Quotes on Genius & Talent
- spiritualcookie
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Quotes on Genius & Talent
See also
By allowing your broader perspective to merge with your physical perspective, you can literally access the power of the Universe to assist you in your physical creations or accomplishments.
Many of those you have labelled genius or master, in their accomplishments of music or art, or science, have been physical beings, just like you, who simply allowed themselves access to broader knowing.
They merely opened the door to their own broader knowing, and literally tapped in to Infinite Intelligence, drawing unto them the specific details of their desires.
You set them apart, and revere them as unusual, while they are very much like you.
What sets them apart is only their recognition of their connection with All-That-Is.
- Abraham, 1991
You have great resources of knowledge and strength,
but most of you do not utilize those resources.
Not for the lack of wanting to,
but for lack of understanding how to,
or for the lack of recognizing that the resources exist at all.
- AH
By allowing your broader perspective to merge with your physical perspective, you can literally access the power of the Universe to assist you in your physical creations or accomplishments.
Many of those you have labelled genius or master, in their accomplishments of music or art, or science, have been physical beings, just like you, who simply allowed themselves access to broader knowing.
They merely opened the door to their own broader knowing, and literally tapped in to Infinite Intelligence, drawing unto them the specific details of their desires.
You set them apart, and revere them as unusual, while they are very much like you.
What sets them apart is only their recognition of their connection with All-That-Is.
- Abraham, 1991
You have great resources of knowledge and strength,
but most of you do not utilize those resources.
Not for the lack of wanting to,
but for lack of understanding how to,
or for the lack of recognizing that the resources exist at all.
- AH
- Paradise-on-Earth
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In courtesy of my beloved son Heiko!

Weird is always the new, leading edge,
where just a few reach beyond what is accepted by the more.
Weird is where GENIUS resides!
It's where mastery resides.
It's the willingness to reach into the unpopular norm.
Abraham Hicks

Weird is always the new, leading edge,
where just a few reach beyond what is accepted by the more.
Weird is where GENIUS resides!
It's where mastery resides.
It's the willingness to reach into the unpopular norm.
Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
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Allow yourself an extraordinary life!
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
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So many of the talents or abilities that you want to experience,
you already have -
if you will but Allow them to come forth.
You truly are not just now beginning to develop them.
Not even at the beginning of this physical life experience were you beginning to develop them
They existed even before your birth,
and as you want to experience them in your Now,
you have only to expect or Allow them to come forth,
and they surely will.
- Abraham
When talent is not expressed
Why do so few realize the benefit of this inner, seemingly hidden potential?
The blockage that stops most from Allowing the magnificent of their inner potential to shine forth
is lack of appreciation of self.
It is the very same blockage that stops most from getting or achieving anything that is wanted.
It is the very same thing that holds so many of our physical friends in a place of frustration, or non-accomplishment, when what they yearn for is motion forward.
- AH
- Paradise-on-Earth
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Most people think that intelligence is about brain, where really it’s about focus.
Genius is just attention to a subject until it becomes specific, specific, specific.
— Abraham Hicks
Genius is just attention to a subject until it becomes specific, specific, specific.
— Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
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We are wanting to take you beyond the need to SEE it, before you can believe it.
We want you to understand, that if you believe it, THEN you will see it.
Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
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It's all about your vibration!
We want you to understand that every process we've offered, and there are many more not in the book ( AAIIG) and many more to come. We're eternal spewers of processes. We feel sorry for any of you trying to do them all (audience laughter). Every process is with the one intent of helping you to close that vibrational gap. Because when you close that vibrational gap...hear this! -You then send one singular signal that cannot be denied.
When you look at powerful people, charismatic people, people that you call masters of whatever it is, they are masters of, it is because they want something that they believe they can do.
When you are a vibrational match to your own desire and you are sending one signal, you are literally invincible!
Nothing can keep it from happening! And you hear of those people, who are so stubborn, you might call them, or determined. In other words, they hold themselves in vibrational alignment with what they want: They don't allow themselves to split their own energy.
Everything that you are living has everything to do with whether your energy is aligned or you energy is split. Because when your energy is split, you water down your power. When you say, "I want this, BUT!", you are offering two signals that are in contradiction to each other, and the Universe cannot respond to your clear signal because you're not offering a clear signal. But when you fork your way up the emotional scale, and you come into vibrational alignment with what you want, so
(when) you are sending one signal, then is must be! It is law! It has to be! Heaven and Earth part! Amazing things happen!
People who don't understand this, who don't understand about forking, who don't understand about closing the gap, who don't understand about vibration, stand back in amazement and complain at your good fortune, when they don't have the same good fortune. Everyone is entitled to the same good fortune! But you've got to work your own magic! You've got to work yourself up that emotional scale. You cannot continue to fork off in the direction of what you don't want and then be surprised when what you don't want manifest. (audience laughter)
9/24/05-A-Detroit, MI
We want you to understand that every process we've offered, and there are many more not in the book ( AAIIG) and many more to come. We're eternal spewers of processes. We feel sorry for any of you trying to do them all (audience laughter). Every process is with the one intent of helping you to close that vibrational gap. Because when you close that vibrational gap...hear this! -You then send one singular signal that cannot be denied.
When you look at powerful people, charismatic people, people that you call masters of whatever it is, they are masters of, it is because they want something that they believe they can do.
When you are a vibrational match to your own desire and you are sending one signal, you are literally invincible!
Nothing can keep it from happening! And you hear of those people, who are so stubborn, you might call them, or determined. In other words, they hold themselves in vibrational alignment with what they want: They don't allow themselves to split their own energy.
Everything that you are living has everything to do with whether your energy is aligned or you energy is split. Because when your energy is split, you water down your power. When you say, "I want this, BUT!", you are offering two signals that are in contradiction to each other, and the Universe cannot respond to your clear signal because you're not offering a clear signal. But when you fork your way up the emotional scale, and you come into vibrational alignment with what you want, so
(when) you are sending one signal, then is must be! It is law! It has to be! Heaven and Earth part! Amazing things happen!
People who don't understand this, who don't understand about forking, who don't understand about closing the gap, who don't understand about vibration, stand back in amazement and complain at your good fortune, when they don't have the same good fortune. Everyone is entitled to the same good fortune! But you've got to work your own magic! You've got to work yourself up that emotional scale. You cannot continue to fork off in the direction of what you don't want and then be surprised when what you don't want manifest. (audience laughter)
9/24/05-A-Detroit, MI
- Paradise-on-Earth
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Become OBSESSED with what you like!
...If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life! Which means:
you talk about it and
you think about it and
you play with it and
you observe it and
you take pictures of it and
you tell others about it and
you think about it and
you talk about it and
you observe it;
...until you activate it in your vibration until more thoughts like it come.
If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life, you would deactivate the parts of your life that you don't want! But when you are obsessed with the parts of your life that you don't want, and you keep them active, then there aren't enough helpers in the world to help you get to where you think you want to be.
Abraham Workshop, Los Angeles, August 17, 2008
...If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life! Which means:
you talk about it and
you think about it and
you play with it and
you observe it and
you take pictures of it and
you tell others about it and
you think about it and
you talk about it and
you observe it;
...until you activate it in your vibration until more thoughts like it come.
If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life, you would deactivate the parts of your life that you don't want! But when you are obsessed with the parts of your life that you don't want, and you keep them active, then there aren't enough helpers in the world to help you get to where you think you want to be.
Abraham Workshop, Los Angeles, August 17, 2008
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4565
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If you would stop talking to others,
who will talk you out of your crazy, wild dreams,
If you will stop trying to fit in with the others,
and justify to them through your normalcy
all kinds of what they will call MAGIC
that you will come to call NORMAL
will occur to you!
Abraham Hicks
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Talents & Tendencies may be you continuing stuff you learned from a past life
There are a lot of physical humans, that do a lot of sorting
and having step 1 experiences,
and a lot of creating goes into their vibrational reality,
who- during the duration of this lifetime,
because they try to please others,
rather than coming into alignment with themselves,
DON´T allow themselves the fruition that the contrast has caused them to expand to.
So they are not all that satisfied with life-
But when they have their releasing of conscious experience,
which is really what the death-experience is-
(...) like meditation, or like slumber, releasing all resistant thought,
and re-emerging back into nonphysical,
So you become that WHOLE consciousness,
and it is from that perspective,
that you make your next decision to come forth.
So there is, unquestionedly, a CONTINUITY of the you, who comes forth.
So it´s possible that you could pick up things on the physical trail in one life-experience
that you would intend to relive in more dramatic experience in the next.
In fact, it´s always the case in that sense, that
you keep wanting to come back, and to continue to create
in this earth-environment- to which you are SO tied, you see.
It is so satisfying to continue the expansion.
from the clip Abraham Hicks. What is artistic talent? Can I play like Mozart?
You come [into this life] with vibrational interests and intentions.
And as [you live your life] you sift from your environment.
And in these early days of alignment, often you can come into complete connection, with what you intended.
So- yes, as we were talking earlier just now, about these non-physical intentions, or your ancestors, that are flowing-
In your allowance [...] and therefore [in your] not [being] worried so much conditions, and therefore [in your being] up-to-speed with who you really are,
you begin to translate unconsciously that intention into what you are calling "your talent".
Boston, June 2015
There are a lot of physical humans, that do a lot of sorting
and having step 1 experiences,
and a lot of creating goes into their vibrational reality,
who- during the duration of this lifetime,
because they try to please others,
rather than coming into alignment with themselves,
DON´T allow themselves the fruition that the contrast has caused them to expand to.
So they are not all that satisfied with life-
But when they have their releasing of conscious experience,
which is really what the death-experience is-
(...) like meditation, or like slumber, releasing all resistant thought,
and re-emerging back into nonphysical,
So you become that WHOLE consciousness,
and it is from that perspective,
that you make your next decision to come forth.
So there is, unquestionedly, a CONTINUITY of the you, who comes forth.
So it´s possible that you could pick up things on the physical trail in one life-experience
that you would intend to relive in more dramatic experience in the next.
In fact, it´s always the case in that sense, that
you keep wanting to come back, and to continue to create
in this earth-environment- to which you are SO tied, you see.
It is so satisfying to continue the expansion.
from the clip Abraham Hicks. What is artistic talent? Can I play like Mozart?
You come [into this life] with vibrational interests and intentions.
And as [you live your life] you sift from your environment.
And in these early days of alignment, often you can come into complete connection, with what you intended.
So- yes, as we were talking earlier just now, about these non-physical intentions, or your ancestors, that are flowing-
In your allowance [...] and therefore [in your] not [being] worried so much conditions, and therefore [in your being] up-to-speed with who you really are,
you begin to translate unconsciously that intention into what you are calling "your talent".
Boston, June 2015