Hi LifzGud and welcome to AbeForum
LifzGud wrote: ↑Sun Mar 03, 2024 5:13 pmI have two grown kids by age (24 and 22) who have substantial mental health issues. They live at home (not a problem to me), but they don't have any goals due to anxiety et al. They work part-time for our company but make minimal money (less than 5k a year). I don't feel right trying to push them to do something with their life, but sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and obsessively worry about them and their future.
When you wake up in the middle of the night and "obsessively worry about them and their future". That would be a good time for you to pay attention to the specific thoughts you are thinking about them that causes that worry, and write them all down in a notepad. After you have done so I would personally recommend to, try to distract yourself from thinking more about it, even if it can seem a bit hard at first. Try to think about anything else but that. Your goal here should be to find any thoughts about anything that feels a little better to you. Thinking more about it isn't going to solve anything. it's just going to make it a bigger "problem" in your life.
Now at some time when you are not worrying about them, it could be a nice time to do some deliberate "work" on that subject to permanently move it into a slightly less bad feeling place. Take the thoughts that you wrote down in a notepad and apply some Abraham process on them, for example the Focus wheel process or just "find a slightly better feeling way to express the same thing but that feels a little better to me yet seems believable". Law of attraction will only allow you to shift your practiced thoughts in small steps and that's what you want so it will be sustainable. Your goal with this will be to feel some relief (and not try to fix something), and if you do, you have shifted that belief a little.
Ultimately it doesn't matter if you do this or find any other way to feel better, it doesn't matter how that "feeling better" is accomplished, but feeling better is something that is a nice dominant intention to have throughout your day. The only benefit to deliberately "work" on those negative thoughts about your kids is to permanentely move that subject in a better-feeling place and eventually even a good-feeling place, so it no longer feel like an "issue" in your life.
LifzGud wrote: ↑Sun Mar 03, 2024 5:13 pmI know this isn't helpful. I need some recalibration with myself. I am seeking advice on recalibrating myself or even YouTube videos that might cover issues like this.
I think it's good to make it clear for yourself that: The only reason it's not helpful for you, is, because thinking those thoughts about your kids doesn't feel good.
And anytime you don't feel good it's not helpful for your alignment. It's hindering the alignment. You're blocking the natural wellbeing to flow with your thoughts.
Then there are multiple techniques you can use to feel good and it doesn't matter what you do to feel better, but the important thing is that you find a way to feel better. That's the only "recalibration" necessary. Finding any way to feel better.
I found a YouTube video with this name that might be helpful for you, if you search for:
"Being a Successful Parent
Abraham Hicks 2023"
LifzGud wrote: ↑Sun Mar 03, 2024 5:13 pmHow do I support them when it seems like I need to give them a huge shove to do something with their lives?
As spiritualcookie beautifully put it, when you feel good you will positively influence your kids and they'll also be more likely to be influenced to also feel better when they are around you and as we know, feeling better is always the answer, even for them.
You cannot create in anyone else's reality, and you can't know exactly what they have put in their vortexes and what their desires are. They might be very satisfied in their current way of living or they could have desires of having a bigger income, and whenever they feel good they will be allowing their own desires to flow to a bigger degree and everything will be working out. So instead of focusing on the question how you can support them, you should instead focus on how you can feel better for yourself.
You have a desire for things working for your kids already done inside your vortex, and your only "job" now is to find ways to feel better. Then if you spend time in your Vortex you might get inspired to actions that will help your kids and so on, but trying to force some action to give them a "huge shove" to make them do something with their lives from outside of the vortex is not really the way you want to do it, because it's not going to be effective or have satisfactory results.