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Intentions- as per example New Years Resolutions

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:48 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Abraham on New Year's Resolutions:

Abraham, How do you feel about New Year's Resolutions? And how would you approach a New Year's Resolution if you were in our physical shoes?

ABRAHAM: They are a wonderful idea. They fall into the same category as Segment Intending or Positive Expectations or Deliberate Creation. Most New Year's Resolutions, like any new decisions, are made from a rather clear awareness of what you do not want or of what has not gone well, and so, in order to set your New Year's Resolutions into motion with enough momentum to keep them going, it is necessary to spend some time lining up your energy with your new decision. Many people make resolutions, and often by the first or second day of the new year they have gone back to their old habits, and then they feel discouraged.

Every day provides a wonderful opportunity to set forth your clear intentions. You do not have to wait for a new calendar year.
Find a comfortable place where you will not be interrupted by. Write at the top of your notebook page: My Dominant Intentions: Then write four sub-headings: My Current Intentions Regarding My Body, My Relationships, My Home, My Work. Then, write a general description of how you want to feel and be, regarding each of the four categories. Be general and easy. Let these words come easily from you.

Now, go back to the first category, focus on the topic, and sit back, relax, and daydream about this. Imagine your body looking just as you would like it to look. See it in your mind's eye. Try to imagine how that beautiful body would feel. Move it, in your imagination. Take it for a walk, dress it in something that pleases you. Appreciate its stamina and flexibility and clarity. Spend as much time daydreaming about this wonderful physical vehicle as you can. Stay in your vision until you feel refreshed, and continue to be there as long as you can.

Now, go to the second category, and do the same thing. Bring an image of the most significant person in your life experience and see that person with you. Feel appreciation for that person. Mentally speak your appreciation. Imagine that person loving you back. Praising you, and complimenting you. Feel your mutual appreciation and admiration. Stay within the vision until you feel refreshed.

Now, go to the third category, and feel appreciation for your home. Make mental pictures of your home as you want it to be. See it orderly, if you desire that, and beautifully furnished, if you desire that. In an easy and carefree manner, imagine it however you would like it to be. Take pleasure from your vision and stay there until you feel refreshed.

Now, go to the fourth page, and gather a mental picture of your work. Feel appreciation for the excuse it gives you to flow energy toward something. Acknowledge how expansive it is, and feel appreciation for its ever changing nature. See yourself expanding and thriving. Stay there until you are refreshed.

There is no right or wrong way to approach this. The thing that is important is that you choose areas of your life that matter most and that you conjure positive images that thrill you. And as you do that, you have not only resolved, in your own mind, how your New Year will be, but you have notified everyone and everything in the entire Universe and you have solicited their assistance in achieving your intentions. And from that moment forward - the entire Universe will conspire to assist you.


Re: Intentions- as per example New Years Resolutions

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 3:16 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

If you let the journey be your goal rather than the destination,
than you'r having instant success.


Re: Intentions- as per example New Years Resolutions

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 11:33 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

You've come here to manifest the vibration of Source!


Re: Intentions- as per example New Years Resolutions

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 7:49 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

True patience is knowing that you want it
and knowing that it's coming
and actually enjoying the unfolding along the way.


Re: Intentions- as per example New Years Resolutions

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:36 pm
by spiritualcookie
Example of Intending Work done by Esther

[Esther begins] her day making a clear deliberate statement of intent:

"Today, no matter here I go,
no matter what I do,
no matter who I interact with,
it is my dominant intent to look for that which makes me feel good."

- Abraham


When you say:
"It is my dominant intent to look for things that feel good, today,
No matter where I'm going,
No matter what I'm doing,
No matter who I'm doing it with,
it is my dominant intent to look for what I'm wanting to see,
to look for things that feel good."

And the more you develop the habit of that kind of vibration -
the more the Universe understands that that's who you are!

And so, the more you have access only to those kinds of things!

Abraham Hicks, Albuquerque, NM, 5/9/99


Re: Intentions- as per example New Years Resolutions

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:47 pm
by spiritualcookie
Intending Process

Make a statement: "I intend."

"Intend" is more powerful than "want", for intend includes the expectation AND the wanting.

"I intend," and whatever it is, "for these reasons."
Write the reasons that came from you.
Not the reasons that someone wants you to want it.
Write the reasons that YOU want it.
There is power in your wanting. (...)

If you do not think about it in negative terms again, it will be yours.
And if you will think about it in positive terms very often, it will be yours very quickly.

- Abraham


Process of Intending Before Bed

Hotseater has a painful back injury and is seeking Abraham's help.

When your toe is throbbing it is very difficult to think about a healthy foot.
And so, what we are encouraging you to do, is,
before you go to sleep at night, right before you go to sleep,
to set a very strong statement of intent in this way:
"I am intending perfect health".

Do not say: "I am wanting to be free of pain," - that will draw your attention to the pain,
but see yoruself free of the pain, absent of the pain.
See yourself in perfect health,

and if you will do it right before you sleep, then there will be amny hours where you will be unconscious, where you will not be doing any miscreating to counteract that.

And if you will do it in every night for the next 30 or 40 or maybe even 60 days,
you will find a great improvement in what you are currently experiencing.

HS: Can I reverse the damage done to [my physical] apparatus?

Abraham: You can.

- Abraham, Feb 1988


We encourage you to set forth your wanting
in conscious statement,
and that which is appropriate will be attracted.

- Abraham


Intending Generally vs Specifically

As you are intending that which you are wanting from the broader view, in other words, something that is general:
"I intend health.
I intend happiness.
I intend harmony" ...
you will begin attracting those sorts of experiences without ever putting the detail into it.

But as you are clearer about the details that you are wanting,
then begin inserting the details so that you are, in a more finely tuned way, drawing the specific creation to yourself that you are wanting.

But in that process, if you find yourself struggling because there are unknowns -
and because they are unknown, you are bringing forth negative thought and negative emotion -
then stop that, and back away from it again.
And begin creating on a broader, more general scale.

Know that you will be in a position to make those decisions then.
And trust yourself.
Say to yourself:
"I am creator,
and I am very wise,
and in every day I will be able to make the appropriate decisions for that day."
You see?

And anything that causes you concern, release it,
and go to your broader, more general creating of that which brings forth harmony.


The Value of Getting Specific once you find a clear desire

[If] you are saying: "I am wanting a car."
Until you get very specific about it you may not get very excited about it,
and when you understand that their specifics bring forth excitement,
then you understand the value of the specifics.

If you want something very much, it is coming to you very fast. (...)
As you get more specific and more excited,
then it is on its way to you more quickly. (...)

Now, if you cannot bring yourself ot the point of getting excited
[because of feelings about why you can't have what you want]
then it is better not to think about it at all,
but go back to your broader perspective of:
"I am wanting a new car."

- Abraham, A New Beginning I, pg 179-180

Re: Intentions- as per example New Years Resolutions

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:57 pm
by spiritualcookie
Process of "My Dominant Intentions"
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:48 pm Every day provides a wonderful opportunity to set forth your clear intentions.
You do not have to wait for a new calendar year.

Find a comfortable place where you will not be interrupted.
Write at the top of your notebook page: "My Dominant Intentions:"
Then write four sub-headings: My Current Intentions Regarding
- My Body,
- My Relationships,
- My Home,
- My Work.
Then, write a general description of how you want to feel and be, regarding each of the four categories.
Be general and easy.
Let these words come easily from you.

Now, go back to the first category, focus on the topic, and sit back, relax, and daydream about this.
Imagine your body looking just as you would like it to look. See it in your mind's eye.
Try to imagine how that beautiful body would feel.
Move it, in your imagination. Take it for a walk,
dress it in something that pleases you.
Appreciate its stamina and flexibility and clarity.
Spend as much time daydreaming about this wonderful physical vehicle as you can.
Stay in your vision until you feel refreshed, and continue to be there as long as you can.

Now, go to the second category, and do the same thing.
Bring an image of the most significant person in your life experience and see that person with you.
Feel appreciation for that person. Mentally speak your appreciation.
Imagine that person loving you back. Praising you, and complimenting you.
Feel your mutual appreciation and admiration.
Stay within the vision until you feel refreshed.

Now, go to the third category, and feel appreciation for your home.
Make mental pictures of your home as you want it to be.
See it orderly, if you desire that, and beautifully furnished, if you desire that.
In an easy and carefree manner, imagine it however you would like it to be.
Take pleasure from your vision and stay there until you feel refreshed.

Now, go to the fourth page, and gather a mental picture of your work.
Feel appreciation for the excuse it gives you to flow energy toward something.
Acknowledge how expansive it is, and feel appreciation for its ever changing nature.
See yourself expanding and thriving. Stay there until you are refreshed.

There is no right or wrong way to approach this.
The thing that is important is that you choose areas of your life that matter most and that you conjure positive images that thrill you. And as you do that, you have not only resolved, in your own mind, how your New Year will be, but you have notified everyone and everything in the entire Universe and you have solicited their assistance in achieving your intentions. And from that moment forward - the entire Universe will conspire to assist you.


Re: Intentions- as per example New Years Resolutions

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:58 pm
by spiritualcookie
Select those desires or wants or intentions that are most important to you in this time
and write each of them at the top of a separate sheet of paper in this way:

"I intend to receive..." and then write whatever it is that you are intending to receive.

And then take eah of those sheets of paper, individually, and complete them one at a time as follows:

Below your statement of intent, write,
"These are the reasons that I intend..."
and then restate your intention.
And write all of the reasons that you want this.

When you are writing you are at the strongest point of focus that you can achieve with your conscious thinking being.


Then turn your sheet of paper to the other side, and write at the top:
"I know that this is (or "that it will be") for the following reasons..."
And then state and write all of the reasons that you know that you will achieve that which you have written on the other side.

Once you have compelted yoru statement of belief, fold the paper and put it some place wher e it will be convenient for you to retrieve it and read it durign teh day,
and know that your creative work is complete.
Consider it done!

[Stop yourself from taking score of the results too soon, thinking of the "lack" end of the stick or adding any "Buts", resistant thoughts and split energy into the equation.]

- Abraham 1987, A New Beginning I, pg 12

Re: Intentions- as per example New Years Resolutions

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 11:04 pm
by spiritualcookie
Intend from a Positive Place, not from a Place of Lack

In the heat of the summer, our friend, Esther... was walking across the grass in her front yard, noting how very dry the grass and trees were.

She stopped and said, in a very positive sounding voice, using positive words,
"Abraham, I want some rain!"

We said, "And from this position of lack, you think you will get rain?"

Esther asked, "What am I doing wrong?"

"Why do you want the rain?" we asked.

"I want the rain because it makes the grass green.
I want the rain because it refreshes the trees.
I want the rain because it gives all the creatures in the bushes enough water so that they are not dependent upon the small amount in our bid bath.
I want the rain because it lowers the temperature of the air,
and feels good upon my skin,
and makes us all feel better."

"Now you are attracting rain." we replied.

- Excerpt from the book "A New Beginning II", 1991


As you set a goal to achieve a new house, a new body size and shape, or a new occupation - and you reach that goal - you misunderstand, thinking that the new house or new body or new job was the subject of creation, when all along the subject of creation is your state of being.

- Abraham

Re: Intentions- as per example New Years Resolutions

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:31 pm
by spiritualcookie
The True Intention is not the Physical Goal - it's the State of Being - The Joy & Growth on the Path to Becoming

"The sculptor of magnificent works
does not derive his greatest satisfaction from the finished work.
Once his work is completed
he stands upon that blissful plateau of accomplishment only briefly,
eager to begin another project.

His joy is in the becoming.
His creation is not the world of art.
He is the creator of himself."

- Abraham