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Why are the rewards so small?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:09 pm
by Annie88
Hi I have been practicing the law or attraction for many years and I have manifested a lot and I’m enjoying one right now. But the lessons and the road to get to them is soooooo hard. I’m nearly in tears but they do manifest!! Why do we have to learn so many lessons?????? Life so be one of joy and celebration. Some people just get it naturally.

Re: Why are the rewards so small?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:38 pm
by spiritualcookie
Hi Annie! Welcome to the forum! :wave:
Annie88 wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:09 pm I have been practicing the law or attraction for many years and I have manifested a lot and I’m enjoying one right now. But the lessons and the road to get to them is soooooo hard.
Often when the road is very bumpy towards a manifestation, I would guess it may be because we have resistance or split energy going on. We may have beliefs that don't serve us for example that make things harder to manifest. We may also get in our own way by being impatient, wanting the results asap! Impatience adds tension into the equation which is a form of resistance.

Then, as humans, instead of aligning our energy to RELAX into the journey, to TRUST that everything will unfold, to BELIEVE it is coming; and enjoy the journey - instead, we often try to use action to overcome the resistance or split energy, by applying hard work, trying very very hard to effort through towards the desired result.

Those people who get things more naturally - I would guess they have less resistance / split energy / tension going on about that particular subject. Their beliefs may be more in tune with the manifestation, so are helping them reach the manifestation. They are more aligned with its unfolding easily. When we are energetically aligned with the manifestation, and more resistance-free, the journey should be a flow of things working out for you, unexpected things falling into place, and generally the way feels smoother and easier.

Re: Why are the rewards so small?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:50 pm
by Annie88
Oh wow I know all this and yet you have made me remember so much. Thank you. I have negative people around me which are family and as the saying goes “you can’t choose your family”! They mess with my head. I remember what Abraham say about just letting the ors go and relax. It’s a fight every day and I do always go back to “I’m not worth it” from past experiences. I need more wine!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I can’t help but think the more relaxed people who have created great thing have been so relaxed on drugs and alcohol!! But we can’t all do that!!!! Thank you. Love to you and as always my guardian angel and the number 22 which I see all the time. People laugh as I just look at a clock and there she is.

Re: Why are the rewards so small?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:58 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
:text-welcomeconfetti: Annie! :hearts: :wave:
Annie88 wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:09 pm Hi I have been practicing the law or attraction for many years and I have manifested a lot and I’m enjoying one right now.

That is wonderful. And the clue is to focus ON THAT, more than on the unwanted. You don't need to be perfect (which is impossible, anyway). But live a life of MORE thankfulness and appreciation, than not!
But the lessons and the road to get to them is soooooo hard.
:lol: Laughing with you, not at you! :hearts:
When it's hard, when you'r in pain, when you feel bad... that is your instant emotional guidance, that you are "doing it wrong", or better said: "doing the thing you do", that holds you away from what you want. You have more resistance and deprivation going than joy and appreciation. And so, what you desire can only come very slowly, if at all.
I’m nearly in tears but they do manifest!! Why do we have to learn so many lessons??????
You don't! Abe point out over and over that the purpose of life is not "learning or growth or expansion" (while they are inevitable and come all by itself). Life is- as you say, about fun.

"The purpose of life is joy, but it is an option!"

-You must CHOOSE it. You must focus upon it. And that is no terrible task, at least not if you find joy and fun and ease and happiness enjoyable! You must live a joyful life to get joyful results. LoA (=Law of Attraction) brings you always more of what you put out. When you are in tears and find things hard- you will get back more tears and hardship. It is so easy. Try to change your focus: Where do you look? Just as a fotographer: Do you focus with your camera on the beautiful sunset, the sweet tiny flower, the cute cat, or the gorgeous sunset? Do you care that your "pictures" turn out beautiful- with the right light, the right angle, in a deliberately, skillfully chosen composition? ...Or do you take "pictures" randomly, carelessly, without love... of the content in your toilette, the most ugly face you can make, the unmade bed (without the lover you want in it), or of the rotting garbage in the gutter?

...Really, this is a very telling analogy. How do you look at your life? Do you just observe, or do you create? Do you do that as a lover- or as a victim?
Some people just get it naturally.
Maybe. But you don't know that! Those people that *I* know- me included!! that get it, took quite some time of TRAINING. And, those that "get it by default" have a TON LESS fun on the journey! Because, it reallllly is not about getting your stuff first and foremost (while these "orgasms of life" ARE a lot fun, and we OUGHT to have them!) But the most time in your life you don't spend with orgasms... you spend it on your way. And the PATH, this road-trip, is the true reason you came here... it is life itself. And this life is supposed to be fun, every step along. Including the dark nights, the rainy days, the getting-lost.

You have to practice Deliberate Creation!
It's an art, not an accident!

Abraham Hicks

Re: Why are the rewards so small?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 3:07 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Annie88 wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:50 pm I can’t help but think the more relaxed people who have created great thing have been so relaxed on drugs and alcohol!! But we can’t all do that!!!!
...Again, MAYBE.
But on drugs, things don't last. (And you REALLY do not ever know about others, what and why happens!) Those people that *I* know who achieved big- and I know personally quite a lot, were all people who are incredibly passionate about their projects. Usually they don't have time or even interest for drugs: They are on a "natural high" with what they want to do, instead. They wake up in the morning and think eagerly about what they love, and how and what they want (!!) do about it, in that day.

Abe say, that -without exception- EVERYONE who tackled big desires and succeeded ever, needed to learn to FOCUS on their desired achievement, on purpose. It doesn't matter if you focus because you make yourself focus in being harsh and strict or if you lovingly, humorously, lightly soothe yourself there. You will get results. But you are losing the JOY on the paths of non-joy. And, regarding drugs: Normally, drugs de-focus you, what has a soothing effect. They make you focus all over the place and distract from your resistances which can help for some time. But they do not enhance your inner loving passion- which is the natural (and joyful) fuel to stay on a goal.
the number 22 which I see all the time. People laugh as I just look at a clock and there she is.
When you see "Alignment" in your daily life, this is a sign that you indeed have a lot of ALIGNMENT going! :thumbup: Beautiful! Enjoy it, celebrate it! That is you, being EXPECTANT. And you can do this on purpose!

Re: Why are the rewards so small?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 3:59 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
By the way :hearts: You are here in the quotation-Subforum, which is solely meant for collecting quotes.
All discussions and questions belong into the "Abraham and You"-Subforum.

Re: Why are the rewards so small?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:14 pm
by admin
Hi Annie and warmly welcome to the forum! I moved your topic to the "Abraham-Hicks Teachings and You" category as it was more suitable for this discussion. All the best :wave:

Re: Why are the rewards so small?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:51 pm
by spiritualcookie
Annie88 wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:50 pmI have negative people around me which are family! They mess with my head.
It's challenging when you have family members who press your buttons and make alignment more difficult. But it IS possible to not let them press your buttons! It just requires a lot more awareness, deilberate focus, and deliberate thinking from you, so that you don't take their words so seriously. Instead of letting their words mess with your head, take a step back and try to see it from a less personal / emotional perspective. Their words can flow off you like water off a duck's back. Their words are telling about THEIR thoughts and alignment - it doesn't have to affect you if you don't let it. :hearts:
Annie88 wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:50 pm I remember what Abraham say about just letting the ors go and relax. It’s a fight every day.
But relaxing is the very opposite of fighting. :lol: :hearts:
Annie88 wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:50 pmI do always go back to “I’m not worth it” from past experiences.
This is a tricky habit of thought that you have trained yourself to have. But it's possible to overcome it with practice. The truth is, you ARE worth it! Your heart and Inner Being know this is true! :hearts:
Annie88 wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:50 pmI need more wine!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
I would say the key is more awareness when the challenges come up. The awareness gives you your power of choice of how to react, and that affects how it all feels.
Annie88 wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:50 pm I can’t help but think the more relaxed people who have created great thing have been so relaxed on drugs and alcohol!!
I agree with POE that while there are lots of different people in the world, many relaxed, successful people got there without a drop of alcohol or an ounce of drug use. It's possible! :hearts:

Abe say it may be a matter of how people grew up and the expectations and beliefs they were taught:

"Some of you have come from environments where people just expected life to go well- and it did.
And you observed it and then you expected life to go well!"
- Abraham

So it may be easier for them -
But regardless of your past, you can train yourself to have expectations that serve you better.

Re: Why are the rewards so small?

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 12:30 am
by Annie88
:wave: :) :) :) Thank you so much for your replies. I have read them several times to get them to sink in! I really love talking to people who listen and practice Abs teachings. I have been told I’m a really sensitive person and I take what people say to heart and too much. ;) But I am me and by being sensitive I found it to be a blessing and a curse. I wish I could shrug off peoples comments more easily. I am getting better at it!!! lol. I wish I could share all my manifestations with you but I also don’t want to bore you with it!!! It’s the best feeling in the world and I feel so close to source energy. I am and am not happy to say my first manifestation was a bottle of Jack Daniel’s :lol: I practiced after reading The Secret by Rhonda. It was such a wonderful feeling. Someone just gave me a bottle out the blue and they couldn’t understand why I was so happy! People often as me to talk about the LOA but I won’t now unless the person wants proper help as everyone else seem to want to disprove the whole concept and I don’t want to waste time with people who aren’t really to hear about it.
Finally I’m so sorry I posted on the wrong bit! I have never used a forum before and I really don’t know what I am doing! I don’t know where to go to post things?! Secondly I would love to talk or read more and connect with people who practice Abs teachings and the LOA as I find it helps me focus and it’s something’s lonely when everyone around you thinks your are weird you believe in it all! I know they are just not accepting and not ready to hear it yet in their personal journey. It’s something you have to experience for yourself before you understand it I guess. What else is out there to help keep people like myself focused please??? Can you just chat to someone on here, like a chat room kind of thing? Than you thank you thank you. Xxxxxxxxxx

Re: Why are the rewards so small?

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 2:33 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Annie88 wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 12:30 am
Finally I’m so sorry I posted on the wrong bit! I have never used a forum before and I really don’t know what I am doing! I don’t know where to go to post things?!
When you look at the index-page of this Forum, you find sort of INDEX (duh) :D
There are several chaters, and each chapter is described. SO, just pick what feels most appropriate: For discussions or questions that you seek answers to, it is the first chapter, called "Abraham Hicks teachings and you".

Secondly I would love to talk or read more and connect with people who practice Abs teachings and the LOA as I find it helps me focus and it’s something’s lonely when everyone around you thinks your are weird you believe in it all! I know they are just not accepting and not ready to hear it yet in their personal journey. It’s something you have to experience for yourself before you understand it I guess.
In the "Practicing the Teachings"- chapter (=subforum) and in the "Rampages"- subforum, you can post your own "work" where you practice what Abe teach, or you can look at others work, and find inspiration.
What else is out there to help keep people like myself focused please??? Can you just chat to someone on here, like a chat room kind of thing? Than you thank you thank you. Xxxxxxxxxx
Even for this question is the answer within the Index:

Look into "The Lounge"-subforum for chats, even about Non-Abraham Stuff, or open up your own chatroom, there!
I have been told I’m a really sensitive person and I take what people say to heart and too much. ;) But I am me and by being sensitive I found it to be a blessing and a curse. I wish I could shrug off peoples comments more easily. I am getting better at it!!! lol.
That's really practice! You could, per example, begin a "30-day-challenge" of being more proud about your sensitivity, and less caring what others think, and write about your successes, every day, in the "Practice"-subforum!
I wish I could share all my manifestations with you but I also don’t want to bore you with it!!! It’s the best feeling in the world and I feel so close to source energy. I am and am not happy to say my first manifestation was a bottle of Jack Daniel’s :lol: I practiced after reading The Secret by Rhonda. It was such a wonderful feeling. Someone just gave me a bottle out the blue and they couldn’t understand why I was so happy!
:D This would be a BEAUTIFUL success-story in the "Success-Stories and Manifestations"-subforum!
Sharing there uplifts those that are interested and in vibrational vicinity, which is something sooo different from "boring them". It would be wonderful if you would generously share with us!
And, by the way, don't be unhappy about the Jack Daniels. ;) Jesus got famous for manifesting wine from water... Jack Daniels from "thin air" doesn't seem so much different! :lol: :hearts: