Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Re: Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

If you accept that you are more than this body, and you accept that you are becoming more as a total being as a result of your focus here and now, and you accept that the source within you has become all that you've asked for and is calling you to it, and you turn your undivided attention toward that new becoming, you'll feel your power. And when you feel that power you are of value to anyone that you hold as your object of attention.

Sydney, Australia, 14/12/08
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Re: Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Imagination is Receiving-Mode!
And humans don't get that. They think, that they conjure their imagination. You don't!


Abraham Hicks
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Re: Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Animals are much better in allowing their Alignment, than humans!

Now let's take a human and a beast, one of the magnificent animals on your planet. The more you domesticate them, the more they begin to act like you do! But animals, for the most part, don't have a difficult time managing their own gap. They live their contrast, they give birth to what they want, they line up with it and...

...the beasts of your planet are doing a better job of allowing, than most humans are!

The beasts of your planet are much better allowers than the humans of your planet. They are born in vibrational alignment with Source! Nothing that they live gets them much out of alignment with Source, and they are inspired from that calling. And human... when human watches the beasts of your planet, human calls it Instinct in the Beast. We call it alignment! Alignment, and seeing the world through the eyes of source, and responding to the world through the eyes of source!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The Tipping Point of More-Alignment than not

You will feel an actual Tipping-Point-
then, your manifested world will never be the same.


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Re: Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love says:
"I see conditions that I prefer. And conditions that I don't prefer.
And my feeling of love, my feeling of alignment, my alignment itself,
is dependent only upon the direction of my thoughts.

I do not need to control conditions, in order to come into alignment!"

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Once something has been thought into alignment,
then and only then does the manifestation come about.

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Once I get to that basis of that Power of Attraction,
and I am tuned into who-I-really-am, in resonance with Source-energy,
anything in the world that I am wanting to come,
will come to me!

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Re: Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

In your Pleasure, those Goosebumps that ripple up and down you- that's US.
Reveling in all, that WE have become!
Those goosebumps are YOUR conscious awareness of the appreciation WE feel for your leading edge place,
in the expansion of all-there-is!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

What Alignment and Resonance with Source are

When we visit with you, and you have been present in gatherings, you know what it feels like. We always enjoy coming together! You dragged your physical bodies here, and you've been grappling with life. You've been trying to wrestle your kids to the ground, and get them to do what you need them to do, and, and, and. So, always as you gather, there's a lot of stuff going on, vibrationally, in a gathering like this. And then, as we begin to play together, and as we ramble from our point of alignment, with all that you really are, as you are kind enough to join us worldwide, over a hundred countries coming to play with us in these broadcasts, these days... as you come with your bodies, as you come with your mind, as you come with your focus- and we we ramble and you focus, as we speak from the point of view of who you really are, you can't spend too much time listening to us. Really, ten minutes is enough, before you find resonance with the fullness of who you are!

And it's that feeling of resonance that we desire, that you begin reaching for rather than trying to to get glimpses in any other way. Just feel it!
You know when a feeling of clarity comes over you.
You know when that feeling of A-ha-ness comes.
You know when that feeling of comfort comes!
You know how when you just feel the allrightness with where you are, in any moment!

That's that resonance with the fullness of who you are!
And that's who you are. And anything less than that, is "without who you are".

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

What is the "I"?
What the word "Sin" really means- and the meaning of other emotional words

Hi Abraham!

Adjust that microphone, just a little bit for you...

A little closer, okay...

She hardly ever knocks anyone's teeth out!

HS (laughing):
I'm relieved to hear that! And it's kind of the issue for me, as I'm right on the edge of getting what you're talking about, and losing it, and where I sort of go with this... who or what or where is this "I"? The "I" that I've heard one of my teachers said, was "the losers in the cosmic rap game, we get to be human and forget who we really are." Or, Abraham implies that I am aware of 5% of who I really am. So, "I" is to me the observer, or what? How do I know myself? I'm aware of my thoughts. I'm aware of listening to you. I don't... I is somewhere floating around, in your kind of a concept. For me... I'm not sure it's it's a place? It seems like it's real when I say "I". I guess. I understand what I'm talking about, but also I think the I is, when I studied to be a priest for a while, I was pleased to hear that in the word of the language Aramaic, that Jesus spoke,

the word for sin meant "to miss the target". It didn't mean you were bad, it just meant you missed the bullseye.

Just you know when you know who you really are. Then there's no sin. So, sinners just don't know who they really are! -When you know who you really are, then you are all of it, or...

Sin is: The literal expression of sin is "just without the fullness of who I am".
And it doesn't mean that you have done something wrong, and so someone else is withholding from you something, in punishment. It means that, in your vibrational state of being, you are disallowing the fullness of who you are.

So we make it sort of complicated when we try to identify as... let us start in this way. When we visit with you, and you have been present in gatherings, you know what it feels like. We always enjoy coming together! You dragged your physical bodies here, and you've been grappling with life. You've been trying to wrestle your kids to the ground, and get them to do what you need them to do, and, and, and. So, always as you gather, there's a lot of stuff going on, vibrationally, in a gathering like this. And then, as we begin to play together, and as we ramble from our point of alignment, with all that you really are, as you are kind enough to join us worldwide, over a hundred countries coming to play with us in these broadcasts, these days... as you come with your bodies, as you come with your mind, as you come with your focus- and we we ramble and you focus, as we speak from the point of view of who you really are, you can't spend too much time listening to us. Really, ten minutes is enough, before you find resonance with the fullness of who you are!

And it's that feeling of resonance that we desire, that you begin reaching for rather than trying to to get glimpses in any other way. Just feel it!
You know when a feeling of clarity comes over you.
You know when that feeling of A-ha-ness comes.
You know when that feeling of comfort comes!
You know how when you just feel the allrightness with where you are, in any moment!

That's that resonance with the fullness of who you are!
And that's who you are. And anything less than that, is "without who you are".

It's some sort... and we don't like the word "sin", because it has been so misunderstood for so long! But anytime you deprive yourself, and only you can do it or pinch yourself off even a little bit- and only you can do it- from the fullness of who you are; anytime you're mad at somebody- even when they've done something really screwy and stupid- every time you're mad at them, you are without the viewpoint of source.

And you miss that the viewpoint of source! It's important to the way you feel in a moment.
It's important to who you are, because when source is being allowed by you in a moment, you just feel so good! You evoke the best from the moment. You just dance and fly high, and have fun, and have clarity- and that's the way you intend to live. Not one of you came to prove yourself worthy! It's such an interesting thing to watch humans line up with each other, in a comparative dance, feeling competition about each other. And in your competitive nature,

instead of inspiring each other to greatness, instead what you do is diminish your own greatness!

And you know it that's what that feeling of jealousy is?
A feeling of jealousy or a feeling of not enough this or a feeling of vulnerability, or a feeling of "I should be more than I am, and I need to be doing something different"... all of those feelings are feelings which are indicators of your discord. Which is depriving you to some degree, of the fullness of who you are.
So, that's why we begin today talking about the emotional manifestation! Because we think you're hitting upon the thing, that's the most important thing of all, and that is knowing who you are! But not just knowing who you are, being who you are!

Esther's been playing with emotional words, wanting for her herself personally, just sort of ferret out what they mean. And what they mean is only how they feel! And so, when she thinks of an emotion like "Hope", she can feel some vulnerability in hope. Because hope is... hope... is hopeful! Hope is not right there! Hope is not where the source within her is. Because source KNOWS.

So then she thinks about the word "Faith". Faith... faith feels like hope a little bit, to Esther. To some, faith feels more like more certainty. But to Esther, faith feels sort of hopeful! (...) Esther likes the feeling of Belief more than the feeling of Hope. She likes the feeling of Belief more than the feeling even of Faith! Because faith is sort of... she's heard so long "Faith"... faith, is about knowing something that you can't see. But the "you can't see it" part is too big for her. So it's still something missing. So, faith and hope don't feel as good as belief.

But, oh, "Trust." Now, that's a good feeling word! Trust. Trust and Knowing feel the same to Esther. "Knowing" feels the same, knowing and trust feel the same! Well, Knowing. Knowing feels even better to us, than trust! Because trust is... trust as a little outside of you! WE'RE KNOWING! And so, now we're using these words. We're using emotional words, because we're wanting to evoke vibration within you.

Because we want you to realize, that who you are is a vibrational feeler.

And when you come in a moment where you're having a conversation or an interaction with anyone in life, and you feel love, you feel appreciation, you feel elation, you feel passion, you feel that frisky, robust, passionate awareness of life- that's who you are.

So, we've taken this conversation completely away from the direction that you were putting it, because we don't want you to think you're way down there, so much as feel your way there. Because everything that you are, will bring about this responding feeling, you see! And what all of this conversation really rests on, what the basis of it is, is: You have to accept that you were Source Energy before you came into this physical body!

But that you still are Source Energy. And the source is right here, with you!

In other words, it's easy for some of you to witness Esther in this mode of allowing, and receiving Abraham. It's hard not to acknowledge, that something's going on, that is other than Esther's human experience. Her mind is working so fast, her vibrational frequency is so high, if you put a meter on her, it would freak you out in terms of what's going on, vibrationally.

Doctors would worry about her, if they were monitoring her in this moment! It is not a normal human experience, to be so aligned and so allowing, with so much source flowing through you!

But you are experiencing the same thing! In other words, Esther's doing the interpreting of that which we are. But you're out there, all around the world, feeling the fullness of who you are, reveling and resonating in this knowledge. So, as you feel this, do you feel the fullness of who you, are right now? Don't you just know that everything's alright with you? Aren't you feeling more sure, in every moment- even as we're focused here together, that you are Source Energy in physical bodies?

And don't you feel sort of eager to express the source-ness of yourself, in moment after moment? Aren't you feeling that more, than you did when you walked in the door? Aren't you feeling it more maybe, than you've ever felt it in your life? Or (teasing) maybe it's just us! Maybe! But what we're getting at here is: It's those feelings, that you're reaching for. That's the main event! That's always what you're reaching for!

Don't try too hard to figure it out. Don't try too hard to figure it out in terms of... of conversation. Don't try too hard to figure out what your point of view is! Just FEEL your point of view! And know, that your point of view, when you are really in sync with the wholeness of who you are, which is what your question is about and what you MUST experience! Because once you experienced it, you can't go back! Once you feel that, and KNOW that, you've FELT it- then just feel for it, again and again and again. And don't accept anything less than that!

Don't accept confusion, it's not who you are! Don't accept anger toward other humans- it's not who you are! Don't accept vulnerability, it's not who you are. When you feel it, know that it's not who you are, and feel yourself into alignment.
That's what we would do, if we were in your physical body.

from the clip Abraham Hicks - Define The Meaning Of Sin
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