Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

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Alignment (which also is Enlightenment!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

God is the ultimate vibration to which you seek Alignment.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You'll get to the point where you wonder why you were ever
worried about anything, ever.

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You have to keep talking yourself into Alignment.
That's the work!

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Care to get into Alignment with your Inner Being
(The two-headed Monster)

You'll get better and better at honoring your own requests!
(...) So, you feel your negative emotion. That's all that matters: You are AWARE that
you'r feeling some un-easy-ness, in the early subtle stages! It hasn't reached the place,
that there is some disastrous culmination! You'r just feel some un-easy-ness, and you
don't like it. And you like yourself enough, that you want to guaranty yourself easy-ness,
rather than un-easy-ness!

So, rather than trying to figure out "what is it, that I'm feeling uneasy about?" You just
have to find out what you ARE easy about. And when you do that, you keep your vibration
in this frequency, where what you want and what you need is always in easy access! (...)

You are MORE than this physical apparatus.
You are an extension of source-energy, that is CONSCIOUSNESS.

(It's) not something that you can hear or see or smell or touch or taste- it's Consciousness,
and it's vibration. And so, this nonphysical part of you is perceiving in every moment, whatever
it is that YOU are perceiving! You are walking down the street- your Inner Being (IB) is aware
that you are walking down the street.

Your IB is aware of your body, your movement, of what's around you, of what's the fragrances
in the air are- everything in your environment! Your IB IS AWARE OF THAT!
And YOU have an awareness, too.

And the blending of this 2 awarenesses equals your total experience!

So, the vibrational frequencies are important to understand. Because you are like a two-headed
monster, so to speak: You have your IB, who has perception, and you, who has perception! And
the frequency of your IB and the frequency of you equals whatever your emotion are.

So, when we talk about "Calibrating to the Frequency of your IB, we mean: Look around and try to
mold, to modify, be deliberate about, the way you focus into your environment and see, if you can

And the way you do that- because you don't know what decibels are, "this is an A440, do you know?"
-it's gone. Did you know... DOES THAT MATTER? Does it matter to you what the frequency was-
or did you just hear it... in other words, have you ever tuned a guitar, or anything? When you hear
someone sing, can you tell if it's in tune, or out of tune? (...) You can hear when something is out of

And negative emotion means: Something is out of whack.
Out of calibration with who-you-really-are, and all that you've evolved to. To the

And everything in your life-experience, in your physical body has brought you to become!
-What is the frequency of love? What is the frequency of hate? Well, what difference does it make,
what the frequence is! Don't you know the DIFFERENCE!?

Abraham Hicks, from the youtube clip
"Überschütten Sie Ihre Seele mit Sonnenschein: Bestehen Sie noch heute auf Schönheit und Freude!"
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life, which means:

you talk about it and
you think about it and
you play with it and
you observe it and
you take pictures of it and
you tell others about it and
you think about it and
you talk about it and
you observe it;

until you activate it in your vibration until more thoughts like it come!
If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life,
you would deactivate the parts of your life that you don't want.

But when you are obsessed with the parts of your life that you don't want,
and you keep them active, then there aren't enough helpers in the world
to help you get to where you think you want to be.

Abraham Workshop, Los Angeles, August 17, 2008
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Post by spiritualcookie »

See also
- Quotes on The Vortex (which is a state of alignment)
- other non-Abe quotes on Alignment here: (1)


You are extensions of Source Energy.
And when you allow that pure Source Energy to flow through you
you are so bright and beautiful,
your timing is good
and you feel vital and alive in your body.
And as others see you, they wonder what your magic is.
But it only seems like magic, because it is experienced by so few.
It isn't magic. It is available to everyone.
But you must allow your alignment.

- AH

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

What happens during an orgasm, energetically?


There is obviously a blending between the physical and the nonphysicalwhile alignment during physically… goosebumps, happy and meditational moments feels somehow… and somewhere, in some aspects, it´s still different.It´s not as intense…

Ya. Less momentum! Less momentum. Meditation is a sort of slowing momentum but there is no slowing of momentum in what is leading up to that orgasm! Well let´s think about of the components of that. We´ve been talking about that 17 seconds, 17 sec, 17 sec, 17 sec, 17 sec. And the thing about that experience, personally-even so you maybe with another person - is that there is a personally and selfish focus. A sort of undevided attention.

Iow, there is no subject that is more helpful in the discussion of momentum, than this one! Because there are few subjects, that get your attention that in the moment of the process as you are willing to HOLD yourself–and you know that it´s a mental thing more than anything else!-when you´r mind is wandering all over the place, it´s different than when you are FOCUSED.

And there is nothing more sensual OR sexual than alignment! Iow, people think that it´s mortal,or that it´s physical but it isn´t.It´s NONPHYSICAL. It´s alignment. And don´t you think that that´s the perfect blending-that the very reason and possibility of your existanceis tied in, to that!? ya, ya! Things that matter get the HIGHEST attention from source! And we´r NOT trying to get you to conceive, every time you have this experience.It just fits nicely together.
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Enlightenment means literally: ALIGNING TO THE ENERGY OF MY SOURCE.
And genius is only about focusing! LoA takes care of everything else.

Physical humans often want to make "Enlightenment" about finding some process, and moving through the process,
that has been pre-described. But, true Enlightenment is:

Moving to the rhythm of internal inspiration- that is coming in response to the individual desire.

Enlightenment is about allowing your connection to the Source, that is you!, for the fulfillment of the things, that you have defined individually in this time/space reality! -That’s as good as it gets.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Enlightenment is not steady.

Many spiritual teachers guide us toward Awakening to our true nature, known as Enlightenment.
Those who have achieved this...

Abe, interrupting:
...and that's what we're referring to as the receiving mode. Enlightenment is not like a college degree, where once you get it, you hang it on the wall and it's yours, forever more!

-It either is, or it isn't, in this moment.

In other words, you're either allowing who you are, or you're not. So, Enlightenment is a current state of being. It's not ever anything that you can just "be"! Don't let anybody ever give you a certificate of Enlightenment! Hand it right back to them, and say: "This is an ongoing process!!"

yeah, yeah... it can only occur in the now, right?

...and to prove it, just punch them, when you give it back to them! (laughing audience)

good, good! So those, who have described achieving at least this state on a consistent basis... so obviously it's not a college degree?

Instead of calling it "a state of enlightenment", let's call it "Understanding of the laws, of the Universe, and a deliberate interest in applying myself in successful ways."

Let's not try to define ourselves, or anyone else!- as enlightened or not enlightened! Let's instead say: "I am aware of the laws of the Universe, and I intend to be as often as I can, in full sync with who I am." Because, that's what enlightenment in the moment is.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

How do Desires and Enlightenment go together?

My first question is about enlightenment. I've been studying a lot of different teachers, and a lot of them talk about enlightenment. And some of them talk about how all the desires we have on the physical level- you know some of them say, it's fine to have them... but...

Good!! Because you can't help it! The entire universe is established, to provide them!! You are on the leading edge of thought! You better get in the flow of that!

Right. Some of them say, behind every physical desire is this deep longing for... they have different names for, but what many call enlightenment. And I want to understand this more, but...

Oh, we can tell you here!

but, the other part about it... some of them say, when you... when you get into this state, then you no longer need to incarnate. And wonder about that and I also wonder, IS enlightenment just alignment- what you speak of?

First of all, let us tell you, we have to say to you that
there is nothing that could be less accurate than the statement, that incarnation is for the less enlightened. Because: Incarnation is the leading edge!

Where do they get this stuff??

Well these are these are other channeled... a lot of others channel themes, too, and I wonder!

There is not a shred of evidence, anywhere in your universe, to support that! -Let's talk about what enlightenment is.

Enlightenment is the allowing of the light.
Enlightenment is the allowing of the energy, that is source!
Enlightenment is the raising of vibration.

Enlightenment is what we've been talking about here: It's moving up this vibrational meter, you see, and so- one day, we were visiting with someone
who proposed a similar situation. And they were talking about someone who had counseled them to release their desires, because their desires were heavy and bulky by by the perspective of this counselor. And they were encouraged to release their desires for these worldly things, and we said:

"And what what is the reason for you to do that? Why are they encouraging you to do that?" and they said: Because then, I will be more enlightened." and we said: "And then what?", and they said: "and then, I will feel more joy!" and we said: "Is not joy a desire?"

-Is not joy the ultimate desire, you see?

And so, you can't have it both ways. You can't say, well... it's well we acknowledge that there are a lot of physical humans that are trying to make it, uh, both ways, by making the list of appropriate desires here. And the list of inappropriate desires here! But desires are either appropriate or they are not.

And we have to say to you, desire is the first summoning of that which is source!

It is inherent in the eternalness that we all are. In fact, it is so significant that all of you said: "I want to go forth into this contrasting time-space reality, so that the desire can be inspired within me. And when it is born, whether I speak about it or not, there will be summoning power on my behalf, that occurs. In other words, the Universe is established this way, and the greatest grief that we see anywhere in the Universe is right here, in this leading edge, human-dom-physical experience, where people are trying to resist the desires that are naturally born!

from the youtube clip: True Enlightenment- Abraham Hicks
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