Quotes on Deliberate Creation

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Re: Quotes on Deliberate Creation

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Don't get limp! Don't get overboard with "chilling out"!
Instead, explore the delightful path of specifically and deliberately CREATING what you desire. And only soothe yourself in overwhelmed, tense times with the much less passionate "letting go and letting God"

I know that I've got huge amounts of great things stacked up around the door (Abe: yes!) and I've been working with the tapes for about 10 years and so I know that I'm not allowing all that I could, so I'm...

Well, it helps to know that you never get it done. In other words, there'll always be more and more and more!
But we can feel- and it is... we're playing with you in the way, (...) what we've been talking here today: We talk about this all the time! About how your life experience causes you to ask. And that the Universe hears it, and lines it up for you. And sometimes our physical friends have this confusion- in fact, it came up a few times today, about

"Well, which is it? Abraham, am I the deliberate creator of my experience?
Or shall I just let go and let God?
Am I the creator of my experience or do I just pet my cat, and relax and allow?"

...And you heard us say to our friend just now, that everything is lined up. And that you're really wanting to work on letting it in! And while we want you, all of you, to focus more on reducing resistance- because, as you said so clearly, you have got enough lined up for 20 or 30 lifetimes, and so the work really is in finding the... finding more ways to be less resistant. Or more allowing, in order to let in what you are wanting. There is nothing more delicious than to be specifically focused upon specific things, that you are wanting, while you are letting it in! And we think that this is most what you're wanting to hear from us. And we'll be very clear about this, it will benefit all of you!

So for example. To say "I saw a new car, and I love the idea of it. And it costs a lot of money, but it feels good just to think about being in it. And whatever will be will be. And so, the universe knows I want the car, and I've wanted it for a long time. And now I'm just not going to think about it anymore! Because the universe has got that handled."

-That's one way of approaching it.
And if you were really feeling negative about the car, that's the way we would encourage you to approach it.

But we think that it is ever so much more Hands-On, and delicious deliberate creating, to think about the car, to pretend you're in the car, to talk about the color of the car, to smell the leather of the car, to pretend you're in the car, to imagine being in the car, to go test drive the car, to look at the car, to think about driving the car, to imagine having the car in your garage, even to making a place for the car! To telling other people about the car... in other words, we think that

...the more specifically involved you get energetically with the car, the more satisfying the unfolding of the car can can be!

Unless you have convinced yourself that you don't get what you want. And we can sort of feel that from you!
We can feel that from a lot of you! -Where you have sort of shied away from getting too specific, for very long, about the things that you want, because you get tired of wanting things that don't come. And so, you don't let yourself focus upon them very much. And the result of that is, you sort of feel limp.

Where what we really want you to do, is to get into this sort of cocky, arrogant attitude where you begin to believe that the universe will give you anything, and everything that you want, and see yourself as the Maestro that is directing the energy toward the specifics of things!

And you want to start with things that you already believe. That you can achieve, because, lining up that energy light will give you instant manifestations on some things. And then, every day, just add more to your list, and add more to your list, and add more to your list! we can feel that you understand very clearly the principles that we have been expressing, for a very long period of time. And we do not feel a big disconnect within you, about worthiness! In other words, we don't feel that you're deliberately holding yourself apart from things.

But we can feel not just with you, but with a lot of, a LOT of our physical friends, that you've stopped being very deliberate about things! Because you are feeling the discomfort. You're tired of feeling the discord of wanting things, that don't come easily. And so you decided, that you would sort of just take another tact in it. And you got really heavy on allowing, now. This is really a great deal of fun for us, because as we begin to interact with our physical friends, and we talk about the science of deliberate creation- many of you get very clear:

-You start thinking about what you want.
-You start setting goals, and you start sucking in the thoughts that don't match to what you're wanting.
-You worry about talking negatively!
-You're afraid that the universe will take off with you, on something that you don't want.
-And so, you get very... sort of, worried about directing your thoughts at all times.

And then, we notice that in your attempt to be deliberate creators, that you are not relaxed and allowing as much.
So, then we began emphasizing the "Art" of Allowing. We begin saying to you that- yes of course, it's important that you want things! And it's nice to set those goals. And it's nice to write it down what you are wanting.

But the universe already knows what you want!
The universe heard you the first 100,000 times, that you said that you wanted it!!
And it's already lined up for you now!
Your work is to relax and let in.

What you've been saying- you want... you've gone overboard, on relaxing and letting in!
In other words, in the same way that we began expressing the "Art" of Allowing, in order to calm people who were very analytic, who were focused very specifically on what they'r wanting- now we' sort of like to get you focused more upon your goals. And we think that now, this time when you do it, we think it will go very well for you!

-Because you've done enough relaxing.
-You've come into alignment with who you are!
-You're beginning to expect good things to come for you, you have evidence of that.
-You have knowledge of the law of attraction!
-You don't misunderstand the correlation between what you're thinking, and what you're feeling, and what you're getting.
-You're beginning to understand, that the Universe is always consistent.

And we think, that even though you have launched desires and the Universe knows what they are, that a little bit of attention to what you are wanting, would net you some big results right away.

Abraham Hicks


The Attitude of a successful deliberate Creator!

Where what we really want you to do, is to get into this sort of cocky, arrogant attitude where you begin to believe that the Universe will give you anything and everything that you want, and see yourself as the Maestro that is directing the energy toward the specifics of things!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Deliberate Creation

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

It's so fun to live on purpose!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Deliberate Creation

Post by spiritualcookie »

The Joy is in the Journey

Deliberate Creating is about much more than happy outcomes or improved conditions.

Deliberate Creating really is about Allowing your own personal connection with the Stream of well-Being and with all that you consider to be good.

While creation is certainly about outcomes, or the manifestation of wanted things, experiences and conditions, it is really more about the PROCESS of creation.

In other words, it is wonderful to attract and therefore possess a beautiful new vehicle - but life is really about the process of doing it.

- Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Deliberate Creation

Post by spiritualcookie »

Deliberate Creation Makes Life More Satisfying

Life is really about the ongoing, never-ending refocusing from each new vantage point.
Life is always flowing to you and through you,
but for you to have conscious, DELIBERATE awareness of it, is the ultimate in truly living.

- Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Deliberate Creation

Post by spiritualcookie »

Deliberate Creation is much more than just deliberately choosing a subject of attention and focusing upon it.

For while it is a good thing to deliberately choose the subject of your attention, you must also FEEL for the vibrational content of your thought, in order to really be in deliberate control of your creating.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Deliberate Creation

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2024 7:24 am I don't care....

What do you mean, "you don’t care"?
-Well, I don’t mean I don’t care about anything, because there are a lot of things I do care about. I care about feeling good. And I care about clarity.
I care about being in the receptive mode.
I care about being an uplifter. I care about presenting all of myself in any moment in time. I care about being of value. I care about feeling good. I care about this magnificent environment.
I care about what’s in my vortex. I care about what’s in your vortex. I care about everything that you desire. I care about all good things coming to me, and to you. I care about us all living happily ever after.
But what I don’t care about are conditions that I cannot control. What I don’t care about are things that take me out of my alignment. What I don’t care about, meaning I don’t have momentum about it anymore.
I don’t care, it’s not a hook for me. It’s not a knee jerk response to me. I’ve trained myself to care about what infuses me, not what diffuses me. I care about what lifts me, not about lowers me.
I care about what feels good, not about what doesn’t feel good. I care about alignment. I care about being an extension of Source. I care about fulfilling my reason for being here. I care about being in this world, and not necessarily only of this world.
I care about the whole of me being present in this moment. I care about all who have gone before me, and all they have come to know, and all they do now know and all that they are now presenting to me.
I care about the revelation that’s constantly coming to me, and I care about being in the receptive mode of that. I care about being on the leading edge. I care about contributing in positive ways. I care about feeling good, and I care about others feeling good.
But what I don’t care about is that which I cannot control. And what I can’t control is everything that is conditional, and what I can control is everything that is unconditional.
I can control the way I feel, I’ve practiced it. I can hold a steady vibration. I can stay in vibrational sync with who I am. I can present the whole of myself, in this time space reality, in any situation.

The whole interaction:
To care, or not to care?

Abraham Hicks:
Do you have the clarity, the willingness, do you have the gumption, do you have the momentum ...that's even a better word, do you have the momentum to not care what somebody else thinks about what you're doing? Oh, if you could get there! If you could just get there! Practice these words with us! (the audience repeats with Abraham)

I don't care. It's just how I am!
I like it this way. Life is so fun for me! I don't care!
I'm sorry you're upset, but I don't care. [Applause]
I don't care. I would like everything to go well for you! But I can't fix it and so: I don't care.
-"Well, I want a divorce then, if you don't care!" -"I don't care!" [Applause] -"What do you mean: you don't care??"

-"Well, I don't mean I don't care about anything! Because there are a lot of things I do care about.
I care about feeling good, and I care about clarity.
I care about being in the receptive mode.
I care about being an uplifter.
I care about presenting all of myself in any moment in time.
I care about being of value.
I care about feeling good.
I care about this magnificent environment.
I care about what's in my Vortex.
I care about what's in your Vortex!
I care about everything that you desire.
I care about all good things coming to me and to you.

I care about us all, living happily ever after.
But what I don't care about, are conditions I cannot control.
What I don't care about, are things that take me out of my alignment.

What I don't care about- meaning I have no momentum about it anymore- I don't care, it's not a hook for me. It's not a knee-jerk response to me.

I've trained myself to care about what infuses me, not what diffuses me.
I care about what lifts me, not what lowers me.
I care about what feels good, not about what doesn't feel good.
I care about alignment.
I care about being an extension of source!
I care about fulfilling my reason for being here!
I care about being in this world, and not necessarily only of this world.
I care about the whole of me, being present in this moment.
I care about all who have gone before me, and all that they've come to know, and all that they do now know,
and all that they are now presenting to me.

I care about the revelation that's constantly coming to me.
And I care about being in the receptive mode of that I care about being on the Leading Edge!
I care about contributing in positive ways.
I care about feeling good, and I care about others, feeling good.

But what I don't care about is that that I can't control.
And what I can't control is everything that is conditional!
And what I can control is everything that is unconditional.

I can control the way I feel: I've practiced it. I can hold a steady vibration!
I can stay in vibrational sync with who I am.
I can present the whole of myself, in this time-space reality in any situation.
I can walk into a situation that is raging in discomfort, and because I haven't cared about it-
I'm not hooked into it- and because I'm not hooked into it, I am in vibrational alignment with the solution,
that they are all seeking.

They are all bound up in the problem, but I don't care about the problem!
I'm in alignment with the solution!
So, I can walk into any environment, no matter what's going on: Guns going off, people jumping off cliffs, it doesn't matter what sort of things are going on; because I don't care about that, -I'm not vibrationally aligned with that, and because I'm not vibrationally aligned with that, I'm not part of that point of Attraction.

I'm part of the solution, not part of the problem!
I care about that!

So, I can walk into any environment, steady in the vibrational alignment, with all that I've lived, steady with what's in my vortex.
In alignment with what's in my Vortex!
Walking Above The Fray, in complete alignment and alliance with all that is good.
Knowing what to do, and what to say, and where to go, and when to be!

In other words, Tuned in, Tapped in, Turned on- embracing life. That's what I care about!
I care about what feels good, and I do not allow myself to care about what feels bad!
Because in the unconscious sifting of the environment what doesn't feel good, causes me to launch something that does.
And that's what I care about.

I don't care about the problems. I care about the solutions. That's what I align with.
I don't care about the struggles, I care about the flow, and that's what I'm in alignment with.
I care about feeling good, I don't care about feeling bad.

I care about feeling good.
I care about fulfilling my reason for being,
and my reason for being is simple and singular care about feeling good!
Because, you see, Source within you feels so good!
And you know how you can tell how good source feels, by how bad you feel!
Because if Source wasn't feeling really really good about the exact thing you're focused upon, you couldn't feel bad!

If Source felt just like you feel, you'd feel wonderful. So when you feel bad, no matter what the subject.
It always means you have diverged from the way Source feels, about that subject.
You can love this guy, without living with him, (HS: we do!)
And you gotta, because source does.
And if you don't, then you're using him as your excuse to cut yourself off from Source.

Yeah, when you're in that situation- so for example, sometimes in the morning- (Abe: What situation?) A situation where you're off...

Oh, we don't care about that.

Okay. [Laughter] So just be okay with where you're at!

We don't care! (pausing).
You see, the reason you feel a struggle is, because you get into a vibration where you can't hear what source feels.

Can I just say that, like- even if I'm feeling mad or something, can I just say- "you know what- I don't care!" ?

"I give up! I give up, I give up the struggle!" Okay? I give up. It's pointless. It's like someone handing you a 500 ton Boulder and saying: "Take it over there, please!" You say: "I don't really care about that."

And you better not care about it!!
Because you're not going to carry it over there! But if you really need it to be over there, and you focus upon what you want, and why you want it, a way to get it over there will be revealed to you. But right now, it better not matter so much, that you've got to pick it up, and carry it over there, you see! You get what we're getting at...?

Yeah yeah! I just lastly wanted to say: I adore Esther. I think she's one of my superheroes. And I love you Abraham! So, thank you very very much!

We are all in this together, aren't we? Yeah. We are all in this together. Really good conversation!

from the youtube-clip "The Rampage of "I Don't Care" - Abraham Hicks"
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Re: Quotes on Deliberate Creation

Post by spiritualcookie »

Deliberate Creation & Getting on a Positive Vibrational Disc is something you deliberately keep up every day

We are going to push this reset button today. (...)
But we want you to know that it only lasts a day.

Because tomorrow you have to get on that highflying disc again
and the next day you want to get on that highflying disc again.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Deliberate Creation

Post by spiritualcookie »

Deliberate Creation Takes Self-Control and Deliberateness in your Thoughts

We want you to be so selfish
that you are not willing to think a thought
that is unpleasant or uncomfortable.

- AH
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