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Can They Know Whose Inner Being They’re Channeling?

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:21 pm
by Blue__Butterflies
Q: I have two questions. The first one is I’m trying to understand a little more about my eternal nature and Inner Being. A couple months back the CD of the month talked about my Inner Being as a community, and I’m trying to understand that a little bit more. I feel singular, but apparently my Inner Being isn’t? And also, on top of that, I mean if it is a community, does it overlap with other people’s Inner Being communities, and how does that work together?
A: It is not easy to see what is Nonphysical from a physical format because, you’re right, you’re accustomed to seeing things. You see yourselves as individual clumps sitting on your chairs and you’re not exactly morphing together, at least you don’t want to. It’d be interesting if you walked off with a piece of someone else attached to you as a result of this. (Fun) And yet it’s interesting as we watch you as you come together like this, where even though you are individual Energies (especially as the day moves on a little bit), there is a sort of coming together as your thoughts begin to mesh, and the thought that we are upon morphs into that which is more.
Let’s give you the picture that we’ve been talking about so that you can really feel a strong basis here. So, you get it that you are Source Energy, and you understand that part of you comes forth. Now, do you understand that the larger part of you remains Nonphysically focused? In other words, only a part of the Consciousness that is You is here.
So here you are with this part of Consciousness, and you are expanding. And when you do, that larger part that is You becomes more. In other words, as we visit with you here, we’re not a singular Consciousness, we are a collective consciousness. And the collective consciousness that is Abraham becomes what it is depending upon what you are asking about. In other words, it’s not like there’s this static knowledge or information that is now trying to project an idea to you, it’s that what you are living and what you are asking is the summoning point of that which we are.
When Jerry and Esther first began this work, or even before they met us in the form that they know us, Jerry had been reading the Seth material. And Esther really was sort of put off by it. She was afraid of it, really. And so she did not participate with Jerry in this material for quite some time. He read the books, and Esther said “Don’t bring them into the bedroom.” They sort of spooked her - there was a picture on the back of one of them that made Esther uncomfortable.
So Jerry would just silently read the books, and occasionally he would talk to Esther about something that he had read. And as he would speak what he had read, Esther began to feel some resonance with it, until before long, Esther was actually asking to read with Jerry. And so eventually every day they sat and read the Seth material.
Well, not too long after that a friend of theirs brought them a recording and said “Would you like to hear this?” And Jerry said “Well, what is it?” because people were putting tape recordings in his hands often and he rarely listened to any of them. And this person said “Well, it’s channeled,” and Jerry had never heard the word “channeled”, he didn’t know what it meant. And it was not a familiar word from the Seth material, but he played it.
And what he heard was something that seemed akin to what he was reading from Seth – different, but similar in some ways. And their friend said “This is a woman and she is coming to Phoenix this week, and you can make an appointment with her if you want, and ask her any questions that you have.” Well, Jerry was eager to go and Esther was reluctant to go, but they went and had a wonderful conversation where Jerry brought questions that he had saved up for a very long time. And Esther sat silent and rather amazed as Theo answered Jerry’s questions, and then Esther said “Can we come back tomorrow?” because now Esther had questions.
So they went back the next day and Esther asked some questions, and Jerry asked more questions. But the result of that was Esther had a sort of transforming experience where she completely lost her fear of whatever she had thought that this was. She did not know how to quantify Theo, and they did not know how to quantify Seth. They only knew from the experiences that they had what it felt like.
At the end, the recorder clicked off and it was time for the half-hour segment to end, and now Esther was feeling a little frustration because she had more questions and her time is up. And another woman, who was operating the tape recorder in the room, said “Well, would you like to ask one more question? Do you want to know who your spiritual guide is?” And Esther, who had never thought of that terminology ever, liked the sound of it, and she said “Yes, who is my spiritual guide?” And Theo said “We are told…we…” now, here’s a woman lying on a bed, “we…” Esther remembered Seth saying “Give us a moment.” “We…we are told that it will be given to you directly. You’ll have a clairaudient experience and you will know.”
Esther asked what they could do to more effectively achieve goals, and Theo said meditate, and that felt weird to them. And Esther asked “What do you mean?” And Theo said “Sit in a quiet room and wear comfortable clothing, and focus on your breathing. And when your mind wanders, and it will, release the thought and focus on your breathing.” And then Esther said “Should we bring our daughter Tracy to see you?” And Theo said “If it is her asking, but it is not necessary for you, too, are channels.” Well, Esther wondered how can something like that be and me not know it? It wasn’t that she doubted it, she just didn’t know it.
So they went home and they had two intentions in mind - Esther was going to find out who her spiritual guide was (whoever that was, and whatever that meant), and she was going to meditate (whatever that meant), weird as it was. And Theo had encouraged them to do it together, to sit in a quiet comfortable spot and do it together. And so they went home, they closed the curtains in the living room, they put on their bathrobes, they sat in two wing-back chairs with an étagère between them because it just felt weird, and set a timer. And Esther focused upon her breathing, and as she relaxed into the counting her breathing, she felt a detachment that was delicious. Just in releasing thought, she attuned to this very high frequency vibration.
Now, what happened was Esther had released her resistance enough to allow the fullness that is us to move through her. She was not a vibrational match to us, but her resistance was absent enough that she tuned to the vibration of that which is her spiritual guide. Now some would ask did she tap into God? Did she tap into Theo? Did she tap into Seth? What was Esther tapping into? And we say she was tapping into the Vibrational Escrow that had been set forth for her, the Vibrational Escrow that she launched before her birth, the Vibrational Escrow that all that she had been living had amassed. In other words, whatever you want to call it, she tapped into the Source Energy part that is her.
So then, as they began moving along, oh, Jerry was so excited because he had so many questions. And he would prop Esther up in bed (at that time she was sort of spelling letters with her nose in the air) and asked his questions. (Fun) They seemed endless to Esther, and he would wake her up even in the middle of the night to ask a question. And so once Jerry began dialoging with us (which was all day every day, just about), he just could not get enough conversation from us.
One day he got out his Seth books where he had written question after question after question in the margins. It had always been so interesting to him how they would be in the middle of a dialog, and then it would be the end of the dialog in the Seth book, and then Seth would say to Rob “Is there something more?” And Rob would say, “No, no thank you, Seth.” And Jerry would say “What? How can you be at the end of your questions?” because just this little bit of dialog had piqued so many more questions within Jerry.
And so now Jerry is visiting with us, and he says to us, “I have these questions I would like to ask.” And we said to him address your questions as if you are addressing them to Seth because the Consciousness is here. We said Seth and Abraham are chips off the same block, so to speak.
Now, what that meant was the basis of that which they are both about (which is helping you to understand who you are) is a similar vibration. And yet the work that Abraham has become through Esther, and the work that Seth became through Jane, are very different works.
Do you see what we’re getting at? It’s not Nonphysical Energy with something that they are wanting to project, it’s a point of asking that makes the uniqueness of what is coming forth.
Q: Yeah.
A: So early on Esther said “Well then, I guess I’m speaking for Seth,” and we said to her, let what you are doing be uniquely what you are doing - do not express yourself as Theo or as Seth, express yourself as that which is uniquely you. In other words, be a vibrational match, get yourself into alignment. Don’t try to make something happen, get yourself into alignment and let that alignment be the Vortex through which the answers come forth.
And so whether you want to call your Inner Being God, or whether you want to call your Inner Being my Inner Being, it does not matter what label you give it, just understand that it is uniquely yours. And as you tap into it, the phraseology and the terminology will expand through the context that is you.
Jerry and Esther have been hearing some bits and pieces about others channeling - there are a lot of people around the planet today that are calling them and letting them know that they are now channeling “Abraham”, that it is the same Abraham that Esther is channeling. And as Jerry and Esther listen to some of the recordings, they remember the excitement of those beginning days. But they are amused as they are listening to the phraseology that has been Esther’s interpretation of the blocks of thought being crammed into these, where all of the buzz words, all of the things that Esther has uniquely found, are now suddenly turning up everywhere - hundreds of them in an hour segment - but the vibration of them doesn’t have the resonance that they are accustomed to feeling. And so what we are wanting to say is, rather than trying to label it and make it be something, tune into it and flow with what it is. Let it flow from you or through you in response to what you are asking.
People have been asking us - from the moment that we have been allowed through Esther’s Vortex to speak, they have been asking “Do we all have access to this?” And we say yes, without exception. You have access to this Stream of Consciousness that is Source, and what you summon through the power and uniqueness of your Vortex will not be Seth, it will not be Theo, it will not be God, so to speak, it will not be Abraham, it will be the culmination of that which all that you have lived has put into your Vibrational Escrow.
So it’s not easy to quantify that or label it, is it? When we say you are extension of that which is Source, we’re not kidding you one bit. And we’re not kidding when we say your life will cause you to queue up your questions, and the Source within you (provided you find vibrational alignment with it) will flow through you in your unique way.
~ Abraham-Hicks
San Rafael, CA 2/9/2008