Animals going extinct

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Animals going extinct

Post by Blue__Butterflies »

The thing that we notice as we look around your planet (and we look around your planet) is that so much of what you are calling endangered or becoming extinct, is actually thriving, just in a place where you are not. (Fun!)
And we want to give this to you in a way that you can really hear.
Think about yourself, and your attunement to vibrations that feel good to you.
And think about being this pure Being that gravitates to what feels good.
And then think about people moving in next door who are truly annoying.
Maybe it’s your husband’s son; maybe it’s someone that you don’t know, but somebody moving in that’s truly annoying to you.
Can’t you find yourself, in your quest for aligning with your Well-Being, attuning to Well-Being so much that, if what moved in next door is really not a vibrational match to you, that the Laws of the Universe, Law of Attraction, in particular, would cause separation between you and it.
In other words, Law of Attraction says, that which is like unto itself is drawn. And things that are vibrationally very different, don’t mix together.
The more sensitive you are, the more you naturally follow your instincts. In other words, your Guidance System is not saying, Go away from that.
Your Guidance System is saying, Come this way, it is more in harmony with what you are wanting.”
So, the beasts of your planet, especially those in the sea, are very good at following that intuition, and they gravitate toward what feels best to them.
And none of them are down there in those schools, having conversations about their feeling of responsibility to be where you think they should be. (Fun!)
In other words, they go where they feel best, not where you’re used to seeing them. And we’ve got to tell you, you are hardly exploring the seas!
So, don’t worry about them not being there.
They’re where they want to be.
And just because you’re not seeing them, doesn’t mean that they are not, you see.
And, as times change, in terms of tides, in terms of water temperatures, in terms of climate, in terms of all of the factors...
If you, here in your environment are exploring contrast, and rockets of desires are being born for you, and your vibrational future’s being held in escrow—can’t you see that it’s also happening for the sharks in the sea, or the beasts in the sea, or even the one-celled amoeba in the ocean?
All of these Consciousnesses are having exposure to experience, which is causing them to launch rockets of desires.
But the beasts are so much more in tune with their Guidance, they gravitate easily—it’s only man who hangs around for a long, long time in a place that he’s not happy.
We want to say to you, that you live in an evolving, expanding Universe, and Consciousness takes many forms.
Even though some species, you might be noticing that they’re not as prevalent, or not around at all, they have physical equivalents that have taken their place.
It’s what you call evolution, and it takes place over time, and it’s all very, very good.
We not only do not see any evidence of a diminishment of Well-Being on your planet, we see an extraordinary expanding of Well-Being on your planet.
And the reason that we are so confident about that is because we see the contrast that you are living that is launching the rockets of desires, and future generations as they come forth, in absence of resistance, then become the livers of what you have been asking for.
Do you know that, today, your generation and those that surround you, reap the benefit of generations that preceded you?
And generations that will follow you will reap the benefits of the contrasts that you are living?
And this gathering is not really so much taking that into account, because we know it is natural, and we know Well-Being must survive and continue, because we know the order of this Universe.
And we know the basis of it, and the vibrational continuity of it...
But we have these gatherings, not because we are trying to help you save your planet. Your planet is not in danger.
We have these gatherings because we think it would be nice for the generation that launched the rocket of desire to be the one that allows it into their experience.
~ Abraham-Hicks
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