! We like that you are in closer proximity to the unfolding of the things, that you've been asking for. And we like that you will be more aware of your part in it, as it unfolds!

We like most of all, that you are going to feel your conscious awareness of the relationship between what you're doing with your reaching for satisfaction, and the reason that things are unfolding for you, as they are. That's the piece that we'd like the most! It's that you are more in control, than you've ever been in your life- of what comes next! We cannot express with enough words, there just are not enough of them. So we flow vibration to you all day, every day! You don't have to be in the presence of Abraham, who has flowing through Esther's apparatus. We are flowing to you, all day every day. Our appreciation of where you are, the important part you play in this expanding universe!

It is our desire for you, that every single thing that you think you've ever wanted, comes to you and comes to you quickly, and comes to you easily. But we have one thing that we want more than all of those things put together, and that is that you have FUN in the process of the unfolding of the perfection, that is you!

from the youtube-clip "Abraham-Hicks About politics"
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Re: Quotes on Split Energy & Mixed Vibrations

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Clarity means, Attention to something without contradicting it.

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Re: Quotes on Split Energy & Mixed Vibrations

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Do NOT fake happiness! And do not suppress what you really want.
Instead, just be satisfied about SOMETHING, and don't tolerate dissatisfaction! That is enough!

I come with a desire to help me with my scattered energy. And I've listened to you for longer than I want to admit, to this wonderful room of people. It might be over 10 years, but less than 20. So, and my life is a beautiful life! I don't lack anything, but I want more. And I feel like I have...

Satisfied with what is, and eager for more. It's a perfect stance!

That's where I am. And I feel that, I..

Because when you need something, you're under the influence of need. When you satisfied, then you're under the influence of alignment. And then the distance from where you are, to the delicious new, new, new is simple.

Yes! Yeah, and I have felt both places, yes. So to be in a place, where I am appreciative, and I do what you have talked about: I'm at the beach every morning with my dog! I'm so lucky, I live in Maine! So I go: "this is my favorite beach. And my favorite seaglass. And my favorite ocean! And my favorite dog!" -and I just sort of dance around, and people think I'm nuts. But I am living a beautiful life! But I feel that I'm, because certain things haven't come into my manifestation, that I must be a little scattered, or lazy with my thoughts? Where I'm maybe... I am not being deliberate enough, or fantasizing enough. Or being, you know... where I'm daydreaming enough. Because I don't have negative things in my life! I'm very conscious of when I don't feel well, mentally. I nip it right away, and I listen to you. You're the best energy changer on the planet! I just listen to one of your things. I get out in nature, I go for a walk, and I just shift my energy.

But, I want to travel! I want to buy a house. I want to help my kids with their wedding. There's things I want, and I'm sort of anticipatory in the waiting for it. And I'm... my life is beautiful, in the meantime! But I think I must be missing something, if these things aren't showing up. Because the path unfolds in many little directions, but it never seems to come to fruition.

Well, let us just speak some basics of the laws as they are. And then we'll walk through this, in a way that you and others will follow and understand! Because when you say, or when most say "scattered energy"- it's as if they think that they have to focus on some specific thing that they want, and hone in on it, in order to reel it in, and bring it about. And so, they think their energy is scattered, they're thinking about too many things, and kind of like, if you've got a lot of things to do, and you're trying to do so many things- then you'r "jack of all trades, and master of none", is sort of the human sentiment about that!

And we want to make it very clear that it's not scattered energy!
It's contradictory energy.

Only a thought about something, and a thought in opposition of it, is what ever slows it down, or puts resistance in it!

You can be creating hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of things simultaneously.
And when you focus toward them, if you're not contradicting your thought about it, then you're setting it into motion, and Law of Attraction will follow through and it will become a reality!

So it's important to understand that it's the contradictory thought that is the only thing that ever hinders anything, that comes into your experience. Therefore, if it is in fact true that you're thinking about what you want and you're always, always feeling good, and always feeling satisfied- and yet some of the things that you think you want, aren't coming- then it must be that you don't really want what you think you want! Because, if you're really as vibrationally non-resistant as you feel that you are, then you are creating exactly what you've put into your Vortex! and if what's unfolding isn't what you think you want, then that's where the disconnect is.

If you really believe that you've got positive emotion going on all the time, and what you want isn't happening- then you don't want what you think you want.
Which is never the case.

What IS the case, is: You don't have positive emotion going on all the time.
You're just under the illusion, that you have positive emotion going on, and the reason for that is: Because you are used to, you are comfortable with thinking the thoughts that you've been thinking. And so they feel normal. Not necessarily in alignment with desire!

And that's the reason that we are commenting in a stronger way, wanting to put more emphasis upon your personal realization of whether this is a satisfying thought, or not. Now we know, when you're on the beach with your dog, you're satisfied. We know that for sure! But it's possible to be on the beach with your dog, feeling satisfied and move into an unsatisfying thought. And in fact, you do that sometimes, too, even on the beach! And so, you don't have to clean up all your thoughts! We don't want you to dig in and try to get to the bottom of things. We just want you to lean positively, or change the subject.

Just don't contradict your thoughts!

So, for example let's take the exact example of you, wanting to help your kids with their wedding. What else did you say? Buy a house?

Buy a house, um, travel...

So let's take the kids with their wedding. Are they expressing to you a desire for something, that they need, that you can't afford?

Actually, no! The wedding, that's happening next year. We're okay with it, because we only have to do the rehearsal dinner. But, like in the future... I have three other kids. I'm just thinking my daughter... our general financial situation right now wouldn't support four weddings!

So, through life experience- and we're even talking about the years that you've been listening to us, what do you think is the dominant thing that you've put into your Vortex, relative to your children? Self-sufficiency, or dependency upon you? Do you think that you've been really wanting to create a relationship where you do all things for them? "No, not ALL things, just some things. But along my physical trail, Abraham it's sort of a common thing for parents to do something about...!" What we're asking you is: Do you think, there's any contradiction between what you're thinking about these weddings, and what you've actually put into your Vortex?

Probably, yeah.

So, that one's a little more difficult for you to sort out. Because most parents believe that you really owe a lot to your children! But...

Yah. They're not asking! It's so funny, cuz my son is like: "Mom, we just want flipflops, T-shirts, a barbecue!" -They're not asking for a lot! And I'm... I'm actually really listening to him. So I don't...

So he's telling you that- in response to what? You're just on the beach, enjoying the dog. What makes him say that to you?

He's in Seattle!

Why would he ever say that to you?

Cuz it's what he and his fiance really want!?

Yeah. But why is he saying that to you?

Because I am expressing to him my desire to do more!

But what influence are you under, while you're expressing that desire? Are you under the influence of abundance, and this... this natural, easy flow? Or are you under the influence of "I don't have enough. And I feel bad, that I don't have enough." -What's the active vibration within you, that's making him want to compensate, and say to you: "Hey Mom, we're not counting on you!"

THAT'S what's scattering your thoughts! -The idea of these weddings, as life is coming at you, is causing you to confront the subject of finances, and instead of feeling satisfied, you feel dissatisfied.

HS: Yes. Yes!

Well, stop it! (laughter)
That's as big as it gets! That's all you're doing: You're feeling dissatisfied about your current situation, because you're using the beliefs that you have and the circumstantial evidence: "We might be able to make it with one, but we can't do all four!" In other words, feel the case you're making against yourself! So, what is the big subject? Is it wedding? No. Is it travel? No. It's ALL of those things! It's abundance, flowing into your experience. So, can you feel how- if you're satisfied, you're allowing the abundance to flow.

That's why you allow the abundance to flow in the ways that don't involve money.

You allow the timing of the universe, to show you the most magnificent sunrises, or sun sets.
You allow the universe to show you the friskiness and joy of the dog, or the goals, or whatever else is out there. In other words, you're letting abundance flow to you, in lots and lots and lots and lots of ways- but when it comes to that financial abundance, you've got some beliefs that you just keep reactivating, that are in the way.

And the way you clean that up is, just by asking yourself: "Is this a satisfying thought?"

Now, let's play with this a little bit. Because you've all got the idea of it, and many of you are doubting, that it's as simple as that!
But it really IS just as simple as that! Because it's this way: You see, you're living life right here and now. And it doesn't matter what you've lived. It doesn't matter what your financial condition has been. In fact, the more contrast you've lived, the more good stuff you've put in your Vortex, that has already summoned cooperative components.

But if you're dissatisfied, you're not one of the Cooperative components!
If you're satisfied you're one of the Cooperative components.

So here's the thing we really really really want you to hear! ...A man was talking about a barbecue contraption that he's invented and he wants the funding and he wants the world to embrace it, and he wants it to sell, and he wants to get a lot of money, because he has some things that he wants to do with the money. So, as we chewed for a little while with him, then we began asking the audience: Does this man have to feel satisfaction about this barbecue-contraption, here and now, in order for it to go for the success of it happen? And the entire audience knew, that he didn't have to feel satisfaction about that!

He just had to feel satisfaction!

Because if you believe that you've got to feel satisfaction about the thing that you don't feel satisfaction about, "I'm going to feel satisfaction about this thing that I don't feel satisfaction about!" ...Are you satisfied? "Yeah I'm satisfied. Yeah I'm satisfied." But you're NOT! You're under a different influence. But what are you satisfied about: "I'm satisfied about the self-sufficiency of my son. I'm satisfied about how he stands in his flip-flops on the beach! I'm satisfied about his joyous life experience! I'm satisfied... or, or, or, or, or! There are thousands of things in any moment in time, that you could find to be satisfied about. And when you decide that the name of this game is to lean in the direction of this influence- what influence are you wanting to be under? Really, friends.

YOU are the only uncooperative component, in the desires that are coming into being for you!

Little by little, you said: I'd like that. I'd like that! I prefer that, I'd prefer that... Law of Attraction gathered them as cooperative components. And you know what all of your desires- hear this!

ALL of your desires are cooperating with each other!
Source and law of attraction have gathered them. These cooperative components are there.

When you're dissatisfied, you're not one of the Cooperative components! So you can't be in a place, where you can receive the impulse, or the train of thought, that will lead you to where you want to be. Sometimes you think: "Well, I don't really want to be under the influence, so that I'm lead. I just want it to happen! And I'll just show up later." And we say, well that's the biggest flaw, that most humans believe!

You are CREATORS. And you want to CREATE!
And the only satisfaction you'r ever feeling is, when you have asked for something, and you're letting yourself move toward it.

You've GOT to be under that influence! And moving toward the magnificent things that you've put into your Vortex, little by little- or you cannot feel satisfaction.

Yeah. The unfolding... I've been in situations like, I do photography. And I have stepped that up a bit, and I've made greeting cards, and a calendar and the unfolding of that process was so much fun. So I understand that concept. I don't want, you know, a sack of money... not that I would mind... being dropped at my feet, in the sense that I understand... as you say, how the path's lighting up and... and how fun it is, to see everything fall together...

Now wait a minute!! If a stack of money dropped up your feet, you're driving down the road and the armored car doors open, and the money falls in your path... are you telling us that you could just scoop it up, in your car, and you would be satisfied??

No! I'm saying it...

You'd go to jail!!

I'd go to jail. All right! If I won the lotto, I don't... it would be lovely! But it wouldn't be as satisfying, as my life unfolding, like...

We don't mean that at all!!
We think, winning the lottery could be a very satisfying thing!! We're not trying to get you to not want the things, that you want!

We're just showing you how you get there! So, if you decide that you're going to win the lottery, and you can't conceive of that. And you know the odds of that, and so your own thoughts are working against- that's what you're calling scattering of thoughts. And that's what we're calling contradictory thoughts to what you desire! Here's the thing, when you live life, and it causes you to create preferences, to identify preferences- and then your preferences gather together, and there's a magnificent unfolding... if you can manage to stay in a state of satisfaction!

Just because thought by thought, you're catching it, when the first dissatisfaction happens.

And you don't let it take hold- the advantage that law of attraction brings you that is most discernable to you, most palpable, most present, is the gift -we'll just use that word! The gift of good timing. Because, when you're tuned in tapped in turned on- because you're not doing that thing you do, that keeps you from being; then you rendezvous in more timely things. With thoughts about past present or future, with thoughts that are beneficial and with impulses that are beneficial and with others who are beneficial and with experiences that are beneficial.

And that's what a satisfying life IS!
You can't have an unhappy journey on the way to a happy ending! It just doesn't happen: It's happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy! We could even say, it feels really good, really good, really good, gooder, gooder, gooder, good, gooder good! And of course we agree with all of you about this:

The explosion into the manifestation- that's the brink that you all want to be upon.
And that's the moment in time that you feel the most exhilaration! In other words:
Manifestation matters.

You're here in this physical time and space, because you are creators into the physical!

Thoughts are turning to things. And you want thoughts to turn to things! But as humans, you've become so enamored with that moment when the thoughts turn to the things- and you're so enamored with the things, that you forget about the deliciousness of the journey.

Which is the only reason that these things ever exist! They are the final product of this joyous journey, and your life is about the joyous journey. Not about the product.

from the clipHuge Energy Shifting Message You Were Meant To Hear! ✨ Abraham Hicks 2024
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Re: Quotes on Split Energy & Mixed Vibrations

Post by Pollyanna »

Thank you so much 💓 for this wonderful post!

I love this forum because it's making the journey so much more fun for me.

I'm so glad when I catch it early, I can simply be like the seals...leaping from the difficult moving sand into the ocean. I can change the subject and float lazily down the river.

I love feeling my breathing becomes more steady and my body becomes more relaxed when I think these thoughts 😌 I love remembering my natural state of being, under the grace and influence of Source!
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Re: Quotes on Split Energy & Mixed Vibrations

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Pollyanna wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 10:51 pm Thank you so much 💓 for this wonderful post!

I love this forum because it's making the journey so much more fun for me.

I'm so glad when I catch it early, I can simply be like the seals...leaping from the difficult moving sand into the ocean. I can change the subject and float lazily down the river.

I love feeling my breathing becomes more steady and my body becomes more relaxed when I think these thoughts 😌 I love remembering my natural state of being, under the grace and influence of Source!
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :hearts:
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Re: Quotes on Split Energy & Mixed Vibrations

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

He wants more muscles, and less effort in getting them!
Use the Power of your Desire:
Molding your own body

I guess my question that I've had is... I've been, I think, for the longest time, I have not been happy with my physical body. My physical body is perfectly healthy, there's nothing wrong with it! It runs fine. But I'm not happy with how it looks. A lot of times it's been with weight, and you know, a lot of times I felt kind of scrawny, and and so I've gone... I've lifted weights and I've done the action journey. And I've gone to really... I've gone to really try to make things happen. Really work really hard, to put on the muscle. And you know, bulk myself up, and I've been somewhat successful with that. But yet, you know... the whole time I'm doing it, I'm feeling that, you know... "I'm still weak. I'm still weak."

And I guess it's finally occurred to me, after listening to a lot of what you've had to say, that the reason I've had so much trouble is- I've been fighting it. Instead of- I guess, maybe taking part of the action journey, and lifting the weights, but at the same time thinking: "I'm strong!" I've been thinking "I'm weak, I'm weak, I'm weak, I'm weak!" and so, you know... I've had this idea that I can't look the way I want to look... you know, people have said "oh, your body frame won't support the way you want to look! You can't have this. You can't have that. And I've listened to them, which I think has been my biggest mistake! And so I guess, what my question is, is that:

-Can I actually transform into the body that I want?
If I can get myself into alignment- so even though I'm physically, you know, healthy- so it's not really like curing any kind of diseases. But it's actually just transforming the body into a shape that I would be very happy with?

Well, YES you can get to there, certainly!
And you- everything that you've said has come from a very wise place of understanding. There's not a lot that we can add to what you have already concluded, which is absolutely accurate. We'll emphasize it a little bit here, that when you say "I want this thing, that I do not have"- you are asking the stream to go, AND bucking it at the same time.

When you say "I want something that is impossible!" the split energy keeps you from being able to accomplish it. So when your mind is splitting energy, it does not matter what action you perform!

The action doesn't have a much enough leverage in it to overcome the split energy! So much so, that we'd like to make extreme statements and say things like:

A person who believes that a twinkie is unhealthy, should not eat a twinkie.
But if you understand (...) we would rather, that you eat a twinkie in joy, than that you... it's actually better for the overall physical condition, then that you eat food that you believe is healthy food in protest. Because split energy has so much power in it, you see! And so, imagine how much you can accomplish...! In other words, you have a very clearly focused, very well-managed desire. In other words, we can feel the clarity of this desire!

But you have a nearly equally focused doubt about your desire.
And that's what makes it all feel hard.
And that's why you're not taking pleasure in the action!
And it's also why you're not getting the kind of results that you would get,
if you could get your energy all moving in the same direction.

It seems that, you know I've gotten some results. But I feel like I could have gotten even more, with a lot less effort, had I let go of the resistance.

Well, what happens is- when you begin going with the flow, the effort becomes less of a factor.

In other words, Jerry and Esther were driving down a freeway the other night, and they noticed that there were some new barricades that had been built, in order to prevent people from crossing into the head-on traffic, and having head-on collisions. And Esther noted, that if a car were to lose control and bounce over against this series of wires that they'd placed, that the car would bounce back into this traffic. And Jerry pointed out, that since this traffic is already moving in the same direction, that even though the car is out of control- it entering traffic, that's moving in the same general direction that it is, is much less of a problem, than if it entered the the flow of traffic that was coming from the other direction.

And Esther said: "There's something in that, that Abraham needs to tell us about resistance! In other words, when the energy stream, when the stream of life, when the stream of desire is calling you this way, and you sort of kind of go, but not really- it's better than if you're going in opposition to it. But if you sort of kind of go, and you relax more, so that you really begin to go- until you finally let yourself... you stop dragging your feet in the water! You stop dragging your oars in the water. You stop dragging all of your things of resistance in the water. And you pull yourself, and you just really let yourself go with the flow... the more you're able to do that, the more you refine your thinking, then the better it all is!

So, certainly you are better off if you have a desire for a change in your body condition, and you are making some effort to accomplish it. You're better off in making that effort, than in making no effort. But what you are recognizing is: It ought to be easier for me, than it is. And certainly, when somebody tells you: "Oh, you can't have what you want!" -and you listen to them, as if they have some sort of credibility, then that's more than just dragging your oars in the water! That's when you suddenly turn around and start paddling in the opposite direction! And, you can feel,

-you can feel the intensity of really going with the flow: That's what passion is!
-Sort of going with the flow- that's what optimism is or hope is.
-Hardly going with a flow that's what hesitation and reluctance is.
-Not going with the flow- that's what doubt is and worry is.
-Really not going with the flow- that in fact, paddling in the opposite direction: that's what anger is.
-Really really not going with the flow... in other words you can you can feel the intensity of how you're placed in the stream by the way you feel!

The thing we always want to point out, and we've done it several times here today, but it really is something that we want you to hear, and really think about the combination of the pointed desire and the pointed belief, in relationship to the desire is, what equals what you feel. So there are a lot of people that could actually be getting better results than you are getting, who care even less about the body that they want. And that's what's bugging you! (HS: Yah, yah! Yah!!) But when you take all the information, and figure out what all of these pieces to the equation equal, you understand that somebody who doesn't want as much as you do, that has no resistance, is getting a lot better results- than somebody who wants as poignantly as you do, and has resistance.

Doesn't that explain a lot? Doesn't that explain why so many people seem to be thriving, who don't deserve it? Because, you think that their deservability is tied to their effort!
And we're wanting you to know that no deservability is tied to effort your you all deserve to have everything that life has caused you to want

But unfortunately, something that happens to everybody is, that it seems that the more you want something, the more you work against yourself. Because the harder you try and the more you see it is an ORDEAL that you must dig in and conquer, and triumph, over. And there's something about that conquering, digging in and triumphing over, that has you pointed upstream. That works really hard against you!

So, when somebody says to you: "Your whatever does not support the desire that you hold!" say to them:
"I know you mean well. Even though you're breaking my heart with your words! I know you may be well-meaning, but you, Sir, are misinformed. Because I now understand that, if this time-space-reality has the wherewithal to inspire a desire within me, that this time-space-reality has the wherewithal to deliver it to me.

So, if I can want it, I CAN achieve it. And I can achieve it easier, by not listening to your words, than if I listen to your words. So, I won't be asking for your commentary anymore. Because your commentary takes me upstream, which is counter to what I want."

It's interesting, because even in the building of a muscle, there is this human expectation of resistance! In other words, the trainers will tell you, that in order to get that muscle, you have to badger it into. And we say: But think about what's happening, in all of that, that you're calling resistance; is the focusing of the desire for the achievement of something.

And you got to give some of the credit to the power of the desire, you see!

So what we wish for you is a discovery of a training, that you will take pleasure in.
And it is our wish that you discover the enormous leverage in thought!

And we promise you, that if you keep this dream alive, and it's a powerful dream, that is very alive! -If you don't squelch it with contradictory thought, so you just continue to want as you are wanting, relative to this, and you find more downstream thoughts about it, you will begin to notice immediately physical responses to this powerful desire.

And there will come a time that you will be inspired to tell others what you figured out about this,

because the majority of the world- relative to physical fitness, and relative to physical well-being, is going about it in such a contradictive way, that they are well in spite of themselves literally. Literally!

from the clip How can I change my physical appearance using the Law of Attraction? | ABRAHAM HICKS


Even in the building of a muscle, there is this human expectation of resistance! In other words, the trainers will tell you, that in order to get that muscle, you have to badger it into. And we say: But think about what's happening, in all of that, that you're calling resistance; is the focusing of the desire for the achievement of something.

And you got to give some of the credit to the power of the desire, you see!

So what we wish for you is a discovery of a training, that you will take pleasure in.
And it is our wish that you discover the enormous leverage in thought!

And we promise you, that if you keep this dream alive, and it's a powerful dream, that is very alive! -If you don't squelch it with contradictory thought, so you just continue to want as you are wanting, relative to this, and you find more downstream thoughts about it, you will begin to notice immediately physical responses to this powerful desire.

And there will come a time that you will be inspired to tell others what you figured out about this,

because the majority of the world- relative to physical fitness, and relative to physical well-being, is going about it in such a contradictive way, that they are well in spite of themselves literally. Literally!

from the clip How can I change my physical appearance using the Law of Attraction? | ABRAHAM HICKS
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Re: Quotes on Split Energy & Mixed Vibrations

Post by spiritualcookie »


[When] there is a decision for you to make, and you haven't made it yet; you are still exploring the options. You might even have narrowed it down to one or two things [but are still undecided].

Do you feel how enervated you feel? How tired, even depressed?
How you wake up in the morning and you really don't want to get out of bed?

The reason for that is because [in indecision] your Energy is diffused.
You don't know what you want, and so this powerful or potentially powerful Energy is coming into you -
but you are sending it off in so many [diffused] directions, [it makes] you feel tired.

And do you remember how, whenever you made a decision about something, how good you felt?

Once you make a decision, no matter how minor the decision is, you are suddenly empowered again. Because suddenly you are saying "yes" to something. You're not saying "yes, no, yes no, maybe" [where the energy is all diffused]. You're saying "Yes!" and so the Energy flows [in one clear direction, undiffused].

That is "Divine Intervention": When you get all of your thoughts going in one direction, then WE say "Let it go" and [the Universe arranges it so that] "everyone" gets behind [the powerful desire] and offers to you.
That is why you feel this great power of momentum you see.
All the "fairies of the Universe" get behind you when you're decided.
[But as long as you're undecided, with your split energy] it is sort of, nobody paying much attention to you [in terms of the fairies of the Universe]. [Because] there is not much point in sending it off in a thousand directions, is there?

- Abraham
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