Quotes about sex
- Paradise-on-Earth
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Quotes about sex
What are Orgasms?
What happens during an orgasm, energetically?
There is obviously a blending between the physical and the nonphysicalwhile alignment during physically… goosebumps, happy and meditational moments feels somehow… and somewhere, in some aspects, it´s still different.It´s not as intense…
Ya. Less momentum! Less momentum. Meditation is a sort of slowing momentum but there is no slowing of momentum in what is leading up to that orgasm! Well let´s think about of the components of that. We´ve been talking about that 17 seconds, 17 sec, 17 sec, 17 sec, 17 sec. And the thing about that experience, personally-even so you maybe with another person - is that there is a personally and selfish focus. A sort of undevided attention.
Iow, there is no subject that is more helpful in the discussion of momentum, than this one! Because there are few subjects, that get your attention that in the moment of the process as you are willing to HOLD yourself–and you know that it´s a mental thing more than anything else!-when you´r mind is wandering all over the place, it´s different than when you are FOCUSED.
And there is nothing more sensual OR sexual than alignment! Iow, people think that it´s mortal,or that it´s physical but it isn´t.It´s NONPHYSICAL. It´s alignment. And don´t you think that that´s the perfect blending-that the very reason and possibility of your existanceis tied in, to that!? ya, ya! Things that matter get the HIGHEST attention from source! And we´r NOT trying to get you to conceive, every time you have this experience.It just fits nicely together.
What happens during an orgasm, energetically?
There is obviously a blending between the physical and the nonphysicalwhile alignment during physically… goosebumps, happy and meditational moments feels somehow… and somewhere, in some aspects, it´s still different.It´s not as intense…
Ya. Less momentum! Less momentum. Meditation is a sort of slowing momentum but there is no slowing of momentum in what is leading up to that orgasm! Well let´s think about of the components of that. We´ve been talking about that 17 seconds, 17 sec, 17 sec, 17 sec, 17 sec. And the thing about that experience, personally-even so you maybe with another person - is that there is a personally and selfish focus. A sort of undevided attention.
Iow, there is no subject that is more helpful in the discussion of momentum, than this one! Because there are few subjects, that get your attention that in the moment of the process as you are willing to HOLD yourself–and you know that it´s a mental thing more than anything else!-when you´r mind is wandering all over the place, it´s different than when you are FOCUSED.
And there is nothing more sensual OR sexual than alignment! Iow, people think that it´s mortal,or that it´s physical but it isn´t.It´s NONPHYSICAL. It´s alignment. And don´t you think that that´s the perfect blending-that the very reason and possibility of your existanceis tied in, to that!? ya, ya! Things that matter get the HIGHEST attention from source! And we´r NOT trying to get you to conceive, every time you have this experience.It just fits nicely together.
- Paradise-on-Earth
- Plus Member
- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
About the sexual liberation of men and women.
Well, you’re so free you can choose bondage. And really, we love you so much. But the thing that keeps you from being free is that you want to talk about it too much. Just hold your thoughts and let Law of Attraction bring to you that which is harmonic with what your thoughts are. But sometimes when you want to talk about it, it’s like you’re wanting to convince others. And that is what messes up your experience, no matter what the topic, the need for others to understand it, as you understand it, you see.
And so we’re not trying to shut you down here, we’re just wanting to start at this very basic place, which is let life show you what you want. Line up with it and let Law of Attraction bring to you what you want. And let others be as bound up in sexuality or as anything as they choose to be. Don’t let their uptightness bother you.
And don’t try to liberate those who do not want to be liberated.
The core of what I’m really wanting to get at is when I say sexuality, I really mean the freedom. And it’s getting back to what you just said, the freedom of not only being physically sexual, but mentally, emotionally, spiritually. There’s this What stops you what could possibly be stopped? I’m not necessarily talking about for me, but I’m essentially asking the question for the global community. What could possibly be stopping anyone from that? So far, they’re not able to limit your thoughts. No one can limit your thoughts. Right? No one can limit your thoughts. No one can limit your ability to imagine, no one can limit your ability to remember, or to expect or to imagine. And so what do you think you’re getting at here?
What I’m getting at is I guess I want even myself, I want to be more free in my sexuality. You know, as a young man, there is this biological drive to have a lot of sex. And I enjoy that. And it’s fun. But there’s a certain degree of stuff you make up and stuff that you’ve heard from others and stuff that is unmatched. Oh, yeah. So what we’re talking about our limiting beliefs. And I believe it’s just a thought that you keep thinking. And so how would you cease to continue it within your own experience? Stop focusing on the limitations and acknowledge the freedom that you do experience?
Is it good for me to want to enjoy that to the degree that I want to? And I’m not talking about just me, I’m talking about all of us, I’m talking about and that’s what I mean by sexual liberation. I mean, letting the beast out, you know what I’m saying?
So let’s talk about your life here in your physical body, amongst others, okay. And let’s acknowledge because it’s obvious that it’s necessary to acknowledge this, that you are here among so many others, and that the co creation between one another is what really causes the expansion of the universe, and is what the deliciousness of life is about.
And then let’s remember that you come in tremendous variety, variety of intention, variety of perspective, variety of exposure to life. In other words, your cultures vary your understandings vary, those to whom you are born vary. In other words, there is a magnificent diversity in this time, space reality. So let’s just begin by acknowledging that. And then let’s think of any one of you as an individual, and what life brings you to an awareness of what you prefer. And let’s remember, and this is the part that you are wisely wanting to enter jacked into the conversation, let’s remember who you are coming in, let’s remember, the free being who you really are.
The being who is in alignment with source does feel free, and has no guilt, and does feel worthy, and expects good things.
So let’s talk about when you watch the beasts of your planet, as you watch the birds fly in perfect formation, you understand that there is a broader perspective that they are all responding to. And so let’s call this sexuality that you feel your calling the drive or desire that cannot be stifled no matter what rules are written, and no matter what laws are put in place, it is something that is innate, it comes forth from within, it’s one of those basic understandings, it’s essential to who you are, it’s essential to your survival, it’s essential to your continuation is essential to your beingness. So we don’t have to justify that sexual desire that sexual drive, it’s a wonderful thing.
And as part of that "tuned in, tapped in, turned on... (wondered when you’re going to catch on to that.) Part of being here and your physicality. So we’ve acknowledged the broadness of who you are. And now we’re talking about the individuality of who you are. And now let’s talk about the co creation aspect as you’re interacting with others. So we’ve been encouraging all of you to become more aware of your selfishness, because you have the perspective of self and you have to identify yourself as self. And you have to care about how self feels.
So when the desire was within you, and you allow that desire to be satisfied. That’s harmony, that’s coming into alignment with source, that sexual experience that orgasmic experience, that delicious experience that you are describing that connection with source, often not always, but often, that you tuned in tapped in, it’s you expressing the fullness of yourself here in this physical experience. But also, it is important. And this is a conversation to have, no matter what the topic of conversation is, no matter what the subject of conversation is, what’s the difference?
Or how do you put into perspective, your own selfish nature and your consideration of others. consideration of others is a really important thing. Because while you have the ability to be or do or have anything, and the time, space, reality can give it to you, and law of attraction and your vortex and most of all, your inner being knows where the compatible components are for you. So rather than wanting everyone to have the same desire, or the same beliefs about something, which is by the way, what most people talk about when they’re using the word liberation, they don’t mean liberate everyone to their own intelligence, they usually mean liberate everyone to an intention that agrees with the intention that I have, that I’d like to liberate all of you to agree with me is what most people mean when they’re talking about liberation. But let’s talk about freedom in conjunction with compatibility.
Let’s talk about freedom in conjunction with compatibility and consideration, consideration for the masses of people who may or may not believe or desire as you do. And so sometimes people are wanting, they will send notes to Jerry and Esther wanting them to do something about joining some peace movement. And Esther is saying, Abraham, what do you think about that? And we say, we think people should be free to choose war if they choose it. And yet that twist your brain into a little mark, because most of you are saying, no, no, everyone should want peace. And we say, you don’t get to decide for everybody else what they want. You have to be considerate of the intentions of others.
But it’s not easy is it to be considerate of the intentions of others. If you’re in strong disagreement to their desires. And so it’s interesting that we are coupling something that nobody thinks they want, which is war with something that everybody thinks they want, which is sex. And we’re having the same conversation about it in that you must decide for yourself and be considerate enough to allow others to choose what they choose. And most important to trust law of attraction to put those of you who match with those of you who match. Now, this is where our conversation becomes important. This is where deliberate creation becomes important to the conversation.
Because if you know what you want, and if you are in alignment with what you want, consistently, that that you are projecting what you want, since you are broadcasting what you want, since your point of attraction is about what you want, then only those who are a vibrational match to what you want would come to you. And there would be a harmonic sexuality, or whatever the topic is, that would be beyond anything that you’ve ever experienced before. But if you’ve got this little edge going on, where you are wanting to control what they want, or you’re wanting to teach them what you want, or you’re wanting them to change what they want, if you could just let them want what they want.
And trust that you have been born into a time space reality that is broad enough and vast enough that there are enough compatible components where you and what you want, no matter what the topic is, so that you seize all need to control or even to convey or even to convince, you just exude your vibration and trust that law of attraction brings to you that which is a match, and everyone lives happily ever after. There are those who seek monogamy with their sexual partners. There are those who don’t think monogamy with their sexual partners.
But you know, the most interesting thing, those who are demanding and wanting and crying out for monogamy are those that are pushing the hardest against the opposite. And then they wonder why they don’t find a partner that matches what they want. Because what’s active in their vibration is not what they’re wanting, most are offering the opposite of what they really desire in their guardedness or in their seeking to control or in their pushing against what they do not want. So if ever there was a topic, well, really that’s not right, because all topics are the same. All topics but if ever there was topic, if ever there were topics.
But really that’s not right, because all topics are the same. But if there were ever a topic that you would do well to just live and let live. That’s the topic. But that was what we talked about all day yesterday, wasn’t it? In all the time that we spent together, it’s about finding your vibration and owning it, which means owning it consistently, exuding it, and then trusting that law of attraction will bring to you what is a vibrational match to what you are offering? So do you think in any way that the conversation that we’re having here is as much about your ability to manage your own vibrational output as it is to wonder about or worry about anyone else’s response to what you’re putting out?
Yeah, I think at the end of the day, it’s all an inside game.
And always, Yeah, always. Once you get that you ultimately, once you have that trust, of law of attraction and your intention and the universe bringing back to you, you won’t need to worry about this person being in or out of alignment with what you want, because you’ll attract that naturally.
And how do you hone what you want only through experience and the same with others. We love the conversation about sexuality because it is the subject where most people have had the experience of pure alignment. In other words, it’s the closest thing because it’s a time that is often void of thought is a time that’s often spurred by instinct or intuition or connection to Source energy. And when it’s a co creative dance. It is a wonderful experience. Many years ago, Jerry was teaching a business course on creating your own reality, although he was calling it turning thoughts to things. And he was using the thinking Grow Rich book that was written by Napoleon Hill.
And there was a section in the book called Sexual transmutation. And Jerry always skipped that chapter with the group because he didn’t want to stir anything up. And he didn’t want to offend those who were sensitive about the topic. And years later, he was teaching that before he was interacting with often years later, we were discussing it with him and we said, that’s the most important chapter because it’s the chapter where people know how to let themselves go if the chapter how they can allow their broader intentions to guide them.
It’s the understanding where if you will allow yourself to move with the energy that is truly coming from within you, and when Not try to be guided by the mores or Morales or laws of the environment around you, then there is true freedom in that isn’t there. So the chapter was important not because it’s the most important topic, it’s one of them. But not because it’s the most important topic. But because it’s the topic where most understand from firsthand experience what it really means to be in alignment, and to just let yourself go with broader perspective guiding your impulse.
Something more, yeah, well, or something else?
I feel like that when I originally wrote this question down, it was actually more for women. Because I feel and I maybe I’m not a woman. So I don’t know. But that’s right. Thank you.
Abe (speaking for the HS):
I feel like that, I feel like I’m not allowing law of attraction to do its work. I feel like I’m trying to micromanage something that’s not really any of my business. I feel like if I would put my intention out there, that law of attraction would bring me that which is a match to me, and no words would be necessary to explain to anyone putting words in your mouth, I feel that two people are really in tune with who they are, will make their way into something that is magnificent, I guess, I feel that it’s an energy thing before it’s a physical thing.
I feel that if I have allowed myself to let those vibrations turn to thoughts, and those thoughts turn to experiences that cannot be less than what I’m wanting to be, I feel that sometimes I get more involved in the action part about wanting the action then to move the energy where what I’m really wanting to do is get the energy moving and then be inspired to the action. Isn’t that what you feel?
Is it the same for men as it is for women, identically cool. You’re all the same energetically, and you’re all expressing yourself. And the orgasms that you experience are mutually experienced by one another. It’s the closest thing to an emotional exchange between another person that exists on the planet if you weren’t in there, that’s why it’s nice to wait for each other. We’re just saying if you were in our physical shoes, when we are in your physical shoes, how often and bed?
How enjoy your sexuality? How often would you be engaging in a sexual experience we would be looking for that orgasmic explosion of Source Energy meeting physical in as many ways as possible. And we would not only look for it there.
This is so beautiful because what I’m really learning you know, I’ve been learning from you for several years now. And the more I learned, the more I study and listened to you, the more I learned that it’s really about surrendering, allowing and being in alignment surrendering- to what- to my inner being and what does that mean, surrendering to that broader knowing?
Yes. To that broader being? Yes, that’s surrendering to all that you have been asking for. You don’t even compartmentalize your desires, when you surrender to the whole of who you are. Because your inner being is experiencing simultaneously, the whole of who you are on every topic you see. That’s why it’s explosive. That’s why it’s dynamic. That’s why once you’ve tasted the connection, you really want to master it and be there and that’s why negative emotion feels so strong within you sometimes because once you taste that nothing else will ever do. Yeah, absolutely. Really good.
That "tuned in, tapped in, turned on..." wondered when you’re going to catch on, to that!
Well, you’re so free you can choose bondage. And really, we love you so much. But the thing that keeps you from being free is that you want to talk about it too much. Just hold your thoughts and let Law of Attraction bring to you that which is harmonic with what your thoughts are. But sometimes when you want to talk about it, it’s like you’re wanting to convince others. And that is what messes up your experience, no matter what the topic, the need for others to understand it, as you understand it, you see.
And so we’re not trying to shut you down here, we’re just wanting to start at this very basic place, which is let life show you what you want. Line up with it and let Law of Attraction bring to you what you want. And let others be as bound up in sexuality or as anything as they choose to be. Don’t let their uptightness bother you.
And don’t try to liberate those who do not want to be liberated.
The core of what I’m really wanting to get at is when I say sexuality, I really mean the freedom. And it’s getting back to what you just said, the freedom of not only being physically sexual, but mentally, emotionally, spiritually. There’s this What stops you what could possibly be stopped? I’m not necessarily talking about for me, but I’m essentially asking the question for the global community. What could possibly be stopping anyone from that? So far, they’re not able to limit your thoughts. No one can limit your thoughts. Right? No one can limit your thoughts. No one can limit your ability to imagine, no one can limit your ability to remember, or to expect or to imagine. And so what do you think you’re getting at here?
What I’m getting at is I guess I want even myself, I want to be more free in my sexuality. You know, as a young man, there is this biological drive to have a lot of sex. And I enjoy that. And it’s fun. But there’s a certain degree of stuff you make up and stuff that you’ve heard from others and stuff that is unmatched. Oh, yeah. So what we’re talking about our limiting beliefs. And I believe it’s just a thought that you keep thinking. And so how would you cease to continue it within your own experience? Stop focusing on the limitations and acknowledge the freedom that you do experience?
Is it good for me to want to enjoy that to the degree that I want to? And I’m not talking about just me, I’m talking about all of us, I’m talking about and that’s what I mean by sexual liberation. I mean, letting the beast out, you know what I’m saying?
So let’s talk about your life here in your physical body, amongst others, okay. And let’s acknowledge because it’s obvious that it’s necessary to acknowledge this, that you are here among so many others, and that the co creation between one another is what really causes the expansion of the universe, and is what the deliciousness of life is about.
And then let’s remember that you come in tremendous variety, variety of intention, variety of perspective, variety of exposure to life. In other words, your cultures vary your understandings vary, those to whom you are born vary. In other words, there is a magnificent diversity in this time, space reality. So let’s just begin by acknowledging that. And then let’s think of any one of you as an individual, and what life brings you to an awareness of what you prefer. And let’s remember, and this is the part that you are wisely wanting to enter jacked into the conversation, let’s remember who you are coming in, let’s remember, the free being who you really are.
The being who is in alignment with source does feel free, and has no guilt, and does feel worthy, and expects good things.
So let’s talk about when you watch the beasts of your planet, as you watch the birds fly in perfect formation, you understand that there is a broader perspective that they are all responding to. And so let’s call this sexuality that you feel your calling the drive or desire that cannot be stifled no matter what rules are written, and no matter what laws are put in place, it is something that is innate, it comes forth from within, it’s one of those basic understandings, it’s essential to who you are, it’s essential to your survival, it’s essential to your continuation is essential to your beingness. So we don’t have to justify that sexual desire that sexual drive, it’s a wonderful thing.
And as part of that "tuned in, tapped in, turned on... (wondered when you’re going to catch on to that.) Part of being here and your physicality. So we’ve acknowledged the broadness of who you are. And now we’re talking about the individuality of who you are. And now let’s talk about the co creation aspect as you’re interacting with others. So we’ve been encouraging all of you to become more aware of your selfishness, because you have the perspective of self and you have to identify yourself as self. And you have to care about how self feels.
So when the desire was within you, and you allow that desire to be satisfied. That’s harmony, that’s coming into alignment with source, that sexual experience that orgasmic experience, that delicious experience that you are describing that connection with source, often not always, but often, that you tuned in tapped in, it’s you expressing the fullness of yourself here in this physical experience. But also, it is important. And this is a conversation to have, no matter what the topic of conversation is, no matter what the subject of conversation is, what’s the difference?
Or how do you put into perspective, your own selfish nature and your consideration of others. consideration of others is a really important thing. Because while you have the ability to be or do or have anything, and the time, space, reality can give it to you, and law of attraction and your vortex and most of all, your inner being knows where the compatible components are for you. So rather than wanting everyone to have the same desire, or the same beliefs about something, which is by the way, what most people talk about when they’re using the word liberation, they don’t mean liberate everyone to their own intelligence, they usually mean liberate everyone to an intention that agrees with the intention that I have, that I’d like to liberate all of you to agree with me is what most people mean when they’re talking about liberation. But let’s talk about freedom in conjunction with compatibility.
Let’s talk about freedom in conjunction with compatibility and consideration, consideration for the masses of people who may or may not believe or desire as you do. And so sometimes people are wanting, they will send notes to Jerry and Esther wanting them to do something about joining some peace movement. And Esther is saying, Abraham, what do you think about that? And we say, we think people should be free to choose war if they choose it. And yet that twist your brain into a little mark, because most of you are saying, no, no, everyone should want peace. And we say, you don’t get to decide for everybody else what they want. You have to be considerate of the intentions of others.
But it’s not easy is it to be considerate of the intentions of others. If you’re in strong disagreement to their desires. And so it’s interesting that we are coupling something that nobody thinks they want, which is war with something that everybody thinks they want, which is sex. And we’re having the same conversation about it in that you must decide for yourself and be considerate enough to allow others to choose what they choose. And most important to trust law of attraction to put those of you who match with those of you who match. Now, this is where our conversation becomes important. This is where deliberate creation becomes important to the conversation.
Because if you know what you want, and if you are in alignment with what you want, consistently, that that you are projecting what you want, since you are broadcasting what you want, since your point of attraction is about what you want, then only those who are a vibrational match to what you want would come to you. And there would be a harmonic sexuality, or whatever the topic is, that would be beyond anything that you’ve ever experienced before. But if you’ve got this little edge going on, where you are wanting to control what they want, or you’re wanting to teach them what you want, or you’re wanting them to change what they want, if you could just let them want what they want.
And trust that you have been born into a time space reality that is broad enough and vast enough that there are enough compatible components where you and what you want, no matter what the topic is, so that you seize all need to control or even to convey or even to convince, you just exude your vibration and trust that law of attraction brings to you that which is a match, and everyone lives happily ever after. There are those who seek monogamy with their sexual partners. There are those who don’t think monogamy with their sexual partners.
But you know, the most interesting thing, those who are demanding and wanting and crying out for monogamy are those that are pushing the hardest against the opposite. And then they wonder why they don’t find a partner that matches what they want. Because what’s active in their vibration is not what they’re wanting, most are offering the opposite of what they really desire in their guardedness or in their seeking to control or in their pushing against what they do not want. So if ever there was a topic, well, really that’s not right, because all topics are the same. All topics but if ever there was topic, if ever there were topics.
But really that’s not right, because all topics are the same. But if there were ever a topic that you would do well to just live and let live. That’s the topic. But that was what we talked about all day yesterday, wasn’t it? In all the time that we spent together, it’s about finding your vibration and owning it, which means owning it consistently, exuding it, and then trusting that law of attraction will bring to you what is a vibrational match to what you are offering? So do you think in any way that the conversation that we’re having here is as much about your ability to manage your own vibrational output as it is to wonder about or worry about anyone else’s response to what you’re putting out?
Yeah, I think at the end of the day, it’s all an inside game.
And always, Yeah, always. Once you get that you ultimately, once you have that trust, of law of attraction and your intention and the universe bringing back to you, you won’t need to worry about this person being in or out of alignment with what you want, because you’ll attract that naturally.
And how do you hone what you want only through experience and the same with others. We love the conversation about sexuality because it is the subject where most people have had the experience of pure alignment. In other words, it’s the closest thing because it’s a time that is often void of thought is a time that’s often spurred by instinct or intuition or connection to Source energy. And when it’s a co creative dance. It is a wonderful experience. Many years ago, Jerry was teaching a business course on creating your own reality, although he was calling it turning thoughts to things. And he was using the thinking Grow Rich book that was written by Napoleon Hill.
And there was a section in the book called Sexual transmutation. And Jerry always skipped that chapter with the group because he didn’t want to stir anything up. And he didn’t want to offend those who were sensitive about the topic. And years later, he was teaching that before he was interacting with often years later, we were discussing it with him and we said, that’s the most important chapter because it’s the chapter where people know how to let themselves go if the chapter how they can allow their broader intentions to guide them.
It’s the understanding where if you will allow yourself to move with the energy that is truly coming from within you, and when Not try to be guided by the mores or Morales or laws of the environment around you, then there is true freedom in that isn’t there. So the chapter was important not because it’s the most important topic, it’s one of them. But not because it’s the most important topic. But because it’s the topic where most understand from firsthand experience what it really means to be in alignment, and to just let yourself go with broader perspective guiding your impulse.
Something more, yeah, well, or something else?
I feel like that when I originally wrote this question down, it was actually more for women. Because I feel and I maybe I’m not a woman. So I don’t know. But that’s right. Thank you.
Abe (speaking for the HS):
I feel like that, I feel like I’m not allowing law of attraction to do its work. I feel like I’m trying to micromanage something that’s not really any of my business. I feel like if I would put my intention out there, that law of attraction would bring me that which is a match to me, and no words would be necessary to explain to anyone putting words in your mouth, I feel that two people are really in tune with who they are, will make their way into something that is magnificent, I guess, I feel that it’s an energy thing before it’s a physical thing.
I feel that if I have allowed myself to let those vibrations turn to thoughts, and those thoughts turn to experiences that cannot be less than what I’m wanting to be, I feel that sometimes I get more involved in the action part about wanting the action then to move the energy where what I’m really wanting to do is get the energy moving and then be inspired to the action. Isn’t that what you feel?
Is it the same for men as it is for women, identically cool. You’re all the same energetically, and you’re all expressing yourself. And the orgasms that you experience are mutually experienced by one another. It’s the closest thing to an emotional exchange between another person that exists on the planet if you weren’t in there, that’s why it’s nice to wait for each other. We’re just saying if you were in our physical shoes, when we are in your physical shoes, how often and bed?
How enjoy your sexuality? How often would you be engaging in a sexual experience we would be looking for that orgasmic explosion of Source Energy meeting physical in as many ways as possible. And we would not only look for it there.
This is so beautiful because what I’m really learning you know, I’ve been learning from you for several years now. And the more I learned, the more I study and listened to you, the more I learned that it’s really about surrendering, allowing and being in alignment surrendering- to what- to my inner being and what does that mean, surrendering to that broader knowing?
Yes. To that broader being? Yes, that’s surrendering to all that you have been asking for. You don’t even compartmentalize your desires, when you surrender to the whole of who you are. Because your inner being is experiencing simultaneously, the whole of who you are on every topic you see. That’s why it’s explosive. That’s why it’s dynamic. That’s why once you’ve tasted the connection, you really want to master it and be there and that’s why negative emotion feels so strong within you sometimes because once you taste that nothing else will ever do. Yeah, absolutely. Really good.
That "tuned in, tapped in, turned on..." wondered when you’re going to catch on, to that!
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
So I came up here to talk about pleasure and sex. [Audience: yeah!] Because it has been resonating through every night we've been up at the Crow's Nest—[disco bar] "crowing." And it's just been great fun, and I'm seeing all this energy happening, and I've not heard you talk about that on the DVD's, so I wanted to get your thoughts about it.
Related to what? It's a big topic.
It is. [laughs] Relating to relationships, and in congruencies of beliefs—so, as we become freer and freer, how does sex play into our lives? As we get more into alignment.
The most important thing to remember is that it never works to try to—in an action, sense,--- sort out all of the possibilities and define right behavior and wrong behavior.
And that's mostly what people attempt to do around the subject. Instead, from the life experience that you have lived, define as best you can, what you want, and then become a vibrational match to what you want, and you will attract into your experience those who want that same thing. For example, let's take the subject of wanting one life partner or wanting many sexual partners. Very different stances relative to the subject of sexuality. So let's say you are someone who has defined through what you've lived and the relationships that you've watched unfold, and through your own experience, you now are looking for A person that you can be involved with completely.
And make, at least from where you are standing now, your life partner.And you want to be true to that person in the sense that you will only be with that person, and you want that person to be true to you in that same sense. So, that's what you've decided, those are the thoughts you think; you don't give attention to other thoughts; that becomes your vibration; it's what's in your vibrational escrow; Source calls you toward it; you follow the impulse; you meet up with that person, you recognize one another because that's the way you intended it to be, and you live Happily Ever After.
(Interjection by the transcriber: There was a very illuminating conversation earlier in the cruise between Abraham and a guest who wanted to see the whales. Abraham explained very clearly how these rendezvous between the humans and the whale occur, and why the success rate was so very high. In a nutshell: BECAUSE WE HAVE NOT PRACTICED A LIFETIME OF DIS-BELIEVING WE CAN MEET UP WITH A WHALE!) ]
But let's say, that while you want all of that, and while you believe it is possible, that you have been listening to what others are doing, and you do remember experiences that you've had, and you have experienced betrayal of people that you thought would be true to you, and so, even though that IS what you want, that's not the drum that you often beat. And so, you have something you don't want active in your vibration. So what you do want is over here---but what's active in your vibration is over here, in fact it's more dominant, so the people you keep attracting to you are the exact opposite of what you really want.
Guest: Um-hum.
And you lose faith in humanity; you lose faith in your ability to get what you want; you begin saying things like, "The kind of person I want is no longer out there." When it isn't that the person isn't out there, it's that you're not a vibrational match to your own intention. So, there is not a right or a wrong way to approach this or anything. Your life has helped you define, from where you now stand, what you want, and it may be that you will intend it one way, and maybe live it that way for a while, and maybe change your mind. There is not one-right-right- way. But in order to have a satisfying experience, no matter what the topic of it is, you've got to be in alignment with --- You. So, again, we talked about this earlier---- when you take the time to find vibrational alignment, then the action part of it comes easy. You get impulses, and as you follow the impulse, you end up at the right place at the right time, and life unfolds so easily. We were visiting with a woman recently—very recently—who said, "I am old." She basically said, "I am in my forties, [laughter from the audience].
Guest: That's funny!
"... and I have just found the person that I want to spend my life with, and we only met 30 days ago, and we're engaged to be married, and our families are---especially my family-- very upset about this, because they think that I am moving too fast".
And we said, "It wasn't really that fast. In your lifetime, you were identifying what you were wanting, and you have just now found a releasing of resistance, so you've allowed yourself to move to where what you want is."That's what relationships are about. Look at relationships as Law of Attraction and vibrational escrow and see the Love of Your Life in whatever form you want it to be, --there. [in vibrational escrow] with your Inner Being, and reach for Downstream Thoughts, and you'll go right there! And it doesn't take that long. You could have been looking for months or years or decades, and in the understanding of this Knowing, and in the releasing of resistance, and in no longer beating the drum of worrying about getting something that you don't want, you'll turn, and you'll find exactly what you DO want.
Can we talk a little bit about self-pleasure, and how that plays into (no pun intended) the releasing of resistance, so to speak?
Well, it is as relevant or as irrelevant as you want to make it.
In other words, there is nothing right or wrong about anything.
The question that you want to ask yourself, relative to all subjects is, "During my action, am I having Downstream thoughts?" That's the only thing that you need to be aware of. And any time you are having Downstream thoughts, anything that is happening while you are having the Downstream thoughts is of advantage. But, so often, people try to use action to replace thought. And that is the thing that we are encouraging: Let your thought come first, and let whatever action is inspired, happen, but let the thought be thoughts of Alignment. And then there is always benefit.
Have any of you experienced sex?
There is nothing that you experience that is positive in nature, that that which is nonphysical doesn't experience. In fact, even in meditation, sometimes people experience what they would call that sexual arousal or sensation. And that's what that is about.
In fact, sexuality and alignment are not separate vibrations. But, again, you can take any subject and experience it from Upstream or Downstream. And you know the difference, you see.
Guest: OK. Thank you.
So I came up here to talk about pleasure and sex. [Audience: yeah!] Because it has been resonating through every night we've been up at the Crow's Nest—[disco bar] "crowing." And it's just been great fun, and I'm seeing all this energy happening, and I've not heard you talk about that on the DVD's, so I wanted to get your thoughts about it.
Related to what? It's a big topic.
It is. [laughs] Relating to relationships, and in congruencies of beliefs—so, as we become freer and freer, how does sex play into our lives? As we get more into alignment.
The most important thing to remember is that it never works to try to—in an action, sense,--- sort out all of the possibilities and define right behavior and wrong behavior.
And that's mostly what people attempt to do around the subject. Instead, from the life experience that you have lived, define as best you can, what you want, and then become a vibrational match to what you want, and you will attract into your experience those who want that same thing. For example, let's take the subject of wanting one life partner or wanting many sexual partners. Very different stances relative to the subject of sexuality. So let's say you are someone who has defined through what you've lived and the relationships that you've watched unfold, and through your own experience, you now are looking for A person that you can be involved with completely.
And make, at least from where you are standing now, your life partner.And you want to be true to that person in the sense that you will only be with that person, and you want that person to be true to you in that same sense. So, that's what you've decided, those are the thoughts you think; you don't give attention to other thoughts; that becomes your vibration; it's what's in your vibrational escrow; Source calls you toward it; you follow the impulse; you meet up with that person, you recognize one another because that's the way you intended it to be, and you live Happily Ever After.
(Interjection by the transcriber: There was a very illuminating conversation earlier in the cruise between Abraham and a guest who wanted to see the whales. Abraham explained very clearly how these rendezvous between the humans and the whale occur, and why the success rate was so very high. In a nutshell: BECAUSE WE HAVE NOT PRACTICED A LIFETIME OF DIS-BELIEVING WE CAN MEET UP WITH A WHALE!) ]
But let's say, that while you want all of that, and while you believe it is possible, that you have been listening to what others are doing, and you do remember experiences that you've had, and you have experienced betrayal of people that you thought would be true to you, and so, even though that IS what you want, that's not the drum that you often beat. And so, you have something you don't want active in your vibration. So what you do want is over here---but what's active in your vibration is over here, in fact it's more dominant, so the people you keep attracting to you are the exact opposite of what you really want.
Guest: Um-hum.
And you lose faith in humanity; you lose faith in your ability to get what you want; you begin saying things like, "The kind of person I want is no longer out there." When it isn't that the person isn't out there, it's that you're not a vibrational match to your own intention. So, there is not a right or a wrong way to approach this or anything. Your life has helped you define, from where you now stand, what you want, and it may be that you will intend it one way, and maybe live it that way for a while, and maybe change your mind. There is not one-right-right- way. But in order to have a satisfying experience, no matter what the topic of it is, you've got to be in alignment with --- You. So, again, we talked about this earlier---- when you take the time to find vibrational alignment, then the action part of it comes easy. You get impulses, and as you follow the impulse, you end up at the right place at the right time, and life unfolds so easily. We were visiting with a woman recently—very recently—who said, "I am old." She basically said, "I am in my forties, [laughter from the audience].
Guest: That's funny!
"... and I have just found the person that I want to spend my life with, and we only met 30 days ago, and we're engaged to be married, and our families are---especially my family-- very upset about this, because they think that I am moving too fast".
And we said, "It wasn't really that fast. In your lifetime, you were identifying what you were wanting, and you have just now found a releasing of resistance, so you've allowed yourself to move to where what you want is."That's what relationships are about. Look at relationships as Law of Attraction and vibrational escrow and see the Love of Your Life in whatever form you want it to be, --there. [in vibrational escrow] with your Inner Being, and reach for Downstream Thoughts, and you'll go right there! And it doesn't take that long. You could have been looking for months or years or decades, and in the understanding of this Knowing, and in the releasing of resistance, and in no longer beating the drum of worrying about getting something that you don't want, you'll turn, and you'll find exactly what you DO want.
Can we talk a little bit about self-pleasure, and how that plays into (no pun intended) the releasing of resistance, so to speak?
Well, it is as relevant or as irrelevant as you want to make it.
In other words, there is nothing right or wrong about anything.
The question that you want to ask yourself, relative to all subjects is, "During my action, am I having Downstream thoughts?" That's the only thing that you need to be aware of. And any time you are having Downstream thoughts, anything that is happening while you are having the Downstream thoughts is of advantage. But, so often, people try to use action to replace thought. And that is the thing that we are encouraging: Let your thought come first, and let whatever action is inspired, happen, but let the thought be thoughts of Alignment. And then there is always benefit.
Have any of you experienced sex?
There is nothing that you experience that is positive in nature, that that which is nonphysical doesn't experience. In fact, even in meditation, sometimes people experience what they would call that sexual arousal or sensation. And that's what that is about.
In fact, sexuality and alignment are not separate vibrations. But, again, you can take any subject and experience it from Upstream or Downstream. And you know the difference, you see.
Guest: OK. Thank you.
- Paradise-on-Earth
- Plus Member
- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am

There is nothing that leaves resistance behind faster,
than humor and orgasms!
- Paradise-on-Earth
- Plus Member
- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
Abraham on Sexual Chemistry
Questioner: When you are tuned in, tapped in, turned on and you're
in a room with others who are also tuned in, tapped in, turned on,
but you aren't attracted sexually, that sexual chemistry with every
single person. And I was wondering what is it that evokes it from
say, this person and not that person?
Abraham: Well, you have to remember that you have put your
vibrational escrow together very intimately with a tremendous amount
of detail over a long period of time. So, as you synthesize life,
your preferences are honed. Your personal preferences are honed so
when you come into vibrational alignment with those carefully honed
preferences – everyone in the room doesn't match the data you've
been gathering and the conclusions you've come to, you see.
But there is, think about the word, attractive. That person is
attractive. When you see someone you feel that way about, almost
without exception, they are tuned in, tapped in, turned on. They are
full of themselves. They are flowing with the fullness of who they
are. And that's attractive when you're there.
But if they're tuned in, tapped in, turned on and you're complaining
about something, you would not feel that way about them. And so the
attraction that you feel has to do with where you are and where they
But we're talking about attraction on a whole other level. We're
talking tending to your business of being lined up with who you are
before you take your first step in attracting others to play with
you. If you've taken the time to tune yourself to the vibration that
is really you before you begin to play in your sexual games, or
before you begin to play in your business games or your basketball
games or whatever games you're playing.
If you've tended to your business of alignment first, then a whole
different level of others will come to play with you, you see.
Questioner: Okay.
Abraham: And if you've taken the time to tune in to who you are – so
that is the consistent vibration you are offering - Law of
attraction won't match you up with those who have not also taken the
time to tune in. And when people get together who have taken the
time to tune in, that's when what you create is not only delicious
and satisfying beyond description. That is when the world stands
back in amazement at what you are able to achieve.
San Antonio 11-17-07
Questioner: When you are tuned in, tapped in, turned on and you're
in a room with others who are also tuned in, tapped in, turned on,
but you aren't attracted sexually, that sexual chemistry with every
single person. And I was wondering what is it that evokes it from
say, this person and not that person?
Abraham: Well, you have to remember that you have put your
vibrational escrow together very intimately with a tremendous amount
of detail over a long period of time. So, as you synthesize life,
your preferences are honed. Your personal preferences are honed so
when you come into vibrational alignment with those carefully honed
preferences – everyone in the room doesn't match the data you've
been gathering and the conclusions you've come to, you see.
But there is, think about the word, attractive. That person is
attractive. When you see someone you feel that way about, almost
without exception, they are tuned in, tapped in, turned on. They are
full of themselves. They are flowing with the fullness of who they
are. And that's attractive when you're there.
But if they're tuned in, tapped in, turned on and you're complaining
about something, you would not feel that way about them. And so the
attraction that you feel has to do with where you are and where they
But we're talking about attraction on a whole other level. We're
talking tending to your business of being lined up with who you are
before you take your first step in attracting others to play with
you. If you've taken the time to tune yourself to the vibration that
is really you before you begin to play in your sexual games, or
before you begin to play in your business games or your basketball
games or whatever games you're playing.
If you've tended to your business of alignment first, then a whole
different level of others will come to play with you, you see.
Questioner: Okay.
Abraham: And if you've taken the time to tune in to who you are – so
that is the consistent vibration you are offering - Law of
attraction won't match you up with those who have not also taken the
time to tune in. And when people get together who have taken the
time to tune in, that's when what you create is not only delicious
and satisfying beyond description. That is when the world stands
back in amazement at what you are able to achieve.
San Antonio 11-17-07
- Paradise-on-Earth
- Plus Member
- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
spiritualcookie wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 4:08 pm
At the basis of [LGBTQ issues] is this desire of freedom to be,
even in the faces of a society that wants to say otherwise.
- AH
We talked with a young man recently (...) [who is] gay. Now, it is his freedom seekingness that has brought this forth within him, but he was speaking to us about the way his family treats him as a result of this.
They are absolutely opposed to this and do not acknowledge him as a decent human being anymore. They consider him very strange and very odd, and he is very resentful of them, especially of his mother, because she cannot let him be as he wants to be.
And we said, "But you must look at yourself also, and realize that you are also not wanting to let her be as she wants to be.
In other words, she is wanting to see you as doing something inappropriate, but you're not willing to allow her to see you as inappropriate.
And so, you are accusing her of the very thing that you believe that she is doing to you."
- Abraham
- Paradise-on-Earth
- Plus Member
- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
What is up with Homosexuality?
(Most gay people come as teachers of unconditional Love!)
I only have 84,000 questions...
Well we only have one answer, so give us your best. (laughter)
Okay great. Um, I've heard you speak often about sexuality, and one of my... one of several questions is: Where do gay relationships, gay love, gay sex fit into broader perspective with the whole scheme of things?
Well, that subject fits in just like every other subject- that you are the creator of your reality.
In other words, we're going to come fully around all of this, but we we want to say -as a basis of this-, that humans, through time, in their not-conscious alignment with who they are, are often looking for someone to establish a set of rules that they can follow, in their desire to be righteous or good.
And that set of rules does not exist from a non-physical perspective!
In other words, there is not a set of rules.
You have not been sent here into this physical environment, to identify the rules and to keep them. And it's good for you that that isn't the case, because you have a real scrambled set of rules going on on your planet right now! In fact, you're killing each other in record numbers today, over your arguing about who's got the right set of rules!
-When what you came forth understanding is, that you are pure positive energy.
-And you came forth into this physical environment, wanting the variety to cause you to give birth to desires!
-And you knew that your joy was only dependent upon your coming into alignment.
You knew, that your fulfilling of your reason for being was only dependent upon you, coming into alignment with who you really are! So, you may have noticed that there are many beings coming forth- in the last generation or two, and even more in these powerful days- of energies, coming forth from Source, who are in a stronger way determined to be unconformable. Because, so much of the world says: "I see that condition and it makes me feel pretty good. So I would vote for a lot more of that! And I see that condition, and I don't like the way I feel- so I would not vote for that. So we need to change all of these conditions, to be what make me feel good, so that I can feel better." -A very conditional love, that is impossible!
Unconditional love says:
"I see conditions that I prefer. And conditions that I don't prefer.
And my feeling of love, my feeling of alignment, my alignment itself, is dependent only upon the direction of my thoughts.
I do not need to control conditions, in order to come into alignment!"
But of course everyone wants to feel better, don't they? So, there are huge numbers of people on the planet today, who even though many of them are speaking unconditional love, they don't understand it at all. Because they're still trying to change this condition and this condition- so that they can have a better feeling response to it you know?
You've really reached the place of being an allower, when you're able to allow those who aren't allowing you.
So there are people coming forth, energies coming forth into human form, in record numbers, who come with this determination to be unconformable. Meaning, that -no matter how much you need this condition to change so that you can feel better- this is not a condition that's going to change, so that you can feel better!
"So, if you're going to feel better, you're going to have to change the way you are looking at things.
Because I'm not going to be the reason that you feel better!"
So, children are coming forth... gay children are coming forth, autistic children are coming forth, with all kinds of what humans want to call maladies, that we call determination to be secure in their teaching of unconditional love.
A man said to us one day, years ago: "Abraham, why why would I come forth intending to be gay? Why would I bring all of this grief to myself? My mother hates me. My father hates me. I have a hard time!" -and we said: "How do you feel about your mother?" and he said: "I hate her, too. I hate her, because she hates me." And we said: "So, neither one of you are coming into alignment with who you are! And you're using each other as your excuse, why not to come into alignment.
When what you've come forth to teach is: Alignment, anyway.
What you've come forth to teach is: "I can align with the source within me, regardless of what those outside of me are reflecting back to me. And this is the most significant thing about this! Almost everyone, even those who've been listening to us for a while, cannot separate how they feel about things from how other people feel about things.
So, most people... in other words, almost the first thing you do with your children is: You teach them patterns of behavior, that make your life better or that you think will make them have an easier time in the society in which they will live. And as you convince your children, that they should do what you want them to do: "you should do what makes them feel better", rather than what closes their gap for them!
In early ages you teach them to listen outside of themselves.
That's why we have a room full of people in every city that we visit, who are accustomed to listening more to what's coming from another person... in other words, approval is so meaningful to you, when it comes from other people. And disapproval is so meaningful to you, when it comes from other people.
And we want that disapproval or approval, that comes from other people- even if it's your mother!- to not matter to you as much as the way you feel!
And that's what we said to this man, "that's what you've come forth to teach!"
You've come forth to teach. Because when you say to your child: "You need to do such and such, so that I will feel better"- then you set them up to listen to another and another and another. Until before long, most everybody is more interested in what everybody else thinks! And then they've lost track of their ability to quantify their journey.
We're visiting with a woman one day who had pain in her body and she said: "Abraham, how can I think positive thoughts when my body hurts so much? And we said: "we know what you're living is what it is. But there's a difference between having pain in your body, and feeling fear- and having pain in your body and feeling hope.
And the difference between fear and hope is the vibrational difference between recovery or not.
In other words, we were trying to teach her how to quantify the journey between sickness and wellness. How to feel her way, you see, where most people aren't encouraging anybody to feel their way into vibrational alignment, in order to have a better life! They're trying to teach them, they're trying to motivate them to respond to this rule, and to respond to this law, and respond to this disapproval or this approval.
So it is rampant in this civilization today- it is rampant almost nobody is listening to their own guidance!
Almost nobody is deliberately closing their gap.
Almost everybody cares what somebody else says or thinks, about what they're doing!
And so many people are coming forth, saying "well, try this one on, because this is an orientation that was set forth, before I came forth into this physical experience! And I can't change it, even if you want me to", you see. And so, there are all kinds of ornery little buggers being born- and we don't mean that from our point of view. We mean:
Pioneers of deliberate, powerful creation.
Teachers to the core of their being!
But they're being greeted by those who are immediately slapping labels on them. Like, oh there are so many. Like nonconformist with lots of different labels... "uncontrollable". Uh, "you have this disorder and this disorder and this disorder and this disorder!" -and we say:
Yay for the disorders! All of these disorders coming forth! The non-conformist coming forth, to teach unconditional love!
You see... and so, it is so delightful when you are able to assist someone. It's a great gift you give to someone, when you say:
"Well this is what is. And I'm not going to change it, so that you can feel better! This is what is."
And it's a hard thing to do, because you want them to be happy. So, when Kate wants to come to see Esther, and Esther really wants Kate to come- but Esther's got a big long list of things that she needs to do. So, Esther says "be better if we don't do it today!" and Esther hears the disappointment in Kate's voice. It's hard for Esther not to change something, to make Kate feel better. Because Esther would run over herself with the bus, if she thought it would make Kate feel better. But we want Esther to let Kate work it out on her own! And, she would, every time. She'd be upset for a minute, but it's her nature to feel good. So she wouldn't be upset for very long!
But this is a bigger issue: You can't change gayness to please another, right? And so, what a gift of unconditional love you bring with that. You say:
"Here I am. Take it or leave it, it's up to you. Be unhappy with me as I be, or be happy with me as I be. But I be as I be! This is my gift to you, you see!"
(Most gay people come as teachers of unconditional Love!)
I only have 84,000 questions...
Well we only have one answer, so give us your best. (laughter)
Okay great. Um, I've heard you speak often about sexuality, and one of my... one of several questions is: Where do gay relationships, gay love, gay sex fit into broader perspective with the whole scheme of things?
Well, that subject fits in just like every other subject- that you are the creator of your reality.
In other words, we're going to come fully around all of this, but we we want to say -as a basis of this-, that humans, through time, in their not-conscious alignment with who they are, are often looking for someone to establish a set of rules that they can follow, in their desire to be righteous or good.
And that set of rules does not exist from a non-physical perspective!
In other words, there is not a set of rules.
You have not been sent here into this physical environment, to identify the rules and to keep them. And it's good for you that that isn't the case, because you have a real scrambled set of rules going on on your planet right now! In fact, you're killing each other in record numbers today, over your arguing about who's got the right set of rules!
-When what you came forth understanding is, that you are pure positive energy.
-And you came forth into this physical environment, wanting the variety to cause you to give birth to desires!
-And you knew that your joy was only dependent upon your coming into alignment.
You knew, that your fulfilling of your reason for being was only dependent upon you, coming into alignment with who you really are! So, you may have noticed that there are many beings coming forth- in the last generation or two, and even more in these powerful days- of energies, coming forth from Source, who are in a stronger way determined to be unconformable. Because, so much of the world says: "I see that condition and it makes me feel pretty good. So I would vote for a lot more of that! And I see that condition, and I don't like the way I feel- so I would not vote for that. So we need to change all of these conditions, to be what make me feel good, so that I can feel better." -A very conditional love, that is impossible!
Unconditional love says:
"I see conditions that I prefer. And conditions that I don't prefer.
And my feeling of love, my feeling of alignment, my alignment itself, is dependent only upon the direction of my thoughts.
I do not need to control conditions, in order to come into alignment!"
But of course everyone wants to feel better, don't they? So, there are huge numbers of people on the planet today, who even though many of them are speaking unconditional love, they don't understand it at all. Because they're still trying to change this condition and this condition- so that they can have a better feeling response to it you know?
You've really reached the place of being an allower, when you're able to allow those who aren't allowing you.
So there are people coming forth, energies coming forth into human form, in record numbers, who come with this determination to be unconformable. Meaning, that -no matter how much you need this condition to change so that you can feel better- this is not a condition that's going to change, so that you can feel better!
"So, if you're going to feel better, you're going to have to change the way you are looking at things.
Because I'm not going to be the reason that you feel better!"
So, children are coming forth... gay children are coming forth, autistic children are coming forth, with all kinds of what humans want to call maladies, that we call determination to be secure in their teaching of unconditional love.
A man said to us one day, years ago: "Abraham, why why would I come forth intending to be gay? Why would I bring all of this grief to myself? My mother hates me. My father hates me. I have a hard time!" -and we said: "How do you feel about your mother?" and he said: "I hate her, too. I hate her, because she hates me." And we said: "So, neither one of you are coming into alignment with who you are! And you're using each other as your excuse, why not to come into alignment.
When what you've come forth to teach is: Alignment, anyway.
What you've come forth to teach is: "I can align with the source within me, regardless of what those outside of me are reflecting back to me. And this is the most significant thing about this! Almost everyone, even those who've been listening to us for a while, cannot separate how they feel about things from how other people feel about things.
So, most people... in other words, almost the first thing you do with your children is: You teach them patterns of behavior, that make your life better or that you think will make them have an easier time in the society in which they will live. And as you convince your children, that they should do what you want them to do: "you should do what makes them feel better", rather than what closes their gap for them!
In early ages you teach them to listen outside of themselves.
That's why we have a room full of people in every city that we visit, who are accustomed to listening more to what's coming from another person... in other words, approval is so meaningful to you, when it comes from other people. And disapproval is so meaningful to you, when it comes from other people.
And we want that disapproval or approval, that comes from other people- even if it's your mother!- to not matter to you as much as the way you feel!
And that's what we said to this man, "that's what you've come forth to teach!"
You've come forth to teach. Because when you say to your child: "You need to do such and such, so that I will feel better"- then you set them up to listen to another and another and another. Until before long, most everybody is more interested in what everybody else thinks! And then they've lost track of their ability to quantify their journey.
We're visiting with a woman one day who had pain in her body and she said: "Abraham, how can I think positive thoughts when my body hurts so much? And we said: "we know what you're living is what it is. But there's a difference between having pain in your body, and feeling fear- and having pain in your body and feeling hope.
And the difference between fear and hope is the vibrational difference between recovery or not.
In other words, we were trying to teach her how to quantify the journey between sickness and wellness. How to feel her way, you see, where most people aren't encouraging anybody to feel their way into vibrational alignment, in order to have a better life! They're trying to teach them, they're trying to motivate them to respond to this rule, and to respond to this law, and respond to this disapproval or this approval.
So it is rampant in this civilization today- it is rampant almost nobody is listening to their own guidance!
Almost nobody is deliberately closing their gap.
Almost everybody cares what somebody else says or thinks, about what they're doing!
And so many people are coming forth, saying "well, try this one on, because this is an orientation that was set forth, before I came forth into this physical experience! And I can't change it, even if you want me to", you see. And so, there are all kinds of ornery little buggers being born- and we don't mean that from our point of view. We mean:
Pioneers of deliberate, powerful creation.
Teachers to the core of their being!
But they're being greeted by those who are immediately slapping labels on them. Like, oh there are so many. Like nonconformist with lots of different labels... "uncontrollable". Uh, "you have this disorder and this disorder and this disorder and this disorder!" -and we say:
Yay for the disorders! All of these disorders coming forth! The non-conformist coming forth, to teach unconditional love!
You see... and so, it is so delightful when you are able to assist someone. It's a great gift you give to someone, when you say:
"Well this is what is. And I'm not going to change it, so that you can feel better! This is what is."
And it's a hard thing to do, because you want them to be happy. So, when Kate wants to come to see Esther, and Esther really wants Kate to come- but Esther's got a big long list of things that she needs to do. So, Esther says "be better if we don't do it today!" and Esther hears the disappointment in Kate's voice. It's hard for Esther not to change something, to make Kate feel better. Because Esther would run over herself with the bus, if she thought it would make Kate feel better. But we want Esther to let Kate work it out on her own! And, she would, every time. She'd be upset for a minute, but it's her nature to feel good. So she wouldn't be upset for very long!
But this is a bigger issue: You can't change gayness to please another, right? And so, what a gift of unconditional love you bring with that. You say:
"Here I am. Take it or leave it, it's up to you. Be unhappy with me as I be, or be happy with me as I be. But I be as I be! This is my gift to you, you see!"
- Paradise-on-Earth
- Plus Member
- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
Fulfilling Sex is just another Manifestation!
Treat it exactly as all desires, that you want to manifest
and live fully IN THE NOW!
Can we have a rampage of sexy please?
Can we play with that?
You want to go from the dark side? So, we'll ask you some questions: sexy. You're talking about sexy, yeah so:
What is more sexy: limp [Laughter, Applause] -you're the ones drawing the dirty picture here! So:
What is more sexy? Limp, placid, tired, lethargic? Or vital, eager, energetic?
What is more sexy: Clarity? Confusion?
What is more sensual? Savoring?
What is more fun? Momentum, speed? Slowness, tiredness?
So, alignment applies to everything.
But when you take a specific subject that is important to you... Napoleon Hill wrote a book, years ago. "Think and Grow Rich". Jerry devoured the book, bought thousands and thousands of copies, gave them away... but there was a segment in the book, a chapter in the book called "Sexual Transmutation." Jerry always skipped over that part with others. But what Napoleon Hill knew, is that the components of the sexual experience... that the experience that most humans have had, personal experience, at understanding what true alignment is.
And what true alignment is, is FOCUS. Co-creating. Co-creating and focus, there's nothing more expansive than that.
-Willingness to set aside all other subjects,
-focus on something specifically,
-and stay there long enough, until the momentum carries you to more and more and more and more and more.
So, what exactly are you looking for here?
I want (long pause)
Vitality and clarity!
In other words, take it off that subject just for a little bit, and find your connection! In other words, this unconditional love that we've been talking about, is about finding the alignment, and then. Find the alignment and then, apply it to the focus of whatever subject that you are talking about!
Most people don't do that, with any subject- and especially with the subject of sexuality! What they are doing is, running around demanding that the conditions bring them to that place! And so, it can bring them to a place. But it does not bring them to that place, you see! It's coming into alignment, and then. Come into alignment, and then!
Yeah, cool! I guess what are the essences of what I wanted, was... I so enjoy this physical experience! And so much of that has to do with looking at the deliciousness, that... you know... I can look at anything, and I can feel the delight!
It feels as a difference and we know that you can... we know that you do, and we know that you'll get this, and you know that you help us say it in a way, that others get it-
to feel the difference between being there, and then looking. And looking, in order to get there. Right? And almost everyone is looking, in order to get there- not finding it, not finding it, not finding it, not finding it, not finding it, not finding it, not finding it...
So there is a layer of disappointment.
There's a layer of yearning.
There's a layer of resistant vibration, that is muting the true alignment, and the true sexuality that you're wanting to feel.
The true aliveness, you see!
Where, if you find the aliveness, and then you let the materialization, the manifestation come in response to that!
Esther was writing earlier this morning. And she was feeling the clarity of finding that vibrational place, and then feeling imagination coming in response. And she actually made a note to herself, because she had been believing for quite some time that imagination was something that she was to conjure: Imagination, sort of like the rampage that you were reaching for, (would be) something to be conjured in order to affect an emotion. In other words, "let me use my imagination to create a feeling. And... or "let me use my imagination in order to effect an outcome. Let me use my imagination in order to create something!" And now she's beginning to understand that
her work -yours, too- is to create the atmosphere that is fertile for the imagination to grow!
So she's beginning to understand, that thinking, that imagination is a manifestation of having achieved a vibration...
...rather than the tool, in which to achieve the vibration!
Can you feel the difference? So, she's beginning to understand that what thinking is, is receiving, not projecting that!
The majority of thoughts are the receiving of thoughts. And it must be, unless you think you're thinking the original thought. And you're not! You're not thinking the original thought. There is so much thought that is culminating right where you are.
What's your reception?
Where are you, in terms of the receiving of this thought?
What have you been doing, in order to create the fertility, that allows the receiving the reception, you see?
So, in the sexual context what we're really talking about is:
In every subject, in every avenue of your life, just get some good foreplay going on.
In other words, prepare yourself for the receiving. Prepare yourself for the receiving!
Don't go forward into anything, demanding it, or justifying it, or explaining it. Prepare yourself for the receiving of it.
Think of yourself as the receiver of the thought that you're receiving. It is a manifestation of a vibrational frequency that you've practiced and allowed! You're getting this, aren't you? In other words, we're right out here on the leading edge, and yet you heard and got every bit of it. It'll take a little bit of practice, because you are accustomed to going after things. You're accustomed to making things happen.
And when you begin studying with us, and we say you create your own reality, and we call it things like "the science of deliberate creation", you then apply your same tactics, that haven't worked for you very well, out there in the action-oriented world, to this as well. And it takes you so far... it takes you a little further, then maybe you went before. But it does not take you to the place that you want to go! It doesn't take you to that clarity, you see. Think about it! Think about in terms of sexual transmutation.
Think about the feeling of finding that vibrational place, and allowing, in a sort of effortless way, that delicious ease of all things to be realized by you.
Not demanding it. Not insisting it! Not forcing it. Not effort in it. Just allowing it- moment by moment by moment by moment by moment. Every moment of your experience is a manifestational moment! Every moment, what you're perceiving here, the theatre that you are in, the vessel that you're upon, the ocean that you're moving through... everything that you are perceiving is manifestation.
Because you are translating vibration in to all of this, you see! So, as you have soothed yourself into the fullness of who you are, so that all-of-you is having this manifestational moment... feel the richness! The fullness, the wholeness! The depth, the breadth, the satisfaction of these manifested moments! So many people are standing in this place, dissatisfied in this way, in this way, in this way. Hopeful, they think, their on their way to something that will be an improvement!
"I will get there. I really eventually will get there!"
-You're not ever going to get there!! You're there! There's no place else to get!
THIS is, where it's all happening!
THIS is the manifested moment!
THIS is the moment!!
Every single moment of your life can be that climatic moment, that you're reaching for, at the end of something that most of you make way hard work out of. Way hard work!
You can prepare yourself emotionally and vibrationally for the realization of more, that is delicious in more moments of your life experience. EVERY moment a manifestation. Every moment a manifestation! The only question is:
How have I prepared myself in the receiving, in the translating, in the realization of this manifestation?
...How broad is my manifestation? So, rather than wanting to reach into all of the contrast in the world, the good and the bad and the ugly, the things wanted, the things unwanted... rather than feeling like "I need to explore the whole buffet, in order to know what I'm doing" -
just find precision in the vibration, that you're offering. And,
Let what is being revealed to you, that you are now realizing, let it be that expanded, that never-before-realized in all of the universe.
THAT'S the climatic moments that you're reaching for.
When you take all-that-you-are into a new realization,
THAT'S what you're reaching for!
THAT'S what creation is!!
from the youtube clip "Best of Abraham Hicks
Rampage of Feeling Sexy | Spiritual Journey"
It's not about hard work, and it is not somewhere in the future! It is NOW, and you are there already.
Now ONLY allow yourself to perceive it!
When you begin studying with us, and we say "you create your own reality", and we call it things like "the science of deliberate creation", you then apply your same tactics, that haven't worked for you very well, out there in the action-oriented world, to this as well. And it takes you so far... it takes you a little further, then maybe you went before. But it does not take you to the place that you want to go! It doesn't take you to that clarity, you see. Think about it! Think about in terms of sexual transmutation.
Think about the feeling of finding that vibrational place, and allowing, in a sort of effortless way, that delicious ease of all things to be realized by you.
Not demanding it. Not insisting it! Not forcing it. Not effort in it. Just allowing it- moment by moment by moment by moment by moment. Every moment of your experience is a manifestational moment! Every moment, what you're perceiving here, the theatre that you are in, the vessel that you're upon, the ocean that you're moving through... everything that you are perceiving is manifestation.
Because you are translating vibration in to all of this, you see! So, as you have soothed yourself into the fullness of who you are, so that all-of-you is having this manifestational moment... feel the richness! The fullness, the wholeness! The depth, the breadth, the satisfaction of these manifested moments! So many people are standing in this place, dissatisfied in this way, in this way, in this way. Hopeful, they think, their on their way to something that will be an improvement!
"I will get there. I really eventually will get there!" -you're not ever going to get there!! You're there! There's no place else to get!
THIS is, where it's all happening!
THIS is the manifested moment!
THIS is the moment!!
Every single moment of your life can be that climatic moment, that you're reaching for, at the end of something that most of you make way hard work out of. Way hard work!
Abraham Hicks
Treat it exactly as all desires, that you want to manifest
and live fully IN THE NOW!
Can we have a rampage of sexy please?
Can we play with that?
You want to go from the dark side? So, we'll ask you some questions: sexy. You're talking about sexy, yeah so:
What is more sexy: limp [Laughter, Applause] -you're the ones drawing the dirty picture here! So:
What is more sexy? Limp, placid, tired, lethargic? Or vital, eager, energetic?
What is more sexy: Clarity? Confusion?
What is more sensual? Savoring?
What is more fun? Momentum, speed? Slowness, tiredness?
So, alignment applies to everything.
But when you take a specific subject that is important to you... Napoleon Hill wrote a book, years ago. "Think and Grow Rich". Jerry devoured the book, bought thousands and thousands of copies, gave them away... but there was a segment in the book, a chapter in the book called "Sexual Transmutation." Jerry always skipped over that part with others. But what Napoleon Hill knew, is that the components of the sexual experience... that the experience that most humans have had, personal experience, at understanding what true alignment is.
And what true alignment is, is FOCUS. Co-creating. Co-creating and focus, there's nothing more expansive than that.
-Willingness to set aside all other subjects,
-focus on something specifically,
-and stay there long enough, until the momentum carries you to more and more and more and more and more.
So, what exactly are you looking for here?
I want (long pause)
Vitality and clarity!
In other words, take it off that subject just for a little bit, and find your connection! In other words, this unconditional love that we've been talking about, is about finding the alignment, and then. Find the alignment and then, apply it to the focus of whatever subject that you are talking about!
Most people don't do that, with any subject- and especially with the subject of sexuality! What they are doing is, running around demanding that the conditions bring them to that place! And so, it can bring them to a place. But it does not bring them to that place, you see! It's coming into alignment, and then. Come into alignment, and then!
Yeah, cool! I guess what are the essences of what I wanted, was... I so enjoy this physical experience! And so much of that has to do with looking at the deliciousness, that... you know... I can look at anything, and I can feel the delight!
It feels as a difference and we know that you can... we know that you do, and we know that you'll get this, and you know that you help us say it in a way, that others get it-
to feel the difference between being there, and then looking. And looking, in order to get there. Right? And almost everyone is looking, in order to get there- not finding it, not finding it, not finding it, not finding it, not finding it, not finding it, not finding it...
So there is a layer of disappointment.
There's a layer of yearning.
There's a layer of resistant vibration, that is muting the true alignment, and the true sexuality that you're wanting to feel.
The true aliveness, you see!
Where, if you find the aliveness, and then you let the materialization, the manifestation come in response to that!
Esther was writing earlier this morning. And she was feeling the clarity of finding that vibrational place, and then feeling imagination coming in response. And she actually made a note to herself, because she had been believing for quite some time that imagination was something that she was to conjure: Imagination, sort of like the rampage that you were reaching for, (would be) something to be conjured in order to affect an emotion. In other words, "let me use my imagination to create a feeling. And... or "let me use my imagination in order to effect an outcome. Let me use my imagination in order to create something!" And now she's beginning to understand that
her work -yours, too- is to create the atmosphere that is fertile for the imagination to grow!
So she's beginning to understand, that thinking, that imagination is a manifestation of having achieved a vibration...
...rather than the tool, in which to achieve the vibration!
Can you feel the difference? So, she's beginning to understand that what thinking is, is receiving, not projecting that!
The majority of thoughts are the receiving of thoughts. And it must be, unless you think you're thinking the original thought. And you're not! You're not thinking the original thought. There is so much thought that is culminating right where you are.
What's your reception?
Where are you, in terms of the receiving of this thought?
What have you been doing, in order to create the fertility, that allows the receiving the reception, you see?
So, in the sexual context what we're really talking about is:
In every subject, in every avenue of your life, just get some good foreplay going on.
In other words, prepare yourself for the receiving. Prepare yourself for the receiving!
Don't go forward into anything, demanding it, or justifying it, or explaining it. Prepare yourself for the receiving of it.
Think of yourself as the receiver of the thought that you're receiving. It is a manifestation of a vibrational frequency that you've practiced and allowed! You're getting this, aren't you? In other words, we're right out here on the leading edge, and yet you heard and got every bit of it. It'll take a little bit of practice, because you are accustomed to going after things. You're accustomed to making things happen.
And when you begin studying with us, and we say you create your own reality, and we call it things like "the science of deliberate creation", you then apply your same tactics, that haven't worked for you very well, out there in the action-oriented world, to this as well. And it takes you so far... it takes you a little further, then maybe you went before. But it does not take you to the place that you want to go! It doesn't take you to that clarity, you see. Think about it! Think about in terms of sexual transmutation.
Think about the feeling of finding that vibrational place, and allowing, in a sort of effortless way, that delicious ease of all things to be realized by you.
Not demanding it. Not insisting it! Not forcing it. Not effort in it. Just allowing it- moment by moment by moment by moment by moment. Every moment of your experience is a manifestational moment! Every moment, what you're perceiving here, the theatre that you are in, the vessel that you're upon, the ocean that you're moving through... everything that you are perceiving is manifestation.
Because you are translating vibration in to all of this, you see! So, as you have soothed yourself into the fullness of who you are, so that all-of-you is having this manifestational moment... feel the richness! The fullness, the wholeness! The depth, the breadth, the satisfaction of these manifested moments! So many people are standing in this place, dissatisfied in this way, in this way, in this way. Hopeful, they think, their on their way to something that will be an improvement!
"I will get there. I really eventually will get there!"
-You're not ever going to get there!! You're there! There's no place else to get!
THIS is, where it's all happening!
THIS is the manifested moment!
THIS is the moment!!
Every single moment of your life can be that climatic moment, that you're reaching for, at the end of something that most of you make way hard work out of. Way hard work!
You can prepare yourself emotionally and vibrationally for the realization of more, that is delicious in more moments of your life experience. EVERY moment a manifestation. Every moment a manifestation! The only question is:
How have I prepared myself in the receiving, in the translating, in the realization of this manifestation?
...How broad is my manifestation? So, rather than wanting to reach into all of the contrast in the world, the good and the bad and the ugly, the things wanted, the things unwanted... rather than feeling like "I need to explore the whole buffet, in order to know what I'm doing" -
just find precision in the vibration, that you're offering. And,
Let what is being revealed to you, that you are now realizing, let it be that expanded, that never-before-realized in all of the universe.
THAT'S the climatic moments that you're reaching for.
When you take all-that-you-are into a new realization,
THAT'S what you're reaching for!
THAT'S what creation is!!
from the youtube clip "Best of Abraham Hicks
It's not about hard work, and it is not somewhere in the future! It is NOW, and you are there already.
Now ONLY allow yourself to perceive it!
When you begin studying with us, and we say "you create your own reality", and we call it things like "the science of deliberate creation", you then apply your same tactics, that haven't worked for you very well, out there in the action-oriented world, to this as well. And it takes you so far... it takes you a little further, then maybe you went before. But it does not take you to the place that you want to go! It doesn't take you to that clarity, you see. Think about it! Think about in terms of sexual transmutation.
Think about the feeling of finding that vibrational place, and allowing, in a sort of effortless way, that delicious ease of all things to be realized by you.
Not demanding it. Not insisting it! Not forcing it. Not effort in it. Just allowing it- moment by moment by moment by moment by moment. Every moment of your experience is a manifestational moment! Every moment, what you're perceiving here, the theatre that you are in, the vessel that you're upon, the ocean that you're moving through... everything that you are perceiving is manifestation.
Because you are translating vibration in to all of this, you see! So, as you have soothed yourself into the fullness of who you are, so that all-of-you is having this manifestational moment... feel the richness! The fullness, the wholeness! The depth, the breadth, the satisfaction of these manifested moments! So many people are standing in this place, dissatisfied in this way, in this way, in this way. Hopeful, they think, their on their way to something that will be an improvement!
"I will get there. I really eventually will get there!" -you're not ever going to get there!! You're there! There's no place else to get!
THIS is, where it's all happening!
THIS is the manifested moment!
THIS is the moment!!
Every single moment of your life can be that climatic moment, that you're reaching for, at the end of something that most of you make way hard work out of. Way hard work!
Abraham Hicks
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Hotseater asks about sex and asks what it's for.
What it's for is really for the perpetuation of your species.
That is the reason that it is an inherent, very deep-seated desire. (...)
[Sex] is for the purpose of enhancing your experience, and enhancing your experience includes the perpetuation of your species. (...)
Any time that two minds come together, then there is a greater pool of thought.
That is the reason it is so satisfying to come together as a group.
And that is the reason that sexuality can be satisfying or unsatisfying, just as coming together in thought can be satisfying or unsatisfying.
You are seeking harmony.
And a truly gratifying sexual experience is one here two come together for the purpose of that harmony, for the purpose of each being uplifted by the physical expression, you see.
Any time two come together for any experience, it is infinitely more satisfying than one, because as up lifters, it is wonderful to be happy, but is it not even more wonderful to be with others who are happy?
Do you not find your joy even more magnified when you are having joy with another?
And so, in that sense, sexuality is a way that two physical beings can come together and , in a physical way, experience more than what one can experience singularly.
And the reason that there is that climactic point, that point of ecstasy, is because one coming together with one in harmony, one plus one, is many times more than two.
The reason that more, most, do not experience sexuality in the exquisite delicious way that it is intended, or that is possible, is because of their attention to lack.
Because they believe in the action, that they are doing something wrong, or that they believe that in the action that they are less than they could be, or should be, or because the two, under normal circumstances are not in harmony. That is the biggest confusion.
Two that are out of harmony in every other way come together sexually and are surprised that they cannot find harmony sexually - when it is more of a psychic thing than it is a physical thing.
And so, when you have the pleasure of coming together in harmony with one with whom you are in tune with psychically, emotionally, as well as physically - then you have ecstasy.
- AH
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Hotseater: Margaret Mead found a culture in which there was sexual activity from puberty but there was no pregnancy until the couple got married. [How could that happen?] They believed so strongly that that wasn't going to occur?
Their beliefs affected their experience.
You see, they were not distorted regarding the subject of sex, and so they were so in tune that their desire not to have pregnancy outside of marriage caused them not to be inspired to the interaction at the time that it would cause pregnancy.
In other words, that was the night they danced the hula.