Leaving inanimate objects (and the past) behind...?
How do objects interact with us?
I wanted to ask about not just how we vibrate, but is it possible for objects or things to vibrate?
Everything, everything does!
In fact, you take a gong or something that you're deliberately making a sound with,
it never stops vibrating. Your ability to hear it comes to an end. But the vibration of it never ends! It continues to be a cooperative component throughout the Universe.
The reason- or, what brought me to that question was, a while back I had an experience where I was getting ready to move up here, about 10 years ago. And as I was packing, I had to reduce the items that I had. Couldn't take everything with me. And I had a yearbook which I almost felt like I needed to keep! Because, it was like you're supposed to keep your yearbook-stuff. I had my other yearbooks for later years, but that particular yearbook didn't mean...
We understand. "How are you going to prevent yourself from moving forward, if you don't drag your past around with you?"
That's kind of what I do. Sometimes without realizing it. What happened is, during that packing, I literally just decided, you know: "I got to go. Just toss it." I was like "I don't need to take it with me, I have the memories and all that other stuff. And when I tossed it into the trash can, my friend who was helping me at the time, her eyes widened and she looked... looked at me, like... we were just kind of moving different objects. And she said "what was that ?" and I felt something, too, and it felt like something went with it. So that's kind of why I was wondering, if... do objects have their own, to some degree, attractive power, if that makes sense? Or they hold a vibration?
Yes, they do. But that's not what that was about! Everything is vibrational. And of course, when you think about something, you establish a vibrational relationship with it.
So, others objects, circumstances and events morph to the dominant expectation that you've got going!
But what you both sensed fly by, was your decision to move forward, and not drag the past with you! In other words, the book went. And then, everything that that represented... it's like when you re-emerge into non-physical. You leave behind all awarenesses, any habit of thought. Any practiced thought you no longer take with you. A current active vibration of anything, that while you were in your body, felt like doubt or fear or worry or any of that.
And of course, your past is full of wonderful things! But it still will distract you from your now, where all of your power is. And from your vibrational reality, where your true now is!
So, we're glad you have that experience- a visceral sensing. You can't even say "you saw it" as much as you "felt it or you sensed it".
It was more specifically like the fact, that someone else felt something like that, you know! It was just kind of interesting so that's why I.. I was wondering if you know objects in different places, kind of...
Everything does! Everything that's been touched. Everything that's been created. That's why art attracts certain buyers! The feeling of the artist is imbued in it. Everything is vibrational, and those who have focused upon the object imbue the object with their vibrational awareness. Can you feel what a dynamic Universe you live in?
Can you feel what a dynamic WORLD you live in? Let's not get carried away with this. Because you don't want to be running around worrying about what your chair is thinking about you! "I wish you'd get off me!" -nothing like that going on!
Uh, well yeah... when I went to the my first Abraham Workshop (...) you said whatever's going on in your environment tends to support what's going on in your environment, and then the fire alarm went off. And you talked about how it got your attention. And so I was just wondering if that's why I had the question, is... you know, if objects were sort of holding that vibration and supporting old things, so when I let go of something it was kind of...
Well let's move this into a more beneficial Place.
Everything that you've ever lived is part of the reason that you are where you are. The question that we want to speak bluntly to you, is: which awareness do you believe holds more power? -Where you are, or where you were before?
You are where you are. It's like, you were three and you were four and you were six and you were 10 and some of those thoughts are really fun to think about, as you dig out pictures and hear from others about it,
but your power isn't there. But part of what you are now is a result of what you were then! But what you are now, that's what is most important. And that's what...
that's what! THAT'S what- ooh
that's what the non-physical Inner Being You is focused upon!
The Inner Being You is focused with you, in your right now, not looking back AT that stuff, that you're regurgitating from before!
It's sometimes sweet. Sometimes nostalgic. It's got a little mix of stuff in it, but it's not where your power is!!
Yeah, uh, yeah... I... I just thought, because, uh that was the best objective example of what I think when I interact with different things! Sometimes being aware of how things might vibrate ...so that's well.
Why do you CARE?
I don't know, I feel like you kind of... fine...
We're not criticizing you for caring! We're asking you... we know we're fine. We're asking you...
...that's more my anxiety!
We're asking you: Why is it of interest that what you want to call inanimate, which implies is non-vibrational objects, have vibration?
I... I just realized what it was. It's... it's that I I've often used objects or things as my focus to distract from, like frustrating things. If I'm at work, then you know, I go to this thing that makes me feel better, or you know... things like that. And I realize that might be the basis of the question.
That's exactly right. As we move forward, you will all hear more about this.
from the youtube clip "Abraham Hicks 2024 - Do objects have vibration

The law of attraction"