For pet owners - pets that transitioned

The Teachings of Abraham helps you to open doors to allow the Universe to deliver to you what you want. Often this delight happens in marvelous and unexpected ways. This is the forum to share these fabulous events and create a vibration for even more of them.
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For pet owners - pets that transitioned

Post by Tara »

While browsing on my messenger to find “hands in the clay” response to me on an old forum, I came across a photo of a white poodle (that I took and share with my brother)….

The story is that I had a white poodle (small one) for 13 years and we were very connected. Then I left to fly to London I gave her to my mum’s friend to look after her. I was thinking somehow later to take her here but she was bitten by a small bug (forgot the name), and passed away.

After her transition I would “feel her” sleeping near me etc

But the most amazing story was this. When I came back home and I was walking with my friend close to my apartment we saw a white poodle running towards us and this poodle was jumping with joy on me as if she knew me. My friend said it’s your Bela, and then the owners called her “Belka” in Russian you can say Bela or Belka (we have quite a few Russians living there) so my friend and I laughed. It was so cute.

Next year! I am coming again, again we are walking nearby my apartment and again we see this dog running towards us and jumping on me not my friend as if she knows me. This time I took a photo (I don’t know if that’s my Bela reincarnated or she just has access to this dog and gives her an impulse and I don’t know why it only happens near my home in my home country), but I guess it’s another proof that your pets never stop existing …

P.s. also when she past away the first video I played with Abraham (they said there are lot of dogs here in the vortex or sth like that), universe is so caring…
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Post by FeelGood »

This is a beautiful experience , thankyou for sharing with us 🥰💖
I AM this, and I AM that..I choose this, and I choose clarity. Good Version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Post by spiritualcookie »

aww so sweet how Belka is so attracted to you! It feels good to me imagining this is Bela's spirit still here, recognising you and loving you :hearts:
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Post by Tara »

spiritualcookie wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 11:29 am aww so sweet how Belka is so attracted to you! It feels good to me imagining this is Bela's spirit still here, recognising you and loving you :hearts:
Indeed it feels this way :), that her spirit is sending me LOVE <3
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

What a sweet story, Tara! :in_love:

Just an hour ago I listened to Kryon about the topic, and maybe this clip helps some who are attracted to this thread, also:
youtube clip "Do Your Pets Reincarnate? - KRYON".

Bottom line of it: Yes they do, and they come back to continue the love-relationship with their owners!
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