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To care- or not to care
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 7:24 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
I don't care....
What do you mean, "you don’t care"?
-Well, I don’t mean I don’t care about anything, because there are a lot of things I do care about. I care about feeling good. And I care about clarity.
I care about being in the receptive mode.
I care about being an uplifter. I care about presenting all of myself in any moment in time. I care about being of value. I care about feeling good. I care about this magnificent environment.
I care about what’s in my vortex. I care about what’s in your vortex. I care about everything that you desire. I care about all good things coming to me, and to you. I care about us all living happily ever after.
But what I don’t care about are conditions that I cannot control. What I don’t care about are things that take me out of my alignment. What I don’t care about, meaning I don’t have momentum about it anymore.
I don’t care, it’s not a hook for me. It’s not a knee jerk response to me. I’ve trained myself to care about what infuses me, not what diffuses me. I care about what lifts me, not about lowers me.
I care about what feels good, not about what doesn’t feel good. I care about alignment. I care about being an extension of Source. I care about fulfilling my reason for being here. I care about being in this world, and not necessarily only of this world.
I care about the whole of me being present in this moment. I care about all who have gone before me, and all they have come to know, and all they do now know and all that they are now presenting to me.
I care about the revelation that’s constantly coming to me, and I care about being in the receptive mode of that. I care about being on the leading edge. I care about contributing in positive ways. I care about feeling good, and I care about others feeling good.
But what I don’t care about is that which I cannot control. And what I can’t control is everything that is conditional, and what I can control is everything that is unconditional.
I can control the way I feel, I’ve practiced it. I can hold a steady vibration. I can stay in vibrational sync with who I am. I can present the whole of myself, in this time space reality, in any situation.
Re: To care- or not to care
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:00 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
NO ONE, no matter how much they care about you,
can meet your alignment- conditions!
Abraham Hicks
Re: To care- or not to care
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:09 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Practice these words with us:
Abraham Hicks
Re: To care- or not to care
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:19 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Non-Reaction is the key
to maintaining Alignment
Abraham Hicks
Re: To care- or not to care
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:19 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
When you talk about WHAT you want,
and WHY you want it,
it always brings you to your Center.
Abraham Hicks
Re: To care- or not to care
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:24 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
True, unconditional LOVE- and true FREEDOM.
Source sees you, and feels only appreciation for that which you are- regardless of the condition that you're living!
Because source is so practiced in this knowing of well-being that the condition that you are currently living, does not dissuade it from its knowledge of well-being.
Unconditional love is:
Staying in the vibration of source, regardless of the condition.
Conditional love says:
"I want to feel good when I see this- I do, when I see that- I don't.
So, this condition has to change: so, that I can feel better!
Unconditional love says: I am source. and I am love,
regardless of the condition.
So, that's why man translates that to say: "God is love", or: "God loves all".
Unconditional love- that's what you're all reaching for.
You want to be tuned in, tapped in, turned on, to who you are. And living in this world it's the best of everything to be! In this world, where you're mixing it up, getting new ideas, and then coming into alignment with it.
The only freedom that you will ever find is the freedom from the bondage of resistance.
In other words, what resistance is is not allowing yourself to be who you really are!
All pain and suffering are about diverging from who you really are. All joy and alignment is about coming into vibrational frequency with who you really are! And that is the epitome it is most descriptive word for what love is.
Love is the absence of resistance.
Love is vibrational alignment with that which is source.
Love is tuned in, tapped in, turned on.
Love is vibrational alignment with source!
Unconditional love is vibrational alignment with source, even when there is something that I don't want happening.
You're a lot of trouble, you know!
So, can can you offer us some words that would de-socialize us, so that we get to the point... well, what are... what are some words we could practice, when we're by ourselves, that would shore up this notion of putting how we feel above, what others...
"I love you so much, I don't care what you think."
Saying that to the peanut gallery?
To anyone! "I love, I love you so much- I don't care what you think."
Now, think about what that's saying:
"I SO care about being in vibrational alignment with who I am! Because, if I am in vibrational alignment with who I am, then I have love to give. But if I am catering to what you want, rather than to my own guidance- then I've not tuned in, tapped in, turned on! I have nothing to give! I love you so much, I don't care what you think." or: "I love you so much, I must tune to the source within me, and I cannot tune to the source within me and tune to what you want, at the same time! Don't make me choose between alignment with source, and what you think you want, at this moment! If you will allow me, or whether you do, or not, to align with who I am -then I can shine the energy of source upon you. And you will thrive!
But if you convince me that I should cater to you, rather than align with Who I am, then I'll be out here on the raw and ragged edge with you. And we'll just fight it out, and blame each other, for how bad we feel. with you I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK."
When you get there, and can deliver that with a straight face, you'll have it.
Those do not understand: Well, what do you mean? If you'd love me, you'd care what I think!?" -well it goes like this: "I do love you! I love you so much, I don't care what you think." -"What do you mean?" -"Well, you think I'm wrong. But in order to love you, I must know that I'm source. And I can't know that I'm source, and know that I'm wrong at the same time! So,
in order to love you, I have to be in alignment with source.
And when I'm in alignment with source, I don't care what you think! In other words, it's solid." It's just hard to get them to hear it, because you know how irrational people are, when they're out on the raw and ragged edge... in other words, you you can't get sick enough to help sick people get well- and yet, you think that you can get disconnected enough to get disconnected people to be connected!
You can only help people align with source, from your vantage point of being aligned with source.
And you can't be aligned with source, and catering to what they think at the same time. You just can't do it! Maybe there are other words, that would be better:
-"I love you so much I don't care what you think." We like that. That's our first choice!
-"I see you as you really are. Not as you are being in this moment. I know the power of your being, and I know the reason that you are so upset right now, is because you are right now not allowing yourself to be the brilliant, beautiful, tuned in, tapped in, turned on person, that I fell in love with to begin with. And if you don't mind, I'm gonna go away, and I'm gonna hold the thought of who I know you really are, rather than wallow with you in this disconnected state." Getting better! (Audience cheering) How about this:
-"I've seen you in your alignment. And I've seen you not in your alignment. And I like you best, when you're in your alignment, but when I'm in my alignment- it doesn't matter." That's good, too!
-"When I'm tuned in, tapped in, turned on- you can be any way you want to me. Because my love for you is unconditional! I am no longer gonna hold you responsible for how I feel!" What freedom you give to anyone that you would say that to!
-"I no longer hold you responsible for how I feel. I'm in charge of how I feel! I'm in charge of how I feel, and I so know that, that I don't even have to ask the same back from you." That was good, too!
-"I'm so good at unconditional love that I don't need you to know how to do it!" ...think about what we're saying here:
"I'm tuned in, tapped in, turned on. I'm thriving, no matter what you do. You're not the boss of me: I am. I have the ability to align with source, regardless of the conditions that surround me. I get unconditional love."
From the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks - Practice the feeling of Unconditional LOVE / No Ads during"
"I love you so much, I don't care what you think."
Saying that to the peanut gallery?
To anyone! "I love, I love you so much- I don't care what you think."
Now, think about what that's saying:
"I SO care about being in vibrational alignment with who I am! Because, if I am in vibrational alignment with who I am, then I have love to give. But if I am catering to what you want, rather than to my own guidance- then I've not tuned in, tapped in, turned on! I have nothing to give! I love you so much, I don't care what you think."
Abraham Hicks
Re: To care- or not to care
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:29 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Don't get limp! Don't get overboard with "chilling out" or "not Caring"!
Instead, explore the delightful path of specifically and deliberately CREATING what you desire. And only soothe yourself in overwhelmed, tense times with the much less passionate "letting go and letting God"
I know that I've got huge amounts of great things stacked up around the door (Abe: yes!) and I've been working with the tapes for about 10 years and so I know that I'm not allowing all that I could, so I'm...
Well, it helps to know that you never get it done. In other words, there'll always be more and more and more!
But we can feel- and it is... we're playing with you in the way, (...) what we've been talking here today: We talk about this all the time! About how your life experience causes you to ask. And that the Universe hears it, and lines it up for you. And sometimes our physical friends have this confusion- in fact, it came up a few times today, about
"Well, which is it? Abraham, am I the deliberate creator of my experience?
Or shall I just let go and let God?
Am I the creator of my experience or do I just pet my cat, and relax and allow?"
...And you heard us say to our friend just now, that everything is lined up. And that you're really wanting to work on letting it in! And while we want you, all of you, to focus more on reducing resistance- because, as you said so clearly, you have got enough lined up for 20 or 30 lifetimes, and so the work really is in finding the... finding more ways to be less resistant. Or more allowing, in order to let in what you are wanting. There is nothing more delicious than to be specifically focused upon specific things, that you are wanting, while you are letting it in! And we think that this is most what you're wanting to hear from us. And we'll be very clear about this, it will benefit all of you!
So for example. To say "I saw a new car, and I love the idea of it. And it costs a lot of money, but it feels good just to think about being in it. And whatever will be will be. And so, the universe knows I want the car, and I've wanted it for a long time. And now I'm just not going to think about it anymore! Because the universe has got that handled."
-That's one way of approaching it.
And if you were really feeling negative about the car, that's the way we would encourage you to approach it.
But we think that it is ever so much more Hands-On, and delicious deliberate creating, to think about the car, to pretend you're in the car, to talk about the color of the car, to smell the leather of the car, to pretend you're in the car, to imagine being in the car, to go test drive the car, to look at the car, to think about driving the car, to imagine having the car in your garage, even to making a place for the car! To telling other people about the car... in other words, we think that
...the more specifically involved you get energetically with the car, the more satisfying the unfolding of the car can can be!
Unless you have convinced yourself that you don't get what you want. And we can sort of feel that from you!
We can feel that from a lot of you! -Where you have sort of shied away from getting too specific, for very long, about the things that you want, because you get tired of wanting things that don't come. And so, you don't let yourself focus upon them very much. And the result of that is, you sort of feel limp.
Where what we really want you to do, is to get into this sort of cocky, arrogant attitude where you begin to believe that the universe will give you anything, and everything that you want, and see yourself as the Maestro that is directing the energy toward the specifics of things!
And you want to start with things that you already believe. That you can achieve, because, lining up that energy light will give you instant manifestations on some things. And then, every day, just add more to your list, and add more to your list, and add more to your list! we can feel that you understand very clearly the principles that we have been expressing, for a very long period of time. And we do not feel a big disconnect within you, about worthiness! In other words, we don't feel that you're deliberately holding yourself apart from things.
But we can feel not just with you, but with a lot of, a LOT of our physical friends, that you've stopped being very deliberate about things! Because you are feeling the discomfort. You're tired of feeling the discord of wanting things, that don't come easily. And so you decided, that you would sort of just take another tact in it. And you got really heavy on allowing, now. This is really a great deal of fun for us, because as we begin to interact with our physical friends, and we talk about the science of deliberate creation- many of you get very clear:
-You start thinking about what you want.
-You start setting goals, and you start sucking in the thoughts that don't match to what you're wanting.
-You worry about talking negatively!
-You're afraid that the universe will take off with you, on something that you don't want.
-And so, you get very... sort of, worried about directing your thoughts at all times.
And then, we notice that in your attempt to be deliberate creators, that you are not relaxed and allowing as much.
So, then we began emphasizing the "Art" of Allowing. We begin saying to you that- yes of course, it's important that you want things! And it's nice to set those goals. And it's nice to write it down what you are wanting.
But the universe already knows what you want!
The universe heard you the first 100,000 times, that you said that you wanted it!!
And it's already lined up for you now!
Your work is to relax and let in.
What you've been saying- you want... you've gone overboard, on relaxing and letting in!
In other words, in the same way that we began expressing the "Art" of Allowing, in order to calm people who were very analytic, who were focused very specifically on what they'r wanting- now we' sort of like to get you focused more upon your goals. And we think that now, this time when you do it, we think it will go very well for you!
-Because you've done enough relaxing.
-You've come into alignment with who you are!
-You're beginning to expect good things to come for you, you have evidence of that.
-You have knowledge of the law of attraction!
-You don't misunderstand the correlation between what you're thinking, and what you're feeling, and what you're getting.
-You're beginning to understand, that the Universe is always consistent.
And we think, that even though you have launched desires and the Universe knows what they are, that a little bit of attention to what you are wanting, would net you some big results right away.
Abraham Hicks
The Attitude of a successful deliberate Creator!
Where what we really want you to do, is to get into this sort of cocky, arrogant attitude where you begin to believe that the Universe will give you anything and everything that you want, and see yourself as the Maestro that is directing the energy toward the specifics of things!
Abraham Hicks
Re: To care- or not to care
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:31 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Give up not being serious about going into the Vortex!
Abe, speaking for the Hotseater, what would be good for them to say:
"I want to announce to everyone listening. To the entire universe, who is vibrationally out there, somewhere, picking up on pieces of this in some way. I want to announce to everything and everyone who exists, that I here, now, proclaim my determination to release my resistance, once and for all.
I give up. I give up, I give up, I give up!
I give up my control of the uncontrollable.
I give up my determination to make things better for others.
I give up my attention to things that bother me!
I give up my trying so hard.
I give up my struggle.
I give up my confounding confusion.
I give up my excuse for negative emotion. I'm giving up my excuses!
I'm giving up my statements of what is not working.
I'm giving up.
I'm yielding! Abraham- I'm yielding to the truths and to the laws that you've been speaking to me! What I've been doing has been halfway, even
though I've been wanting to do it all the way. I've given it more effort than anybody that you know, in all of the people that you have been teaching! I've given it more effort and in my struggle from outside the vortex, I have not managed what I want.
And so, now I see the light a little bit, Abraham! I see why you began depicting a Vortex as a vivid reality, with a line that I could cross. I'm beginning to understand that your request for me to get into the Vortex,
is the only thing that will ever work for me.
I have to let go of all of those pieces!
Because in my interaction with all of those pieces, I just hold myself out, and hold myself out, and hold myself out... and my frustration -and it's huge- when I hold myself out, as I'm trying to explain. But I'm only out, because of this reality and this reality and this reality, Abraham I Now understand that you were never trying to say to me, that those realities didn't exist.
You were only trying to say to me, that those realities do not serve me when I focus upon them!
You have convinced me, Abraham, that
it's time for me to tell the story of my empowerment.
It's time for me to tell the story of my worthiness.
It's time for me to tout the benefit of my knowledge of Law of Attraction!
It's time for me to understand the vortex, whatever in the hell it is, and get into it.
It's time for me to begin finding my way to begin feeling my way.
I'm going to feel my way into the Vortex!
And I'm going to stop thinking my way into the Vortex.
I'm going to feel my way in!! It feels good here.
It feels like Clarity. It feels like power. It feels like love! It feels like solution.
It feels like answers to questions! It feels like something that I've been looking for,
for a very long time.
Abraham, clearly you're in the vortex. You have demonstrated that you're in the vortex! Your words reflect that you're in the vortex! I will not admit that I am in the vortex, but I like the sound of the way you sounded from inside the vortex. And it will be my Eternal Quest to give up, whatever I have to give up, in order to spend more of my time in the vortex!
It's my time. It's my time to reap the benefit of the work I've done! And now I'm going to turn my undivided attention toward getting into the Vortex as best I can. I want to be a Cooperative component!
I want to be a vibrational match to all that I've been asking for.
I want to be a Cooperative component.
I want to be a vibrational match to the source within me, to the culmination of all that I have become.
I want to fulfill my reason for being here.
I want to have step one moments!
I want to acknowledge that source is having step 2 moments!
I want to be aware of the difference between a step one and a step three vibration.
I want to acknowledge that it's all right for me to have step one moments!
I want to know that it's okay to be out of the vortex.
I want to make peace with where I am.
I want to look for the positive aspects wherever I am.
I want to make lists of things, that feel better than other things.
I want to make lists of things that feel good, until I've increasingly improved lists!
I want to activate within Myself, thoughts about things that feel good.
I want the dominant thoughts that I think, to be inside-the-vortex kind of thoughts.
I want the majority of the beliefs that I hold, to match the beliefs that Source holds.
I want to relieve myself of the flawed premises that I picked up along the physical Trail!
I want to let all other people live as they want to live.
I no longer want to use anyone or anything as my excuse, to be outside the vortex! I'm an in-the-vortex person! I'm someone who wants to be in the vortex, but I'm still physically focused, and while my source is always in The Vortex, I'm willing to come out and play and put more good stuff in. But now I understand the relationship- I understand what emotions are. I understand the vibrational frequencies between who I am, and who I'm being.
I love the emotional guidance system, that is within me.
I love feeling my way into the Vortex! I love knowing the well-being of the vortex.
I love knowing that all truly is well with me!
I love feeling the worthiness of my beingness, and the prosperity of my being,
and the Vitality of my being, and the clarity of my being, and the knowing of my being!
I love being.
The feeling of abundance, its the feeling of well-being!
It's the feeling of good, attracting.
It's the feeling of good creation.
It's a feeling of worthiness!
It's a feeling of being in the right place.
It's the feeling of being blessed.
It's the feeling of being fortunate.
It's a feeling of being in the right place, at the right time!
It's not just my point of Attraction! (We're speaking from you!)
My point of Attraction isn't just about money flowing!
It's about ideas flowing, and people flowing, and when people and ideas and money flow together, it's so exhilarating to be able to merge all of those things together! Of people and places and ideas and the means to accomplish it! It's ease! It's fun. It's full. It's who I am!! I have the leverage of the universe, supporting me! The energy that creates worlds is Flowing to me and through me! I feel invincible and and complete and sure, and eager! I feel eager about..."
..You see? So, you see how it gets going!
Before you know it, you just... you're just on top of the world! And the financial experience in this moment is irrelevant to this equation. Because your point of Attraction has been enhanced! And you are rich with a vibrational offering that just brings this, and this, and this, and this, and this! And besides the reason that you want any of that anyway, is for the feeling of it. And once you accomplish the feeling of it, now you're
there, where the details have to fill in- it is law. It must happen! It has to happen.
It can't not happen, once you achieve that grid.
Everyone that you know -for no matter how they got there, has that going on, if they're in! And do you know anyone, who is finding financial
balance, but doesn't have the other balance? Of course you do! In other words, the the more you work on these grids, and the more they line up, then the more you'll feel good in all moments, regarding all things.
from the clip: Abraham Hicks I GIVE UP!
Re: To care- or not to care
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:32 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Giving up?
What do you REALLY give up?
Are you giving up the DESIRE? NO!!!
Are you giving up the struggle? Yes!
Are you giving up the DESIRE? NO!!!
Are you giving up the effort? Yes.
Are you giving up the DESIRE? NO!!!
Are you giving up the angst? Yes!
Abraham Hicks
Re: To care- or not to care
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:39 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
I want Ease and Flow.
I want to believe in myself.
I want to trust Law of Attraction unequivocally.
I want to believe in my Guidance-System.
I want to embrace my negative emotions, as much as I embrace my positive emotions.
I want to relax in all of this!
I want to relax in all of this.
I want to realize, there is no urgency about anything.
I'm not trying to prove anything to anybody.
I'm just living happily ever after, and have a whole lot fun with a whole lot of people
in the process!
That's all!
Abraham Hicks