I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

(our winter-world...)

I feel such deep satisfaction. Our "world" is covered in snow, the whole area feels as fully white. It is beautiful! It feels calm, and like natures allowance- or call?- to RELAX. All is covered. All seems somehow equal. Nothing matters very much. Relax, relax, relax! :hearts:

I see in others (aren't they perfect mirrors... ;) ) how they are imprisoned with their fears and beliefs that hinder them to see, what ALSO is there. They can't hear the questions. They can't feel the love. They can't see the reached out hand. It feels like attack, to them. And there is not much I can do... in private, or in a global sense, other than relax myself and wait for the inspired moment to talk, or to ask, or to reach my hand, again.

Relax, relax, relax! It feels like liberation. It feels like ease. It feels like joy, really! Joy is there, in the moment we drop all that is less. No need to work for it, other than shedding the negativity. Pure. Easy. Simple. Joyful. Friendly. Light. SATISFYING.

I watch new formats on youtube of discussions, that are held to be FAIR. To be respectful. And it feels thrilling to see: They are there! They exist, and they work. I am so satisfied. I adore those with different opinions, that listen, and speak freely. Those that don't need to "win", but like to be heard, and seen, and to cocreate fascinating new paths. SO SATISFYING! So touching. I see their love on their faces and in their eyes. They are the lights in this world. I am sooo satisfied to recognize them! THANK YOU THANK YOU, LIFE!!

I am SO EAGER to realize, to experience, even more and more, how love is "the tone" on physical Earth!
I am eager to see it take over in all hours, all days, to be the norm. While still, feeeeeling fully it's awe. Feeling wholly it's magic. Beautiful!! Beautiful. Awe-some. NORMAL!!

...I am SO EAGER to see our all mutual "escrow". I so look forwards to see and touch and enjoy, what we all have created, together... mostly without even knowing it... :D :hearts: PARADISE ON EARTH.
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Ohh what a day!! The first sunshine since several days- and I am sooo satisfied with this! Ohh, I so LOVE the sunshine. We drove through the area and shopped a little bit together, which was soo nice.
I am so satisfied that my youngest son is living with us again, in the moment! He went out when he was 17, which was a bit early *for me*, but he was so eager to do what he did on the other side of Germany. Now we all enjoy SO much that he is back until he knows where to go next. It feels as a gift, and I am deeply satisfied that life is giving us that!!

Next weekend, our daughter and her husband will have a seminar 5 hrs drive away, and they can't take their 3 sons with them. So they will stay over the weekend at their Omi's and Opi's place. :D Oh my, this is the 2. time we do that and it still feels as an adventure. :wtf: BUT I am eager for it, AND satisfied that this new "world" is now opening up for us, totally. Somewhen it will feel fully natural. Right now, I am SATISFIED to believe that we will manage to survive that next weekend, somehow! :lol:

I am sooo satisfied that they all will drop by in an hour to have dinner with us- I prepared a Louisianna- feast for them, with chicken wings and Hush Puppies and Peachcobbler, ad hoc, so to say. Because, I came across an awesome Cajun-spice-rub, that tastes SO GOOD!! ...I am so satisfied to know, I can cook without any effort. I can do this, with such ease. It feels certain. Easy. Ahhh, it feels so sovereign, and I deeply love it!

I am eager to- maybe- watch the movie that Spiritual Cookie inspired me to find ("Jerry and Marge go Large") :hearts: But if not, we'll find it tomorrow! I LOVE watching good moovies, that feel like a part of wanted solutions! I am so looking forwards to "going Large", for myself, and for whole humanity!! I am sooo eager to see the solutions, and the paths, popping up. I am so eager for what we think would be "magic", while Abe tell us that this is WHAT REALLY IS NORMAL. I so enjoy my journey. I so enjoy to see new hope, new light, new manifestations of love and gentleness and respect, every day. I am so eager for "the New World" that is rising, before our eyes, and with us, as it's Co-Creators!!

Ohhh, my life IS SO GOOD. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...I posted my rampage this morning into my "Practice the teaching" segment. Arrrrhhh!!
Now, I will do my tuning- "work" in THIS thread. :lol: for heavens sake!


...And to do this, I allow myself to dream up the following segment to my dream about visiting Southern England in late spring... wouldn't that feel wonderful,
to have allll the means to travel to London as "the next logical step"!?

London is a dream-city for me since a really long time. But as a country bumpkin, it always felt just a bit "larger" than comfortable to me. It feels really WIDE. It feels really HUGE. And in that, it's a perfect training to allow "outrageous abundance", as this feel wide and huge to me, as well. :D Don't get me wrong: I sooo love huge and wide! I feel so drawn to it. And also, I hesitate as "I'm not yet quite ready"... many would say, this is the perfect moment to kick myself "out of the comfort zone". But Abe taught me (and I had that inkling before as well on my own) that kicking yourself is OOTV. So, no kicking. No motivating. But RELAXING into my joy. Trusting the dream. Trusting the vision! :hearts:

...I want to jump into the adventure with staying for about 3 or 4 nights in one of the ultra-luxury hotels in the cities center. :think: But I can't yet decide if I wanna choose the Ritz (with it's awesome history with Cesare Ritz and Auguste Escoffier. Who I both SO MUCH adore!!). Or the Savoy, that has the history of the wild enfant terrible, being the first true "Luxury"-Hotel. Were the famous and the infamous met or even killed each other, the rich artists and the it-girls from the demi monde liked to be seen here... I TEND to the second, also the prize tag is around 400Euro per night lower as in the Ritz... but still no bargain :D

But we really wanted to train for OUTRAGEOUS abundance, right?
CERTAINLY I want to visit the famous Palm Court of the Ritz to celebrate my very first "English Afternoon Tea" ceremony. While I watched clips about the best places for Afternoon Tea, and the Ritz was'nt one of them :lol: but... again, the history!! And the striking beauty! And... even the bathrooms are SO beautiful ;)

After this (at least) 3 days of exploring Londons inner circle, I want to rent an r-b-n-b flat for another week. Where I can take my car, and stroll in the outskirts! And have amazing views of the city as much as I want- and where we can cook ourselves with all the fantastic ingredients, from all the fantastic markets. Hell yes!! That sounds amazing!

while, also, I want to explore the local restaurants!! SO MANY Michelinstars- places here... :hearts: :hearts: An absolute dream is to try out Heston Blumenthals "Fat Duck", a 3 star Restaurant with the most playful, awesome, amazing, delicious food you can imagine. Or, probably, not even imagine!

...wouldn't all of this be thrilling! Awesome! Fulfilling, literally SATIATING! :lol: I dream of visiting the pubs, exploring the streetfood, and all the thousands of different cuisines from ethnicities around the globe. It feels soooo rich! It feels sooo interesting and wonderful!! I want to fully wholly embrace it all, see the beauty, smell the aromas, taste the deliciousness!

I dream of exploring this city inside out. In the night and before dawn, in sunshine and rain. I want to FEEL it. Enjoy it fully, wholly, with so much time and ease and freedom of mind and heart! I adore that my travel advisor has paved the road for me. We will have guides that show us how to use the tube, and when to go where for the very best experiences. I want to tour to see the "normal" sightseeing, but even more, I want to look behind the doors, eat on a private balcony a home cooked meal with other guests of an "Eatwith"-host. I wanna hear the insider stories and find the hidden treasures that tourist often miss. I want to feel at home with my heart in this amazing, amazing, beautiful city! :hearts:
Yes yes, yes!!!!! YES!!!!!

Ritz, Palm Court. Sorry, I HAD to post it as a huge pic!
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

So, this time the right post in the right thread! :D
And thank you spiritualcookie for the quote! :hearts:

If you knew everything was really all right, and that it always has a happy ending,
then you would not feel trepidacious about your future.

Everything IS really so very all right!

If you could believe and trust that, then immediately everything would automatically
and instantly become all right.

Abraham Hicks, Silver Springs, MD, 4/11/99

Sunrise in my place, this morning

I am deeply satisfied. This morning when we woke up, it was obvious that there was a gorgeous sunrise ahead. I wanted to head out and be THERE... but DH wasn't having any of it, and as this is a "game" between me and him, of being spontaneous or not, I got caught by LoA, expecting a fight, and so I simply gave up. It was strange to witness, how my spirits lowered. How my joy went out of me. How my liveliness just disappeared. Actually, it should have been sad and heart wrenching, but I felt thankful to WITNESS clearly , what I had done... with his help! :D With him as "excuse" to choose feeling worse.

Since a long time, I try to really let everybody off the hook, as *I* create my own reality. But that sometimes is easier said then done! :hearts: AND, sometimes, it is the right thing to stand up for what you want and stay focus on what you want, without fight, without letting go. ALLOWING help, allowing cooperative components. Long story short, this time we somehow we headed out fast and saw an AMAZINGLY beautiful sunrise! Which was sooo satisfying!

Later I had an appointment with my pulmonologist (lung-doctor) and he discussed with both of us what will be the next steps in my healing. (In the beginning he told me a healing would be impossible, just saying). He pointed out to me that I wasn't breathing in the night for almost 2 minutes straight, which would be death-zone for my body. But I have no real symptoms of it. I would make "much too less drama" about of a lethal situation. I translated it into me, needing to stop being carefree. Of making MORE fuss about me and my wellbeing!

It is satisfying for me to see a red thread in this. To see, what I am doing (even I'm deeply "asleep" while I do it!) ;) I am "killing me softly" with holding my breath. I am holding my liveliness back. *I* do that. And I allow others to help me, now even more. The doctor literally said: "Let others help you!" I have no idea what that means, but it felt good... and so very very satisfied. It felt as being in a stance of allowing (while I have no clue why), from where things will unravel.

I look forwards to even more clarity. I am eager to understand deeper, and to feel even more joy in the unfolding. I look forwards to see a "miracle healing", and if it is a "normal healing" then, I don't care! I look forwards to getting help, that brings me relief. I look forwards to soft and gentle unfoldings, may they come in so small steps that I almost don't notice. And I look forwards to so much MORE vitality and power! And so much more ease, and joy and peace, and beautiful sunrises. NOT dying slowly, but living abundantly!

I look forwards to wholly, fully trusting the "nudges" of my life. They are all FOR me. They are all the Universe, conspiring to bring me what I truly want!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

We want you to BREATHE rather than try.
To RELAX rather than offer effort.
To SMILE, rather than struggle,
to BE rather than do.

For your TRUE POWER is experienced only from inside the Vortex!


I am so very satisfied!!
I can decipher what is "true" or not when I feel it! Good FEELS good. And, when it feels good, it IS good, for *me*, *here* and *now*.
I LOVE to be reminded about this!! It is AWESOME: Speak of "being satisfied"! :lol: :lol:

I SO ENJOY pondering Abes teaching. I so enjoy realizing in my every day where I stray from the Goodness, and where I align with it. I SEE IT as it is happening, and I sooooo appreciate this awareness, this consciousness! I FEEL it out, and I know what it means! :hearts: Woooooohoooo!!!
I LOVE being in step 5.
At least very often!! :lol: :D :hearts:
I LOVE being so much about LOVE! It feels SO satisfied. So satiated. So fulfilled. THANK YOU LIFE!!!

And I am eager for more interaction with my heavenly helpers. I am eager for more of this humorous awareness. I am eager to dance with source! I am eager to get MORE of all of this!!! YESSS!!!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Vavi »

I could cry tears of JOY to be here right now. To be a match to this new forum and to this thread! How I have missed this forum and I am overwhelmed with appreciation to have found it again! To have found your thread! How I cherished your thread and your photos and quotes! Thank you for sharing all that you do! I’m so happy to see you and this beautiful thread! Thank you thank you thank you! :clap: :dance:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Vavi wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2024 2:45 pm I could cry tears of JOY to be here right now. To be a match to this new forum and to this thread! How I have missed this forum and I am overwhelmed with appreciation to have found it again! To have found your thread! How I cherished your thread and your photos and quotes! Thank you for sharing all that you do! I’m so happy to see you and this beautiful thread! Thank you thank you thank you! :clap: :dance:
:hugging: :hugging: oh wow, Vavi!
This post came in the perfect moment for me. :hearts: You have no idea how deeply I am touched by it!! Thank YOU, thank YOU!!! :kiss: :romance-heartsfade: :romance-heartspink:

AND... :text-welcomeconfetti: "back" to the Abe-Forum! Isn't it GREAT that it got a rebirth, while, I must say, I enjoy this new version even more. :romance-grouphug: LETS DANCE! :hearts: :hearts:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

my beloved oldest step-grandson and me

I am satisfied with the situation that spontaneously occured for us!
DH and I had given two seminars as gift to our daughter and SIL: family constellations at a fantastic psychotherapists place, the last one at this upcoming weekend. They looked forwards to it very much as there are several problems in SIL's family of origin, and some his 5 sons have huge problems now- himself included. The first seminar was awesome and groundbreaking for them. But now, they are all really sick, and we tried to figure out what to do to not lose the money- and the opportunity.

Long story short: DH and I will go instead of them! The therapist (also a very good channeler) figured that source is calling us to do it this way. Wow. It is resonating SO MUCH!! I am thrilled. We are SO looking forwards, even having an inkling that this would be, also, a big step for us here and now for many reasons. I feel blessed! I feel elated, to be true. It feels as surprise and delight! SO satisfying. So promising. So... arcane, because this feels a a true surprise-package, that will keep giving!! THANK YOU, UNIVERSE!

I am eager to be in Hannover, again. And I am so satisfied that it is all set, booked and payed already! :D
I am eager to have the very long drive with DH, where we will have time to TALK!! I always enjoy those, so much!!
I am eager for the 1-star-Michelinstar-Restaurant, that we have booked for us. Ahhhh, I am such a foody!! I LOVE awesome high cuisine. it feels indulgent. It feels luxurious. It feels so special!
I am eager to work with this therapist, again. She is such a precious treat, probably THE BEST coach, therapist, helper, that I ever met.
I am eager to be of service for the other attendants, and to learn from their constellations!
And, most of all, I am soooo eager to feel and get and SEE solutions for my beloved family, in the family-constellation.

I CAME FOR THIS!! I came to bend energies! :lol: I came to allow solutions! I came to help others switch lanes. I came to create Paradise!! I AM SOOO EAGER for this weekend!!

"It's my job to know my own Paradise on Earth. And to live it, hold it, create it and show up as example, for those that are with me.
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

When I was 19, in Canada...

I am soooo satisfied about my memories of Canada! :D I was so satisfied about my abundance-rampage that I did on the other thread, about my vision of bringing my family to my place of birth and to my mother.
I am so satisfied to have experienced what I remember! I AM SO SATISFIED to have been there, and to have lived it, and to have this abundance "under my belt". It feels rich. It feels exquisite. It feels adventurous! It feels HAPPY. It feels sooo rich!!

And, man, I am so eager for more!! I can never "do that again". It all has been once, in a lifetime. Each second is! Each moment is. It never comes back. While it all MAKES our future, ITV. I am so eager to experience what I have built!! I am sooo curious to explore the contents of my Vortex, in regards to seeing Canada again, seeing my mother again, bringing my family there and witnessing how they build their own bonds!

I am so curious how it will feel to be so outrageously abundant to pay traveling with the floatplane back and forth, and to feel the landings in the water! Ahhh, I get goosebumps!!
I am so eager to experience white water rafting!! I am sooo eager to experience AMAZEMENT with my family. I am so eager to bei in harmony and love with my mother, again. In love, giggling and enjoying each other!


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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

We drove half of the day today through half of Germany, and it was an awesome trip! We started out in fog and rain and storm, and it felt arcane, and wild and adventurous.
Later the sky opened up, and the sun came out... and it was SUCH an awesome beauty to behold!

I feel so satisfied!
I am so thankful.
I am satisfied to have experienced all of this! I am so satisfied to be here, with my mate. I am sooo satisfied with te awesome Italian dinner we shared... pasta with boletus, and pasta with molten cherry tomatoes and shrimp, and afterwards Tiramisu and a warm Zabaglione to die for!!! And then DH pushed me home in the wheelchair, driving zigzag and sprinting and we had sooo much fun.

I feel so incredibly thankful to be now in this cozy hotel. I feel so satisfied in this abundant life!!

And I am eager for more of it, tomorrow...
Wouldn't it be nice if we could perform a few miracles?
Wouldn't that be fun to embrace the richness of solutions for our beloved family-members?
Wouldn't that be awesome to find even deeper clarity for ourselves!
Wouldn't that be amazing if we laughed even more, played even more, and embraced our love even deeper? And had even better food, tomorrow? :lol:

I AM SOOOO SATISFIED where I am! And really deeply eager for more! :hearts: :hearts:

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