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Post by ZiggerotronLOA »

What is our inner being's stance on Misotheism, even non-religious Misotheism?
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Re: Misotheism

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

"Misotheism" means, the hate for God.

Now, you ARE God, yourself, and your Inner Being is the part of you, who is aware that it is God.

You are Source Energy and mostly you don't know that.
You are Source Energy personified, you are Source Energy in a person;
in a person who has beliefs that hinders your connection to your Source.

You were Nonphysical before you became physical, but even though you’re physical, you're still Nonphysical. Got that?

So, if you accept that there are these two throbbing, thriving aspects of you - human you and Nonphysical You -
and then you begin to understand that there is a relationship between you and You...
We don't want to create split personalities, but we do want you to understand that
there is a You that is sure; there is a You who loves.
And when you're unsure and not loving, you're causing trouble for yourself - not for your Greater Self, for your human self.

Your Inner Being is what we call that Nonphysical Greater Self -
Inner Being just because it's always within you.
And it is certainly beingness, it is consciousness - it is consciousness aware of you. Some of you may want to call it your Soul or your Source.
It existed before part of that consciousness came into this body, and it exists now.
That part of that consciousness is in this body,

But you came as consciousness into this body with absolute free will to create your own reality.

~ Abraham-Hicks, Long Beach, CA 7/28/2018

Source Energy (in other words, "God") lives in PURE POSITIVE ENERGY. It has not the resistance that would be necessary to block the knowing/love/clearity/freedom/joy/power that we all ultimately ARE. Only with bold resistance, you "create" hatred and all other negative (bad feeling) stances that Abe call the stances "OOTV" (=out of the Vortex). Here below you find the EGS (=emotional guidance scale) that Abe have given as a map of the soul, for us to be able to decipher "where we are" according to our momentary emotions.

All stances above "Hope" are "ITV", in the Vortex (where you are more happy than not).
All stances below "Optimism" are OOTV- where you are less happy, than not. Hatred (as in Misotheism), is FAR OOTV -really, it is in the "Death-Zone", where a person is SO far blocked off from what Source really knows to be true, that life starts to withdraw. Being in Hatred means, to have no clue about what really is true.

So, as your Inner Being is fully and wholly not only aligned with Source Energy (God) all the time, but IS God, and God indeed is Pure Love, Pure Joy, Pure Clarity about the truth- what is the chance, that God (aka your inner Being) is hating itself?
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Re: Misotheism

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

It is not absolutely mandatory, but really quite normal for humans that they come through a phase of completely resisting God/Source, on their path to Awakening (which is the conscious Recognition of the existence of Source and that you might, yourselves, be Source as well) and Enlightenment (which is the -always temporary- full Alignment with Source).

The HUMAN part of ourselves came for the contrast, and that means, we knew we would go through all sorts of irritation and being lost. Contrast causes questions and desires, and the ultimate desire is to know yourself. To know, who you really are, and your powers and traits. As long you haven't yet digged deep enough (in digging the contrast), you will never fully know that.

So, our Inner Beings KNOW that the "hate for God" is a part of our quest, a station on our journey, that can be used to fully and wholly understand and LOVE God (and everything really is God!), EVENTUALLY.
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Re: Misotheism

Post by spiritualcookie »

Our Inner Beings are accepting and loving of us no matter what.

If our human-part is so disconnected from Source that it is in a state of hating-Source / God - I imagine that our Inner Being looks upon this with kind, understanding, patient, loving eyes, as it would look at a young child having a tantrum, shouting at its parent that they hate them when they are denied eating chocolate ice cream for breakfast. :lol: :hearts:


Suzanne Giesemann jokes that our Inner Beings are sitting on a balcony, watching our goings on as you would in a movie theatre, eating popcorn. Every so often we do something (like get into a state of Misotheism) and our Inner Beings say "Oh... there they go...! Pass the popcorn..!" They don't take it seriously, as you would watching a movie, knowing this scene too shall pass, and staying in your own alignment all the while, even though you may care about the characters on the screen.
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Re: Misotheism

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Sun Jul 28, 2024 7:47 am I imagine that our Inner Being looks upon this with kind, understanding, patient, loving eyes, as it would look at a young child having a tantrum, shouting at its parent that they hate them when they are denied eating chocolate ice cream for breakfast. :lol: :hearts:
:lol: :lol: exactly!

...our Inner Beings (...) don't take it seriously, as you would watching a movie, knowing this scene too shall pass, and staying in your own alignment all the while, even though you may care about the characters on the screen.
I think, even more, they APPLAUD us for our gumption to dive head over heel into the contrast. We came to do that, so that the whole could evolve. Accorcing to Abe, our IB has endless appreciation for us, being willing to get our hands not only dirty but bloody to do our part of this co-creation game.

God needs our compliancy to get into Contrast, to evolve!

God, or All-That-Is, or that which is Non-physical, does not exist in a state of completion, now waiting for you to catch up,
but revels in all that you live!

For as you live, as you think, and as you feel, you add unto All that Is.
You are physical counterparts of that which is Non-physical -and together we are co-creators.

You offer a new perspective.
We offer our broader awareness.

- AH, 1991


NOTHING we do or experience IS EVER WRONG!

-Do you get it, that you've come here with purpose to understand that that purpose is expansion joyous expansion?
-Do you understand that you never get it done, and you cannot get it wrong,
-and the reason that you can't get it wrong is, because it's never done!?

So even though it may sound or feel out of balance, and maybe even wrong, that it really isn't wrong.

Because, in the feeling of wrongness, you're giving birth to your opinion of what would be better, and the source within you so trusts your opinion of what would be better for you, that the source within you embraces that idea completely. And becomes a vibrational equivalent to it! And holds steady there, until you find your way there.

Abraham Hicks,
from the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks - Practice the feeling of Unconditional LOVE / No Ads during"
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Re: Misotheism

Post by spiritualcookie »

Exactly! I like the quotes you chose that add clarity to this subject :hearts: :wave:
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Re: Misotheism

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Sun Jul 28, 2024 10:33 am Exactly! I like the quotes you chose that add clarity to this subject :hearts: :wave:
:dancing: :hearts: :vortex: :ta:
I SO love a good question, that inspires me to find good answers!
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Re: Misotheism

Post by FloatingBoat »

To understand it in the right way i have a few questions.

Our inner being is connected to other inner beings, but it has an individual vantage point and when we reemerge in the non-physical realm we maintain our individuality and we are aware of all our physical lifes.

Is that correct??
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Re: Misotheism

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

FloatingBoat wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:00 am To understand it in the right way i have a few questions.

Our inner being is connected to other inner beings, but it has an individual vantage point and when we reemerge in the non-physical realm we maintain our individuality and we are aware of all our physical lifes.

Is that correct??
...In some ways :hearts:
I wanna start in pointing out that Abe teach, that our souls are no "clumps" that are specifically defined (as we define ourselves as humans, as clumps of flesh, that house a clump of soul (so to speak).

Our souls are STREAMS OF ENERGY. They can add and combine, and also "split up", but never fully in a way that those streams are now for ever apart. An example might be, that once Esther, her daughter Tracy and Jerry (who is not the father of Tracy) visited Boston, and Abraham told them to look for the statue of the person that they had been, in their last life. After running through the city for several hours, all 3 of them met under the statue of the founding father Samuel Adams, and felt deeply, that each one had been him, "last time".

Samuel Adams, in Boston

Abe explained that their soul, then, had been assembled in this 1 person- but now today, they are 3 different people. And next time it can be completely different again. One thing is certain- you know "who you really are" when you are "croaked" and in nonphysical. You, then, have no resistances anymore, and so, absolute clarity, knowing, deepest love and understanding.

What you have learned and created that is wanted as an individual, will never get lost. But it might merge and compliment, fulfill and elevate what you already had learned and will be the basis for more. So, you do NOT "stay who you are in physicality". Esther per example, when she tried to connect with her father after his transition, could almost not "find" him in the beginning. Abe explained that was, because her father was very resistant and full of fears when he was incarnated as human, but when you die, you leave all fears, mistunderstandings and all OOTV-behavior (that probably seems as your "character" to others) behind you. Only "who you really are" remains, and is eager to evolve more and further.

We are never done, never alone and never "singular consciousness", with Abes words: "You are always a whole bunch of us". So, souls never are singular, but as I said, STREAMS of consciousness and energy that evolve and lovingly co-create.

I hope this helped?
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Re: Misotheism

Post by spiritualcookie »

FloatingBoat wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:00 am To understand it in the right way i have a few questions.

Our inner being is connected to other inner beings, but it has an individual vantage point and when we reemerge in the non-physical realm we maintain our individuality and we are aware of all our physical lifes.

Is that correct??
I love these questions because it highlights what *I* need clarity on too :lol:
Apologies in advance that not everything I have written below has full clarity yet :hearts:

My current understanding is:
FloatingBoat wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:00 amOur inner being is connected to other inner beings
I think that's right because our Inner Being is closer to experiencing the All-is-Oneness of it all than us.

I enjoyed reading POE's insight into this that our Inner Beings "are STREAMS OF ENERGY. They can add and combine, and also "split up", but never fully in a way that those streams are now for ever apart. "
FloatingBoat wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:00 ambut it has an individual vantage point

hm if it can combine and split up and re-combine with other Inner Beings, I don't think it has an individual vantage point like ours though.
I think things are not quite as distinct in non-physical since it's easier to merge with other energies too.

And it's possible for one "individual" Inner Being to be focused on more than one humans living a physical experience.

Abe have said:
spiritualcookie wrote: Sat Dec 30, 2023 6:08 pm Q. Are there as many different Inner Beings as there are physical beings on Earth?
Or does each physical being have a unique Inner Being?
Or is one Inner Being expressing in a number of physical beings simultaneously?

All of that. (Group laughter)
There are some Inner Beings who are physically only focused in one.
There are some Inner Beings who are focused in more.
There is some of all of it.
It is a different situation depending upon the intent of the Inner Being.

spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Dec 12, 2023 11:09 pm You are a being who has lived thousands of lifetimes,
physical and non-physical.

[You are] one who has gained knowing through all of those life experiences. [...]

[You are] a being who has been evolving through life experiences.

[That is your] broader, wiser, certainly older, Inner Being.

- Abraham

spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:57 pm
Your Inner Being has a broader perspective.
Your IB has the awareness and knowledge that comes from all life experience -
physical and non-physical.
Whereas your physical perception is limited to this lifetime only.

Excerpt from A New Beginning I, Abraham Hicks

FloatingBoat wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:00 amwhen we reemerge in the non-physical realm we maintain our individuality and we are aware of all our physical lifes.

Based on what I've learned from Suzanne Giesseman (a medium), as I understand it, there is a part of us, our created human personality, that maintains its individuality in non-physical. Once something is created, it always exists in the realm of thought (where other personalities also live, including fictional ones, mythological characters, book and film characters etc). This personality part is the part that Mediums can communicate with so that it will be recognizable to those who knew that personality on Earth, I believe. If someone was very grumpy in physical reality, and the Inner Being version of them is all rainbows and sprinkles, their relatives wouldn't recognize them when a medium would bring a rainbow-sprinkles version of them through. I think this personality part has much easier access to connecting the the Inner Being version of themselves than many of us do on Earth.
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