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Career - feeling little confused

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:10 am
by tjuk
Dear friends,

I have had a successful career now for over 20 years doing various jobs. I have recently finished a contract and have been out of work for about 2 weeks now. I have said to myself that i wont rush into applying for another job until I align to it and do the vibrational work (i need some help on this from you all). I dont want to rush into a new job not having aligned with it then find it to be unenjoyable for me. I havent even updated by CV or done any job searching (this makes me feel that maybe I should?). I dont mind having a few weeks off as I see this as a time to reset, rebalance and focus on my wellbeing.

My question is what processes or things could I do during this downtime so that I can align to my next job?

I often find myself having some mild anxiety about the future and thinking thoughts like when will i get a new job, i cant stay unemployed for too long etc.

Any help or guidance you can share would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance

Eternal love,


Re: Career - feeling little confused

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:04 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
tjuk wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:10 am Dear friends,

I have had a successful career now for over 20 years doing various jobs. I have recently finished a contract and have been out of work for about 2 weeks now. I have said to myself that i wont rush into applying for another job until I align to it and do the vibrational work (i need some help on this from you all). I dont want to rush into a new job not having aligned with it then find it to be unenjoyable for me.
Hi TJ from UK! :hearts: (I'm so proud that I remember!!) :lol: :kiss:
It feels to me as if you already are "doing the work"! :thumbup:

Wanting to line up first ist the very first perfect step.
And then, soothing yourself about what society had trained into you what you "should and must and need to".
And then, another good step is to take time ITV (meaning, "working on that when you already feel good) and make lists of positive aspects of what you loved in your jobs so far, and about what you would love to have and experience in the next job.

Make it all about what YOU want!
Make it all about looking at what you WANT (not what you need to avoid, this time!)
Be bold. Be whimsical. Be SELFISH. This is the time to dream big, and take note of every tiny bit that pops up. Have FUN! ...If some things drop under the table later, that you figure are not REALLY important, that is fine.
But now, shovel your sandbox full with all kinds of wonderful and maybe even quirky desires about your next job!

"Wouldn't it be nice, if...?"
I havent even updated by CV

You might consider doing that, but NOT because you "need to". But because it can be a wonderful use of your time to add all this awesome things that you learned and saw and understood, since the last update! In my family, my kids apply for new jobs all few years just to test the waters and to become themselves more aware of who they are, what they want and and what might be a possible new road for them. They do that FOR FUN!

Two of my sons got offered awesome fascinating jobs lately, that they are not even trained in, without even getting asked for their resumé! Because they where so lively and passionate about this work, and so confident about themselves. ITV-people stand out, and a boss who is a match to them will spy them from a mile away!
or done any job searching (this makes me feel that maybe I should?).
As I said above, "Should, need, must, ought to, may not..." all of these words are indicators that you are OOTV. Cut that out. Source KNOWS where your perfect next jobs are, and will lead you towards them. You ATTRACT them.

Of course you CAN search the internet, and spread the word that you are open to offers (among your friends and family, on facebook, or maybe at the hairdresser or the practicioner...) again, NOT because you NEED to. But because it can be such fun to see what becomes from this! You can think about creative ways of advertising for yourself- BECAUSE THAT IS FUN!
I dont mind having a few weeks off as I see this as a time to reset, rebalance and focus on my wellbeing.
My question is what processes or things could I do during this downtime so that I can align to my next job?
I often find myself having some mild anxiety about the future and thinking thoughts like when will i get a new job, i cant stay unemployed for too long etc.
All Abe- processes are really for ALL topics. Look up what is in your "toolbox" already that might call you to use it! Or learn new processes that are fun. Going general is wonderful to soothe anxiety. Finding Abe clips with search words as "looking for new job" (I ran a quick search myself by typing this exact words into the search window and got several clips ad hoc!) ...or whatever else interests you. It will give you so much material to ponder directly from the horses mouth, to soothe you, to remind you of what you already know, and for fascinating new thrilling ideas to learn from!

...It is a HUGE field, and I would advice to look- and feel a bit around in it, to see what calls you.
When you, then, have more specific questions, feel free to ask again! :hearts:

Re: Career - feeling little confused

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:09 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
I forgot to add this:

Here are specific Abe-quotes about "Your Job, Work & Career" in the quote-section of this Forum!

It might help to just read through them! :hearts: