Going general- going specific
- Paradise-on-Earth
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Going general- going specific
Go general when you need soothing, but when you are in Alignment get specific!
You can become more general, like the animals are,
and that’s better than being all twirled up in conditions
that have got you all full of resistance,
-but that is not what you came for.
You didn’t come to withdraw from the specifics of life.
Abraham Hicks, Portland, OR 06/28/2014
You can become more general, like the animals are,
and that’s better than being all twirled up in conditions
that have got you all full of resistance,
-but that is not what you came for.
You didn’t come to withdraw from the specifics of life.
Abraham Hicks, Portland, OR 06/28/2014
- Paradise-on-Earth
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Be aware of HOW you feel. And then choose if going general, or specific feels better!

Care about how you FEEL, first and foremost,
More than everything else, put together.
Abraham Hicks

Care about how you FEEL, first and foremost,
More than everything else, put together.
Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
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How to shape and mold your Expectation and how to slow the train of Unwanted (The Inactive-Box Process)
There's this Continuum... we've been seeing it, or describing it sort of like a train track.
And you're like the Train on the track and on one end,
going that < way, is the stuff you don't want.
And going that > way is the stuff you do want.
And so, you're on this track. But you're noticing what isn't happening and so you're
pointed that < way. And then you do it a little more, and pretty soon you get
trending enough, you get believing enough, you get expecting enough...
...you can't create outside your expectations!
And that's so confounding to people. Because life makes you expect things.
And then, you expect them and then you can't get past those expectations!
So, you've got to find a way to selectively sift and to improve your expectations,
a little bit at a time, you see.
So, this train track...
you're going 100 miles an hour we'll say in the direction of what you don't want.
Well, you're not going to stop all at once and go 100 miles an hour in the
direction of what you do want!
But you can SLOW that train down.
And this is the thing that most people haven't heard from us. And they don't really understand,
and it's time for you to really get this picture in your mind!
So, did you hear us when we talked about your Inner Being? Your inner being, who's focused
in your vibrational reality, where all of your requests are being stored, like on a hard drive for you?
They're there, ready for you to collect them anytime when you're vibrationally or emotionally ready.
So, there your inner being is, being a very strong point of Attraction, and calling the
Cooperative components, and calling you, too. But if you're headed in the wrong direction,
if you're headed toward what you don't want, because of the things you're saying and thinking
and observing and living... -and it's all right!!-. As you think more about what we've talked about
here, and when you feel some negative emotion,
you render the thought inactive by saying
"it doesn't serve me. I'm not going to think about that".
Esther's words are, as she writes on her little card to drop into her inactive-box:
"It is my intention to render inactive my propensity to worry about stuff that I can't do
anything about."
So, she'll write that down and drop it in the box. Well, just having done that sets her in a little
less resistant stance! Now she might drop a card similar to that in her box 20 or 30 40 times and
it might happen all today. If there's something really bothering her about something,
but every time she decides that she's going to release that, and then goes through those sort of
antics of writing it down, making it so, and dropping it in the inactive box, she's a little less resistant!
And this is what we really want you to hear: Which means, her train that's headed away from what
she wants- which is the whole reason for negative emotion- is SLOWING. And eventually it will
slow enough that there it will feel to you like a Tipping Point.
What it really is, is: you'll slow it enough that this calling will be able to grab you, as a
Cooperative component, and begin pulling you in the direction of what you want!
So, your expectation will improve and improve and improve and improve- until there will be
another Tipping Point, where it will drop right into your "see it- hear it- smell it- taste it- touch it-
physical manifested awareness.
That's how every single thing works.
Nothing that any of you are living is coming to you outside of your expectations.
Now we will acknowledge that some of your expectations...
you're born into a family that expected that. And you saw them expect that,
and they expected it, and they lived it, and you watched them live it, so you expected it.
It's like, Esther talking about her mother when Esther went to school and started learning
about grammar. It was pretty easy for her, because her family spoke good grammar.
(...) She'd been observing that it was easy for her. And so, some of you have come
from environments where people just expected life to go well- and it did. And you observed it
and then you expected life to go well!
And some of you are saying, "well that's not fair!" -will that feeling of Justice that'll get you
every time, because there is this equal opportunity for you to be or do or have anything
that you want! And some of you chose situations that were not a Feathered Nest- because
you wanted to launch your own Rockets of desire. You wanted to ask for your unique things.
You wanted to build your life in a way that wasn't like everybody else did.
Everybody gets to build the life that they want. And your Source energy, who is part of
your authentic self, will help you with every part of that, you see! And so, really, friend,
we want to tell you two things:
We love you. And you gotta stop complaining about what's not coming.
from the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks ~ Improve Your Expectations
There's this Continuum... we've been seeing it, or describing it sort of like a train track.
And you're like the Train on the track and on one end,
going that < way, is the stuff you don't want.
And going that > way is the stuff you do want.
And so, you're on this track. But you're noticing what isn't happening and so you're
pointed that < way. And then you do it a little more, and pretty soon you get
trending enough, you get believing enough, you get expecting enough...
...you can't create outside your expectations!
And that's so confounding to people. Because life makes you expect things.
And then, you expect them and then you can't get past those expectations!
So, you've got to find a way to selectively sift and to improve your expectations,
a little bit at a time, you see.
So, this train track...
you're going 100 miles an hour we'll say in the direction of what you don't want.
Well, you're not going to stop all at once and go 100 miles an hour in the
direction of what you do want!
But you can SLOW that train down.
And this is the thing that most people haven't heard from us. And they don't really understand,
and it's time for you to really get this picture in your mind!
So, did you hear us when we talked about your Inner Being? Your inner being, who's focused
in your vibrational reality, where all of your requests are being stored, like on a hard drive for you?
They're there, ready for you to collect them anytime when you're vibrationally or emotionally ready.
So, there your inner being is, being a very strong point of Attraction, and calling the
Cooperative components, and calling you, too. But if you're headed in the wrong direction,
if you're headed toward what you don't want, because of the things you're saying and thinking
and observing and living... -and it's all right!!-. As you think more about what we've talked about
here, and when you feel some negative emotion,
you render the thought inactive by saying
"it doesn't serve me. I'm not going to think about that".
Esther's words are, as she writes on her little card to drop into her inactive-box:
"It is my intention to render inactive my propensity to worry about stuff that I can't do
anything about."
So, she'll write that down and drop it in the box. Well, just having done that sets her in a little
less resistant stance! Now she might drop a card similar to that in her box 20 or 30 40 times and
it might happen all today. If there's something really bothering her about something,
but every time she decides that she's going to release that, and then goes through those sort of
antics of writing it down, making it so, and dropping it in the inactive box, she's a little less resistant!
And this is what we really want you to hear: Which means, her train that's headed away from what
she wants- which is the whole reason for negative emotion- is SLOWING. And eventually it will
slow enough that there it will feel to you like a Tipping Point.
What it really is, is: you'll slow it enough that this calling will be able to grab you, as a
Cooperative component, and begin pulling you in the direction of what you want!
So, your expectation will improve and improve and improve and improve- until there will be
another Tipping Point, where it will drop right into your "see it- hear it- smell it- taste it- touch it-
physical manifested awareness.
That's how every single thing works.
Nothing that any of you are living is coming to you outside of your expectations.
Now we will acknowledge that some of your expectations...
you're born into a family that expected that. And you saw them expect that,
and they expected it, and they lived it, and you watched them live it, so you expected it.
It's like, Esther talking about her mother when Esther went to school and started learning
about grammar. It was pretty easy for her, because her family spoke good grammar.
(...) She'd been observing that it was easy for her. And so, some of you have come
from environments where people just expected life to go well- and it did. And you observed it
and then you expected life to go well!
And some of you are saying, "well that's not fair!" -will that feeling of Justice that'll get you
every time, because there is this equal opportunity for you to be or do or have anything
that you want! And some of you chose situations that were not a Feathered Nest- because
you wanted to launch your own Rockets of desire. You wanted to ask for your unique things.
You wanted to build your life in a way that wasn't like everybody else did.
Everybody gets to build the life that they want. And your Source energy, who is part of
your authentic self, will help you with every part of that, you see! And so, really, friend,
we want to tell you two things:
We love you. And you gotta stop complaining about what's not coming.
from the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks ~ Improve Your Expectations
- Paradise-on-Earth
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Most people think that intelligence is about brain,
where really it’s about focus.
Genius is just attention to a subject until it becomes
specific, specific, specific.
— Abraham Hicks
where really it’s about focus.
Genius is just attention to a subject until it becomes
specific, specific, specific.
— Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
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A soothing, very general positive Rampage

All is well!
I'm on the right track. I'm doing extremely well.
Look how far I have come!
Aren't I having a good time!
Wouldn't it be nice, if?
I am where I am, and all is really well!
Things are going well for me.
Things always work out for me!
Life is really good for me.
Source energy is aware of me.
Source is always calling me, and I can hear source
to whatever degree from wherever I am.
And whatever I hear is ALLRIGHT.
Abraham Hicks

All is well!
I'm on the right track. I'm doing extremely well.
Look how far I have come!
Aren't I having a good time!
Wouldn't it be nice, if?
I am where I am, and all is really well!
Things are going well for me.
Things always work out for me!
Life is really good for me.
Source energy is aware of me.
Source is always calling me, and I can hear source
to whatever degree from wherever I am.
And whatever I hear is ALLRIGHT.
Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
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Is a 11- day Silent Meditation a good thing?
The difference of "shutting up when OOTV", and "joyfully rambling from ITV"!
I'm going to a 11 day silent meditation, starting tomorrow. And I'm looking for advice of
how to take this time, to get the most out of it and springboard my life into bliss!
Abe (growling)
Well... the thing that's interesting about something as intense as that is, if you've trained
your mind to be very responsive -and you've trained yourself to be very communicative,
and so -to just stop communication, for... (pause, whispering: 11 days)...
I tried it once before, I made it seven, and it was profound. The results I got in those
seven days, and what I saw with it I can...
We can see why! We can see why. Because... because in the no longer speaking,
there is less perpetuation of the momentum of a thought. Because there's no one being
your soundboard and an adding to it. Our advice is... our advice is- don't go!
[Applause, HS laughing, mumbling]
Well of course you can go and of course you're up for it. But why make something so
difficult? Why go so hard against your natural nature? Why not...
...why not just modify gently and gradually? (...) and we know the answer! The answer is:
"Because I've got no self-discipline! Unless I surround myself with conditions, where
everybody has agreed to the same thing, then I'm not likely to keep my word to myself."
And we start to kind of get that. But so let's talk about the reasons that that was a profound
experience. So, momentum is the big subject here! Because when you give your attention
to something law of attraction responds to it.
And in silence, there is going to be less momentum.
Now, some people say "but Abraham, I have this mind that is just chattering all the time. And
just because I'm not talking..." in fact, sometimes if you are not expressing, then your mind
becomes even more active! (...)
It's not about the action of speaking or not speaking,
it's about the finding of the thought or the words or the action, that harmonize with who
you really are, you see!
Silent meditation implies something... oh, oh,
it implies something that is so contrary to what we know to be!
When Esther is in alignment with us, do you find her silent?
HS: Not at all!
When you're in alignment with well-being, don't you want to oooh and awwee about the
beauty of the surroundings around you? Don't you want to describe them in detail?
-The only time that silence is ever of value, is if you are out of the Vortex.
If you are in a place of misalignment. If you are beating the drum... if you've got negative
momentum! So, if you've got so much negative momentum going on, that you need to go
stand in a place of silence for a long period of time- then we can see how that would be of
advantage to you.
But source wants to express through you!!
Source wants to laugh through you!
Source wants to yodel down the canyon through you!
In other words, silence... silence... there's a misunderstanding!
And you help us say something very important.
If you got something negative going on: shut up.
We love you all so much! But when you are tuned in, tapped in, turned on- be boisterous
in your revelations!!! In your reveling of life experience!
from the clip
Abraham Hicks - KILL THE SILENCE
The difference of "shutting up when OOTV", and "joyfully rambling from ITV"!
I'm going to a 11 day silent meditation, starting tomorrow. And I'm looking for advice of
how to take this time, to get the most out of it and springboard my life into bliss!
Abe (growling)
Well... the thing that's interesting about something as intense as that is, if you've trained
your mind to be very responsive -and you've trained yourself to be very communicative,
and so -to just stop communication, for... (pause, whispering: 11 days)...
I tried it once before, I made it seven, and it was profound. The results I got in those
seven days, and what I saw with it I can...
We can see why! We can see why. Because... because in the no longer speaking,
there is less perpetuation of the momentum of a thought. Because there's no one being
your soundboard and an adding to it. Our advice is... our advice is- don't go!
[Applause, HS laughing, mumbling]
Well of course you can go and of course you're up for it. But why make something so
difficult? Why go so hard against your natural nature? Why not...
...why not just modify gently and gradually? (...) and we know the answer! The answer is:
"Because I've got no self-discipline! Unless I surround myself with conditions, where
everybody has agreed to the same thing, then I'm not likely to keep my word to myself."
And we start to kind of get that. But so let's talk about the reasons that that was a profound
experience. So, momentum is the big subject here! Because when you give your attention
to something law of attraction responds to it.
And in silence, there is going to be less momentum.
Now, some people say "but Abraham, I have this mind that is just chattering all the time. And
just because I'm not talking..." in fact, sometimes if you are not expressing, then your mind
becomes even more active! (...)
It's not about the action of speaking or not speaking,
it's about the finding of the thought or the words or the action, that harmonize with who
you really are, you see!
Silent meditation implies something... oh, oh,
it implies something that is so contrary to what we know to be!
When Esther is in alignment with us, do you find her silent?
HS: Not at all!
When you're in alignment with well-being, don't you want to oooh and awwee about the
beauty of the surroundings around you? Don't you want to describe them in detail?
-The only time that silence is ever of value, is if you are out of the Vortex.
If you are in a place of misalignment. If you are beating the drum... if you've got negative
momentum! So, if you've got so much negative momentum going on, that you need to go
stand in a place of silence for a long period of time- then we can see how that would be of
advantage to you.
But source wants to express through you!!
Source wants to laugh through you!
Source wants to yodel down the canyon through you!
In other words, silence... silence... there's a misunderstanding!
And you help us say something very important.
If you got something negative going on: shut up.
We love you all so much! But when you are tuned in, tapped in, turned on- be boisterous
in your revelations!!! In your reveling of life experience!
from the clip
Abraham Hicks - KILL THE SILENCE
- spiritualcookie
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A good general statement: Things are always working out for me
That's a really good mantra:
Things are always working out for me!
And to the degree that I will acknowledge that they are always working out for me,
then more details of their working-outing-ness will show itself to me.
- AH
That's a really good mantra:
Things are always working out for me!
And to the degree that I will acknowledge that they are always working out for me,
then more details of their working-outing-ness will show itself to me.
- AH
- Paradise-on-Earth
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When you don't know what you want, go general
We encourage all of you to say:
"I intend joyous creation.
I intend joyous creative survival.
I intend harmony.
I intend to eat well and be warm and be surrounded by those that I am harmonious with."
And as you set those intentions in motion
you will begin attracting the circumstances and other thoughts which will bring it about
and bring the detail of it into clearer focus for you.
As you try to deal with the details of that which is so vague and far away, like,
"What will I do for work?" or
"What will I do for money?"
those sorts of things,
it is too far away for you to think about that, you see.
But as you try to deal with the unknown details,
because you don't currently have enough information,
that is where your miscreating begins to occur.
That is where fear comes in.
That is when you start worrying.
And fear or worry is a signal that you are miscreating.
- Abraham
We encourage all of you to say:
"I intend joyous creation.
I intend joyous creative survival.
I intend harmony.
I intend to eat well and be warm and be surrounded by those that I am harmonious with."
And as you set those intentions in motion
you will begin attracting the circumstances and other thoughts which will bring it about
and bring the detail of it into clearer focus for you.
As you try to deal with the details of that which is so vague and far away, like,
"What will I do for work?" or
"What will I do for money?"
those sorts of things,
it is too far away for you to think about that, you see.
But as you try to deal with the unknown details,
because you don't currently have enough information,
that is where your miscreating begins to occur.
That is where fear comes in.
That is when you start worrying.
And fear or worry is a signal that you are miscreating.
- Abraham
- Paradise-on-Earth
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Become OBSESSED with what you like!
...If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life! Which means:
you talk about it and
you think about it and
you play with it and
you observe it and
you take pictures of it and
you tell others about it and
you think about it and
you talk about it and
you observe it;
...until you activate it in your vibration until more thoughts like it come.
If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life, you would deactivate the parts of your life that you don't want! But when you are obsessed with the parts of your life that you don't want, and you keep them active, then there aren't enough helpers in the world to help you get to where you think you want to be.
Abraham Workshop, Los Angeles, August 17, 2008
...If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life! Which means:
you talk about it and
you think about it and
you play with it and
you observe it and
you take pictures of it and
you tell others about it and
you think about it and
you talk about it and
you observe it;
...until you activate it in your vibration until more thoughts like it come.
If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life, you would deactivate the parts of your life that you don't want! But when you are obsessed with the parts of your life that you don't want, and you keep them active, then there aren't enough helpers in the world to help you get to where you think you want to be.
Abraham Workshop, Los Angeles, August 17, 2008
- Paradise-on-Earth
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Apologies and Forgiveness are letting go of what is holding you OOTV.
(Source never apologizes, because sources never condemned to begin with!)
My question is how does source energy see apologizing, or apology?
Unnecessary. Source never does it. Source never apologizes, because sources never condemned to begin with!
So there's no undoing to do.
But from a practical standpoint, in terms of what we are talking about here today-
anything that makes you feel better is a good thing.
So our friend was talking about wanting to undo the center. And an apology is a little bit like trying to undo an argument. Only you can't undo the argument -you just reactivate it! Because you're undoing it from outside the vortex. Because you're focused on it, which takes you outside the vortex.
That's why our answer about how source sees it- it was so blunt we've said source doesn't get into forgiveness, because it's like overcoming the judgment! But source didn't judge to begin with. So there's no overcoming. And yet, someone who- let's speak in human terms, you're asking about source. Let's talk about you!
So, when you forgive, it would be like going into the vortex.
It would be like letting go of what was keeping you out of the vortex, and going in!
And maybe, "apology" and "forgiveness" or are sort of the same thing: It's letting go of what's holding you out. It's like saying to whoever you're forgiving, or whoever you're apologizing to, it's like saying: I'm no longer going to use this as my excuse to not be in the vortex. But but it's a little bit risky. In you're no longer using it, you're still focused on it!
It might reactivate it!
Yes. Precisely.
Yeah, well, I've noticed that. At least before today that I had an addiction to being right.
It's an epidemic. (Huge laughter) You'r not the only one who has it! It was born out of the competitive world of measuring the piles, and comparing them. And so a lot of people... Esther wrestles that to the ground, at least once a day! Because there's something about being right, that you've been taught that seems to have some reward.
And and we just want being in the vortex to be a higher criteria, then being right!
Because, everyone gets to have their perspective.
Which means, everybody gets to be right.
And just because you differ in your perspective, and so you differ in what you believe is right, doesn't make... it's not a very good argument, for anything that feels good, or will benefit you!
When I'm in the middle of being right or wanting to be right or being driven or feeling driven to be right, it's like...
Just ride it out. It's like jumping out of an airplane with no parachute: Don't worry! It'll be over, soon. (Big laughter)
In other words, sometimes in that free fall, there isn't anything else you can do! Because you've already got the momentum going. But in light of a conversation that we've had today, you could make a decision to get really general, really fast! In other words, for example, you want to talk about a situation where you wanted to be right?
Yes okay it's with my daughter. And I push against the way...
All right! That's as far as you need to go with that!
So, let's say that you have a disagreement about something. And you're sure you're right, and you're expressing it, and you're not feeling good. And now it's compounded, because now you're out of the vortex. And now it seems like the reason you're out of the vortex is, because of this situation! Which makes you resent it even more.
And so, the more specific you try to be, the more out of the vortex you are!
So now in light of the conversation that we've had here today, you decide to take a more general stance. And so you think, specific to the situation, you know you're right, and she's wrong. And specific to the situation she's sure she's right, and you're wrong- specific to the situation!
But generally speaking, and in terms of emotion, you adore this girl.
You love her! You love her! You love her. She loves you!
Generally speaking, you really love each other!!
Specifically, you're really hard to deal with.
Generally speaking, you really... and so, as you get general- you go in the vortex!
Isn't that a really good understanding? You're right in the vortex. And then you say: "Oh, now I'm in there. I love her. Now maybe we can work that out?" ohhhh don't go there!! It's too soon!
Don't go there, don't go there.... till you're stable in the vortex!
Don't don't go there! Don't don't sacrifice the vortex for the specific of needing to be right.
STAY in there.
That's what is unconditional love is: Remaining in the vortex, no matter what.
Because that matters more!
And so now what happens next:
You hang around there, more. Now- the vortex, who has already orchestrated circumstances and events to give you exactly the specifics that you're looking for, can now begin to reveal to you the specifics, you see! You don't want to be right, and her to be wrong. You want both of you to be right! You just think in order for both of you to be right, she has to agree with you!
HS (laughing and crying at the same time): Right!! She thinks the same way!
And what's interesting about that is: Everybody thinks that! "I want you to be right with me. So, come over here, and believe like I do!" and how is that working out? It's not working out very well, is it?
So, unconditional love is seeing the subject at hand through the eyes of source.
And source always finds a reason to love.
And when you do, no matter how many reasons you've found not to- that's irrelevant!- right here, right now, where all of your power is, where you meet YOU- you come into alignment completely, with who you are. And love the feeling of it! We saw how you love the feeling of it! You love the feeling of love. And so, as you come into alignment with that ,and you practice the feeling of that, then more specific thoughts come, that complement and enhance and dovetail with that vibration!
Then the relationship just continues to expand, and evolve, and be all of the things, that all those moments in time were issues have caused you to ask for the specifics- every argument you had, caused the creation of something that you want. But we would like to say to all of you, and we think you're ready to hear it now! Where, maybe at the beginning of yesterday morning, you might not have heard it so easily. We really like saying this to you, knowing that now you're going to get it in the way that we mean it:
The specifics that you think you want, are not anywhere close to what the vortex is able to deliver!
Because you've been putting those pieces there so incrementally, you have no real conscious idea of what the big picture, that you've created, is! You can sense it. You can sort of kind of feel it. But you can't articulate it yet!
But as you hang around in the vortex longer, you'll be able to translate it into real-life experience. Which will make you feel that "hands in the clay"- feeling of creating your own experience. THATS that feeling of pride! And appreciation, for your ability to create!
And there isn't anything that makes you feel RIGHTER than that.
Because you begin to recognize all the little pieces that you put together!
from the clip Abraham Hicks
Apologies And Being Right
(Source never apologizes, because sources never condemned to begin with!)
My question is how does source energy see apologizing, or apology?
Unnecessary. Source never does it. Source never apologizes, because sources never condemned to begin with!
So there's no undoing to do.
But from a practical standpoint, in terms of what we are talking about here today-
anything that makes you feel better is a good thing.
So our friend was talking about wanting to undo the center. And an apology is a little bit like trying to undo an argument. Only you can't undo the argument -you just reactivate it! Because you're undoing it from outside the vortex. Because you're focused on it, which takes you outside the vortex.
That's why our answer about how source sees it- it was so blunt we've said source doesn't get into forgiveness, because it's like overcoming the judgment! But source didn't judge to begin with. So there's no overcoming. And yet, someone who- let's speak in human terms, you're asking about source. Let's talk about you!
So, when you forgive, it would be like going into the vortex.
It would be like letting go of what was keeping you out of the vortex, and going in!
And maybe, "apology" and "forgiveness" or are sort of the same thing: It's letting go of what's holding you out. It's like saying to whoever you're forgiving, or whoever you're apologizing to, it's like saying: I'm no longer going to use this as my excuse to not be in the vortex. But but it's a little bit risky. In you're no longer using it, you're still focused on it!
It might reactivate it!
Yes. Precisely.
Yeah, well, I've noticed that. At least before today that I had an addiction to being right.
It's an epidemic. (Huge laughter) You'r not the only one who has it! It was born out of the competitive world of measuring the piles, and comparing them. And so a lot of people... Esther wrestles that to the ground, at least once a day! Because there's something about being right, that you've been taught that seems to have some reward.
And and we just want being in the vortex to be a higher criteria, then being right!
Because, everyone gets to have their perspective.
Which means, everybody gets to be right.
And just because you differ in your perspective, and so you differ in what you believe is right, doesn't make... it's not a very good argument, for anything that feels good, or will benefit you!
When I'm in the middle of being right or wanting to be right or being driven or feeling driven to be right, it's like...
Just ride it out. It's like jumping out of an airplane with no parachute: Don't worry! It'll be over, soon. (Big laughter)
In other words, sometimes in that free fall, there isn't anything else you can do! Because you've already got the momentum going. But in light of a conversation that we've had today, you could make a decision to get really general, really fast! In other words, for example, you want to talk about a situation where you wanted to be right?
Yes okay it's with my daughter. And I push against the way...
All right! That's as far as you need to go with that!
So, let's say that you have a disagreement about something. And you're sure you're right, and you're expressing it, and you're not feeling good. And now it's compounded, because now you're out of the vortex. And now it seems like the reason you're out of the vortex is, because of this situation! Which makes you resent it even more.
And so, the more specific you try to be, the more out of the vortex you are!
So now in light of the conversation that we've had here today, you decide to take a more general stance. And so you think, specific to the situation, you know you're right, and she's wrong. And specific to the situation she's sure she's right, and you're wrong- specific to the situation!
But generally speaking, and in terms of emotion, you adore this girl.
You love her! You love her! You love her. She loves you!
Generally speaking, you really love each other!!
Specifically, you're really hard to deal with.
Generally speaking, you really... and so, as you get general- you go in the vortex!
Isn't that a really good understanding? You're right in the vortex. And then you say: "Oh, now I'm in there. I love her. Now maybe we can work that out?" ohhhh don't go there!! It's too soon!
Don't go there, don't go there.... till you're stable in the vortex!
Don't don't go there! Don't don't sacrifice the vortex for the specific of needing to be right.
STAY in there.
That's what is unconditional love is: Remaining in the vortex, no matter what.
Because that matters more!
And so now what happens next:
You hang around there, more. Now- the vortex, who has already orchestrated circumstances and events to give you exactly the specifics that you're looking for, can now begin to reveal to you the specifics, you see! You don't want to be right, and her to be wrong. You want both of you to be right! You just think in order for both of you to be right, she has to agree with you!
HS (laughing and crying at the same time): Right!! She thinks the same way!
And what's interesting about that is: Everybody thinks that! "I want you to be right with me. So, come over here, and believe like I do!" and how is that working out? It's not working out very well, is it?
So, unconditional love is seeing the subject at hand through the eyes of source.
And source always finds a reason to love.
And when you do, no matter how many reasons you've found not to- that's irrelevant!- right here, right now, where all of your power is, where you meet YOU- you come into alignment completely, with who you are. And love the feeling of it! We saw how you love the feeling of it! You love the feeling of love. And so, as you come into alignment with that ,and you practice the feeling of that, then more specific thoughts come, that complement and enhance and dovetail with that vibration!
Then the relationship just continues to expand, and evolve, and be all of the things, that all those moments in time were issues have caused you to ask for the specifics- every argument you had, caused the creation of something that you want. But we would like to say to all of you, and we think you're ready to hear it now! Where, maybe at the beginning of yesterday morning, you might not have heard it so easily. We really like saying this to you, knowing that now you're going to get it in the way that we mean it:
The specifics that you think you want, are not anywhere close to what the vortex is able to deliver!
Because you've been putting those pieces there so incrementally, you have no real conscious idea of what the big picture, that you've created, is! You can sense it. You can sort of kind of feel it. But you can't articulate it yet!
But as you hang around in the vortex longer, you'll be able to translate it into real-life experience. Which will make you feel that "hands in the clay"- feeling of creating your own experience. THATS that feeling of pride! And appreciation, for your ability to create!
And there isn't anything that makes you feel RIGHTER than that.
Because you begin to recognize all the little pieces that you put together!
from the clip Abraham Hicks