Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

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Re: Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Strong enough Desire can override negative Belief.
Alignment helps so much better than Alcohol to fill the Void!

I woke up the other night and I was having a bit of a rampage for sleep- half awake. And, um, I was sort of tossing around with what you spoke about on the first few days, about getting ahead of things. I've wrote some notes here, "calibration", making little lists of what is going on and then turning that over and getting it into who I am. What I really love. And I realize, that I LOVE interaction!

And a few times, I get held back with fear of rejection, and other things. And what I've really discovered about myself is, when I've had a few drinks, I don't have that. I'm straight in there, and I'm realizing, that the more I learn what you've been teaching, I'm not needing that alcohol half as much! I enjoy the alcohol, and it's a lot easier to be open and less guarded. But I just think it's amazing, how good I actually am- realizing that I am! And that's allowing me to be uh, exploring more and more and more! Things are actually coming together. My life's amazing, and it is getting better....

And before you go further, we want to stick something in here! We' wanting to make this strong statement: When you have a strong enough desire, that word "enough" is key here! -

When your desire is sufficient enough, what you believe becomes not a big factor. So, when your desire is strong, it will override belief.

But most of you practice your beliefs so steadily... in other words, you are opinionated. And you want to express your opinions. And whether you mean to or not, you're seeking agreement with your opinions! Let's just start with this premise: You are HARMONIZERS. You are harmonizing beings. You are co-creators, and therefore natural acclimators, adapters, and harmonizers. So we get it, why you harmonize with those around you! We just want you to

always be aware of whether you're harmonizing with others at the loss or expense or sacrifice, of harmonizing with who you really are!

So, what you're describing to us here, is a desire that is not strong enough under normal conditions, for you to override a belief system that you've been practicing along with so many others, for a rather long time. But when you participate with some substance that simply
-diffuses your ability to focus,
-it sort of dulls your memory.
-It blurs your awareness of what's going on around.
-It makes you less attempting to care what anybody else is focused upon.

So, the alcohol in an environment of a desire that is not strong enough to override belief, in other words: You have not allowed it to get enough momentum that it overrides belief. Well, we don't want you to be those who are trying to override beliefs!

We want you to be those who are practicing the enhancement of desires.
And we don't want you to have to drink your way into covering up beliefs, in order to temporarily- and that's an operative word- make them not a big factor!

In other words, when you drink- and that's the reason that a vibration isn't active, then nothing has changed. Except there is a propensity then, to want to drink more often, because you're wanting that experience to be your experience, more! Of course the remedy for all of this is to find ways of allowing your desire to naturally become more and more and more and more and more. And the way you do that, is by looking for those moments- not when you're under the influence of something that you're drinking.

But those moments, when you are naturally in your own frequency of desires, and everything around you is responding to that!

In other words, look for those episodes! And there are many of those, do you get what we're talking about?

I do. I totally get that! and that's one of the main things I wanted to express is: How much it's helped me to get ahead, get ahead of it to talk myself up and get into alignment before I take on any activity. And then it just flows, like you just said, as if I'd already had the alcohol! And I'm just open and easier and...

Let's make sure that we understand together, that the alcohol is not the issue! It's the vibrational state of being, that always is. But the alcohol falls into the category that so many people live in, where you're attempting to fill the void with something other, than alignment. And you can't fill the void with anything other than alignment!

Because the void is pinched off from who you really are!

from the clip Abraham Hicks ~ The Alcohol Factor
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Re: Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Clarity is ALIGNMENT.
Clarity is a clear impulse of where to go.
Clarity is trusting the path.
Clarity is not standing in a wobbly place.

Clarity is momentum, that has no resistance,
and when you're in that place of clarity,
the feeling of what to do next is right there.

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Lining up makes you Invincible.
Undeniably Powerful.

The energy that creates Worlds
is flowing through you!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Is 2012 "the time of Awakening"?

You've talked so much about being on the leading edge, that we are ever-expanding, that we're eternal beings... and in that broader and important context, so many people have made such a big deal- hoopla, about this year. About this next couple of years.
Is humanity really as a whole on the cusp of a quantum leap in consciousness?

Well, we've been calling at the time of awakening.

-The time of realizing who you really are. It certainly is a time of more deliberate awareness! And a time of greater sensitivity to that broader perspective. But in regards to the "big thing", that people are making about this year, we think that it would be appropriate in every new year, or every year coming, to make a big thing about it!

Because the leading edge really is where all of the attention is. And the reason that we put the word "awakening" into it, is because humanity has always had access to this non-physical energy stream. But if you're not consciously aware of it, you're not awake to it, and so... It's the kind of things that we've been talking about in this gathering, that make the answer to your question "unequivocally yes".

But it's not because it has changed from the non-physical viewpoint.
It's that more humans are becoming consciously aware of their relationship with what is non-physical!

We've been talking about it recently, in stronger terms, in this way: What you see through your physical eyes is a given. In other words, you've come to an agreement about what sight is, and what sound is, and what smell is, and what taste is, and what touch is. But almost no one has been making the association between the emotions that they are feeling, and their relationship with what is non-physical. And, as more of you are doing that and are beginning to taste... its the wrong word but it seems appropriate... to taste the subtlety of the non-physical energy... that's really what's happening!

It isn't that things are changing so much. It's that your ability to see them is changing.
You're tuning your frequencies higher and higher! So, that the crevasse or gap between what is physical, and what is non-physical, is less. And the awareness of what is non-physical is more!

That's what's happening.

So it's not so much a quantum leap- it's more of subtlety?

Quantum leaps are never a good idea. Humanity hardly ever adjusts in less than a century, after a quantum leap.
You really don't want a quantum leap. And really, you can't have a quantum leap! Quantum leaps are sort of a fictional way of describing "leaping into something that you've been wanting for a long time". But the thing is- and it's annoying to most of you, that

unless you are in the vibrational vicinity- you're not going to realize it!

And so, you can't not realize it and then jump into the realization of it. Sometimes, exaggerated contrast causes you to launch a really big rocket, which is sort of like a quantum leap. But you rarely maintain your vibrational relationship with that rocket, that you've fired off! Because what's surrounding you, that caused you to launch the rocket, is usually more dominant, and you settle right back into that practiced belief system, you see.

And so, a quantum leap could only occur if life caused you to launch a big rocket and somehow you were able to completely forget everything else! A lobotomy would help. But you lose so much in the process of that. Your vibration would raise, but your recognition of things would not be satisfactory, you see! So it's much better...

Meditation is the closest process to quantum leaping that we know!
Going general is the closest process to quantum leaping that we know.

And because life has caused you to put all of this vibrational reality over here in your vortex- so what are you going to do to get ready, for what's ready for you? Well, a quantum leap would be nice. But a quantum leap is not a practical thing:

You don't jump vibrational frequencies like that. You ease your way into them!

You say so "it's already there". Obviously it's just aligning with that?

It it's all about aligning. Which is what we are calling "the art of allowing".

The art of allowing, that brought a perspective that is really you!
That you have been honing for all of the days of this life, and long before!
It's the art of allowing yourself to be in vibrational sync with all that you have become.
And therefore with all that we are!
And therefore with that, which is source energy!

from the official youtube clip: Is 2012 "the time of Awakening"?

Excerpted from the August 2012 Alaskan Cruise.
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Re: Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Living In Heaven on Earth:
There is NO list of "what you ought to do"! It is all for the JOY of it!

Your contribution cannot be appreciated fully enough through words!
We just cannot tell you how valuable it is, that you're here, sifting and sorting and deciding.

All-that-is is expanding dramatically, as a result of that which you are doing!
But you know what every bit has, every bit of every bit of all of that exists-
for only one reason in all of the creation, of all of eternity.
And that is for the thrill you get, as you come into alignment with that which you've created!

There's not this long list of stuff written out there in the heaven somewhere, by who knows who that is, defining what needs to be done in this creation of life! Not one of you came forth, because it needs to be done. We're not here because you need to know how to do it!

In other words, this creative dance is only about the joy in the dance, you see!
It's time to stop worrying about what you're getting done. And what you're not getting done. And just to make an unequivocal determination set forth, your intention to get in that vortex, and live as you intended to live! Because when you get in there, and you experience the juicy delicious tactile sensual fragrant wonderful exposure to life, that you have from inside the vortex- then you'll start to get it.

You'll say: "I am good! Otherwise I couldn't feel this way. And I am valuable! Otherwise I couldn't feel this way. And I am a value, otherwise I couldn't feel this way. And people wouldn't be responding to me in this way! And, well-being does abound- otherwise I couldn't feel this way."
-And all of that stuff that's outside the vortex that has formerly worried you or annoyed you, becomes this blessed contrast that you knew it would be, when you made the decision to come forth!
-And then enemies become valued partners!
-And contradictions become reasons for expansion,
-and negative emotion becomes guidance and clarity.

And people- you love easily! You love more than you ever thought was possible. And then the world that you are creating- there will always be those who aren't ready to hear. But as more of you know it, and more of you live it, and more of you aren't bothered by those who don't hear it, and who aren't living it-

before long, you can have that Heaven on Earth that you've been talking about!

Where you can be physically focused, and in the vortex with contrast subsiding, being more refined.
Where your planet has less suffering, less sickness, less confusion, less poverty-
more abundance, more clarity, more well-being, and more understanding because it is right that you feel good, you see!

You are supposed to feel good. Life is supposed to be fun!
You didn't come to get it done! You came for the thrill of doing it.
You didn't come to get there- you came for the thrill of going there!
You didn't come to fix something that is broken.
You came for the new idea that was born out of the idea, that it could be better.

from the youtube-clip Heaven On Earth ⚡ Abraham Hicks
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Re: Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Living In Heaven on Earth:
There is NO list of "what you ought to do"! It is all for the JOY of it!

Your contribution cannot be appreciated fully enough through words!
We just cannot tell you how valuable it is, that you're here, sifting and sorting and deciding.

All-that-is is expanding dramatically, as a result of that which you are doing!
But you know what every bit has, every bit of every bit of all of that exists-
for only one reason in all of the creation, of all of eternity.
And that is for the thrill you get, as you come into alignment with that which you've created!

There's not this long list of stuff written out there in the heaven somewhere, by who knows who that is, defining what needs to be done in this creation of life! Not one of you came forth, because it needs to be done. We're not here because you need to know how to do it!

In other words, this creative dance is only about the joy in the dance, you see!
It's time to stop worrying about what you're getting done. And what you're not getting done. And just to make an unequivocal determination set forth, your intention to get in that vortex, and live as you intended to live! Because when you get in there, and you experience the juicy delicious tactile sensual fragrant wonderful exposure to life, that you have from inside the vortex- then you'll start to get it.

You'll say: "I am good! Otherwise I couldn't feel this way. And I am valuable! Otherwise I couldn't feel this way. And I am a value, otherwise I couldn't feel this way. And people wouldn't be responding to me in this way! And, well-being does abound- otherwise I couldn't feel this way."
-And all of that stuff that's outside the vortex that has formerly worried you or annoyed you, becomes this blessed contrast that you knew it would be, when you made the decision to come forth!
-And then enemies become valued partners!
-And contradictions become reasons for expansion,
-and negative emotion becomes guidance and clarity.

And people- you love easily! You love more than you ever thought was possible. And then the world that you are creating- there will always be those who aren't ready to hear. But as more of you know it, and more of you live it, and more of you aren't bothered by those who don't hear it, and who aren't living it-

before long, you can have that Heaven on Earth that you've been talking about!

Where you can be physically focused, and in the vortex with contrast subsiding, being more refined.
Where your planet has less suffering, less sickness, less confusion, less poverty-
more abundance, more clarity, more well-being, and more understanding because it is right that you feel good, you see!

You are supposed to feel good. Life is supposed to be fun!
You didn't come to get it done! You came for the thrill of doing it.
You didn't come to get there- you came for the thrill of going there!
You didn't come to fix something that is broken.
You came for the new idea that was born out of the idea, that it could be better.

from the youtube-clip Heaven On Earth ⚡ Abraham Hicks
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