Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 5:06 pm
What is real about the Jesus-story?
A young man tries to come to terms with his father, an Evangelist
Hello! ...Surreal... I found Abraham's teachings probably about five months ago... what's with the heart thing? (laughter) um, I found Abraham's teachings and I grew up in a Christian background, where my dad is evangelist. And so the subject of Jesus is very confusing to me now, that I know what I know.
Why? He's a receiver of source energy!
That is what I understand now. What I was taught is, that Jesus was literally the Son of God, came to Earth, lived a perfect life as our substitute, Died in our place, so that we can have eternal life, if we perceive him to be our way.
All right take it one step at a time and let's clarify it. He was... what?
The son of God, which which I believe we are, as well.
-An extension of source energy. That's another way... did you realize how many times it was translated? It's a wonder any of it makes any sense! (HS: yes, yes!) ...and what else? What next?
That he came here, and his intention, or his mission from heaven, or from Source, was to -because we are all depraved, from the moment we are born into this sinful nature- world, we need saving. That's Christianity, uh, it's not me! I've been trying to figure it out my whole life.
But if you, just a little bit, give them the benefit of the doubt! Because within that statement is also a scenario, that goes something like- he realized that there was not as much joy and love as is possible. Not so different from what we're talking about here, today- that life can be better. That there are laws of the universe, that- once understood, you can... in other words, it's not so different, isn't it? And what else?
I guess where I would lead to is...
But we want to hear the rest of the... cuz, you gave quite a scenario. And we want to work the bugs out of it, just a little bit!
The thought process which I had been adopting was that... this is, who Jesus was. And that we were all Sinners, needing saving...
Or: That, through meditation- and you know that's what happened!- he found relief, like our friend earlier when he got hit on the head, and wanted others to find the same relief. That's the saving part.
And that's not the confusing part to me. (Abe: And then?) The part that's confusing to me is, that he had to die in our place. And that, somehow he was dead for 3 days, was raised from the dead, and was living. People saw him. And then he ascended back into heaven...
Well, he re-emerged into non-physical. And since life is eternal, and there is no death...
What were the... the reality, that he did come back from the dead? Did that happen? Was there a a human being named Jesus, that was here on planet Earth, that was so in alignment that defied the laws of physics?
If he had been so in alignment, that he had defied the laws of physics, they wouldn't have put him on the cross! (HS: absolutely.) But he was not different than all of that, that you have said! He was not trying to live your life for you. He re-emerged in, into non-physical, showing you the way. We don't want you to go back 20 years! (HS: I'm only 30!) can imagine how we feel about
that whole scenario! But the reason that we wanted to chew with you about it just a little bit, is because what Esther has noticed... because Esther did not accept a religious basis, or background. Although, it was swirling around her.
But what she has noticed as she is now listening through the ears of Abraham, she can find pieces in
all religions that she understands, that make perfect sense!
I see all the puzzles coming together when I look through the eyes of source. And these teachings back at what I know to be the distorted truth...
And we think that the thing that is most discordant to you, is the idea that someone else was doing something for you, because you either couldn't do it for yourself, or shouldn't do it for yourself. That's the part that rubs you in the wrongest way! And the reason is, because there was nothing even close to that, that was happening! But man's distortion... here's the way that we like to, in a sort of fun and easy nutshell, explain so much of that conversation:
You join the group, the human race. And you have this natural (glitch) to have success! And the success that you're looking for is joy. And so, in talking with the people who surround you, you -either through asking questions, or them through assuming your questions, it is said to most of you in some form: "That if you want to join our group -meaning their religion- then you must keep these rules. You must do these things, and you must not do those things."
Because it sounds like a good idea, because you want to be part of a joyful group, and you want to do what's good, then you you start living your life within the confines of the group. And then you begin to notice, that some of them are thriving, who you know are breaking the rules! And you're not thriving, and you're keeping all of the rules. And then you say to them: "Wait a minute. What's going on?" ...and they have an answer already ready for you, that goes like this: "Oh, you can't tell what is right here! Because you have no guidance, that is worth anything. You have to either get it right or wrong, and find out later in the after life." And so?
So my discussion came up in my mind, because my dad is an evangelist, who believes and has built his whole life on Jesus. And that Jesus.
That's not a bad foundation!
No, no, absolutely! But his foundation is built on the fact, that Jesus Christ believing in your conscious perception, that that is the true way to only have eternal life... his belief is a human will die and go to non-physical and be judged and either you go to heaven, if God sees the bloodshed of Christ Jesus on you, as your substitute for that sin, or (see) that bad stuff that you did. You are then merited eternal life. My questions are based on the fact, that my dad is who he is, and I want to relate. And I want to be a son who does not look back at him, and think less... yeah, I want to respect him, yes! And I want to, for the first time in my life, cultivate a relationship with my dad!
Well, then find a way to let his story that he believes so much in, not rub you the wrong way!
Exactly. And that's what I'm...
We know. We don't just believe in eternal life! We are
living eternally. As are you. So, what part of what he believes is hard for you to accept?
It's hard for me to accept, that Christianity, or the Bible, is the only way to eternal life with God, period. He's not understanding that it's... it's the individual conscious perception of what you want! So in our conversations it always ends... it always ends by us both agreeing that we disagree, but we both respect each other. But then his last words are always: But but you can't blame me for being worried about you! And I'm just like, "well no! I'm NOT going to hell!"
So, when he says that "you can't blame me for worrying about you", say: "I think that that's what human parents think their role is! And I think that we all came to live our lives, and to figure things out. And I appreciate that you got here first, and that you sorted some things out, and that you provided an Avenue for me! And I know that, what you want for me, is my well-being. And I have come, through my life experience -these are good words for him: and through your teachings! ...Through your example, I've come to care so much about the feeling of love in my heart. And I thank you so much for that! Because I know when it's there, and I know when it's not. and I've come to know, that when love is in my heart, that has to be that Christ Consciousness that you talk about. And when hate is in my heart, that has to be something else.
And when knowing is in my heart, that has to be that Christ Consciousness. And when doubt and confusion is in my heart, that has to be something else. And when stability and knowing and well-being are in our mind, that has to be the support of this loving God! And when something else is happening, that has to be something else. And so, Dad, I just want to thank you for pointing me in the direction of feeling my own heart, and knowing my own guidance, and understanding what Christ meant! And I have to say to you, that I believe that if we were witnessing that now, that we would both recognize it, as it is. And I think, that since it has been translated and mistranslated and there's so much confusion around it, that you and I, Dad, can stand in a place of absolute agreement about these things.
We are, like Jesus, sons of God. And we have come with great purpose, as did he. And I believe, Dad, mostly because you've taught me, that he's always watching. He's a part of what we are! And cares about how we're doing. And I do not believe, that he would -in this lifetime or in any other, ever abandon me. I do not believe from everything that I've read about him, that he could love me as I know he does, and then- because I'm confused about something, decide that I should be cast out, and ascend to hell for damnation! That makes no sense. And the reason that I know, Dad, that it makes no sense is because- when I think those thoughts, I lose the love of God. (HS: absolutely, absolutely!) Don't worry about me. Because I was born wanting good. I am living, finding good."
Esther was delighted the other day when she heard an advertisement for a recording of a Bible, that included all kinds of meditations. And Esther thought: That's really good! Because those meditations will lead them to alignment, and their own understanding of what it is, that they're getting!
And that's the thing I know: he's on his path. I'm not worried about that! I have no... he's, he's on his path! I'm not worried about that. I'm... all is well!
You could say to him: "I also feel pretty good about this, Dad: You're going to make your transition quite a while for I do. And you're going to have uh, close conversations! And by the time it's time for me to make my transition, you won't be worried about me anymore!"
from the clip Abraham Hicks - Did Jesus came Alive after 3 days