Quotes on Karma & Past Lives
- spiritualcookie
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Quotes on Karma & Past Lives
Hotseater says he has some painful health problems and is wondering if it's karma, or if it's connected to things he did in a past life.
Know that it is not connected to anything in a past life. There is not any of that.
You are experiencing, in this life experience, only that which you have created through the thoughts that you have set forth within this life experience.
Know that it is not connected to anything in a past life. There is not any of that.
You are experiencing, in this life experience, only that which you have created through the thoughts that you have set forth within this life experience.
- Paradise-on-Earth
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You can reverse anything.
As long as you are consciously releasing resistance,
and not allowing it to mount,
you can remain joyously physically focused!
Abraham Hicks
- spiritualcookie
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On Past Lives
We hear some of you speaking about your past life experiences, sometimes explaining in great detail who you were last time, and the time before that, and the time before that. Carefully summing up past lifetimes in a neat chronological row.
Much of the information you have gathered is absolutely accurate, but there is one common misunderstanding that gets in the way of your accepting who you really are, and that is the idea that you are born into a physical body, and so now you are physical. And then you die, so now you are non-physical. And then you are born into another body, so now you are physical again. Eternally bouncing back and forth between physical and Non-physical dimensions.
It is just not that way.
Right now, at the same time that you are living this physical experience, in this physical body, there is another part of you that exists in the Non-physical dimension -a Non-physical counterpart, older, wiser, with a much broader perspective than you currently hold through your physical eyes. Words such as "soul" or "higher self" have been used to describe this Non-physical you. We use the words "Inner Being."
Your Inner Being exists as the culmination of all the lifetimes and experiences, both physical and Non-physical, that you have lived, and it continues to benefit and evolve because of the experiences that you are having here in this physical time and place.
- Abraham
Many physical beings question why they do not have the benefit of remembering other physical lifetimes, sometimes resentful that they have had to start anew, learning everything all over again.
Some work very hard to dredge up some of those life experiences from the past, hoping that they will find some powerful knowing that has been forgotten, that will magically transform this life experience into something more meaningful or more productive.
But it is not necessary to recall past lives to receive benefit of all that experience, for you have never been, nor will you ever be, separated or disconnected from your Inner Being, who holds all of that information.
From your Non-physical perspective, prior to emerging into this physical body, you were aware that you would be entering into an agreement not to recall the details of all that you have lived before. From that broader, clearer perspective, you knew that through these physical eyes, those details would only cause confusion.
You remembered the physical tendency of regurgitating past experience - and so, you happily emerged into this body, intending to focus specifically on the details of THIS time and place.
You saw this physical experience as an opportunity to come forth into a new place, in a different time, to interact with other beings holding many different intentions.
You saw this physical life experience as a pure opportunity to be stimulated by new thought and experience.
- AH
We hear some of you speaking about your past life experiences, sometimes explaining in great detail who you were last time, and the time before that, and the time before that. Carefully summing up past lifetimes in a neat chronological row.
Much of the information you have gathered is absolutely accurate, but there is one common misunderstanding that gets in the way of your accepting who you really are, and that is the idea that you are born into a physical body, and so now you are physical. And then you die, so now you are non-physical. And then you are born into another body, so now you are physical again. Eternally bouncing back and forth between physical and Non-physical dimensions.
It is just not that way.
Right now, at the same time that you are living this physical experience, in this physical body, there is another part of you that exists in the Non-physical dimension -a Non-physical counterpart, older, wiser, with a much broader perspective than you currently hold through your physical eyes. Words such as "soul" or "higher self" have been used to describe this Non-physical you. We use the words "Inner Being."
Your Inner Being exists as the culmination of all the lifetimes and experiences, both physical and Non-physical, that you have lived, and it continues to benefit and evolve because of the experiences that you are having here in this physical time and place.
- Abraham
Many physical beings question why they do not have the benefit of remembering other physical lifetimes, sometimes resentful that they have had to start anew, learning everything all over again.
Some work very hard to dredge up some of those life experiences from the past, hoping that they will find some powerful knowing that has been forgotten, that will magically transform this life experience into something more meaningful or more productive.
But it is not necessary to recall past lives to receive benefit of all that experience, for you have never been, nor will you ever be, separated or disconnected from your Inner Being, who holds all of that information.
From your Non-physical perspective, prior to emerging into this physical body, you were aware that you would be entering into an agreement not to recall the details of all that you have lived before. From that broader, clearer perspective, you knew that through these physical eyes, those details would only cause confusion.
You remembered the physical tendency of regurgitating past experience - and so, you happily emerged into this body, intending to focus specifically on the details of THIS time and place.
You saw this physical experience as an opportunity to come forth into a new place, in a different time, to interact with other beings holding many different intentions.
You saw this physical life experience as a pure opportunity to be stimulated by new thought and experience.
- AH
- Paradise-on-Earth
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Your Inner Being isn't saying to you:
"You need to clean up all this resistance."
Your Inner Being is saying to you:
"You just need to follow us and we'll guide you around it.
We'll guide you to what you want, all around this resistance."
Abraham Hicks,
Atlanta, Nov.14, 2015
- Paradise-on-Earth
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full quote from this interaction:
You know people that run around as victims. And don't they always have a problem? Doesn't the world treat them badly? And don't you want to say to them:
"You're not making this stuff up, I don't blame you for feeling bad about that that happened. Or that that happened, or that that happened or that that happened. You're dealt a very bad hand." But then what we want to say to all of them is:
You're dealing your own hand! And all the cards are face up. You get to choose every single thing.
Abraham Hicks
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
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Some have argued,
"But Abraham, what is the value of living a physical lifetime, struggling and striving and learning from it, if in the next physical lifetime I can't remember it anyway?
What is the purpose of the hard work and the growth?"
Do not worry. Your experience, your hard work, your growth, is not being wasted, for your Inner Being accumulates every particle of every experience that you have ever lived, or that you are now living. And that experience is available to you!
It is available in the form of guidance that is constantly communicated to you.
Guidance that is available to you during every waking hour of your day.
Guidance that holds far more value than every experience you have lived since the day you were born.
Indeed, this Guidance System is supreme.
It is not necessary for you to remember all, or any of hte details of past life experiences because you have access to the important conclusions that were drawn from thus experiences.
Just as there is not value in spending great amounts of time reflecting back upon your activities when you were 3 years old, there is not value in trying to pursue past lifetimes.
But there is tremendous value in being that which you are now, which includes having passed through the experience of being 3 years old, and there is tremendous value in allowing the older, broader culmination of all that you have lived in past lifetimes, guide you and assist you in choices and decisions in every momenet of this physical lifetime.
- Abraham
Beyond the bit of entertainment it might provide, trying to recall, and spending time reflecting on past lives, serves very little real purpose.
But a strong, conscious connection with that part of you that is now the culmination of all of those past lives is of tremendous value.
Indeed, a blending of the physical you, that you see and know to be here in this physical body, and the broader, older, wiser inner you that is focused in the Non-physical dimension- makes a wonderful combination for the enhancement of both worlds.
- AH
Each of you are much more than you know from your physical perspective.
For you have been experiencing and learning and achieving
for longer than the length of your physical years.
- Abe
- spiritualcookie
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Talents & Tendencies may be you continuing stuff you learned from a past life
There are a lot of physical humans, that do a lot of sorting
and having step 1 experiences,
and a lot of creating goes into their vibrational reality,
who- during the duration of this lifetime,
because they try to please others,
rather than coming into alignment with themselves,
DON´T allow themselves the fruition that the contrast has caused them to expand to.
So they are not all that satisfied with life-
But when they have their releasing of conscious experience,
which is really what the death-experience is-
(...) like meditation, or like slumber, releasing all resistant thought,
and re-emerging back into nonphysical,
So you become that WHOLE consciousness,
and it is from that perspective,
that you make your next decision to come forth.
So there is, unquestionedly, a CONTINUITY of the you, who comes forth.
So it´s possible that you could pick up things on the physical trail in one life-experience
that you would intend to relive in more dramatic experience in the next.
In fact, it´s always the case in that sense, that
you keep wanting to come back, and to continue to create
in this earth-environment- to which you are SO tied, you see.
It is so satisfying to continue the expansion.
from the clip Abraham Hicks. What is artistic talent? Can I play like Mozart?
There are a lot of physical humans, that do a lot of sorting
and having step 1 experiences,
and a lot of creating goes into their vibrational reality,
who- during the duration of this lifetime,
because they try to please others,
rather than coming into alignment with themselves,
DON´T allow themselves the fruition that the contrast has caused them to expand to.
So they are not all that satisfied with life-
But when they have their releasing of conscious experience,
which is really what the death-experience is-
(...) like meditation, or like slumber, releasing all resistant thought,
and re-emerging back into nonphysical,
So you become that WHOLE consciousness,
and it is from that perspective,
that you make your next decision to come forth.
So there is, unquestionedly, a CONTINUITY of the you, who comes forth.
So it´s possible that you could pick up things on the physical trail in one life-experience
that you would intend to relive in more dramatic experience in the next.
In fact, it´s always the case in that sense, that
you keep wanting to come back, and to continue to create
in this earth-environment- to which you are SO tied, you see.
It is so satisfying to continue the expansion.
from the clip Abraham Hicks. What is artistic talent? Can I play like Mozart?
- Paradise-on-Earth
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You did it!!! You found one!!
I love it so much!!!!
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Yes!Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 12:38 pm You did it!!! You found one!!I love it so much!!!!

- Paradise-on-Earth
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spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 1:23 pmYes!Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 12:38 pm You did it!!! You found one!!I love it so much!!!!
I was so happy to find it amongst my saved quotes from your old quote collection! Your treasure is still providing abundantly! Bit by bit, I'm bringing them back