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All is One - Interconnectedness - We are all in this together

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 12:41 am
by spiritualcookie
There are some people experiencing intense hardships or traumas,
and because of how they are living right now,
their asking is in a heightened and intense place.
And because of the intensity of their requests,
Source is responding in kind.
And although those who are doing the asking are usually so involved in the trauma that they are not personally receiving the benefit of their own asking,
future generations -
or even current generations who are not right now disallowing -
are receiving the benefit of that asking.

- Abraham, 2008


Without the asking that precedes it,
there could be no answering.

The people of your time are benefiting dramatically from the experiences of those generations that preceded you,
for through the experiences that they lived,
and the desires that were generated within them,
the summoning began.

And today, you are the ones on the Leading Edge of reaping the benefits of what those past generations asked for.

At the same time, you are continuing to ask, and you are now summoning...

and on it goes.

- Abraham, 2008

Re: All is One - Interconnectedness - We are all in this together

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:14 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Who created Humans?

Who focused human beings into being? Was it extraterrestrials? You've answered this question before, or maybe it wasn't just this question, but it was a similar one. But yes, that's my question.

Well when you accept that you were Source Energy before you came into this physical body, so there is all of this non-physical awareness. But in the evolution of that which you are- in other words, the very first beingness on your planet were not humans or even dinosaurs but even microbes in soil. But even those very elementary organisms were consciousness, having expansion and having comparative experiences. So the evolution has been going on for a long time! As you standing here, we want to answer the question this way first, and then we will come back to any detail
that you are still hungry for.

When you think about creation as we were talking, as we first began here today, that this leading-edge environment is the furtherest, most place where source is focused. Can you accept that- in other words, source energy out here in you, and then you think about human consciousness. And you think about what you're exploring, and what you're deciding, and what you are preferring.

When you think about the desires that are being born within you, and then you think about source holding those thoughts and maintaining the frequency, until that manifestation can occur, as you focus in that way, you can understand how this source energy-consciousness is guiding this evolution! So, all of the controversy over the difference between whether it is God-created, or evolution-created- it is both!

It is source-energies awareness.
But source energy, this is the most significant part of this- the desire, the source energy is then focused upon, is discovered by the leading-edge creator, who is physically focused.

So it's an expansion of consciousness.
You have to accept, that in the same way that your dream state is perceptual- all of this is, too! But you just get so good at perceiving it, that then you want to call it this more concrete reality. So, thought does become matter. So, now ask your question again:

"Who created it?" -Consciousness!

okay and my question is about consciousness. How it interfaces matter. So a singular cell organism -essentially even though it's just one cell, basically has the same mental capacity if that's the right word, as a being such as myself which is about 13 trillion cells on average...

Not really the same mental capacity. Because it's clear that conscious energy...

Conscious energy- is that a better...

There is conscious energy. But the difference is, you think differently than the chicken. Even though you're both thinking! You think differently than the ant, even though you're both thinking. You think differently than the cells in your body- even though they're both thinking.

okay, so what I'm really asking is- consciousness is not limited or defined by the amount of cells in an organism?

Consciousness, whether it's no matter how significant it is as in the case of a human body, or insignificant that it may seem as in the case of a one-celled organism- consciousness is still having its comparative experience where it knows what it doesn't want, and knows what it does want. In other words, there is always this expectation of improvement. And and so, the consciousness of the trillions of cells in your body are all adding to the consciousness that is you.You really can't separate one from the other! Here's another way of going here and and and we really are out here on the leading edge of thought. But we think it will be satisfying to all of you. We've touched on it earlier, it seems to be the theme of this gathering, today!

When you accept that you are a Creator.
And you accept that you are standing in an environment that is giving you the inspiration to expand,
and you accept that it's not just you, that's being inspired- it's all that has ever been, that has been inspired!
-then you begin to realize that the individuality that you're wanting to call "you, the Creator"- is never as individual as you have thought that it was!

All of source is flowing through you, in any moment in time!

Here's another way of saying it, because that got a little murky and some of you didn't follow it all the way through. -Look at it this way: So, sometimes people will say, "so, Abraham. I'm out here and I'm mixing it up and I'm putting rockets of desire into my vortex of creation." -We say: "yes, you are!" and they'll say: "And everybody else is doing it, too." -And we say: "Yes that is true. Even one-celled organisms."

So, here is this vortex of request, or desire, that source immediately Becomes. So, then here you are walking around in your body, in your day, having your exposure to your life-experience. Using something -anything- as your object of attention, that is causing you to align with the fullness of who you are. So, all of that consciousness, all of that knowing, is available to you, right here, right now in this moment!

To one cell, or the trillion.

So, as you are focused in a way, that is causing no resistance in your experience, everything that has anything to do with you, has access to all of that, you see. So,
then you run around like that, and it influences your mother and you influence your brother and you influence your lover and your infant... in other words, when you are in tune with that... So, really there are many points that we are making with that. But the primary point that you were asking for, that we really want to make central to this discussion is that:

When you take the time to feel good, you have access to the whole of all of it. And that doesn't mean that you could translate or articulate all of it right here, this red-hot minute. That would be a pretty expensive moment in time! But anything that is important to where you are standing and who you are being and what you are doing and what you are wanting, then is available.

And that's why those highs in those moments feel so extraordinary. People are always wanting to have the discussion of "are we all one", and we say that's hard for you to accept, as you look around at your individual clumps on individual chairs, but

it is true that when you use anything as your excuse to resonate with that high frequency vibration, that then you have access to everything, that this source energy is, that's always been flowing to you in any moment in time. Whether you knew that it was, or not.

In other words- you don't have to learn this to earn this. It's always been present but you have to you have to be in the vibrational frequency of it, in order for it to be revealed to you, or translated by you. Esther was saying to her sister this morning: "I always thought that what revelation was, was that someone else like God would be really smart. And if I was worthy enough, that then God would reveal to me meaning. God would tell me what he knows. The revelation would come to me because of my worthiness!" and Esther said, "now I get that the revelation always means: I have to achieve a vibrational frequency that allows me to interpret it!"

In other words, it's not someone else, giving it to me. It's me, achieving vibrational alignment with the knowledge that the whole is achieved. And so, look at it this way: You as an individual creator are putting plenty of knowledge into your vortex. But there's a whole lot more knowledge, that you haven't put there, that is there! And is available to you! -DNA knowledge, cellular knowledge. There's all kinds of knowledge, that is available to you. That you can't and don't want to
articulate, and don't have to!

All you have to do, is find some reason -takes ten minutes!- to feel good.
And as you find that reason to feel good, now you are in a vibrational frequency that allows the translation, or the revelation for everything that you're asking for, you

And that, really, that's the best definition of what people are reaching for when they use the word worthiness, that we could fashion. In other words when you get it, that source is there for you. And logically speaking, it must be way more than you, are but vibrationally speaking, you have access to every bit of it. So that, when life causes you to ask, what you're asked for it asking for is given -once you show yourself, that then...

then you begin being the being, that you came to be.

from the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks - Who Created Humans"

Re: All is One - Interconnectedness - We are all in this together

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 8:01 pm
by spiritualcookie
The creative life force or energy of the Universe flows through you, and literally connects you to All That Is.

- AH


You are physical counterparts of that which is non-physical -
and together we are co-creators.

You offer a new perspective.
We offer our broader awareness.

- AH

Re: All is One - Interconnectedness - We are all in this together

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:16 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Leaving inanimate objects (and the past) behind...?
How do objects interact with us?

I wanted to ask about not just how we vibrate, but is it possible for objects or things to vibrate?

Everything, everything does!
In fact, you take a gong or something that you're deliberately making a sound with, it never stops vibrating. Your ability to hear it comes to an end. But the vibration of it never ends! It continues to be a cooperative component throughout the Universe.

The reason- or, what brought me to that question was, a while back I had an experience where I was getting ready to move up here, about 10 years ago. And as I was packing, I had to reduce the items that I had. Couldn't take everything with me. And I had a yearbook which I almost felt like I needed to keep! Because, it was like you're supposed to keep your yearbook-stuff. I had my other yearbooks for later years, but that particular yearbook didn't mean...

We understand. "How are you going to prevent yourself from moving forward, if you don't drag your past around with you?"

That's kind of what I do. Sometimes without realizing it. What happened is, during that packing, I literally just decided, you know: "I got to go. Just toss it." I was like "I don't need to take it with me, I have the memories and all that other stuff. And when I tossed it into the trash can, my friend who was helping me at the time, her eyes widened and she looked... looked at me, like... we were just kind of moving different objects. And she said "what was that ?" and I felt something, too, and it felt like something went with it. So that's kind of why I was wondering, if... do objects have their own, to some degree, attractive power, if that makes sense? Or they hold a vibration?

Yes, they do. But that's not what that was about! Everything is vibrational. And of course, when you think about something, you establish a vibrational relationship with it.

So, others objects, circumstances and events morph to the dominant expectation that you've got going! But what you both sensed fly by, was your decision to move forward, and not drag the past with you! In other words, the book went. And then, everything that that represented... it's like when you re-emerge into non-physical. You leave behind all awarenesses, any habit of thought. Any practiced thought you no longer take with you. A current active vibration of anything, that while you were in your body, felt like doubt or fear or worry or any of that.

And of course, your past is full of wonderful things! But it still will distract you from your now, where all of your power is. And from your vibrational reality, where your true now is!

So, we're glad you have that experience- a visceral sensing. You can't even say "you saw it" as much as you "felt it or you sensed it".

It was more specifically like the fact, that someone else felt something like that, you know! It was just kind of interesting so that's why I.. I was wondering if you know objects in different places, kind of...

Everything does! Everything that's been touched. Everything that's been created. That's why art attracts certain buyers! The feeling of the artist is imbued in it. Everything is vibrational, and those who have focused upon the object imbue the object with their vibrational awareness. Can you feel what a dynamic Universe you live in?

Can you feel what a dynamic WORLD you live in? Let's not get carried away with this. Because you don't want to be running around worrying about what your chair is thinking about you! "I wish you'd get off me!" -nothing like that going on!

Uh, well yeah... when I went to the my first Abraham Workshop (...) you said whatever's going on in your environment tends to support what's going on in your environment, and then the fire alarm went off. And you talked about how it got your attention. And so I was just wondering if that's why I had the question, is... you know, if objects were sort of holding that vibration and supporting old things, so when I let go of something it was kind of...

Well let's move this into a more beneficial Place.
Everything that you've ever lived is part of the reason that you are where you are. The question that we want to speak bluntly to you, is: which awareness do you believe holds more power? -Where you are, or where you were before?

You are where you are. It's like, you were three and you were four and you were six and you were 10 and some of those thoughts are really fun to think about, as you dig out pictures and hear from others about it, but your power isn't there. But part of what you are now is a result of what you were then! But what you are now, that's what is most important. And that's what... that's what! THAT'S what- ooh that's what the non-physical Inner Being You is focused upon!

The Inner Being You is focused with you, in your right now, not looking back AT that stuff, that you're regurgitating from before!

It's sometimes sweet. Sometimes nostalgic. It's got a little mix of stuff in it, but it's not where your power is!!

Yeah, uh, yeah... I... I just thought, because, uh that was the best objective example of what I think when I interact with different things! Sometimes being aware of how things might vibrate that's well.

Why do you CARE?

I don't know, I feel like you kind of... fine...

We're not criticizing you for caring! We're asking you... we know we're fine. We're asking you...

...that's more my anxiety!

We're asking you: Why is it of interest that what you want to call inanimate, which implies is non-vibrational objects, have vibration?

I... I just realized what it was. It's... it's that I I've often used objects or things as my focus to distract from, like frustrating things. If I'm at work, then you know, I go to this thing that makes me feel better, or you know... things like that. And I realize that might be the basis of the question.

That's exactly right. As we move forward, you will all hear more about this.

from the youtube clip "Abraham Hicks 2024 - Do objects have vibration 🌈The law of attraction"

Re: All is One - Interconnectedness - We are all in this together

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 6:28 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Think about it- doesn't this one fit here, too?

People give you what you expect,

So interesting to know,
that every relationship was really, all along,
only about YOU.

Abraham Hicks