Co-Creation with Source

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Co-Creation with Source

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The bigger the dream is,
the more source has your back.

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

How to shape and mold your Expectation (The Inactive-Box Process)

There's this Continuum... we've been seeing it, or describing it sort of like a train track.
And you're like the Train on the track and on one end,
going that < way, is the stuff you don't want.
And going that > way is the stuff you do want.

And so, you're on this track. But you're noticing what isn't happening and so you're
pointed that < way. And then you do it a little more, and pretty soon you get
trending enough, you get believing enough, you get expecting enough... can't create outside your expectations!
And that's so confounding to people. Because life makes you expect things.
And then, you expect them and then you can't get past those expectations!
So, you've got to find a way to selectively sift and to improve your expectations,
a little bit at a time, you see.

So, this train track...
you're going 100 miles an hour we'll say in the direction of what you don't want.
Well, you're not going to stop all at once and go 100 miles an hour in the
direction of what you do want!

But you can SLOW that train down.

And this is the thing that most people haven't heard from us. And they don't really understand,
and it's time for you to really get this picture in your mind!
So, did you hear us when we talked about your Inner Being? Your inner being, who's focused
in your vibrational reality, where all of your requests are being stored, like on a hard drive for you?
They're there, ready for you to collect them anytime when you're vibrationally or emotionally ready.

So, there your inner being is, being a very strong point of Attraction, and calling the
Cooperative components, and calling you, too. But if you're headed in the wrong direction,
if you're headed toward what you don't want, because of the things you're saying and thinking
and observing and living... -and it's all right!!-. As you think more about what we've talked about
here, and when you feel some negative emotion,

you render the thought inactive by saying
"it doesn't serve me. I'm not going to think about that".

Esther's words are, as she writes on her little card to drop into her inactive-box:
"It is my intention to render inactive my propensity to worry about stuff that I can't do
anything about."
So, she'll write that down and drop it in the box. Well, just having done that sets her in a little
less resistant stance! Now she might drop a card similar to that in her box 20 or 30 40 times and
it might happen all today. If there's something really bothering her about something,
but every time she decides that she's going to release that, and then goes through those sort of
antics of writing it down, making it so, and dropping it in the inactive box, she's a little less resistant!

And this is what we really want you to hear: Which means, her train that's headed away from what
she wants- which is the whole reason for negative emotion- is SLOWING. And eventually it will
slow enough that there it will feel to you like a Tipping Point.

What it really is, is: you'll slow it enough that this calling will be able to grab you, as a
Cooperative component, and begin pulling you in the direction of what you want!
So, your expectation will improve and improve and improve and improve- until there will be
another Tipping Point, where it will drop right into your "see it- hear it- smell it- taste it- touch it-
physical manifested awareness.

That's how every single thing works.
Nothing that any of you are living is coming to you outside of your expectations.

Now we will acknowledge that some of your expectations...
you're born into a family that expected that. And you saw them expect that,
and they expected it, and they lived it, and you watched them live it, so you expected it.
It's like, Esther talking about her mother when Esther went to school and started learning
about grammar. It was pretty easy for her, because her family spoke good grammar.
(...) She'd been observing that it was easy for her. And so, some of you have come
from environments where people just expected life to go well- and it did. And you observed it
and then you expected life to go well!

And some of you are saying, "well that's not fair!" -will that feeling of Justice that'll get you
every time, because there is this equal opportunity for you to be or do or have anything
that you want! And some of you chose situations that were not a Feathered Nest- because
you wanted to launch your own Rockets of desire. You wanted to ask for your unique things.
You wanted to build your life in a way that wasn't like everybody else did.

Everybody gets to build the life that they want. And your Source energy, who is part of
your authentic self, will help you with every part of that, you see! And so, really, friend,
we want to tell you two things:

We love you. And you gotta stop complaining about what's not coming.

from the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks ~ Improve Your Expectations
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Global Warming,
living happily (and healthy) ever after, even the Earth seems to be doomed?

HS is worried about global warming, and his family, living in a danger zone.

Here is what we would say. We would say "these people that I love have source energy at their core.
And if they are loving life in this physical format, and wanting to continue it, they will be inspired to be
in the right place at the right time."

And then we would soothe ourselves by acknowledging that there is no such thing as death, and that there
is nothing awful about making the transition as a non-physical. Because we are all eternal! In other words,
you really got to get over this death thing, if you are to feel joyful about your physical experience!!

Also, people around the time of the harmonic convergence were applying us with these kinds of
questions and we said: Well you're going to wake up and you're going to say "did I miss something?"
Because these things are not happening all at once. It is a gradual evolution of the energy and then when the y2k-
disaster was upon your doorstep, a dear friend sat here and he had been listening to those who had been
channeling information. They were predicting this ultimate disaster- financial collapse and so on, because of
the computer disaster.

And he said what "will the newspaper read the next day?" and we said "much ado about nothing!" and
that's really what we want to say about all of these negative predictions. They are much ado about something,
that does not have to be in your world! In other words, there is so much more happening on your planet,
because of the bombs that your government is dropping!! And you don't have control about that either. And so,
you just finally have to say:
"Of the many things that I don't have control of, the way this earth spins in its orbit is really high on the list of
things I don't have control about."

So, can we dispense with global warming? Is that not a human cause problem and can we not to do anything
about it- because it's futile and not be under control?

Well, here is what we would like to say about that:
Your planet has been set into motion through the thought from nonphysical. And don't you find it amazing
that your earth spins in its orbit, at all? (HS: yes.)
And don't you think that whatever God it's spinning, can deal with the temperature of it?

HS: which makes sense to me. Absolutely.

And and then we want to ask for those who are comparing the temperatures so accurately that they can
pronounce the trend toward warming: What instruments were they using 100, 200, 300, 500, 2000 years ago??
In other words are they even comparing apples to apples and oranges to oranges? In other words, we do
not think that the instruments that you're using today to measure, compare at all with whatever it is wherever
they're getting the data from before!

In other words, we don't think they know that the planet is warming. And we don't think you have a broad enough
view, to really give word to a trend!

We think that it is, like so many things, a belief that you need to control a condition.
And you can't control the conditions and get people to move in the direction of what you want, unless you scare
them -a lot.

In other words, because people are not motivated, it seems by the call of source. Look how many hours we spend,
talking to all of you about feeling good. We should not have to do such a sales job about feeling good!!

But it's because you have been oriented for so long that most of you don't take action until something really awful
looms and those who have things to sell have learned that about your personalities. And so they've learned, that
if they're going to get you to move they're going to prod you with something that's painful. And so, that's why most
people get your vote about what they want to do by you weighing all of the consequences of what will happen if
you don't. And in the process of that, people become more and more fearful.

And as they become more and more fearful, they're less and less guided. And as they're less and less guided,
they're more and more vulnerable, and as they're more and more vulnerable, more things they don't want to happen
to them. And then they say: "see, those naysayers were right."

And we say: no!! They weren't. They were just influencing you to that creation of your own reality. You could
have created something more positive, if you had wanted to. And what makes it all all right, is that the dilution ratio
on your planet is still working effectively and by that we mean

The longer the old-timers are here and worrying and worrying, the worse their life gets. But then they croak! And new
ones come in, who are optimistic and expecting better things. And so, when the old ones die who were worried about
global warming, and the new ones are born who aren't... your problem we'll seize! It really is like that.

Plus, those like you, that are contributing to the improvement of the dilution ratio, because even though you are
older, and you have the potential of pushing against, you are deliberately learning to turn downstream. And there
was you're learning to control your own vibration, so your worlds are turning around for you, in the midst of worlds
that aren't necessarily going very well for others.

Haven't you noticed that in times of trauma, there are always those who thrive?
That, in times of financial ruin, there are always those who do just fine.
In times of famine, there are always those who eat.
In times of sickness and drought, there are always those who drink and do fine.

You are not a world that is iving simultaneous lives in the sense, that whatever is happening is happening to
all of you! You are vibrational islands within this environment. And you are living the results of your alignment.
And to the degree those who are focused negatively influence you, then you create the world that they
point out.
And to degree that those who are around you are influencing you toward feeling better, than to that degree
you create a world that is pleasing to you.
It has always been quite a mixed bag here in this leading-edge environment! That's what makes it so inviting
for the likes of you.

But you're saying that if enough people think those negative thoughts and envision those possibilities, that that
can influence the Earth. And that can...

No! That's not what we said. We said, if enough people get negatively focused, they will mess up their individual
lives. But they have no control in yours!
Enough people can't get worried about global warming to ruin your planet for you!

I love it!! I'm surrounded... I'm surrounded by people who believe that.

Your view of this universe is so miniscule, none of it counts. Just like your view of your human body is so
minuscule. That's why they call it practicing medicine. They have no clue what they're doing! It's surgery with a
chainsaw, is what all of it is. In other words, compared to vibrational alignment on a cellular basis -which is
what you get, when you line up with who you really are, and what you want... in other words, the cells of your
body have created their vibrational escrow, too - and when you're joyful, you let those cells find the thriving that
they want.

And when you're ornery, you don't.
And when you're ornery and you don't, and the cells are not allowed the alignment that they're asking for, then
your physical body has a deficiency of some kind and then you go to somebody outside of you, who take some
awkward awkward method and applies it to your body, usually throwing it more out of balance than bringing it
into balance. And you call that medicine!

And we call it tampering. We call it outside of the basis of that which is the essence of who you are! We want you
to get in alignment with who you are, and then take your action. And when you do, you'll discover that you
have the ability in this body on this earth, to continue to thrive in what we would call an indefinite experience.

We can see no ending to it!
And so, we see no reason whatsoever to take some piece of information -no matter how well documented it is,
from other disconnected beings and use it as the reason to disallow the well-being to flow to me right here, in
my body right now. We've seen this vibrational escrow, you see!

The reason that we speak so powerfully about this is, because we see the energy stream of that which carried
you all here- before your birth. And we know the well-being that was in that stream! And then we see the
physical emergence of all of that which is physically focused, here and now. And we know the power of your
desire and then we get to watch the contrast that you're living, and we have bird's eye view of the birthing of the
new expansion that you are all individually and collectively giving birth to-

so, we've seen your new world!

Because it is born out of the contrast- and we know what it is you are reaching for. And we have to say to you,
that it is only that what you're asking for. The source wraps itself around, so it takes a tremendous amount
of negative attention to even mess up your own life experience!

But source will never go with any of those Rockets about what you do not want.
That's why we are so sure about the positive expansion of your earth-experience, you see.
You're here as the leading edge of that which is source, asking for more, that source is embracing and becoming.

So we know the future of this planet! AND IT IS GOOD.

And if, for any reason, you seek some piece of information that causes you to think contrary of that, you feel
gutwrenching negative emotion. Which is your confirmation, that your thought is against that which the source
within you knows. Isn't that nice to know?
"My fear is there for a reason when they tell me that the world is falling apart and that this is the end, and that my
children will not have a place to be, and that their children may be extinct. And I feel that gut wrenching feeling,
that I have- I've gotta know this thought is bogus!

And it doesn't matter how many scientists with all of their brilliance are coming to the same conclusion- they're
defying what my source knows. And my source knows, because my source was here before. I was all here!
My source was here, when this earth plane was an idea. Source is in on all of that, you see?

You need not worry! And your own guidance will show you, that it's not possible for you to not live happily ever
after. Some will have to die to do, it but it does not mean that it is not possible for you to live right here on planet
Earth, happily ever after!

It is your plan.
It is our plan! It is the promise of your future. And anything else is coming from the disconnected mind of man.

from the youtube clip "Abraham Hicks - Should Climate Change Worry Me?"
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Imagine it being done!

We promise you, it is never more efficient to do anything,
than to imagine it being done.
Because in the imagery, you empower the entire Universe
on your behalf, to bring you circumstances and events, so
that lots of this stuff gets done BY ITSELF.

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Care to get into Alignment with your Inner Being
(The two-headed Monster)

You'll get better and better at honoring your own requests!
(...) So, you feel your negative emotion. That's all that matters: You are AWARE that
you'r feeling some un-easy-ness, in the early subtle stages! It hasn't reached the place,
that there is some disastrous culmination! You'r just feel some un-easy-ness, and you
don't like it. And you like yourself enough, that you want to guaranty yourself easy-ness,
rather than un-easy-ness!

So, rather than trying to figure out "what is it, that I'm feeling uneasy about?" You just
have to find out what you ARE easy about. And when you do that, you keep your vibration
in this frequency, where what you want and what you need is always in easy access! (...)

You are MORE than this physical apparatus.
You are an extension of source-energy, that is CONSCIOUSNESS.

(It's) not something that you can hear or see or smell or touch or taste- it's Consciousness,
and it's vibration. And so, this nonphysical part of you is perceiving in every moment, whatever
it is that YOU are perceiving! You are walking down the street- your Inner Being (IB) is aware
that you are walking down the street.

Your IB is aware of your body, your movement, of what's around you, of what's the fragrances
in the air are- everything in your environment! Your IB IS AWARE OF THAT!
And YOU have an awareness, too.

And the blending of this 2 awarenesses equals your total experience!

So, the vibrational frequencies are important to understand. Because you are like a two-headed
monster, so to speak: You have your IB, who has perception, and you, who has perception! And
the frequency of your IB and the frequency of you equals whatever your emotion are.

So, when we talk about "Calibrating to the Frequency of your IB, we mean: Look around and try to
mold, to modify, be deliberate about, the way you focus into your environment and see, if you can

And the way you do that- because you don't know what decibels are, "this is an A440, do you know?"
-it's gone. Did you know... DOES THAT MATTER? Does it matter to you what the frequency was-
or did you just hear it... in other words, have you ever tuned a guitar, or anything? When you hear
someone sing, can you tell if it's in tune, or out of tune? (...) You can hear when something is out of

And negative emotion means: Something is out of whack.
Out of calibration with who-you-really-are, and all that you've evolved to. To the

And everything in your life-experience, in your physical body has brought you to become!
-What is the frequency of love? What is the frequency of hate? Well, what difference does it make,
what the frequence is! Don't you know the DIFFERENCE!?

Abraham Hicks, from the youtube clip
"Überschütten Sie Ihre Seele mit Sonnenschein: Bestehen Sie noch heute auf Schönheit und Freude!"
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Your Inner Being likes to skip and laugh and think about things;
your Inner Being likes to offer compliments and feel appreciation
and contemplate something that is not fully understood, and then feel the understanding come forth.
Your Inner Being is just like your frisky two-year old who is eager for life experience!

To meet up with your Inner Being just be more like that now.

Abraham -- Excerpted from the workshop in Sacramento, CA on Saturday, March 15th, 2003
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

(Say: )

There isn't ANYTHING that I can't be, or do, or have!
And I have a huge nonphysical staff, that's ready to assist me.


Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Are Abraham Aliens?
-How to see an Alien?

Can I experience my fantasy into reality- specifically, having an encounter with an alien spaceship, or an alien being? Or have I had that experience already,
by having praying mantises, hummingbirds flying around me, and if so... could I handle it well?

We're going to start first, by saying that because the vortex is a vibrational place, because it's a vibrational experience, because it's an
emotional experience -then anything that you tune to completely, you have the ability to see it.

Jerry and Esther where talking about what they see, when they're asleep, as they were sitting out on board on the deck on the ship. Looking out to the
beautiful ocean, yesterday. They were contemplating the amazing well-being that they were witnessing, and talking about how -depending upon where you are standing at any point in time- you proclaim your degree of well-being that you are witnessing. And again, they were talking about the differences in
perspectives, and so on, and then they began thinking about the reality of it all... in other words, thinking about this earth spinning in its orbit; thinking about how it got here, thinking about it in relationship with other planets or other galaxies, thinking about the bigness of all of it, and the bigness of the consciousness that they are feeling.

And then, Esther began talking about how she cannot identify the place that Abraham comes from. We are placeless to her! We are non-physical, which means, we are... we are faceless and placeless to her. We are energy. We are focused energy.

And then, they began contemplating about maybe this whole planet, and everything that they are seeing is actually an illusion, not really a manifestation that is witnessed by a particular vibrational perspective! And we've been saying to you all, for a long while, that what you see with your eyes
is a vibrational interpretation! What you smell is a vibrational interpretation. Everything about your physical senses is:
You're interpreting vibration.

And as Esther sat there, she took hold of the bench she was sitting on. And touched the rail of the ship that they were sitting near, and and looked at the
massiveness of the ship, and the the metal and the the realness of the water. And she said: "It is really a stretch to accept, that this is perspective! Because it seems like it's reality, that I'm observing, not perspective, that I am part of the creation of!" and then Jerry said: "But what about in your dreams? You accept your dreams as something that isn't a reality. But what did you dream last night?"

And as Esther contemplates her dreams... her dreams are full of, as much motion and emotion, and perspective and reality... she's touching and moving and feeling in her dreams are a sort of reality. But she has trained herself not to believe in that reality as much, as she believes in this reality. So, what we're saying to you is, that when you get into this vortex, anything that you have put there, the universal forces have the ability to gather the cooperative components, in order to give you the experience, the life experience- the real experience, that you are looking for.

And in response to "would you be able to handle it?"... the most important thing to understand is, that since you put every component into your vortex, it's all there for you! And of course, not only you will you be able to handle it- you would REVEL in it, no matter what it is, you see!

So the question again really is, "am I in the vortex? Or am I not?"

When we talk about the frequency of your inner being, and wanting to bring yourself the frequency, you gotta accept. In other words, we don't proclaim ourselves to be aliens from another planet. But we are certainly not physically focused upon the planet in which you dwell!

In other words, we are not the extension of Source Energy that you all are. We are a different vibrational frequency. And for Esther to find us, she had to release enough resistance for a long enough period of time, to tune into the frequency that is us. So, that in real time she is receiving everything that we
are, and able to translate it into this physical time-space reality in a way that is meaningful for you. So when you think about it, it does not matter whether we, Abraham, are from another planet- or whether we are consciousness that is assembled in the ethers of that which you call "your universe", we are
collective consciousness that is gathered and perceivable and tunable-in-able to... - in other words, we are a signal that you can receive and we are
not the only signal in the universe that you can tune into!

There are endless signals in the universe that you can tune in to. Different frequencies. So, when you say "well, I want to tune my vibration to the frequency now", what do you want?
When you say: "would I be able to handle it?" -well tune into the frequency of that which you want - to align with you!

It's such an interesting thing! People tune into frequencies and create things. They don't want they have traffic accidents, and they fall down and they trip over things and they develop cancer, they... they create all kinds of things that they don't want to be their reality. Because they are sloppy in the way they are assembling and projecting the vibrational frequency from their thought process, you see! And so, when you say "can I handle it?" -we are assuming that you are intending to rendezvous with wisdom, and with love and with collective consciousness that knows.

And we promise you- the consciousness is there! We'll rendezvous with you, and it doesn't matter what label you give it. You will LIKE IT, when you rendezvous!

from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - When You Encounter An Alien Being
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

How the Vortex becomes

A little clarification about, when you said: "a specific desire that I'm putting into the Vortex"... your Vortex is made up mostly of unspecific desires. They become
specific, as they gather momentum! The Vortex contains a powerful basis or you might say essence, of every specific desire that you consciously are aware of.
But it's not because you specified and put it there, it's because you generalized and it became specific and then you received it!

Right. So it's...

Wait! Don't say "right" so easily. Make sure you got that. That was BIG!

That was big.

That was really big. Repeat it back to us!

Since... what you're saying is, that you cause a desire to go in, but it's in its Essence. It's not necessarily the specific desire, it's the essence of that desire that you're looking for.

It's the WHY you want it, that you've been putting in, all of your life experience! But you've also then been living life and acknowledging other things that you prefer. And

all of your preferences are considered! And law of attraction is bringing them to very specific probabilities, that will thrill you when you allow them!

But your attention to the specifics which you don't understand often prevents you from getting them. (...)
We've been saying for a while, that everything that everyone wants, they want it because they believe in the having of it, they will feel better. So for example, if you're rude to someone, it feels awful and in the being rude you create a focal point of being the loving being that you really are. And in fact, the more rude you are, the more love you crave or ask for!

When you're confused, you want Clarity.
When you're unsure, you want stability.
When you are lost, you want to be found.
When you don't have enough money, you want more money.

All of these things that happen all day long are causing you to create this vibrational... you call it a soup, we like that, of desire of intentions. And law of attraction is gathering all of those Cooperative components together. Now, something else we've never said this to anyone before- something else that is happening, when
life causes you to know what you don't want, which causes you to ask for what you do want, your inner being who is pure positive energy, who has infinite
intelligence, who knows everything about the becoming of you, not the having become of you- the Becoming of you! can vibrationally fast forward to a very clear picture of the Fulfillment of everything that you're asking for.

Can you imagine that in a Petri dish, or an environment of no resistance- how fast your desires can become a reality? The things that you are asking for are shaping up to be magnificent things, that you can't see yet! Because you haven't achieved the vibrational Acuity to receive the picture that your inner being has
about it. But as you get on the beat of it, as you get on the frequency of it- then you get to begin to watch what you created coming into being, right before your eyes. What's unknown to you, is known by your inner being! Now let's go back to what we said several times today already:

When you are experiencing the absence of something you want, the presence of what you want takes form.

But you can't see the presence of it, because you're focused upon the absence of it.
When life shows you a problem, you create a solution. But you can't see the solution, but that doesn't mean it isn't there and that doesn't mean that your inner being doesn't know that it's there!

We can turn this into more positive sound. What it does mean is, that what you're asking for is in the state of becoming and that's just a given. You don't know it's a given. We keep telling you it's a given, because we see it! So, for us it is a given! Things that you want are a given. You just got to stop focusing upon
their absence, in order for them to come into awareness or perspective for you.

We're way out there friends and if you followed us, you're as far on the Leading Edge as any human has ever been!

from the youtube-clip
Abraham Hicks 💛 How To Allow Incredible Things Happen To You?


What you're asking for is in the state of becoming and that's just a GIVEN! You don't know it's a given. We keep telling you it's a given, because we see it! So, for us it is a given! Things that you want are a given. You just got to stop focusing upon their absence, in order for them to come into awareness or perspective for you.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Who created Humans?

Who focused human beings into being? Was it extraterrestrials? You've answered this question before, or maybe it wasn't just this question, but it was a similar one. But yes, that's my question.

Well when you accept that you were Source Energy before you came into this physical body, so there is all of this non-physical awareness. But in the evolution of that which you are- in other words, the very first beingness on your planet were not humans or even dinosaurs but even microbes in soil. But even those very elementary organisms were consciousness, having expansion and having comparative experiences. So the evolution has been going on for a long time! As you standing here, we want to answer the question this way first, and then we will come back to any detail
that you are still hungry for.

When you think about creation as we were talking, as we first began here today, that this leading-edge environment is the furtherest, most place where source is focused. Can you accept that- in other words, source energy out here in you, and then you think about human consciousness. And you think about what you're exploring, and what you're deciding, and what you are preferring.

When you think about the desires that are being born within you, and then you think about source holding those thoughts and maintaining the frequency, until that manifestation can occur, as you focus in that way, you can understand how this source energy-consciousness is guiding this evolution! So, all of the controversy over the difference between whether it is God-created, or evolution-created- it is both!

It is source-energies awareness.
But source energy, this is the most significant part of this- the desire, the source energy is then focused upon, is discovered by the leading-edge creator, who is physically focused.

So it's an expansion of consciousness.
You have to accept, that in the same way that your dream state is perceptual- all of this is, too! But you just get so good at perceiving it, that then you want to call it this more concrete reality. So, thought does become matter. So, now ask your question again:

"Who created it?" -Consciousness!

okay and my question is about consciousness. How it interfaces matter. So a singular cell organism -essentially even though it's just one cell, basically has the same mental capacity if that's the right word, as a being such as myself which is about 13 trillion cells on average...

Not really the same mental capacity. Because it's clear that conscious energy...

Conscious energy- is that a better...

There is conscious energy. But the difference is, you think differently than the chicken. Even though you're both thinking! You think differently than the ant, even though you're both thinking. You think differently than the cells in your body- even though they're both thinking.

okay, so what I'm really asking is- consciousness is not limited or defined by the amount of cells in an organism?

Consciousness, whether it's no matter how significant it is as in the case of a human body, or insignificant that it may seem as in the case of a one-celled organism- consciousness is still having its comparative experience where it knows what it doesn't want, and knows what it does want. In other words, there is always this expectation of improvement. And and so, the consciousness of the trillions of cells in your body are all adding to the consciousness that is you.You really can't separate one from the other! Here's another way of going here and and and we really are out here on the leading edge of thought. But we think it will be satisfying to all of you. We've touched on it earlier, it seems to be the theme of this gathering, today!

When you accept that you are a Creator.
And you accept that you are standing in an environment that is giving you the inspiration to expand,
and you accept that it's not just you, that's being inspired- it's all that has ever been, that has been inspired!
-then you begin to realize that the individuality that you're wanting to call "you, the Creator"- is never as individual as you have thought that it was!

All of source is flowing through you, in any moment in time!

Here's another way of saying it, because that got a little murky and some of you didn't follow it all the way through. -Look at it this way: So, sometimes people will say, "so, Abraham. I'm out here and I'm mixing it up and I'm putting rockets of desire into my vortex of creation." -We say: "yes, you are!" and they'll say: "And everybody else is doing it, too." -And we say: "Yes that is true. Even one-celled organisms."

So, here is this vortex of request, or desire, that source immediately Becomes. So, then here you are walking around in your body, in your day, having your exposure to your life-experience. Using something -anything- as your object of attention, that is causing you to align with the fullness of who you are. So, all of that consciousness, all of that knowing, is available to you, right here, right now in this moment!

To one cell, or the trillion.

So, as you are focused in a way, that is causing no resistance in your experience, everything that has anything to do with you, has access to all of that, you see. So,
then you run around like that, and it influences your mother and you influence your brother and you influence your lover and your infant... in other words, when you are in tune with that... So, really there are many points that we are making with that. But the primary point that you were asking for, that we really want to make central to this discussion is that:

When you take the time to feel good, you have access to the whole of all of it. And that doesn't mean that you could translate or articulate all of it right here, this red-hot minute. That would be a pretty expensive moment in time! But anything that is important to where you are standing and who you are being and what you are doing and what you are wanting, then is available.

And that's why those highs in those moments feel so extraordinary. People are always wanting to have the discussion of "are we all one", and we say that's hard for you to accept, as you look around at your individual clumps on individual chairs, but

it is true that when you use anything as your excuse to resonate with that high frequency vibration, that then you have access to everything, that this source energy is, that's always been flowing to you in any moment in time. Whether you knew that it was, or not.

In other words- you don't have to learn this to earn this. It's always been present but you have to you have to be in the vibrational frequency of it, in order for it to be revealed to you, or translated by you. Esther was saying to her sister this morning: "I always thought that what revelation was, was that someone else like God would be really smart. And if I was worthy enough, that then God would reveal to me meaning. God would tell me what he knows. The revelation would come to me because of my worthiness!" and Esther said, "now I get that the revelation always means: I have to achieve a vibrational frequency that allows me to interpret it!"

In other words, it's not someone else, giving it to me. It's me, achieving vibrational alignment with the knowledge that the whole is achieved. And so, look at it this way: You as an individual creator are putting plenty of knowledge into your vortex. But there's a whole lot more knowledge, that you haven't put there, that is there! And is available to you! -DNA knowledge, cellular knowledge. There's all kinds of knowledge, that is available to you. That you can't and don't want to
articulate, and don't have to!

All you have to do, is find some reason -takes ten minutes!- to feel good.
And as you find that reason to feel good, now you are in a vibrational frequency that allows the translation, or the revelation for everything that you're asking for, you

And that, really, that's the best definition of what people are reaching for when they use the word worthiness, that we could fashion. In other words when you get it, that source is there for you. And logically speaking, it must be way more than you, are but vibrationally speaking, you have access to every bit of it. So that, when life causes you to ask, what you're asked for it asking for is given -once you show yourself, that then...

then you begin being the being, that you came to be.

from the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks - Who Created Humans"
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