On Collecting Stuff / Building Collections
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2025 7:00 pm
[You are Creators, not Collectors]
You are not about the collection of data of what the universe is expanded to be.
You might think you are.
Do you really think you are?
What rings your bells?
Is what is ringing your bells collecting stuff?
or is what's ringing your bells: standing and feeling and knowing and observing and participating and becoming?
What's ringing your bells?
For the most part most people that gather with us care more about the car in the garage and the lover in the bed and the money in the bank then they do the expansion of their reason for being here.
But your emotions say differently.
Because you can gather up all kinds of things that are on your "yes I want it" list, and the more of those things you gather the more of those loops you close, the more you're opening other loops for other things
And then people that don't understand this at all are saying to you things like:
"Can't you ever get enough you greedy bugger?
How many cars do you need?"
"Well not a lot - Just the newest one.
Just the one that Rings my bells
The one that gave me a lift when I saw it
The one that closed the loop a little bit because it satisfied so many intentions that I had"
And you are born loop closers .
You are deliberate creators.
You're born to collect data [as part of your sifting and sorting phase, and once that's done you were born] to flow energy [towards your desire in a creative way, to create as you] connect the dots .
You are creators .
A Creator must create !
You're not collectors; you're creators !
You're not rememberers ,
you're transmitters and receivers of vibration !
You are masters of creation .
You are not historians and Monument Builders and gatherers of stuff!
- Abraham
From the youtube clip: Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness
You are not about the collection of data of what the universe is expanded to be.
You might think you are.
Do you really think you are?
What rings your bells?
Is what is ringing your bells collecting stuff?
or is what's ringing your bells: standing and feeling and knowing and observing and participating and becoming?
What's ringing your bells?
For the most part most people that gather with us care more about the car in the garage and the lover in the bed and the money in the bank then they do the expansion of their reason for being here.
But your emotions say differently.
Because you can gather up all kinds of things that are on your "yes I want it" list, and the more of those things you gather the more of those loops you close, the more you're opening other loops for other things
And then people that don't understand this at all are saying to you things like:
"Can't you ever get enough you greedy bugger?
How many cars do you need?"
"Well not a lot - Just the newest one.
Just the one that Rings my bells
The one that gave me a lift when I saw it
The one that closed the loop a little bit because it satisfied so many intentions that I had"
And you are born loop closers .
You are deliberate creators.
You're born to collect data [as part of your sifting and sorting phase, and once that's done you were born] to flow energy [towards your desire in a creative way, to create as you] connect the dots .
You are creators .
A Creator must create !
You're not collectors; you're creators !
You're not rememberers ,
you're transmitters and receivers of vibration !
You are masters of creation .
You are not historians and Monument Builders and gatherers of stuff!
- Abraham
From the youtube clip: Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness