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Navigating high negative momentum

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 9:50 pm
by Salamander89
Hello I've posted before about that unrequited love that I was involved in.
At the moment I am in a high contrast situation where absolutely nothing in my life works. I feel bad about everything. Not just the situation between me the "ghoster", but everything in every area of my life. In regards to career, to money, to self esteem, to health, everything has built up and built up and built up.

I wake up most mornings depressed and overwhelmed. I still want this girl I used to work with, but she barely knows I exist. I am plummeting into debt through reckless overspending.
My nan transitioned last year still dealing with her no longer being physical. I have no idea, even though I'm in my 40s, what I want to do career wise. I'm having a dental procedure in a couple of days which could be prolonged, awkward and painful. I'm truly scared of it.
I hate my job, where I have been for so long and it's full of people I can't stand. I'm applying for another job but I don't think I'm good enough. I feel like I'm too old to apply for anything else and too scared to make a leap of faith. I'm having to live with my family because I can't afford to stand on my own two feet, pay bills etc on the crappy salary I have right now.

I have a lot of negative momentum going on, been going on for years, and I'm guessing it's exhausting reading all of that. I'm swept up in it, and I just want some advice in how to turn my energy around, because it just seems impossible right now.

Which leads me to my question: how do I turn all of this around? I'm really lost. I'm caught up in a strong current of negative momentum, and I can't sleep through it because I still have to participate in the "real world." The outside world still keeps placing demands on me, I can't just detach and also I'm finding it hard to get from Step one (asking) to Step 3( allowing)?

Re: Navigating high negative momentum

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 8:00 am
by simon
Hi Salamander!

I think everyone can relate a bit to what you are writing and have had similar periods in their lives. LOA doesn't help in this instance as it will always just give you more of what you have been thinking about as the "automatic" thoughts that comes to your mind if you don't do anything about yout negative habits of thoughts and start to deliberately guide your thinking in another direction.

And when you are feeling bad about one thing and often focus on it, it's easy to "drag" all other subjects down with it as well, as for when you feel very bad, you kind of start seeing everything negatively when you are feeling bad about something else. Eventually you've trained your habits of thoughts to feel bad about many things of life. But it's all just practiced negative beliefs, thoughts that you have been in a habit of thinking so now they're the thoughts that comes to easiest to mind. But you can always choose to focus on a different thought.
This is what Abraham mean with "the worse it gets the worse it gets" and "the better it gets the better it gets". It doesn't matter if what you're thinking is positive or negative or if it feels bad or good, the longer you focus in that way the more the momentum is going to build and it's going to get bigger and bigger, unless you start thinking in different ways than you have been.

I would say that nothing is going on here that is something very serious or "bad", even if it can seem like that sometimes. I know we humans often think the "physical manifestations" are such a big deal and spend way too much focus on those, rather than what we're doing with our thinking/imagining. If you're living something you don't enjoy, focusing on all those physical manifestations are just going to manifest the same "results" over and over again. But manifestations change very fast in response to our way of feeling, so if you find some way, any way, of feeling better, and start doing it more of the time than you have been before, you should see the "resulting" manifestations improve quite fast, but that shoulnd't be the main reason you're doing it, the improvement in how you feel emotionally should be the big thing that you're going for. It's important to not "take score" too soon, and just let it be an emotional "game".

For me personally, I often have been knowing everything about these teachings, have read many books and watched a lot of videos, but then have seen that I have not actually been applying these teachings in my own life. It is easier to just let the mind go on "auto pilot" and just let the practiced beliefs "control" my thinking, and just observe what's going on, rather than deliberately think thoughts on purpose, but it for sure does not feel better.

What I would recommend to you is to start somewhere and see if you can try "applying" these teachings more in your life, and we will be able to support you and help you if you need any help along the way here. I would recommend (re)-reading any Abraham hicks books (Ask and it is given is a good one if you haven't read it), actually try using the processes and see if you get any result in feeling better from them.
I would recommend especially to meditate at least once every day for 15 min (I bet you can squeeze that into your day), and if you find that hard, you can try the meditations CD from Abraham (I personally like it a lot).
You've got to find some way to emotionally feel better a bit more of the time of your days. It's about how much "air time" in your day you spend feeling bad vs feeling good. If you feel bad most of the time, you want to find any way (it really doesn't matter what you use) to feel better a bit more of the time.

You said you're finding it hard to go from Step 1 (asking) to Step 3 (allowing). I think it sounds like you are making it more complicated than it is. It's not really something you have to be concerned with. Just focus on feeling better in any way you can.
Step 1 happens naturally every day of your life just living life, you can "forget" about that part if you want. You just want to spend more time in Step 3 than you have been, and any time you find thoughts that feel better , you're doing the "step 3" part.

I wish you best of luck and hope you will come back and let us know your progress or if you have some specific question about any of this. You are where you are, it's the perfect starting point, and it can just get better and better from here :) It doesn't ever have to get worse, and if we find any way to feel better, it won't get worse. But an important first step is to make peace with where you are and not push against it.
You are where you are and it's alright. You put your boat in the stream where you are, and then let the stream take you downstream from there. Stop struggle a little more, relax a bit more, and guide your thinking in ways that gives you some relief and keep doing that.

Re: Navigating high negative momentum

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:19 pm
by book
First of all, give up trying to make a romantic relationship or a new work situation work out this red hot minute. You are in a bad vibrational place and you know that. If you enter a relationship or workplace now, it will just be perpetuating these negative feeling places. This is not the time to take action. This is the time to take a step back, disengage, and focus on dissipating this negative momentum.

Once you have slowed down the negative momentum and then started the positive momentum....only after that is it a good idea to start to engage in action. Remember: Your action is only ever as powerful as your vibration.
I still want this girl I used to work with, but she barely knows I exist.
Let it go. It is not time to do that. Even if you got with her, in this vibrational place it would end badly and would just further emphasize the negative feelings you are already experiencing.
I am plummeting into debt through reckless overspending.
The next time you get the urge to overspend, instead stop and write out your feelings. Then use the go general process.
My nan transitioned last year still dealing with her no longer being physical.
You could probably easily reach relief on this topic with the wouldn't it be nice if process.
I'm having a dental procedure in a couple of days which could be prolonged, awkward and painful. I'm truly scared of it.
Yes. That truly sucks. It is okay to get angry if you are in the fear zone.
I hate my job, where I have been for so long and it's full of people I can't stand.
Totally understandable. But this will make you feel bad every day. You should reach for relief on this topic when you are alone at home. I suggest process 22.
I'm applying for another job but I don't think I'm good enough
Why do you not think you are good enough? Write it out and explore it.
I just want some advice in how to turn my energy around, because it just seems impossible right now.
1. meditate every day for at least 15 minutes
2. Whenever you catch yourself feeling bad, stop, write out your feelings and go general. Abraham explicitly said that the going general process is the one that slows down momentum. That really is the way.
Which leads me to my question: how do I turn all of this around?
Go generally negative then generally positive then once you start to build general positive momentum try to maintain the feeling. Do not be impatient with yourself. It can take 60 days to clean up your vibration and that is okay.
I'm finding it hard to get from Step one (asking) to Step 3( allowing)?
The "astonishing power of emotions" book lets us know that you enter step 3 whenever you find relief. And that is what you should aim for right now. Do not try to feel good. Just try to feel less bad.

Re: Navigating high negative momentum

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:15 pm
by Salamander89
I have only just seen these responses but thank you.
Incidentally, I was on the old forum, which also used Tapatalk as a platform for the forum, where you could get notifications. Is this forum on Tapatalk?

Re: Navigating high negative momentum

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 11:20 pm
by admin
Salamander89 wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:15 pmIncidentally, I was on the old forum, which also used Tapatalk as a platform for the forum, where you could get notifications. Is this forum on Tapatalk?
Hi and welcome! :wave: The forum does not support Tapatalk, and I don't think it will be a possibility of it ever doing so, as it bypasses the normal login function of the forum software, it violates GDPR (a data protection law in Europe), amongst some other issues with it.
Tapatalk had a use many years back when most forums didn't have a responsive and mobile-friendly design, but this forum should work quite well on a mobile phone, but of course, if you have any feedback with the forum's design on a mobile device, you can contact us and give us your feedback.

Re: Navigating high negative momentum

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 8:02 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Salamander89 wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:15 pm I have only just seen these responses but thank you.
Incidentally, I was on the old forum, which also used Tapatalk as a platform for the forum, where you could get notifications. Is this forum on Tapatalk?
So this is your response to two long and carefully written posts on your original question, where people gave their best to help you.
In your other threads you even received MANY more answers, that took hours to write, and I don't remember that you seemed to appreciate them, either...

I don't say this to mock or blame you, AT ALL. I hope my feedback can help you to -finally- get a very basic truth about LoA:
You get back, what you put out.

There have been people who bent backwards to help you, but your appreciation for it seems to be quite minor. What that does is, it shuts the door for the flow of more! You literally stop "being attractive" to what you say that you want.

It is ALL about attraction! And you hold the door closed to being attractive, in your lack of authentic appreciation. Feels familiar?

Think of yourself as human magnet,
attracting what you speak, think and feel.

- Abraham

You stand so often in justification- sort of explanation... sort of like you did with your mother, when you were little: "I really need it, because, because... it's unfair that I don't have it! And because I don't like the feeling of not having it. And so, please, please, please, won't you give this to me!!??" -and your mother, bless her heart, really did you a disservice when she gave you the impression, that you- through your begging, through your justification, and through your rationalization, could distort the laws of the Universe. Because you can't!

You could trick your mother. But you cannot trick the Law of Attraction.
You got to line up with what you want, and who you are, if you are to thrive in the way that you intended, when you came.


Re: Navigating high negative momentum

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 9:24 pm
by Salamander89
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 8:02 am
Salamander89 wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:15 pm I have only just seen these responses but thank you.
Incidentally, I was on the old forum, which also used Tapatalk as a platform for the forum, where you could get notifications. Is this forum on Tapatalk?
So this is your response to two long and carefully written posts on your original question, where people gave their best to help you.
In your other threads you even received MANY more answers, that took hours to write, and I don't remember that you seemed to appreciate them, either...

I don't say this to mock or blame you, AT ALL. I hope my feedback can help you to -finally- get a very basic truth about LoA:
You get back, what you put out.

There have been people who bent backwards to help you, but your appreciation for it seems to be quite minor. What that does is, it shuts the door for the flow of more! You literally stop "being attractive" to what you say that you want.

It is ALL about attraction! And you hold the door closed to being attractive, in your lack of authentic appreciation. Feels familiar?

Think of yourself as human magnet,
attracting what you speak, think and feel.

- Abraham

You stand so often in justification- sort of explanation... sort of like you did with your mother, when you were little: "I really need it, because, because... it's unfair that I don't have it! And because I don't like the feeling of not having it. And so, please, please, please, won't you give this to me!!??" -and your mother, bless her heart, really did you a disservice when she gave you the impression, that you- through your begging, through your justification, and through your rationalization, could distort the laws of the Universe. Because you can't!

You could trick your mother. But you cannot trick the Law of Attraction.
You got to line up with what you want, and who you are, if you are to thrive in the way that you intended, when you came.

Hi there POE, I honestly do feel as though there has been a misunderstanding here. I genuinely am appreciative of the help that I have received by both Simon and book, you, and all the help I have received on other threads too. My reply was a little rushed, and that appreciation might not be conveyed properly in my posts, but it is there. If I wasn't receptive to any help that this forum has, or could give in the future, or if the teachings didn,t resonate with me at all, and I had no interest at all in deepening my understanding of the teachings and how I can apply them to my life, I wouldn't even be here on this forum posting at all.

I value all of the advice given but right now I find myself in a bit of a funk, where I get swept up in momentum unwanted, and end up just having knee jerk reactions as one unwanted condition pops up after another. But this is a habit I want to break, and in the past I did actually successfully apply the teachings. It's not that I don't have a willingness to do that, it's just that I have this strong habit of just observing and reacting. But I do like books suggestion of just disengaging and taking a step back. I need to go more general.

I think I need to return to actually applying the teachings instead of simply coming on here with my laundry list of problems.

My participation in the old forum was excellent, because even though I still produced posts where I was just observing "what is" and reacting, I had some threads on the practising sub forum where I made some real progress.

I was even looking through some of my old notebooks which I filled with processes, where I tried to shift my usual resistant thoughts with some success. Some of these were from years ago and a lot of the thoughts I had about, for example, work, were the same that I have now. And funnily enough my conditions around work are the same.

So.....I think I have some fine tuning and shifting to do. I guess I have to do something different than complain about work and want things to change, or pine over this girl and hope she lands in my arms! I wonder whether to do it here or open a practising thread like I used to?

Re: Navigating high negative momentum

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 9:26 pm
by Salamander89
admin wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 11:20 pm
Salamander89 wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:15 pmIncidentally, I was on the old forum, which also used Tapatalk as a platform for the forum, where you could get notifications. Is this forum on Tapatalk?
Hi and welcome! :wave: The forum does not support Tapatalk, and I don't think it will be a possibility of it ever doing so, as it bypasses the normal login function of the forum software, it violates GDPR (a data protection law in Europe), amongst some other issues with it.
Tapatalk had a use many years back when most forums didn't have a responsive and mobile-friendly design, but this forum should work quite well on a mobile phone, but of course, if you have any feedback with the forum's design on a mobile device, you can contact us and give us your feedback.
Thank you for your reply

Re: Navigating high negative momentum

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 9:30 pm
by Salamander89
book wrote: Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:19 pm First of all, give up trying to make a romantic relationship or a new work situation work out this red hot minute. You are in a bad vibrational place and you know that. If you enter a relationship or workplace now, it will just be perpetuating these negative feeling places. This is not the time to take action. This is the time to take a step back, disengage, and focus on dissipating this negative momentum.

Once you have slowed down the negative momentum and then started the positive momentum....only after that is it a good idea to start to engage in action. Remember: Your action is only ever as powerful as your vibration.
I still want this girl I used to work with, but she barely knows I exist.
Let it go. It is not time to do that. Even if you got with her, in this vibrational place it would end badly and would just further emphasize the negative feelings you are already experiencing.
I am plummeting into debt through reckless overspending.
The next time you get the urge to overspend, instead stop and write out your feelings. Then use the go general process.
My nan transitioned last year still dealing with her no longer being physical.
You could probably easily reach relief on this topic with the wouldn't it be nice if process.
I'm having a dental procedure in a couple of days which could be prolonged, awkward and painful. I'm truly scared of it.
Yes. That truly sucks. It is okay to get angry if you are in the fear zone.
I hate my job, where I have been for so long and it's full of people I can't stand.
Totally understandable. But this will make you feel bad every day. You should reach for relief on this topic when you are alone at home. I suggest process 22.
I'm applying for another job but I don't think I'm good enough
Why do you not think you are good enough? Write it out and explore it.
I just want some advice in how to turn my energy around, because it just seems impossible right now.
1. meditate every day for at least 15 minutes
2. Whenever you catch yourself feeling bad, stop, write out your feelings and go general. Abraham explicitly said that the going general process is the one that slows down momentum. That really is the way.
Which leads me to my question: how do I turn all of this around?
Go generally negative then generally positive then once you start to build general positive momentum try to maintain the feeling. Do not be impatient with yourself. It can take 60 days to clean up your vibration and that is okay.
I'm finding it hard to get from Step one (asking) to Step 3( allowing)?
The "astonishing power of emotions" book lets us know that you enter step 3 whenever you find relief. And that is what you should aim for right now. Do not try to feel good. Just try to feel less bad.
Thank you for relying, I have been a little busy so I have only just had chance to properly read through it. A lot of your post resonates with me, and I think I'm going to start another meditation practise. Like I said, I was doing really well practising and applying the teachings, but I just kind of lost my way. I've gotten back into the habit of just having knee jerk responses to conditions. But I've taken to heart what took the time to write and thank you.

Re: Navigating high negative momentum

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 10:18 pm
by spiritualcookie
Salamander89 wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 9:24 pm I think I need to return to actually applying the teachings instead of simply coming on here with my laundry list of problems.
This sounds like a FANTASTIC idea! :)
I've found that applying the teachings can really get things moving in a positive direction and lift you out of a funk.
Salamander89 wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 9:24 pm My participation in the old forum was excellent, because even though I still produced posts where I was just observing "what is" and reacting, I had some threads on the practising sub forum where I made some real progress.

I was even looking through some of my old notebooks which I filled with processes, where I tried to shift my usual resistant thoughts with some success. Some of these were from years ago and a lot of the thoughts I had about, for example, work, were the same that I have now. And funnily enough my conditions around work are the same.

So.....I think I have some fine tuning and shifting to do. I guess I have to do something different than complain about work and want things to change, or pine over this girl and hope she lands in my arms! I wonder whether to do it here or open a practising thread like I used to?
You can practice where-ever feels best to you! :hearts:
You're very welcome to use the "Practicing the Teachings" part of the forum if you like - That's where all of us who practice do our practising usually :)

I've found that having a practice thread makes me feel a little more accountable for continuing to practice properly, for longer than I would if I do it by myself in a notebook.