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About Dental Health

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:18 am
by spiritualcookie
I found a bunch of saved quotes from the old forum about Dental Health, so thought I'd post them here in case it's useful to anyone :)


Should you ever get dental work done? or should you just try to heal it yourself?
Jody1 from the Abeforum says:

you don't want to make any decision from a stance of powerlessness. The powerlessness is your GUIDANCE telling you that the thoughts you are thinking around this subject are not in agreement with Source! You DO have control over your own wellness. There are no "people" that can take control of that wellness! Whether you decide to have a dentist work on your teeth or not, YOU are the one in control of your own well-being.

Your emotional guidance system is working! If you feel powerless when you think about going to the dentist, you can pivot that by thinking thoughts that put you back in your power! Then once your thoughts have shifted enough to give you DIFFERENT emotions (feelings of worthiness and contentment or even happiness), THEN you can look at the question of "should I go to the dentist" and make a decision you can line up with. You can still be in your power and choose to have the dentist do something to your teeth! That doesn't take away your power! You simply line up with it! You can even appreciate that the dentist has acquired the skills and the desire to do something that can relieve pain, perhaps, or improve your smile, or whatever. OR you might be lined up to not needing any dental work, you might never ever visit a dentist, and everything might simply resolve on its own. Either way, you remain in your power! Once decision is not "better" than the other. The person who chooses never to go to the dentist (or doctor, or lawyer, or candlestick maker) is not more "powerful" than one who chooses to avail himself of professional services. You line up with your decision and FEEL GOOD about it, whatever you decide. If you go to the dentist feeling powerlessness, whatever he does will not "take" anyway. If you feel powerless and try to "fix" your teeth without the dentist, well, that won't work - powerlessness doesn't line up with cavities going away - but quite the opposite!

So.. it's all okay. USE your emotional guidance. You are in control because YOU get to choose your thoughts.


Abraham tells a story of how Jerry went to several different dentists in a row and each one gave him a wildly different diagnosis. Something like anywhere between NO cavities to needing MAJOR work. He decided that it was all more about their perception than any "truth" about the state of his teeth, and he decided to simply line up his energy on the issue of his teeth and he's had perfect teeth ever since. This is NOT to say that you should not go to the dentist (nor is it to say that you "should" go to the dentist). The point is that everything that comes into your physical experience does so because it's a match to your vibration, and if according to you, you have good teeth, then what's the question exactly?
If the cavities (if they exist) are painful, and the path of least resistance is to have them filled - then great! Thank Source for leading you to the dentist that can do that for you! If you have no symptoms and as you say, you believe you have great teeth, they why not "go with" that belief?
Be aware, however, that you must be lined up! If you have an UNDERLYING STRONG BELIEF that the cavities exist and will get worse if you do not see the dentist, then guess what will manifest???? If you have a belief that dental care is necessary to a healthy set of teeth, then YOUR path of least resistance is to get that care! If you truly have the BELIEF, and it is YOUR TRUTH, vibrationally, that your teeth are fine, then THAT is what you are creating.

There is no right action. Whatever feels inspired IS inspired. If it feels good, it IS! Going to the dentist is no different than going to the movies, or getting a major operation. If it feels in alignment with you, and you feel better knowing you will be getting something there that is in alignment with your thoughts and beliefs, then you WILL get benefit.

Abraham says there is nothing worse than taking action that you believe is wrong.

Just as they say it's not the food you eat, but rather how you feel about the food. They say we can live on twinkies, IF (and that's a big IF) we are LINED UP VIBRATIONALLY with living on twinkies, which means WE BELIEVE they are good for us. As long as we believe they are bad for us, and we eat them anyway, we are doing ourselves a vibrational and physical disservice.

You can patch in ANYTHING for "eating twinkies".

Your guidance is not broken. Trust it. It knows whether going to the dentist feels good (emotionally and vibrationally) or not.

Re: About Tooth Health

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:22 am
by spiritualcookie
suncat11 recalls the same Jerry story mentioned above:

Have you heard Jerry discuss his experience with Dentists at the beginning of the Secret behind the Secret DVD?

He visitted numerous dentists - one after the other - and was given outrageously different prognoses in regard to the health of his teeth - some saw that he needed extensive work and his mouth was in poor health - another thought he needed no work at all - and there were many stories in between - every one different,

Jerry was given great proof (pre Abraham days) of how the Observer affects the outcome - a Dentist after all isn't focussed on finding healthy teeth. And Jerry knew that he was in control of all of this and skipped the work and maintained good teeth for many years to come.
Torque from the Abeforum says:

I'm 21(almost 22) and always had healthy perfect teeth. That means no aches nor cavities etc. A few weeks ago my teeth suddenly started aching, day and night, for a week. It was plain awful. My parents told me to go see a dentist and I plain refused.

After a week of suffering, it occured to me just to use my mind.
I started thanking God/Universe/Source for my perfect teeth. (I didn't really believe what I was telling to myself since the pain was there...)

The next day my teeth were aching less, and the next even more less until the pains were gone on the third day and haven't returned.

You said you believe you can have healthy teeth without going there.

Well you're one step ahead of me cause I didn't have that kind of faith,
only hoped it would work.
Jody1 says:
I think a lot of "Abers" think there is something wrong with them if they can't just "heal themselves". In actuality, we humans have created a huge array of possibilities here on Earth for "healing" and there is no reason not to use them when appropriate! Any physical ailment has come about because we've had resistant thought. And to REALLY "cure" anything we must pivot those thoughts to non-resistant ones. That's where the emotional guidance system comes in. BUT, when faced with an acute occurence of a physical nature there is no reason we can't line up with immediate relief by using some of the marvelous technology we've created! If you break your arm, and you allow a doctor to set the bone, you are not giving up your power! In fact, as you appreciate the knowledge and skill of the practitioner, you are "lining up". The reason you broke your arm in the first place can't be "healed" by setting the bone, but now that you've had the guidance, you can use it to line up THAT "problem" while at the same time using the good services of someone who can help you to PHYSICALLY heal the arm. If you don't "clean up" the vibration that led to the injury, you will manifest again something similar - that's true - but that's separate issue from "can I move this bone by using my thoughts"
7flowers says:
No doubt in my mind that we can heal teeth, but don't try to put a limit on HOW that's gonna happen. Just get to the feeling place of how it would feel to have good teeth and then expect that the Universe will deliver them to you in whatever way the UNIVERSE delivers it to you. The HOW'S are not your job! Just feel good about it
Annabanana says:
Yes It can be done. Anything can be done. If you can think it you can create it.
I laugh when people say something cannot be done, because that is never true.
Yes you can grow another set of teeth.
I find a good start to changing your body (as I have had experience with this) is to first look for evidence of other people doing this.
Google "third set of teeth" and see what you can come up with.
I think people would feel more empowered if they stopped doubting themselves by believing that somes things cannot be done without a doctor.
Abraham has said that the only reason doctors help is because they say something might work, and you believe it, and they tell you how it worked for others (evidence!) and you believe it even more.

Re: About Tooth Health

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:24 am
by spiritualcookie
How to align with perfect teeth
From the Abeforum:

I keep picturing my teeth perfect.
When I brush them, I think to myself, I'm brushing them with love.
heyboo says:
I appreciate my strong teeth. I can chew anything with ease and the only thing I have to think about is how good my food is tasting.
Abeforum Bea says: Focus on your health and what you love about it and about your healthy teeths and get happy.
Abeforum member inherview says:

consider again that what appear as your teeth are in fact particles moving at very high speeds. Nothing is fixed. nothing is final. Everything is energy in motion. vibration. and this energy in motion comes together in a way that matches your belief/dominant mode of thought.

The moment you allow yourself to entertain thoughts of the health of your teeth/gums/mouth, the particles or cells will happily vibrate into that healthy frequency

Tell a different story: Stop telling the old story, and tell a new story about your teeth
Abeforum member inherview says:

Abe would say start telling a new story about your teeth. "never mind what is" talk about how you want it to be and give that all of your attention. express only how you want it to be. line-up to the desire of having healthy perfectly aligned teeth and make that your dominant point of focus and expression.

consider that the cells that make up your teeth are all in direct communication with Source Energy, and the only thing that interferes with their conforming to the likeness of your desire is your focus and belief in what you don't want

"well-being is the order of the universe" so give the well-being of your teeth your attention and tell the new story of how healthy and wonderful your teeth are as often as you remember to everyday until THAT story trumps what you have observed

Re: About Tooth Health

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:29 am
by spiritualcookie
CreatorChristine says: Try to forget what the dentist told you. You are using that information to keep yourself in a state of doubt or worry/out of the vortex on this subject, and that can in no way serve you. Focus more on what you appreciate about your teeth.

Remember that different dentists may give different opinions & different diagnoses, like Jerry's example.
Abeforum member IHadAFeeling says:

To answer the original poster's question, about 10 years ago my dentist looked at my teeth and gasped out loud. Apparently (when going through a divorce) I'd been grinding my teeth. She wanted to do 3 root canals and she was in a total panic over it (not me though). I liked her but she wasn't on my insurance anymore so I decided to see a dentist on my current plan. He laughed at the thought of there being anything wrong with those 3 teeth. In fact he went and got he dentist next door and had him take a look and that dentist also agreed there was nothing wrong with them. That was 10 years ago and I still get a perfect bill of health from that same dentist. //

I have since learned that even most cavities are judgement calls on the part of the dentist, as to whether or not to fill them. My dentist has been watching a "spot" on a tooth of mine for 10 years. Recently his new hygenist cleaned my teeth and declared I had a cavity that needed filling. You could tell she was right out of school and very proud of herself for finding this "spot." When the dentist came in he looked at it and then looked at my chart and said he's been watching the weak spot in the enamel for 10 years and if it hadn't gotten any worse by now it wasn't going to. In fact he had to go back about 3 years in my chart to find where he'd made a note of the spot because he'd taken it off the "watch" list. So there was no note of it on my current chart, and why the hygenist thought she'd found some trouble.
Abeforum member Creator Christine suggests:

Maybe tell your Universal Manager to deliver a solution and get off the subject entirely for a while.
"The only thing you need to fill your teeth with, is fill them with JOY!"

- quote from abeforum by 7flowers

Re: About Tooth Health

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:31 am
by spiritualcookie
On lining up with going to a dentist

If you choose to go to the dentist, here are some thing to help you line up with going:

From the old Abeforum,
Elia says: I appreciated all education and training that my dentist received, all the years he has been practicing and improving his skills, his wonderful hands that knew what to do, and so on.
Quadrillionaire says: anything that let's you get your thoughts off negative things and lets you relax will do!
Surferplenty says : Esther speaks of knowing physicians (not as professionals, yet) "as friends".
Sweet Peace says: What if you started doing BOPAs about the dentist eg: clean office, great medical care, feels great after to have clean teeth, etc., every day or so until your appt. Then once you've done your BOPAs, go think about something else. When/if dentist thoughts come back into your mind, you can just tell them that you don't need to think about this for now, you've already done your work on dentists today.

Re: About Tooth Health

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:34 am
by spiritualcookie
Stories of successful tooth healings from the old forum

Joyfills says:
I know someone who helped the healing of his young daughter's teeth using Abe processes and some swishing of water after meals. SHe had two minor cavities at one checkup and at the next they were gone. He's actually a big part of the way I found Abe.
hunkydorey says:
in response to this question - "I wonder if one can heal TMJ without a dentist"
honky dorey writes:
Yes you can!.....Craniosacral therapy is fantastic for TMJ - you can literarly feel your jaw unlocking and unwinding - personal experience speaking!I had it for years, and it was gone in about 1 hour.

Also, some craniosacral therapists specialise in dental work, and visa versa - I've had craniosacral therapy where the therapist has just 'held' a tooth between finger and thumb and literaly felt the stress release from my tooth :)- how mad is that!

Annabanana says:
Some evidence I found while googling three sets of teeth. Various people have submitted their experiences of new teeth!
once you read these you have no excuses not to manifest new teeth! ::grapevine

Here are the stories Annabanana found on the internet:

- -

My great-grandmother had three sets. When she was 60+ years old, her teeth started falling out. They decided the best thing to do was pull the rest and give her dentures. Thing is, one or two grew back in. The dentist continued pulling teeth, and more kept coming. At the end of the day (or year as it may be), he ended up pulling an entire third set.

- -

My 41 year old husband is on his third set of teeth, and dental x-rays reveal another set below the present teeth. We do not know if other members of the family have this trait. My husband lived the first 11 years of his life in Las Vegas, where the water is very high in fluoride. His naturally straight teeth are the envy of those of us who suffered years of braces, and he never had a cavity until he was an adult (lots of tarter, but only four small caries in 41 years).

- -

Yes. When I was about twelve I started losing my teeth. I was terrified until I found that a third set was growing in. My third set has never caused me any pain and is much straighter than my other two. My maternal aunt had the exact same thing happen so we believe it may be inherited through her father (my maternal grandfather).

- -

I'm 26 years of age. When I was younger, not sure when, my baby teeth fell out as standard, replaced by adult teeth. Then four of those fell out on their own, to be replaced once more. The centre two teeth on both top and bottom rows. Haven't heard of that happening to anyone else until here.

I have also had an extra set of top teeth! My dentist sent me to the hospital to have my second set of Top teeth removed when I was just a teenager. My second set were in perfect condition but the dentist insisted that I was to have them remove to stop any complications in later life! How wrong now I think that decision was as after two painful opperations over two years as a teenager the third set that were forced to replace my second set are much weeker and since having my third set I have had nothing but problems having filling done nearly every two years since the operations. I am now 37 & have now had some teeth remove where a denture.

It is also possible to just have extra teeth in certain places. My little brother (age 8 at the time) was found to have an extra permanent front tooth. It looked like this: 1(extra) 1 1 (permanent) 1 1 (baby) The extra one was fighting to get in, so it made the other permanent teeth crooked. He had it removed in oral surgery. He will need braces to straighten the teeth that one messed up.

My great grand mother lived to be exactly 125 years old and had her 3rd set of teeth. Not only did her teeth come out really straight, but her hair also started to turn black again!

Re: About Tooth Health

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:35 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:18 am I found a bunch of saved quotes from the old forum about Dentistry & Teeth Health, so thought I'd post them here in case it's useful to anyone :)
So nice of you! :hearts: :wave:

Re: About Dental Health

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 9:48 pm
by admin
I made a new sub-forum dedicated for posts that are preserved from the old forum, and move your topic there. I feel it's clearer to separate what's from the old forum and what's new :)

Re: About Dental Health

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:18 pm
by spiritualcookie
:thumbup: Thanks for giving old forum threads a home! :wave:

Re: About Dental Health

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:24 am
by FeelGood
admin wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 9:48 pm I made a new sub-forum dedicated for posts that are preserved from the old forum, and move your topic there. I feel it's clearer to separate what's from the old forum and what's new :)
Thank-you so much Simon, this place is getting more fun everyday, and it's so much fun to find the new presents.
:wave: :in_love: :hoppy: :woohoo: :grouphug: :goodjob: :king1: :balloons_wave: :banana-jumprope: :happy-partydance: :text-thankyoublue: