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Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 1:07 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
into Abundance, and into everything else that you want!
(The Morning Process)

We're eager to visit with you today! We want to help you to understand, that the
laws of physics, that you understand, like the law of gravity- which is consistent,
you don't have to go to a school about gravity. They don't say to you in your first
days in school:

"You know, if you don't come to this class, you could fall up! Many many children
are missing!" -because the law is consistent. It works the same for everyone. And
you learn to utilize the law to your advantage.

And the law of attraction is such a law.
It is utterly consistent. It never makes an exception,
and it never makes a mistake.

So, you have to figure out how to work within the laws of the universe! We cannot
talk about the Law of Attraction, without introducing to the subject the word

Because Law of Attraction is the reason that momentum exists!
When you give your attention to something for as little as 17 seconds,
at that 17 second point, there is a momentum that is discernible as
another thought like it, joins it. And so forth!

So the more you focus the more momentum.

But the most important thing to understand about the way momentum works is,
that when you are sleeping, you have a reprieve of the momentum. In other words
your beliefs are in suspension, while you sleep. Which means, the momentum
of them, the Law of Attraction-momentum of them, is slow to non-existent,
depending upon how well you are sleeping.

So what that means is, when you awaken in the morning, you have the
opportunity to re-establish, if you want to, a vibrational starting point that law of
attraction will begin to respond to, right away.

Now usually, when you wake up in the morning, you remember what you were
thinking about yesterday. Or, more important, you re-achieve the emotional feeling
place of what you were feeling yesterday. It's like "oh yeah, I remember: I'm not
happy." Or: "oh yeah! I remember: I'm lonely. I'm lonely now." Or: "oh yeah,
I remember: I'm confused."

But what we want you to realize, is that you don't have to be the same lonely today
that you were yesterday! Because that night's sleep changed the momentum!

But when you wake up in the morning, and you deliberately- and you do!- call
those same people, talk about those same things, focus in the same
ways- you reactivate your vibration much as it was before. But you do not have
to do that. And that is the most important thing we want you to realize:

That you are at a new starting point in every moment!

But it is unlikely for you to begin to think all new thoughts when you wake up.
Some of you have suggested a lobotomy. We don't recommend it (laughter in
audience), because there are many things that you believe, that are serving you
really well!

You just want to become a better sifter.
You want to become a better discerner.
You want to become better at caring
about how you feel, and then focusing in
ways that accomplish that!

If we can in some way offer enough words... words don't teach. And analogies-
words don't teach. And conversations? Words don't teach.
We've enjoyed this interaction immensely. (Laughter)

If we can offer enough that will stimulate within you the awareness that your
point of Attraction is everything- because you are the center of your universe!

And you are the perceiver of it- which means, you are the vibrational interpreter of it.
You translate your vibration into the reality, that you are living. Into what you're
seeing and hearing and smelling and tasting and touching! If we can convince you,
that since all those things are true, that

the only thing that matters to you is how you feel!

If we if you can leave this room with a new determination within you, that you, now
more than ever before, care about how you feel, and mean to do something about
soothing yourself!

(Abe tell the story of Esther witnessing how the flight attendant didn't allow a mother
of a very frightened little child, not to move over into the other seat and soothe the
little one.) So the airplane got in the air, and once it was stable- long after Esther
thought it was stable, the flight attendant gave her the knowing nod, like now- now
that your child is out of oxygen- so, now mother moved over into his seat and held
him tight in her arms. Just tight in her arms, kissing the back of his head and holding
him tight in her arms. And gradually he settled down, back into his knowing that all
was well. And Esther watched that, and she said to her friend, sitting next to her:

"I want to do that with everyone on the planet. I want them to sit on my lap and I want
to hold them in my arms and I want to say, "it's okay! It's okay. Everything's okay!
Everything's okay, everything's okay!" -she wants to do it to herself. She wants to soothe
herself into a point of attraction, that allows her what she wants and deserves.

She wants you to be soothed into a point of attraction, that allows you what you want
and deserve! Because that is the only missing Factor: How you feel!

How you feel if you're terrified, if you're angry if you're resentful, if you're depressed.
If you're aggravated, if you're overwhelmed! Those negative emotions are you,
beating up on you. Now, it doesn't feel like that to you! It feels like somebody else is
doing it! Esther was pretty mad for a minute at the flight attendant, who was just
doing her job. But it made Esther want with everything that she is, to just make sure
that she takes care of feeling good! In other words...

Someone asked us the best question that has ever been asked a few weeks ago, and
the question was "Abraham how do you get rid of doubt?" and we said
"you get rid of it before it starts."

Which was so annoying. Because when you're in the middle of it, that question- that
answer doesn't apply. "How do I get rid of it, before it starts when I've already got it??" -and
we say well, eventually you're going to sleep and you're going to get up tomorrow- and tomorrow

you're going to soothe yourself better,
so that doubt never gets started.
Doubt will never get a foothold, if you're watching
what you're doing!

So, Esther began applying that to herself. She woke up every morning with a determination,
that she was going to find a good feeling place, and that she was going to maintain it as long
as she could.
And she for the first day, she didn't even get out of bed before it was too late.
The second day it was better. The third day, she didn't make it through breakfast...
in other words, it took quite a while of caring more about how she felt, than tending to
emails. Caring more about how she felt, than tending to what was going on with other
people. In other words,

you've got to put yourself first! You've got to be so selfish!
You have to care about how you feel- which means you
have to tend to the self that you really are.
You've got to find a way of closing that gap
between who you're being right now,
and who you really are!

And who you really are loves you so much. Adores you. Appreciates everything that
you are. Flows constantly to you, assisting you in every possible way.

Last week, Esther came bouncing up the steps and the step wasn't stable. When she stepped
on it, it caved in and her foot went between the step and the stage scraped up her shin. She
stumbled onto the stage. It was funny- it was it was really funny, and Esther thought,
"for the life of me, I do not know how I went down!"

So, Esther has a dear friend who sees energy. She always comes to the seminars in the city
where she lives, and sits in the back of the room because she not only likes to see the energy
around Abraham, she liked to see the energy around Jerry when he was sitting at the table, and
the energy around you. She could see- she could actually see, who was all lighted up. She knows
who Abraham is likely to call on, because she can read this energy.

So, after every Workshop she watches all of the live streams! She sends Esther an email and
she says "yeah, Jerry walked on the stage with you!"
Esther said "yeah, I know. I can feel him there." and then she said, "he caught you last week!"
and Esther thought: "that's why I didn't fall down!! Didn't make sense to me. I didn't have my
balance! I didn't have anything close to my balance, but I didn't go down!"

This is the thing that we want you to understand:
We've got you!
But if you're not knowing that, if you're mad at yourself, then you don't let us get you!
You prevent yourself from receiving the inspiration.

Do you know, when you yawn- that's because you need more oxygen. And we yawn you!
All of you are receivers, you see!
How often are you in traffic and you know to do something that prevents something? How
many things do you prevent that you don't even know you prevent? So many!! Because
you're receiving constant impulses.

You are so blessed! You are so tentative. We are so aware of you, and you are so in
your own way, so much of the time- as you're complaining about this and worrying about
that, watching CNN...

so we want you to know, that you are the focal point of so much awareness. And that,
when you ask for something, we all know it! And we see clearly the path for you to move
from where you are, to where you want to be. And you know what? You want it to be a direct
path. WE DON'T! We want you to have fun along the way!!

We want you to pick up more things along your physical trail, along the path!
We want you to gain more clarity along the path.
We want you to continue to fill your Vortex full of more things, that you want, along the path!

Because you know why?
-It's a very long path, you know! Why... it's a path of Eternity.
So, you keep being in such a hurry to get over there. "I really want to be over there. I'm not
happy over here!"

-Then you're not ever going to get over there. Can't get over there! Can't get there,
from here, if you're unhappy over here, about what's over there that you don't have over here!
You can't get over there.

So, what we want you to understand is that it's never about getting over there.
It's about preparing over here, so that over there can come over here, where you are, do you
get that? Because this is about Law of Attraction. This isn't about law of assertion. It's not law
of getting things done! It's not the law of proving worthiness! It's the Law of Attraction.

It's about you, finding some way to think some sort of thought, to get on to hold yourself on
your own lap and soothe yourself!

"I am a good person I am doing well and all is really well. And it's getting better, and I am figuring
this out and that's all that matters.Things are going my way, and I'm getting clearer every day.
And I'm having fun in the process of doing this! And I'm understanding the creative process and I
know that this is a universe based upon attraction. And I know about vibration, and I know what
I'm doing with vibration. I'm getting better at it every day! And there's evidence every day, that lets
me know that."

As you soothe yourself, as you do something about tending to your point of Attraction, which is
all that matters, because everything else is already done, you see...

It's like sometimes would just give you a sort of analogy. You've asked for it, and you're summoning
it. But you've got your shield up, your cloaking device. You've got your umbrella up- old style-
you've got your umbrella up and everything that you want is flying to you.

But you're deflecting it with your habits of thought! With your bogus, ridiculous habits of thought like,
unworthiness or unreadiness or not in the right place enough, or... or... be mad at somebody else!

So we're eager to talk with you about whatever is important to you. Nothing is off limits: you will notice
a perfect unfolding in the way this all comes together. We are collective consciousness! This combination
of beings has never been before onto all of the universe! There are far far far more of us, than the
seven or eight hundred of you, that are in this room. And the other thousands, that are around the planet,
watching this.

There are more of us participating with you here, than you have the ability to comprehend.

from the youtube-clip
Abraham Hicks 2023 You Want the Freedom and Security, Not Money!


Someone asked us the best question that has ever been asked a few weeks ago, and
the question was "Abraham, how do you get rid of doubt?" and we said
"you get rid of it, before it starts."


Re: Soothing

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:07 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
What fear really is, is feeling pinched off from Yourself.
You soften it when you care for being more SATISFIED!

There's a little bit more I'd like to know about the fear, or the worry, that comes out... um, you rang my bell earlier, when you talked about my desire for action and need for control. Which slips away, perhaps, in the night. So, can you say a little bit more about, maybe even a technique, or...

Abe (teasing)
We'd like to exaggerate your fear! You have control of nothing! ...Let's say, that everything that you're afraid of, is really after you! (Laughter).

All fear is, is a difference of opinion between your Inner Being and you, about the subject that's on your mind, when you feel the fear.

It's just an indicator: "Hey, there's another way of looking at this, that would feel better! You want to see if, you can find it!"
But if you've waited until it's fear, rather than dissatisfaction, it's really hard for you. Because what you end up doing is, defending your fear. Justifying your fear, rationalizing your fear, compounding your fear, exaggerating your fear- keeping the momentum of your fear going. Rather than finding the relief from it!

And then, the subsequent romping in the direction of what you're wanting... what do you think you're afraid of? If you want to tell us? What is that you fear?Most would say, "fear of not being in control", but what are you afraid of?

I think... I would say, of being alone!

Well, that really really really applies! Because, fear is the indicator that you've pinched off the whole of you, and you are sort of out on the ragged edge, without the whole of you flowing through. So, your fear is justified!

"When I feel fear, it feels like I'm out here on the raw and ragged edge, without my clarity. Without my stability. Without my wholeness. Without my wisdom! Without my love- core!"

It's logical, isn't it? So you want us to say, "well you're the one exception in all of the universe: when you feel fear, it means you're locked on!" (HS, laughing: No!) ...So next time you find yourself feeling fear, say: "Yeah, that's about right! I've got myself pinched off from the whole of Who-I-Am." And this feeling of emptiness... doesn't fear feel like emptiness? Vulnerability, void... these words are all too strong, but it's "I've pinched myself off from my resources. And now I feel pinched off from my resources!"

And stop looking for other reasons that you feel fear. You feel fear, because you've pinched yourself off from your resources, period! It's not because you're afraid of that, or that, or that, or that, or that. You did the best job of articulating what you're afraid of, of anyone that we've ever asked that question! And we've asked hundreds of people.

"I feel fear of being without my Inner Being- which fear is the indication, that I pinched myself off from my Inner Being! And so, I'd like my Inner Being to come back. Even though I have fear!" and your Inner Being says: "We're here! You gotta let go of whatever thought you're thinking, in order to let us back!" and you say: "I can't. I'm afraid." And then your Inner Being says: "Then go to sleep." and you say: "I can't sleep!" -No hope at all for you! (Laughter) -You know what to do!

I do know what to do!

And we liked how you started out with us! That you know, that satisfaction is the key. And that's just gonna open things up! If we were to visit with you a week or two or three, down the road,
you would have already discovered that that reaching for satisfaction is just softening that! Softening that, softening that, softening that, softening that!

from the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks ๐Ÿฆ‹ What is fear?"

Re: Soothing

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 6:13 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Soothing yourself when people haven't been nice to you:
Helpful Self-Talk

(You get into a situation, that) activates that old belief, within you. And that old belief does not jive with what you now want, and you've got discord- and you've got it now. So, now you start soothing yourself. And you say to yourself, as best you can- you just feel around, until it feels better. So, you might say a bunch of things that don't work, until you stumble on one, that does.

But you keep going, until you find it!

So you say: "That person's response to me had far less to do with me, than it did with them."
"Okay somebody who doesn't feel good in the moment can't respond nicely to me, no matter how wonderful I am!"
"Law of Attraction lined us up to get what we got from each other. So there must be something in my vibration, that evoked that! Something that I'm going to gradually change. But I'm sure that this isn't such a personal thing."
"This person is probably behaving that way to a lot of people. It isn't about me."

"Everybody doesn't treat me that way. I have different relationships with different people, and so it can't be that I'm always the unloved or unwanted one! Because lots of times I have wonderful relationships with people. So this has to be something that we've cooked up together. Here it has something to do with the combination of what we're doing!"

"Actually I get along with people really well, and this is sort of an isolated incidence. This isn't the majority of what happens to me: This is an anomaly of what happens to me."

"When something happens like this to me, that gets me thinking! It's actually to my advantage. And whenever I know what I don't want, I always know more clearly what I do want. So what's this making me know, that I want more? Clearly well- I want to get along with people. and I don't want to care too much what anybody else is thinking about me! Because what they're thinking about me has far less to do with me, than what I'm thinking about me or what I'm thinking about them! Thinking about me- how to get to the place where I don't care so much, about what they're thinking about me. I just want to care about what I'm thinking about them! Or what I'm thinking about me. And I've got control of that. And while it's sort of hard right here in this moment, while they're scowling at me, or while they're acting out, or while they're behaving in the way that they are. And while I can't really do anything about it, when I get off to myself, I'm going to make some lists of things that I would rather feel in a moment like this.

"When I meet people, I like the best of both of us to rendezvous. I like to bring uplifting things from them! I like them to feel glad, that they saw me. I want them to greet me in a way, that lets me know that they're glad to see me!
But I realize, when they do that, it's more about who they are, than about who I am. I don't have control of the way people greet me, because I don't have control of how they feel, before I get there. And I'm going to stop taking credit for how they feel, when I get there! Because they already felt that way before I got there. But I'm going to start asking myself: how'd I get here? What is it in my vibration, that made me rendezvous with them in their ornery moment? -That's the question that I want to ask! And I think it's that I keep noticing, that I don't like it when I'm there. So I keep that part active, rather than remembering what I do like!

So I think that I'll write in my book what I liked about this meeting.
What I liked about this meeting, what was good about this, what was good about this, and I'll get all this good stuff so active in my vibration. And in activating the stuff that feels good, the stuff that doesn't feel good will be deactivated."

Although you can't deactivate something!
You have to activate something else.

Because when you try to deactivate it, you activate it!

"So you have to activate something else in order to deactivate it. But there's no such thing as deactivation. And there is such thing as activating something else. So, I'm just going to activate what feels good so much, that now everyone in the world will be a reflection to me, of what I've rendezvoused with. Not of my worthiness state! In other words: I can be ornery, I can be happy, I can be appreciative, I can be blameful, I can be anything. I can be all of those things- and none of them have anything to do with my worthiness!! They're just about my current vibrational state of being.
But these blessed others, who rendezvous with me, are such a reflection of where I am! Such a reflection of where I am. And since I'm trying to figure out where I am- because I'm trying to bridge my beliefs, isn't it beneficial to have all of these people reflecting back to me, where I am?"

So, when somebody says to you: "I don't like you!" -they say it with words or with body language, or with some sort of behavior, you want to stop and say to them:

"You have done such a service to me! Because you've made me realize that you don't like me. Which means I must be offering a vibration that's unlikable. But I'm not changing it, because I want you to like me!
I'm changing it because I don't want to rendezvous with you anymore.
I'm not changing my behavior so that you'll feel better- I'm changing my behavior so I don't keep rendezvousing with the likes of you!
I'm pure positive energy. I'm appreciation! I'm love! I'm upliftment! I'm a teacher of well-being. I'm running around, wanting to spread life in the world, and when I rendezvous with you, I can tell I'm not doing that in this moment!"

from the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks ~ SAY THESE EXACT WORDS WHEN THEY TREAT YOU BADLY โ˜…๐ŸงกAND SEE WHAT HAPPENS๐Ÿงกโ˜…

Re: Soothing

Posted: Sat May 11, 2024 8:09 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
What is Appreciation? And how do you get there?

Now the question I have is - Appreciation. You've used the word a lot and other people have used it. But what is it, really? Because I - I did read the definition and it was something about "to see the nature of-", or to "increase the value of-", and I use appreciation a lot to turn downstream. And I just wondered if you would expand on that?

Well we are glad you looked it up! In the very literal sense, because to "increase the value of" is so inherent in what we're talking about, also! Now think about the contrast that you live, and the asking that you're offering, and the stream, that's moving. And then think about reaching for thoughts that feel better, and thoughts that feel better, until you truly come into a vibration of appreciation! And for sake of comparison, we would say the vibration of true love -that feeling of being in love, that feeling that you have sometimes, when you see someone and you just feel like you're moving through one another. The feeling that you have when you are looking at the innocence of a child, and feeling the beauty and power of that child.

In other words, love and appreciation are identical vibrations.
It's the vibration of alignment with who you are.
It's the absence of resistance.

It's the absence of doubt and fear.
It's the absence of self denial or hatred to others.
It's the absence of everything that feels bad, and the presence of everything that feels good!

And as you focus yourself more and more downstream, until you get in the vicinity of that love and appreciation- it just calls you to it, in a very powerful way. Conversely, let's talk about the difference between, let's say, gratitude and appreciation! Many people use them interchangeably. But we don't feel the same vibrational essence in them at all!

Because when you feel gratitude, often you are looking at a struggle that you've overcome, and feeling grateful. In other words happy that you're not still in the struggle, but you are still messing with that vibration just a little bit in that, you see.

In other words, the difference between inspiration which is being called to who you are, and motivation which is trying to make yourself go somewhere- that's a similar difference, you see!

And so, appreciation is that tuned-in, tapped-in, turned-on.
Appreciation is vibrational alignment with who I have become.
The state of appreciation is me, being in sync with the whole of that which I am!
Being in a state of appreciation is seeing whatever I'm looking at, through the eyes of Source.
And when you are in that state of appreciation you could walk down a crowded street with all kinds of things, that a lot of other people find reason to criticize or even worry about, and you would not have access to them, because your vibration of appreciation is picking out for you things of a different vibrational nature.

A state of appreciation is a state of godliness.
A state of appreciation is being who you really are.
A state of appreciation is who you were, the day you were born, and who you will be the moment you die.
And it would be if we were standing in your physical shoes, your quest in every moment.

But the tricky thing is -Joseph Campbell used the word bliss, and we think it's equal. Follow your bliss! Sometimes you can't get a whiff of bliss from where you are.
So we say, if you're in despair follow your revenge it's downstream.
If you're in revenge, follow your hatred- it's downstream!
If you're in hatred, follow your anger, it's downstream.
If you're in anger, follow your frustration! It's downstream.
If you're in frustration, follow your hope: It's downstream.
If you're in hope, now you're in the vicinity of appreciation!

Once you get into the vibration of hope, now begin making lists of things that you feel good about, and fill your notebooks full of them.
Make lists of positive aspects.
Make lists of things you love.
Go to the restaurant and look for you favorite things, and never complain about anything.
Look for the thing that you like the best, even if there was only one thing in all of it that you like- give it your undivided attention. and use it as your excuse to be who you are. Use it as your excuse to be who you are!

And as you use those things, that shine bright and make you feel good as your excuse to give your attention, and as your excuse to be who you are- you'll tune to who you are. And the whole world will begin to transform before your eyes. It's not your job to transform it for others! But it is your job to transform it for you.

We have enjoyed this interaction immensely. It is lovely to come together with those like you who are coming to know who you are! We are appreciating that which you are! And as we see you through our eyes of Source, we have to say to you: you have nothing to complain about, but there is nothing wrong with your complaining. Because, in your complaining you just launch more rockets! And you just make more vibrational escrow.

You just make the world a better and better place by living in it!
So you can't get it wrong and you never get it done.

And from our vantage point we feel only love and appreciation for your willingness to come and participate, and to take thought beyond that which it has been before. Not just in this forum, but in life itself. You know you can't get it wrong, and when you have your croaking experience you will then realize fully the value that you have offered to All-That-Is! And you will revel in it, and you will feel good about it. It is our desire, that you start feeling some of that now!

It is our desire that you start giving yourselves a break. Lighten up! Be easier on yourself and others. Look for things to love and appreciate, and find the true you, that came forth to live this life experience. There is great love here for you!
-And as always we remain blissfully, joyfully, appreciatively... incomplete.

from the official youtube clip APPRECIATION VS. GRATITUDE - Esther & Jerry Hicks

Re: Soothing

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 3:01 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

Don't have the conversation!
Don't ask what's wrong.
Don't worry about what's wrong.
Pull as quickly as you can away
from any thought that is giving you
the feeling of frustration.

Abraham Hicks

Re: Soothing

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 6:27 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

If the soothing doesn't come easily-
then distract!

Abraham Hicks

Re: Soothing

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2024 12:12 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

Relief comes, when you let the stream
that's trying to carry you,
carry you.

Abraham Hicks

Re: Soothing

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:36 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

Your job is to keep yourself in a place of relief.

Abraham Hicks

Re: Soothing

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2024 7:16 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
About People-Pleasing- the good, the bad and the ugly...
(EVERYTHING ALWAYS works out for you!

Hi! Yeah, it's you!!!

Shocking! (laughter)

Thank you! Yeah, I, uh second time in Stanford, I knew if I raised my hand, you'd call me. But I wasn't ready, and I knew that today, you' call me. So I raised my hand.

Yeah. Yeah! The key word: I knew. "I knew..." that's why we don't just call on anybody, when you know! Yeah.

Yeah. Um, I want to not take too much time, but I'm trying to figure out if I'm between "love", "finance" and my "deep desire dreams", slash "professional". But I think I'm going to choose "professional", because this week was intense and, um, I want to know... I want any clarity on whether or not...

-I know who I am. And what I have manifested when I'm tapped in and turned on, all of that, I make powerful things happen. And, I'm grateful...

Well, so when things happen like what you're talking about, it does a wonderful thing for you: It really sharpens desire. But it's tricky, because it sharpens your desire, and it also sharpens your awareness of where you are! It makes it really intense. And that's why it feels so strong, you see. The good news is, your desire has come into much stronger clarity!

Well, your inner being knows mostly what you want. But you know, your Inner being- you get the concept of the Vortex? Where your desires are? And you get the concept of your Inner Being, focusing there? So, can you imagine or accept, that you might live something, that might make you put another piece into that, that wasn't there, before? It might be a timing-piece. It might be a value-piece, like, bigger what you're living. It's never of not value, even if it feels like it's not going the way you wanted it to go!

It is always of value, because every subject is like a stick with two ends on it. So when it doesn't go your way, it really went your way! And your Inner Being got a stronger bead on more specifics, now, than has ever been there before. And so, it is more certain, that what's coming is going to please you, big time, than it was before that!

So, doesn't that soften your discomfort about anything?

Oh yes! I've been leaning into refinement and allowing myself to create from whatever contrast comes my way.

Yeah. contrast is good!! That's something that humans usually aren't willing to say: Contrast is good.
It provides clarity, and it strengthens asking. But the key to the key to allowing contrast to be good, is not stubbornly trying to... affirm isn't the right word, to not justify or defend what happened.

So, talk to us!

Well, interesting you said that things happen. And so, for me, I was existing in this way, being in this way, and my personal... uh happening, was health. And it brought upon a huge crisis. Like a a crisis in confidence. And things just like, wobbly wobbly, not as a will to align and long story short, yesterday after a year and a half about um... my two bosses sat me down to discuss my exit. Um and that's where I'm... I felt like I needed to talk to you, to fine. I want to know if they asked me to stay extra for a good transition to help them, to not affect the culture, to not affect... blah blah blah. And that I can control the narrative, but I'm not sure that's in service of me, but...

We think it is! For this reason. Because what they're calling an exit, is your new entrance somewhere.
And since the new entrance isn't obvious to you yet, then letting this exit be smoothing both ends of that out- it helps this! And it helps this not because this needs to be helped, because this is already lined up, but it doesn't feel lined up to you, now! -You got the sense of all of that, didn't you? The man in the chair just now said: "Everything is always working out for me." And you just said "Well it might be good for them, but I don't know if it's so good for me!" -We like to explain:

Things are always working out for me, in this way:
This is the way Esther writes it every day. "Things are always working out for me, and everyone else, too."

Because there's no competition! It's not a pie that you're slicing up, and if somebody else is getting a bigger slice, I'm getting a smaller slice. It's NOT like that! Things are always working out, for all of us! You're not ready for it yet, maybe you are. But as this unfolds a little bit you're going to realize that there are better things for you, than this! What has been is already become sort of limiting. And you've been feeling some of that, that that's all part of some of the angst that you've been feeling! And so, it's working to your advantage, in a big way! This is not you, winding down, into less than. Its you, winding up into more, than!

To give you just some context of where I'm coming from, is: I'm... I've always been a pleaser. My whole life. And that's one thing I've wanted to shift, and that I've been working on, and doing my personal work on that, and being intentional on my actions. And not allowing that need to like, please everyone. So that's why I want to make sure, that it's not coming from the pleaser.

We're going to throw something back at you, and you tell us how that fits in with what you just said! (HS: Sure!)

"If I know (we're standing in your human shoes...) if I know, that things are always working out for me, and I also know that things are also working out for everyone else... am I a pleaser. Oh, I'm pleased when you thrive! I'm pleased when things are good for you! I'm pleased when things are good for me!

Am I a pleaser? Well, maybe! I'm just pleased:
-Maybe I'm tuned in, tapped in, turned on?
-Maybe I realize, that there's enough resources for everybody?
-Maybe I'm no longer competing over resources?"

Well, that I do believe!

We know that about you, too! But in the context of being a pleaser as you hear it come from us this is the context- we know who you were, before you came into this physical body. And who you've become vibrationally, ever since! And it is our desire, that you calibrate to that part of you- not to the peanut gallery out here!

Most people are calibrating to the others, that they can see and hear and smell and taste and touch. You watch their body language. There are a lot of people, that just throw a little fit and so it changes the way you behave! So, being an effective pleaser who is a value to them, you don't cater to their whining. You praise their successes! You be like they Inner Being: You give full attention to what feels good. And you give no attention to what feels bad! And so, the only way that we mean that being a pleaser is detrimental to you, and to them, is if you're trying to be the Law of Attraction and make up for what they're not able to do, through your action.

Don't soothe whiners! Don't soothe whiners by fixing things for them.
Because all it does, is make them think that whining works.

And whining does work to a certain degree. But it doesn't work magnificently:
It doesn't give you creative genius.
It doesn't make you one of the best of the best, in terms of the way you thrive and feel, you see!

And so, the health thing is about you, taking on too much responsibility for too many people, that you don't have any power over.

For you care about their well-being, but it's like pushing a noodle. You can't make someone allow! You watch us and all the antics that we go through. We can't know it enough, to make someone know it, who is stubbornly not knowing it, right? Now, we just keep saying it over and over and over and over and over and over again- until you're ready.

You don't let it in, and so you can't make people succeed or be happy, who are in an ornery mood! It's just not going to happen. It's not going to happen.

Esther heard a comedian that she really likes... we're not doing an advertisement for anything, but she heard Jerry Seinfield say about this new Netflix thing, that is being released, called "poptart". Esther hasn't seen it, she's going to see it as soon as she can get rid of all of you! (laughter) But she heard him say, when they ask him how did he make something so wonderful happen- he says "We just get people in a good mood, and then it happens! We just try to get people in a good mood, and then it happens. We just try to get people in a good mood and then it happens!" Well, is that a pleaser? Kind of sort of, he is. But you can't get people in a good mood, if you are not in a good mood!

So if your bag of marbles is in a good mood, then you're going to encourage other people to tune in, and they're going to be in a good mood, and then wonderful things do happen collectively, as you're all working together.

But if you're in a bad mood, because you're worried about this or that, or this or that- you're trying to protect people from this or that, or this or that- that takes a toll on outcomes. We don't think your moving in your work is a disadvantage, in any way, shape or form! Its something that your Vortex has been calling you toward, for a long time. We'r going to make a strong statemen,t that you're going to hear really well: We're going to tell you a story.

There was a woman who came to a workshop, who lived in a place that she described as miserable. But for whatever reason, she kept staying there, and she kept staying there. She just kept putting up with all the things about it, that she didn't like. Then they passed a new rule, that her cat could not live there. So she's sneaking the cat around, for quite a while, because she's defiant of this. But then she decided to move. And we said: "So, you'll move for your cat?" -Cuz the cat didn't like being carried around in a paper sack, sneaking in and out. So, she moved for the cat. But she wouldn't move for herself!

And that's kind of why you'll move: Because somebody else has decided that it's not a match. But it hasn't been a match for you, for a long time time! And because you're a pleaser, and because you keep your commitments, and because you're good at what you do, you put up with stuff you didn't like, in order to help them. And that's why you're so mad! You've been putting up with stuff for them. And now they've got the nerve to say: "No"??? This could have happened two years ago, or 3 years ago, or 4 years ago or 5 years ago!

Yeah. My best friend is sitting there! You're just... you're completely validating her. I can feel her eyes and energy, over there! (laughter)

Abe: Good?

Amazing. Thank you!

from the youtube-clip: "Abraham Hicks 2024 new - From a people pleaser to a SELF EMPOWERED LEADER ๐Ÿ’–Law of attraction

Re: Soothing

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 9:06 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

Nothing is more annoying than to be in a place of feeling not very good-
and have some bright eyed, bushy tailed person trying to fix you!

Abraham Hicks