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De-Activating or "Cleaning up" vs Pushing-Against
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 9:03 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
The only way to consciously deactivate a thought
is to activate another.
In other words, the only way to deliberately withdraw your attention from one thought,
is to give your attention to another.
― Esther Hicks, Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires
Re: De-Activating or "Cleaning up" vs Pushing-Against
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 9:05 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
In order for things to change,
you have to see them as you want them to be,
rather than continuing to observe them as they are.
Abraham Hicks, The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
Re: De-Activating or "Cleaning up" vs Pushing-Against
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 9:08 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
To better understand the Law of Attraction, see yourself as a magnet,
attracting unto you the essence of that which you are thinking and feeling.
And so, if you are feeling fat, you cannot attract thin.
If you feel poor, you cannot attract prosperity, and so on.
It defies Law.
Abraham Hicks, The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
Re: De-Activating or "Cleaning up" vs Pushing-Against
Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 9:22 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
LOA sorts it all out!
You cannot find that which is not vibrationally active within you. In other
words, Law of Attraction lines it up.
And you say, "Oh, well, surely, SURELY, I can use my eyes and I can see. And I can sort out the piles with my eyes."
And we say, "Yes. You can. And it is a slow and very hard and mediocre way to go about it!"
If you will begin to use the power of your mind. And if you will harness
your deliberate knowledge of Law of Attraction. And if you will
deliberatively tune your vibration to the things that you want. And by that
we mean deliberately untune yourself to the things you don't want... Of
course, you cannot untune yourself. You can only look at something else.
You cannot deactivate something. You can only activate something else.
San Francisco 8/10/08
Re: De-Activating or "Cleaning up" vs Pushing-Against
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 2:27 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
I don't care....
What do you mean, "you don’t care"?
-Well, I don’t mean I don’t care about anything, because there are a lot of things I do care about. I care about feeling good. And I care about clarity.
I care about being in the receptive mode.
I care about being an uplifter. I care about presenting all of myself in any moment in time. I care about being of value. I care about feeling good. I care about this magnificent environment.
I care about what’s in my vortex. I care about what’s in your vortex. I care about everything that you desire. I care about all good things coming to me, and to you. I care about us all living happily ever after.
But what I don’t care about are conditions that I cannot control. What I don’t care about are things that take me out of my alignment. What I don’t care about, meaning I don’t have momentum about it anymore.
I don’t care, it’s not a hook for me. It’s not a knee jerk response to me. I’ve trained myself to care about what infuses me, not what diffuses me. I care about what lifts me, not about lowers me.
I care about what feels good, not about what doesn’t feel good. I care about alignment. I care about being an extension of Source. I care about fulfilling my reason for being here. I care about being in this world, and not necessarily only of this world.
I care about the whole of me being present in this moment. I care about all who have gone before me, and all they have come to know, and all they do now know and all that they are now presenting to me.
I care about the revelation that’s constantly coming to me, and I care about being in the receptive mode of that. I care about being on the leading edge. I care about contributing in positive ways. I care about feeling good, and I care about others feeling good.
But what I don’t care about is that which I cannot control. And what I can’t control is everything that is conditional, and what I can control is everything that is unconditional.
I can control the way I feel, I’ve practiced it. I can hold a steady vibration. I can stay in vibrational sync with who I am. I can present the whole of myself, in this time space reality, in any situation.
Re: De-Activating or "Cleaning up" vs Pushing-Against
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 5:45 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Become OBSESSED with what you like!
...If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life! Which means:
you talk about it and
you think about it and
you play with it and
you observe it and
you take pictures of it and
you tell others about it and
you think about it and
you talk about it and
you observe it;
...until you activate it in your vibration until more thoughts like it come.
If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life, you would deactivate the parts of your life that you don't want! But when you are obsessed with the parts of your life that you don't want, and you keep them active, then there aren't enough helpers in the world to help you get to where you think you want to be.
Abraham Workshop, Los Angeles, August 17, 2008
Re: De-Activating or "Cleaning up" vs Pushing-Against
Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 9:51 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
(It only takes 30 days to come into true, unconditional love)
Well friends, we think you've got it! We think that you now understand, that you are Source Energy in physical bodies, yes?
-Do you get it, that you've come here with purpose to understand that that purpose is expansion joyous expansion?
-Do you understand that you never get it done, and you cannot get it wrong,
-and the reason that you can't get it wrong is, because it's never done!?
So even though it may sound or feel out of balance, and maybe even wrong, that it really isn't wrong.
Because, in the feeling of wrongness, you're giving birth to your opinion of what would be better, and the source within you so trusts your opinion of what would be better for you, that the source within you embraces that idea completely. And becomes a vibrational equivalent to it! And holds steady there, until you find your way there.
We've talked about the fun of croaking- you're still not there, are you?
We've talked about the deliciousness of releasing resistance, through what you call the death experience, and we've talked about releasing resistance through meditation- quieting the mind.
We've talked about releasing resistance through appreciation.
But you have to be somewhere in the vicinity of appreciation, to release resistance! But do you know, with every feeling of relief that you find, as you make your way up the emotional scale- with every feeling of relief there, is the releasing of resistance. And so every effort that you make to release a little resistance is really worth the effort! Because in time, because of the vastness of the variety of your life,
the subjects that are alive and active in your now, are enough for you to release all resistance that you've accumulated over a lifetime!
Do you know that you don't have to go back and make peace with some wrongdoing, that happened 20 years ago or 30 years ago- or yesterday?
You don't have to go back and fix all of those things. Because whatever is active in your vibration now is bringing you current, real life, active, poignant, meaningful-now matches!
You're attracting the vibrational evidence that shows you what you're doing:
Do you know that what you're living, and the way it is playing out, is your vibrational indicator?
Do you know, what's going on in your body is just an indicator of your vibration?
Do you know that what's happening in your life- in terms of relationship, is just a vibrational indicator?
Do you know the money in your bank account is a vibrational indicator?
Everything that is manifested, the car that you're driving, the house that you're living in, the clothes that you're wearing, the condition of your body- everything about your life, is a vibrational indicator.
And those indications of vibration are being shown to you all day, every day. In the form of the emotion that you feel! So, if you leave here with one decision within you, and it goes like this:
"I now understand the importance of recognizing how I feel.
And I do care about feeling as good as I can feel, about that and that and that."
So, somebody you love tells you a lie, and it hits you hard. And you think: "They shouldn't lie to me. They should trust me more! I wish they wouldn't lie." And then you try to wrestle them to the ground, and you try to figure out why they are lying, and you try to figure out where the lies started, and you try to understand the motive of the lie- and all you do is get yourself in a scramble. Because you can't begin to understand it! You couldn't sort it out, if you had a hundred lifetimes to do it. But you can recognize that your attention to this subject is causing you discomfort, right here and now! And you could choose a better feeling thought!
-So you find a thought that goes something like: "I don't understand where they're coming from!" -and that gives you a little relief.
-And then you think of the thoughts such as: "Well, I have told a lie before." And that might make you feel better, too!
-And then you think a thought such as "The only time I've ever lied was, because I didn't think the person would like, what I thought to be the truth. And I wanted them to feel as good as they could feel. So, maybe there is some compassion in lying somewhere?" -and you feel a little better.
-And then you think: "I don't know why I'm making such a big thing about this."
-And then you think "I can't even remember what the subject to hand was!"
-and then you think "I think I've been making a big deal out of nothing."
-and then you think "this is a person who I really love."
-and then you think "it really doesn't matter what they're doing! It really only matters how I feel about them!"
-and then you think "I should not ask them to behave in certain ways in order to love them! Because, I am one who offers unconditional love."
And as you work your way through issue after issue, with person after person, and subject after subject- before you know it, within one or two or three days, certainly four or five- and absolutely within 30!! -you will have had enough real-life experiences show you the vibrational evidence, of what's going on with your vibration: That you can clean it ALL up! Within 30 days, you can have cleaned up enough of your vibration- and
by "cleaning up", all we mean is: Find a better feeling thought!
Find a better feeling thought, find a better feeling thought, find a better feeling thought... that...
Do you know that you are 30 days or less from being a vibrational match to the source, that is really you?
To the reason that you were born, to the coming forth into this physical experience?
To the living the joyous life-experience, that you have come to live?
To the being a vibrational match to what's in your vibrational escrow?
To the getting inside everything, that you've ever asked for?
Do you know how close you are, in terms of time, having everything that life so far has caused you to ask for?
It's such a short distance!
It just requires some caring about how you feel. And a willingness, to move yourself deliberately up the emotional scale, and back into vibrational alignment with who you really are. As you do that every day, you'll see the world a little more through the eyes of source! And as you begin to view your magnificent world through the eyes of source, you will then revel in your beingness, and in that of others, and you will feel pride, and worth, beyond physical description. And you will begin to express to others:
I've come forth with great reason into this physical body and that reason is for joyous expansion and I wish that for all.
From the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks - Practice the feeling of Unconditional LOVE / No Ads during"
Re: De-Activating or "Cleaning up" vs Pushing-Against
Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 4:53 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
True, unconditional LOVE- and true FREEDOM.
Source sees you, and feels only appreciation for that which you are- regardless of the condition that you're living!
Because source is so practiced in this knowing of well-being that the condition that you are currently living, does not dissuade it from its knowledge of well-being.
Unconditional love is:
Staying in the vibration of source, regardless of the condition.
Conditional love says:
"I want to feel good when I see this- I do, when I see that- I don't.
So, this condition has to change: so, that I can feel better!
Unconditional love says: I am source. and I am love,
regardless of the condition.
So, that's why man translates that to say: "God is love", or: "God loves all".
Unconditional love- that's what you're all reaching for.
You want to be tuned in, tapped in, turned on, to who you are. And living in this world it's the best of everything to be! In this world, where you're mixing it up, getting new ideas, and then coming into alignment with it.
The only freedom that you will ever find is the freedom from the bondage of resistance.
In other words, what resistance is is not allowing yourself to be who you really are!
All pain and suffering are about diverging from who you really are. All joy and alignment is about coming into vibrational frequency with who you really are! And that is the epitome it is most descriptive word for what love is.
Love is the absence of resistance.
Love is vibrational alignment with that which is source.
Love is tuned in, tapped in, turned on.
Love is vibrational alignment with source!
Unconditional love is vibrational alignment with source, even when there is something that I don't want happening.
You're a lot of trouble, you know!
So, can can you offer us some words that would de-socialize us, so that we get to the point... well, what are... what are some words we could practice, when we're by ourselves, that would shore up this notion of putting how we feel above, what others...
"I love you so much, I don't care what you think."
Saying that to the peanut gallery?
To anyone! "I love, I love you so much- I don't care what you think."
Now, think about what that's saying:
"I SO care about being in vibrational alignment with who I am! Because, if I am in vibrational alignment with who I am, then I have love to give. But if I am catering to what you want, rather than to my own guidance- then I've not tuned in, tapped in, turned on! I have nothing to give! I love you so much, I don't care what you think." or: "I love you so much, I must tune to the source within me, and I cannot tune to the source within me and tune to what you want, at the same time! Don't make me choose between alignment with source, and what you think you want, at this moment! If you will allow me, or whether you do, or not, to align with who I am -then I can shine the energy of source upon you. And you will thrive!
But if you convince me that I should cater to you, rather than align with Who I am, then I'll be out here on the raw and ragged edge with you. And we'll just fight it out, and blame each other, for how bad we feel. with you I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK."
When you get there, and can deliver that with a straight face, you'll have it.
Those do not understand: Well, what do you mean? If you'd love me, you'd care what I think!?" -well it goes like this: "I do love you! I love you so much, I don't care what you think." -"What do you mean?" -"Well, you think I'm wrong. But in order to love you, I must know that I'm source. And I can't know that I'm source, and know that I'm wrong at the same time! So,
in order to love you, I have to be in alignment with source.
And when I'm in alignment with source, I don't care what you think! In other words, it's solid." It's just hard to get them to hear it, because you know how irrational people are, when they're out on the raw and ragged edge... in other words, you you can't get sick enough to help sick people get well- and yet, you think that you can get disconnected enough to get disconnected people to be connected!
You can only help people align with source, from your vantage point of being aligned with source.
And you can't be aligned with source, and catering to what they think at the same time. You just can't do it! Maybe there are other words, that would be better:
-"I love you so much I don't care what you think." We like that. That's our first choice!
-"I see you as you really are. Not as you are being in this moment. I know the power of your being, and I know the reason that you are so upset right now, is because you are right now not allowing yourself to be the brilliant, beautiful, tuned in, tapped in, turned on person, that I fell in love with to begin with. And if you don't mind, I'm gonna go away, and I'm gonna hold the thought of who I know you really are, rather than wallow with you in this disconnected state." Getting better! (Audience cheering) How about this:
-"I've seen you in your alignment. And I've seen you not in your alignment. And I like you best, when you're in your alignment, but when I'm in my alignment- it doesn't matter." That's good, too!
-"When I'm tuned in, tapped in, turned on- you can be any way you want to me. Because my love for you is unconditional! I am no longer gonna hold you responsible for how I feel!" What freedom you give to anyone that you would say that to!
-"I no longer hold you responsible for how I feel. I'm in charge of how I feel! I'm in charge of how I feel, and I so know that, that I don't even have to ask the same back from you." That was good, too!
-"I'm so good at unconditional love that I don't need you to know how to do it!" ...think about what we're saying here:
"I'm tuned in, tapped in, turned on. I'm thriving, no matter what you do. You're not the boss of me: I am. I have the ability to align with source, regardless of the conditions that surround me. I get unconditional love."
From the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks - Practice the feeling of Unconditional LOVE / No Ads during"
Re: De-Activating or "Cleaning up" vs Pushing-Against
Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 9:55 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
When you don't get wanted movement, you probably tell an "old story" with lots of unwanted momentum
Whatever you're living-
whether it is about your body, or whether it is about your relationship, or whether it is about your money- no matter what it is about, whatever you're living is only a temporary, in-the-moment INDICATOR of your temporary in-the-moment vibrational offering. That's all it is! The only problem is, you don't know that your vibrational offering is temporary.
-Because you've been speaking those words for so long, they're stuck in your vibrational craw.
-You've been telling the same story for so long, you don't know any new stories!
-Somehow you got convinced that you should tell it "like it is".
Now, let's play that over! What we were just saying, "tell it like it is": Your mother says "tell me the truth of what is!" -so you say: "I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I don't like what you're doing. I don't like what you're doing with my money. I don't like what you're doing with my government! I don't like what you're doing..." -we're making a point here. And we know it's getting annoying to you, but
we want you to understand, that you got to tell a different story!!
Did we make a point with you about these two points of vibrational offerings, that are going on? There's the larger you, and then there's the physical you. Do you get that? Do you believe it? Do you understand that you are this Source-energy-being? So, listen to the difference in the drums that are being beat!
-"I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I've never had enough money!"
-"There's plenty of money! The money is here. The things are lined up. The resources are in place. Circumstances and events have been arranged! The money is here. The money is here! Look over here! Look over here! Look over here! Look over here! Look over here!"
Now we want to depict the emotional difference:
-"I don't have enough money! I don't have enough money. Why don't I have enough money? I'm so sorry that I don't have enough money! What have I done wrong? I should have known better! They should have known better!"
-"There's plenty of money! Nothing has gone wrong. Everything that you want is lined up for you! Whenever you're ready, it's right here for you! There's nothing you need to do. You've done all the work. All you need to do, is relax and allow what you want, to flow into your experience!"
You want to begin to listen to the drum of the source within you!
You want to listen to the call of source source, that is calling you in the direction of what you want.
And the way you know that you're moving in the direction, is because things start lighting up for you. Meaning, that they begin feeling really really good to you, when you get on this track of following the trail, that has been pre-paved by you, and being tended by the Source within you, and is calling you toward what you're wanting!
You feel energized. You feel enthusiasm! And yet, you know what your physical world trains you to do. Your physical world says: "if it feels good, you need to be wary." You say to your friends: "Oh, I'm so excited about this!" and they say: "Watch out! Watch out, that positive emotion could mean something's going very very wrong for you! I've known other people, who were positive. And bad things happened to them. I think, you better play it safe. I think, you better stay right where you are! I know he beats you, but he makes a good living!"
And what we're wanting you to understand, is the way you feel is everything.
Because the way you feel is your indication of whether you're closing the gap between who you're letting yourself be, and who you really are. Or whether you're widening the gap.
And you're going to get so, that you can feel statement by statement, whether it's downstream or upstream, downstream or upstream.
The downstream statement always feels like relief.
It doesn't always feel like sunshine, lollipops and roses. It doesn't always feel like the best-feeling thing that you've ever felt! But the downstream thought, from where you stand, always feels better.
from the clip "Tell a New Story to Yourself and Get What You Want Abraham Hicks"
Re: De-Activating or "Cleaning up" vs Pushing-Against
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:14 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Massmurderers- can we help them?
Will they come after us?
Sometimes people worry when they hear us talking. Because they think, that we're encouraging mass murderers. And we say: no one ever does anything like that, when they're in alignment with source!
So if someone is having those kinds of experiences, you've got to know they're completely out of whack. And usually, the reason that they are so out of whack- if you follow the history of the serial killers, or those who are doing those what you call dastardly deeds to society, or to individuals; what you will find in every case is that they were someone, who was being misunderstood. Who was being touted, who was being controlled, who was being misunderstood! Who was being punished by a society, who did not understand what unconditional love is. And so, it just perpetuates more and more and more.
There is a war against crime, and more crime every day.
There is a war against teenage pregnancy, and more teenage pregnancy every day.
Everything that you push against becomes more!
Because the pattern of vibration holds stronger and stronger and stronger, so you just have to come to the place where you have to individually decide: want to feel good! And if you're tending to the thoughts, then you'll never get to the action. In other words, if you're having thoughts of unworthiness and thoughts of rage and revenge, and someone is counseling you into soothing yourself, and you're finding alignment with who you are, it's not going to escalate into taking a gun and killing someone!
But if you're feeling revenge and rage and somebody says to you: "You're wrong!" and feeling that, and you need to get control of your emotions, and they're not explaining what your emotions are- law of attraction is going to help that rage get more and more and more. Until the next logical step is some sort of violence, which then as a society and a whole, you push against all the stronger! And lock them up, and condemn them, and speak of them disrespectfully, you see. Nice to know isn't it? Nobody has to know this, but you, in order for you to live happily ever after!
If you found someone in the street bleeding, we know you'd help them.
If you find someone in the street writhing in agony, and wielding a gun- you don't feel so inclined to help them out! Even though they're asking in the same way that they would, if they were bleeding.
And if you want to know how source feels about them: source is adoring them. But they're so blocked off, they can't hear it. And that's why they're behaving the way they do! When life causes you to ask for something in a really strong way, and you find vibrational attitudes and ways of living, that keep you from hearing it, or feeling it, then you want it and want it and want it! But you're blocking it blocking it blocking it. It's logical, isn't it? Doesn't that make perfect sense of everything, that you see in the world?
Once you understand that, it doesn't take many to stand in a place- and it's easier if you have your distance from them!- where you are focusing upon them through the eyes of source.
Esther notices that, as she writes with Jerry, who is non-physical. Or Abraham, who is non-physical! She can feel when she asks for guidance about something that she's dealing with. She can feel an absolute awareness of where she is, and an absolute non-attachment to the negative emotion, that she feels: that's what step-five-living is!
It's understanding that stuff happens. But not letting it take you off of your balance, as you're observing it! And not feeling guilty about being in the middle of it.
Because it's part of the process of expansion, you see! Really good conversation! Yeah. Do you feel a need to control those, that you fear would harm you or your family? It's sort of a logical thing: To want to, at least, keep them away from you! But they won't come for you. If someone's agitated and in that place and you're in a place of love, they're not going to come for you! (It's) vibrationally inaccurate. They don't find you! They find those, who are in the same hatred. Have you ever heard someone say:
The dog bites those who are afraid of it? Well, that's why- because that fear is a vibration of aggravation.
from the youtube-clip Mass Murderers - That’s Why Someone Becomes A Murderer. ~ Abraham Hicks