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Immigration and the children

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:27 pm
by Blue__Butterflies
Q: Hi. It's great being here. The lessons, the teachings have changed my life. I have a great, beautiful, expansive life, and blessed. I love that you talked about practical - I have a really hard time (because I'm a compassionate person) with so much of what's going on in the world right now, and it's challenging for me.
A: Asking bothers you?
Q: No.
A: Because that's really what's going on. That was part of Esther's thank you - "Thank you for being willing to explore contrast which causes you to ask for more, which allows for the expansion of what we are all about." Yeah? So you just don't like seeing people suffering? Yeah, we don't either. If we could all discover personally for ourselves a way to ask and then not move in opposition to our asking, there would be no suffering, would there, which requires some different ways of looking at it, which is what you are about.
Let's say you're seeing someone struggle - do you want to give us some examples, or shall we just take it from what you've given us?
Q: Um, immigration and the children.
A: That's a good one - big struggle and big emotional response and big asking; big, big, big asking. And when asking happens, what happens? Answering. If you can step back from it and not feel it quite so up close and personal, and accept that there's an asking and answering, then your question for yourself becomes "How can I be an influencer for the receiving of the answer? How can I be one who influences the solution rather than the problem?"
Well, from what you know already, you can't focus upon the problem without influencing the problem, and the problem has been influenced to quite a big, damn crescendo, hasn't it? Isn't it about the biggest crescendo that you want? Does it need to be a bigger crescendo?
Q: No.
A: Then let's not focus on the problem anymore, it's crescendoed out; it's been asked with a big loud voice. The asking is there and the answer is proportionate to the asking. It's been asked and it's been given, so how are we (meaning you guys) going to get into a place of influencing or inspiring or being part of the solution? How are you going to do it? Well, first of all, you can't even get close to that without first feeling satisfaction rather than dissatisfaction, so you have to find some way of getting your eye off the problem, because we just acknowledged we don't need to create a bigger problem; the problem is big enough now that it's ready for a solution. It's a big, big asking ripe for the plucking. And you know, it doesn't take that many who are in vibrational alignment with Source Energy to be the jet stream on which the solution rides in on. Do you sort of get what we're talking about?
Q: Yes.
A: And the thing that will really help you is that you don't have to get those that you think are the perpetuators of the problem to find mutuality with you; you don't have to get them to understand anything because their Inner Being already has mutuality with them – the Inner Being of everyone who is being affected already has mutuality with the solution. All you have to do is just lean a little more in the direction of what you want, of the solution that you're seeking, so that you're like this satellite dish that's tuned-in, tapped-in, turned-on and beaming the signal forward - that's that jet stream that we were talking about - and then things start shifting and moving. In fact, they already have; they already have.
And the thing that you have to figure out is how you can be a vibrational emotionally satisfied person without the evidence of it all changing already, where you don't need to see it before you believe it. Believe it. Believe it. And why? Because it's been asked and it's been given. Don't ask yourself anything like what's in the way or why did it take so long or what were they thinking or why would anybody be like that - don't ask those questions because those questions will only make you be more like everyone else who is suffering and you won't be part of the solution, and you won't be the jet stream on which the wellbeing flows in.
Q: Thank you.
A: Something more?
Q: That's all. Good stuff.
A: It really is. And then pay attention to what starts happening; just pay attention. Feel the power of your influence.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Los Angeles, CA 7/21/2018