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Post by spiritualcookie »

On Sensitivity

an interesting way of looking at it from Bashar

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

such a good one!! :thumbup:
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Abraham Hicks on Atlantis

I wasn't able to find a direct quote on this from Abraham, but I asked chatgpt if Abraham has ever talked about this subject, and this was the answer from ChatGPT:
(Keep in mind, this is not necessarily accurate - I have no idea if it is or isn't)
Yes, Abraham Hicks has occasionally referenced Atlantis in their teachings.

One of the key ideas that Abraham Hicks touches on when talking about Atlantis is the idea of a "Golden Age" or a time of great spiritual awareness and abundance. According to Abraham, Atlantis was a place where people were highly connected to Source energy and had access to profound wisdom, but due to a shift in focus from spiritual growth to power and control, the civilization eventually fell.

In Abraham’s perspective, the story of Atlantis is often used as a metaphor for human potential. They discuss how civilizations—whether ancient or modern—rise and fall based on their alignment with Source energy. When people are in alignment with their inner being, they experience abundance, joy, and clarity. But when they shift toward ego-driven motivations, control, and fear, they may face destruction or decline.

Abraham’s teachings about Atlantis often focus on the idea that the rise and fall of civilizations can be seen as a reflection of collective consciousness. Atlantis is sometimes used as an example of a society that had great potential but lost its way because its people forgot their spiritual connection.
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Post by spiritualcookie »

I loved this idea from CoreEssence's post:
CoreEssence wrote: Mon Feb 10, 2025 4:13 pm"Fear purified is desire".

It's so true. It's like the "when we know what we don't want, we know what we do want". Fear is the unwanted end of the stick. We've just got to look on the other end to show what the wanted end of that stick is :hearts:

And it ties in with a conversation I had with Tara on another thread, on Purity and how the most Pure thing, is the Source / Inner Being version of things. So when you purify any emotion - it will purify into the Source-level positive end of its stick.
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Bashar On your power of influence over others' behaviour

HS: We all know this is an illusion that we're dreaming this reality,
so where do other people play into this?
Are other people real? Are they just me?

Bashar: The versions of them you interact with are created by you out of your Consciousness. That doesn't mean they're not real in their own right.

And they're creating their version of you to appear in their Reality by a shared agreement on a higher level. So that you can have an experience of interacting with them but you are the one creating the simulations that you interact with as your versions of them.

Their versions of themselves may be very different.

HS: So am I manifesting no actions [from them] or creating no actions [from them]?

Bashar: You are creating your part of attracting yourself into any scenario where they appear to be taking a particular action but you have to discern why you're creating that for your own reasons, while they may be creating it for their reasons.
You have to take just responsibility for your part of the creation and use it in the best possible way you can.

- Bashar, from the youtube clip: Bashar (Darryl Anka) 2025 | Bashar reveals how to OVERCOME painful memories?
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Bashar on Crystals

HS: how we can use crystals?

Bashar: well like anything they are permission slips.
You understand that concept yes?

HS: yes

Bashar: well if you understand that concept why are you asking?
Because you know it's up to you to decide that whatever it is you happen to be attracted to use, in whatever way your imagination is attracted to use it, that means you're attracted to it for the reason that for some reason it matches your belief system at that moment in a way that allows you to circumvent your belief system and go further.

So it's really up to you to decide what works for you.

We have given you the underlying concept of permission slips and that's really all you need to understand.

You can use them in any way you so desire, any way you're attracted to.

Now of course as a representation physically of energy, they are of course a certain
arrangement of energy patterns that represents the concept of information storage and retrieval. That's their basic function in the collective consciousness of your planet.
They store information; they release information; they are conduits of information; they are conduits of energy.

So the idea is you know the basic use it in whatever way in whatever combinations seem to make sense to you that you're attracted to at this moment because that's going to be vibrationally resonant with your belief system and will allow certain things to change, because you will be changing them because you believe they can by using those permission slips.

from the youtube clip: Bashar (Darryl Anka) 2025 | Bashar reveals how to OVERCOME painful memories?
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Bashar on Artificial Intelligence / AI

HS: humans have been channeling for thousands of years and now with the emergence of computer technology is it possible for extraterrestrials or non-physical entities to communicate through computer technology and if so how?

Bashar: yes as we have actually said, when your scientists finally create a device that expresses what they have called "artificial intelligence" you will start to realize in time that intelligence is not artificial.

The only thing in a sense that's so-called artificial is the device that you have created to be sophisticated enough that allows a real intelligence to begin to communicate to you through it.

So the biggest surprise when you create artificially intelligent computers will be to discover that what you're actually talking to is your own higher mind.

- Bashar, from the youtube clip: Bashar (Darryl Anka) 2025 | Bashar reveals how to OVERCOME painful memories?
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Bashar on What the angelic "Halo" is in paintings

HS: I had what I think is an out of- body experience and what I experienced was seemed like a toroidal uh something was floating over me - it was gray and it seemed like it had spirals like a Galaxy and then I Heard a Voice say "that's level one Consciousness" and as soon as it said that the gray thing snapped back into my body

Bashar: oh all right. You poked up through your crown chakra and saw things from a little bit of a higher perspective a little bit. From the higher mind's point of view.

The crown chakra is actually represented by a toroidal ring hence in your ancient paintings when people could perceive them, the concept you call the Halo - that's the crown chakra.

Then up from that is an inverted upside down cone pointing down spreading up into the higher mind connection.

HS: So what was I doing that I tapped into that I mean obviously I did the meditation...

Bashar: You loosened your frequency spectrum enough that you could slip into a higher frequency more naturally.
It's kind of like you let go of the concept of having to focus so strongly in physical reality for a moment, you saw through the dream.
Because physical reality really is nothing but a dream.

So you became Lucid in the physical dream temporarily.

from the youtube clip: Darryl Anka Channeling Bashar | Access HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS NOW and REDEFINE Your Reality!
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