Quotes on The Unwanted & Bad Things in the World
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
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Quotes on The Unwanted & Bad Things in the World
What is "evil"?
Evil is the practiced resistance to the Good-that-would-be-there-otherwise.
- AH
There has never been an injustice anywhere in this physical time/space reality or anywhere else.
Law of Attraction does not promote injustice.
Law of Attraction amplifies the vibration that is within you.
- Abraham
Evil is the practiced resistance to the Good-that-would-be-there-otherwise.
- AH
There has never been an injustice anywhere in this physical time/space reality or anywhere else.
Law of Attraction does not promote injustice.
Law of Attraction amplifies the vibration that is within you.
- Abraham
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
We know your world is a long way from your collective consciousness forgiving rascals who make conditions that upset you.
But it's not the forgiving of THEM we're asking for.
It's your forgiving of your own point of attention,
so that you can align with the love rather than with the hate.
You cannot focus upon something that feels awful without perpetuating it.
You cannot focus upon something that makes you feel good without perpetuating it.
So you've just got to decide. - Abraham
But it's not the forgiving of THEM we're asking for.
It's your forgiving of your own point of attention,
so that you can align with the love rather than with the hate.
You cannot focus upon something that feels awful without perpetuating it.
You cannot focus upon something that makes you feel good without perpetuating it.
So you've just got to decide. - Abraham
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
You just can't blame it on the government or your neighbor or your lover or your enemy.
Your Point of Attraction is not about what somebody else is doing.
Your Point of Attraction is about what YOU are doing.
Period. - Abraham
You just can't blame it on the government or your neighbor or your lover or your enemy.
Your Point of Attraction is not about what somebody else is doing.
Your Point of Attraction is about what YOU are doing.
Period. - Abraham
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Sometimes people worry about
"What about really bad people - what about serial killers? What about those people that come in and wreak havoc on our society?"
And we say every single one of them, if you were up close and personal to them or if you could find out from those who were, every one of them was someone who really wanted to feel good who was badgered into a place of such disconnection [from Source and from their own Inner Being].
And we promise you they were not under the influence of Source when they do those things.
So your question is, could I be inspired to something that isn't good for all or good for me? Yes,
but you would be under the influence of something other than Source.
That's why you want to figure out what's satisfying and what isn't -
you have to teach yourself your own Guidance System. You have to develop your conscious awareness and relationship with what Source is and how Source feels before you'll have that Guidance.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Boston 5/5/2018
"What about really bad people - what about serial killers? What about those people that come in and wreak havoc on our society?"
And we say every single one of them, if you were up close and personal to them or if you could find out from those who were, every one of them was someone who really wanted to feel good who was badgered into a place of such disconnection [from Source and from their own Inner Being].
And we promise you they were not under the influence of Source when they do those things.
So your question is, could I be inspired to something that isn't good for all or good for me? Yes,
but you would be under the influence of something other than Source.
That's why you want to figure out what's satisfying and what isn't -
you have to teach yourself your own Guidance System. You have to develop your conscious awareness and relationship with what Source is and how Source feels before you'll have that Guidance.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Boston 5/5/2018
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
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Get under the influence of Source and see what you talk about,
and it is our promise to you that when you are under the influence of Source,
you're not talking about the violence of your childhood, [or any other bad thing]
because whatever you're talking about is what you're perpetuating.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Boston 5/5/2018
Get under the influence of Source and see what you talk about,
and it is our promise to you that when you are under the influence of Source,
you're not talking about the violence of your childhood, [or any other bad thing]
because whatever you're talking about is what you're perpetuating.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Boston 5/5/2018
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
If (from your human perspective) you say “I think that ingredient should be removed from the kitchen because I don’t want it in my pie,”
we say then don’t put it in your pie.
When you say “But it shouldn’t be in the kitchen because it might get in my pie,” we say it won’t get in your pie if you don’t put it in your pie.
You say “But somebody else might put it in my pie,”
and we say nobody else has access to your pie.
Then you say “Well then, how did those things I don’t want in my pie get in my pie?”
We say it was because you were focused upon other people putting things you didn’t want in your pie in their pie, and you put it in your pie.
“Oh, you mean just giving my attention to something puts it in my pie.”
Now you’re cooking; now you’re getting the sense of how you’re making your pie.
You do not need to remove things you do not want from this environment in order to live joyfully.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Boulder, CO 6/11/2005
Light is the Source, and you’re either allowing it or you’re not.
There’s not a source of evil, there’s not a source of sickness, there is only wellbeing which you are letting in or not.
And then you say “Well then, where did the sickness come from? Where did the evil come from? Where did the not-good come from?”
And we say you get fixated on things you don’t want -
you activate it in your vibration,
you beat the drum of it,
you make a big deal about it,
you join groups about it,
you spread the news about it.
Turn on your television and ask yourself, where does this stuff come from?
You can’t watch the weather channel without being indoctrinated with all of the deficiencies of your physical body.
In other words, there are so many people who still believe that they can push hard enough against this thing that they do not want that they can make it go away.
And we want you to understand that they’re just putting it in their pie, and they’re just causing you to think about it until you have it in your pie.
And then they’ll say “See? We told you it was a problem!” And we say it’s only a problem if it’s active in your vibration.
If it’s not active in your vibration, it cannot touch you in any way.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Boulder, CO 6/11/2005
we can understand how, when you look around and you see things you don’t want, like diseases or terrorists or anything that is unwanted and you shout no at it, you would like it to go away - we know you would, and we don’t blame you at all.
We just want to help you to understand that your attention to it causes an activation of it in your vibration, and when something is active in your vibration, you’re moving toward it.
It’s just as simple as that.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Boulder, CO 6/11/2005
If (from your human perspective) you say “I think that ingredient should be removed from the kitchen because I don’t want it in my pie,”
we say then don’t put it in your pie.
When you say “But it shouldn’t be in the kitchen because it might get in my pie,” we say it won’t get in your pie if you don’t put it in your pie.
You say “But somebody else might put it in my pie,”
and we say nobody else has access to your pie.
Then you say “Well then, how did those things I don’t want in my pie get in my pie?”
We say it was because you were focused upon other people putting things you didn’t want in your pie in their pie, and you put it in your pie.
“Oh, you mean just giving my attention to something puts it in my pie.”
Now you’re cooking; now you’re getting the sense of how you’re making your pie.
You do not need to remove things you do not want from this environment in order to live joyfully.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Boulder, CO 6/11/2005
Light is the Source, and you’re either allowing it or you’re not.
There’s not a source of evil, there’s not a source of sickness, there is only wellbeing which you are letting in or not.
And then you say “Well then, where did the sickness come from? Where did the evil come from? Where did the not-good come from?”
And we say you get fixated on things you don’t want -
you activate it in your vibration,
you beat the drum of it,
you make a big deal about it,
you join groups about it,
you spread the news about it.
Turn on your television and ask yourself, where does this stuff come from?
You can’t watch the weather channel without being indoctrinated with all of the deficiencies of your physical body.
In other words, there are so many people who still believe that they can push hard enough against this thing that they do not want that they can make it go away.
And we want you to understand that they’re just putting it in their pie, and they’re just causing you to think about it until you have it in your pie.
And then they’ll say “See? We told you it was a problem!” And we say it’s only a problem if it’s active in your vibration.
If it’s not active in your vibration, it cannot touch you in any way.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Boulder, CO 6/11/2005
we can understand how, when you look around and you see things you don’t want, like diseases or terrorists or anything that is unwanted and you shout no at it, you would like it to go away - we know you would, and we don’t blame you at all.
We just want to help you to understand that your attention to it causes an activation of it in your vibration, and when something is active in your vibration, you’re moving toward it.
It’s just as simple as that.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Boulder, CO 6/11/2005
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
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When you expose yourself to contrast
you expose your Inner Being and All That Is to the same contrast.
As you conclude a new desire [that arises from the contrast],
you summon Life Force forward into this leading edge experience.
And whether you are allowing it to flow through you
or not,
All That Is benefits from that.
When you expose yourself to contrast
you expose your Inner Being and All That Is to the same contrast.
As you conclude a new desire [that arises from the contrast],
you summon Life Force forward into this leading edge experience.
And whether you are allowing it to flow through you
or not,
All That Is benefits from that.
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
"But why would I be born into an environment where there's contrast at all?"
Because contrast is the stuff that the expansion is made from.
Boston 5/21/2016
Because contrast is the stuff that the expansion is made from.
Boston 5/21/2016
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
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If you want something to dissipate,
don't talk about it.
Don't discuss it.
Don't bring it up.
Don't think about it.
- Abraham
don't talk about it.
Don't discuss it.
Don't bring it up.
Don't think about it.
- Abraham
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
when you find things on your planet,
in your physical environment,
that are upsetting to you, and you beat the drum of them,
and beat the drum of them
until you activate them within your vibration,
you change your frequency
to the point that you no longer match the frequency
of your own Inner Being.
~Abraham speaking in Tarrytown, NY on October 9, 2004
in your physical environment,
that are upsetting to you, and you beat the drum of them,
and beat the drum of them
until you activate them within your vibration,
you change your frequency
to the point that you no longer match the frequency
of your own Inner Being.
~Abraham speaking in Tarrytown, NY on October 9, 2004