Quotes on Astrology

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Quotes on Astrology

Post by spiritualcookie »

Hotseater wants to know if Astrology has anything real to it.

The fact that you didn't just begin when you were born here;
The fact that you are and were Consciousness coming in, does mean that you did set
intentions in motion.

And so we are never going to say that there is nothing to all of that [Astrology according to the date and time you were born] because there is something to all of that.

So you get here just as you planned from a non-physical atmosphere of non-resistance and came into a time and space.
And then began having experiences and continuing the creation by launching your Rockets of Desire.

And so all we are suggesting in this conversation about astrology is that you understand that once you got here -
in other words your immersion into this time space reality was perfect - every
single time.

And then you got here and you began offering new intentions.

And it's the gap between where you stand and what this Vortex is that you are really all about.

And so we could say to 100% of you that getting here went really well because you came from non-physical just the way you intended to from an atmosphere of no

But after you got here you started sort of mucking it up a little bit.
So that's the part that you're really wanting to focus upon.

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks2025 - The TRUTH about BIRTH CHARTS ✨ The law of attraction
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Re: Quotes on Astrology

Post by spiritualcookie »

Is Astrology based on truth?

Abraham: We're not saying it's incorrect.
We're just saying there are paths of much lesser resistance that you can follow.

If we were standing in your physical shoes we'd be aware of what we're offering vibrationally and aware of what that's attracting and that would be the emphasis that we would be applying.
That's the guidance that we would be looking for.

From the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks2025 - The TRUTH about BIRTH CHARTS ✨ The law of attraction
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Re: Quotes on Astrology

Post by spiritualcookie »

Focus on your vibrational setpoints rather than on your star chart

We are not in any way saying that anything that you're thinking about [in the context of astrology] - any of that is wrong. Let it dove tail

But you got here.
Call that a day!
And now get on with what you came to be about!

You were not born with an astrological chart tattooed to your butt! (...)

But you WERE born with a guidance system to let you calibrate the vibration of your moment in thought with that of your inner being - with this specific magnificent guidance.

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks2025 - The TRUTH about BIRTH CHARTS ✨ The law of attraction
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Re: Quotes on Astrology

Post by spiritualcookie »

Your Star Charts do not determine your everyday choices - you always have a choice regardless of your charts

Let's just assume that the only guidance you've got is whatever is in those charts.
That somebody figured it all out before you got here
and now it's your job to [effortfully] dig through all of the whatever it is -
and decipher... what? your plan for this life?
As if you're not deciding it every moment of every day?!

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks2025 - The TRUTH about BIRTH CHARTS ✨ The law of attraction
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