Quotes on Freedom
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Quotes on Freedom
Freedom only comes when you decide that you don't need anyone or anything to change
- Abraham
- Abraham
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Freedom comes when you are able to be as you are
and to allow others to be as they are.
- Abraham Hicks, A New Beginning I
and to allow others to be as they are.
- Abraham Hicks, A New Beginning I
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Freedom only will ever come to you
when you assume
complete responsibility
for the way you feel.
- Abraham Hicks

when you assume
complete responsibility
for the way you feel.
- Abraham Hicks

- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
These Teachings of Abraham
are written to assist you in consciously returning to the knowledge that
you are free and that you always have been free -
and that you always WILL be free
to make your own choices.
There is no satisfaction in allowing someone else to attempt to create your reality.
In fact, it is not possible for anyone else to create your reality.
- Abraham
are written to assist you in consciously returning to the knowledge that
you are free and that you always have been free -
and that you always WILL be free
to make your own choices.
There is no satisfaction in allowing someone else to attempt to create your reality.
In fact, it is not possible for anyone else to create your reality.
- Abraham
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
You exist in a state of absolute freedom,
and everything that you experience
is attracted by you,
You are even free to attract bondage.
- AH
The basis of life is absolute freedom.
The objective of life is absolute joy.
The result of life is absolute growth.
- AH, 1991
We are free, joyous and growing beings -
putting emphasis upon our state of freedom,
for it is through our freedom to be, that we are able to choose joy and growth.
We are not different from you or any other being in the Universe, regarding freedom,
for we are all absolutely free, but most do not understand their freedom,
and therefore do not live it.
Freedom is not something that is earned or assigned, but something that is acknowledged.
- Abraham
and everything that you experience
is attracted by you,
You are even free to attract bondage.
- AH
The basis of life is absolute freedom.
The objective of life is absolute joy.
The result of life is absolute growth.
- AH, 1991
We are free, joyous and growing beings -
putting emphasis upon our state of freedom,
for it is through our freedom to be, that we are able to choose joy and growth.
We are not different from you or any other being in the Universe, regarding freedom,
for we are all absolutely free, but most do not understand their freedom,
and therefore do not live it.
Freedom is not something that is earned or assigned, but something that is acknowledged.
- Abraham
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4565
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The Universe is not punishing you, or blessing you.
The Universe is RESPONDING to the vibrational attitude that YOU are emitting!
The more joyful you are, the more well-being flows to you.
And you get to choose the details, of how it flows.
Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
- Plus Member
- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am

full quote from this interaction:
You know people that run around as victims. And don't they always have a problem? Doesn't the world treat them badly? And don't you want to say to them:
"You're not making this stuff up, I don't blame you for feeling bad about that that happened. Or that that happened, or that that happened or that that happened. You're dealt a very bad hand." But then what we want to say to all of them is:
You're dealing your own hand! And all the cards are face up. You get to choose every single thing.
Abraham Hicks
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Until you are willing to accept the responsibility for everything that you are living - both the positive and the negative - you cannot recognize your true freedom.
As long as you are believing that anyone or anything outside of you is controlling you, or creating inside of your experience, you are not free. (...)
You exist in a Universe where absolute freedom abounds, and you are free. You are so free that every thing that you offer affects your individual experience. There is not greater freedom than that.
And so, your work, as you are here in this magnificent physical realm, is to offer your thought deliberately, in order to have and be and do that which is important or correct to you.
- Abraham
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
I don't care....
What do you mean, "you don’t care"?
-Well, I don’t mean I don’t care about anything, because there are a lot of things I do care about. I care about feeling good. And I care about clarity.
I care about being in the receptive mode.

I care about being an uplifter. I care about presenting all of myself in any moment in time. I care about being of value. I care about feeling good. I care about this magnificent environment.

I care about what’s in my vortex. I care about what’s in your vortex. I care about everything that you desire. I care about all good things coming to me, and to you. I care about us all living happily ever after.

But what I don’t care about are conditions that I cannot control. What I don’t care about are things that take me out of my alignment. What I don’t care about, meaning I don’t have momentum about it anymore.

I don’t care, it’s not a hook for me. It’s not a knee jerk response to me. I’ve trained myself to care about what infuses me, not what diffuses me. I care about what lifts me, not about lowers me.

I care about what feels good, not about what doesn’t feel good. I care about alignment. I care about being an extension of Source. I care about fulfilling my reason for being here. I care about being in this world, and not necessarily only of this world.

I care about the whole of me being present in this moment. I care about all who have gone before me, and all they have come to know, and all they do now know and all that they are now presenting to me.

I care about the revelation that’s constantly coming to me, and I care about being in the receptive mode of that. I care about being on the leading edge. I care about contributing in positive ways. I care about feeling good, and I care about others feeling good.

But what I don’t care about is that which I cannot control. And what I can’t control is everything that is conditional, and what I can control is everything that is unconditional.

I can control the way I feel, I’ve practiced it. I can hold a steady vibration. I can stay in vibrational sync with who I am. I can present the whole of myself, in this time space reality, in any situation.
What do you mean, "you don’t care"?
-Well, I don’t mean I don’t care about anything, because there are a lot of things I do care about. I care about feeling good. And I care about clarity.
I care about being in the receptive mode.
I care about being an uplifter. I care about presenting all of myself in any moment in time. I care about being of value. I care about feeling good. I care about this magnificent environment.
I care about what’s in my vortex. I care about what’s in your vortex. I care about everything that you desire. I care about all good things coming to me, and to you. I care about us all living happily ever after.
But what I don’t care about are conditions that I cannot control. What I don’t care about are things that take me out of my alignment. What I don’t care about, meaning I don’t have momentum about it anymore.
I don’t care, it’s not a hook for me. It’s not a knee jerk response to me. I’ve trained myself to care about what infuses me, not what diffuses me. I care about what lifts me, not about lowers me.
I care about what feels good, not about what doesn’t feel good. I care about alignment. I care about being an extension of Source. I care about fulfilling my reason for being here. I care about being in this world, and not necessarily only of this world.
I care about the whole of me being present in this moment. I care about all who have gone before me, and all they have come to know, and all they do now know and all that they are now presenting to me.
I care about the revelation that’s constantly coming to me, and I care about being in the receptive mode of that. I care about being on the leading edge. I care about contributing in positive ways. I care about feeling good, and I care about others feeling good.
But what I don’t care about is that which I cannot control. And what I can’t control is everything that is conditional, and what I can control is everything that is unconditional.
I can control the way I feel, I’ve practiced it. I can hold a steady vibration. I can stay in vibrational sync with who I am. I can present the whole of myself, in this time space reality, in any situation.
- Paradise-on-Earth
- Plus Member
- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
Does the Planet need us to stop driving our SUV's?
One of the big topics these days, that is a subject of a lot of heated discussion and political activity is climate change. Global warming, and, uh, there's a lot of people that are very invested in suggesting that we are responsible for global warming and climate change, and therefore we can or should do something to alleviate it. In understanding that you look at things from a different perspective than most of us, I was wondering if you could enlighten us, as to whether or not we should be considering buying hybrids, and uh, getting rid of our SUVs, and uh, generating power in green ways, and all those other things- to see if we can, uh, lower the temperature of the planet? Or are we just wasting our time, and it will all take care of itself anyway?
Well, it will all take care of itself, that is certain.
It's a sort of tricky subject, because when we say to you that you create your own reality, we mean that in every sense of the word. You create your own reality! But you do not create someone else's reality. So, as we have these discussions, it is of great interest to us to help you recognize your vibrational gap, and manage it.
But you never hear us talking about managing someone else's vibrational gap!
So, as we are interacting with humans, sometimes we meet someone- in fact almost all humans that we meet, your vibrational gap seems to be continually influenced by what other people are doing. Not because they have power in your experience, but because you've got your nose in their business! So, two people- let's say, two people who want... (stay with us: we're really answering your question! It just seems a bit off the way!) ...two people, who -let's say they're living together, who seem to want two different things.
If this one would focus upon what he wants, and become a vibrational match to it, the universe must deliver it to him, in the fullest sense of the word. And if the other wants what they want, -even though it's different from what the other wants!- and if this one focuses upon it completely, then the universe must deliver it!
And so, both
-even when they're living together,
-even when they're cooperating together,
-even when they're working together,
each of them can receive exactly what they want. Provided, each of them focuses upon exactly what they want!
But what happens with most humans is: This one wants what they want, but notices what that one wants. So, this one's vibration isn't in alignment with what they want! And this one knows what they want, but notices what that one wants- so this one's vibration isn't in alignment with what they want.
So now neither one of them are a match to what they want.
Neither one of them are getting what they want-
and they're both blaming each other for it.
Now let's take a human and a beast, one of the magnificent animals on your planet. The more you domesticate them, the more they begin to act like you do! But animals, for the most part, don't have a difficult time managing their own gap. They live their contrast, they give birth to what they want, they line up with it and...
the beasts of your planet are doing a better job of allowing, than most humans are!
The beasts of your planet are much better allowers than the humans of your planet. They are born in vibrational alignment with Source! Nothing that they live gets them much out of alignment with Source, and they are inspired from that calling. And human... when human watches the beasts of your planet, human calls it Instinct in the Beast. We call it alignment! Alignment, and seeing the world through the eyes of source, and responding to the world through the eyes of source!
Now let's talk about the planet. And we want you to understand that the planet -like you!- is a being also!
In other words, it is infused with Spirit. It has Soul, as you do. Just as every particle of Consciousness, even that which you call dirt does, so your planet is an extension of source energy. It was once an idea or a thought, that was thought upon. But it is a being in its own right! And it is having its experience of expansion, as are all of the participants upon it.
So, in the same way that we were leading you to understand
-that human can align with what he desires, and accomplish it easily;
-that the beast is more likely to do that, because he is less Intoxicated by the resistance-prone ideas; and
-your planet is even more than the beast in alignment with its own expansion.
Now, human is easily influenced by other humans.
Beasts are rarely influenced by other humans!
Earth is never influenced by human!
So what that means- in other words, it's like a very small flea on the back of a very big dog, the amount of influence that you actually have about it!
So, what we notice about humans, and this goes back to what we were talking about as we began here today, -as you explore this contrast, so many of you want to find a problem in order to be motivated to a solution. So many of you want to find a way to control conditions, so that you can have better feeling responses to conditions! But when any of you begins to see your world through the eyes of source- then you understand.
And this is what the last part of your statement is: That you have nothing to worry about!
Because you understand, that in the same way, that anything that any of you live in contrast, causes you to ask for something more, that the source energy -which is feeding everything from its origin, is always answering from that Leading Edge perspective! We'll say that in another way: Even if humans could affect the planet... let's just play that game for just a moment! So let's say that your planet is really out of balance.
Which causes all of the people on the planet in the evaluating of that contrast, to desire the realignment of the planet!
-As you're giving birth to that desire, and source is answering that desire, and old ornery resistant ones are croaking, and new in-alignment ones are being born, and those like you, who are old and ornery and coming into alignment... what you begin to understand is: That with every problem there is a solution! With every question, there is an answer.
Which means, you will never get yourself, in terms of your Earth-life, in a place where where you are so out of balance, that you cannot receive the answer, or the improved life-experience that you are asking for! It's just too big of an environment, with so much well-being.
We touched on this briefly, as we began about the the enormous well-being of the source-energy part of you. And how law of attraction is responding to that, so much so, that we could say accurately: Every human on the planet could get so out of whack vibrationally, that you could be depriving yourself for the most part of the well-being that is there for you, and all you would do is create a miserable life for yourself, again and again and again self self self self self -all the trillions of you.
But in all of that, you're launching further rockets! So, that the new ones being born, are even more in a place of alignment than the generation that came before! In other words, the expansion is always better! What comes next is always better than that, which came before. And it is just such an interesting thing to watch, generation after generation, look around their planet to find things that are wrong with it! And try to use what's wrong as their justification for then asking for something, or letting something be improved... When it's just the natural process of all things!
The population of your planet is managed from that broader non-physical perspective.
Don't you find it remarkable, that humans have not been able to gather enough dirt together, to launch into orbit, to create another planet? In other words, that is so illogical! And so, when you step back just a little bit and you try to see your planet through the eyes of source, you understand
it is not diminishing.
It is not fading.
It is not in trouble!
It is thriving!
And it is thriving in the next generation even more, than the last generation. And it has always been thus! And it always will be thus!
And I understand that, and I know that. And my concern is, that more and more people are coming from the other viewpoint of thinking, somehow they can do something...
Doesn't matter! All they are doing, is using that one thing, one more thing, as their excuse to not allow their own alignment with Source. That's all!
In other words, we know -even in an audience as enlightened and leading edge as this one, we can feel your confusion on this topic. Because your logic says, almost all people have been taught from the begin of their experience, that you are either born flawed or that you are reaching a peak, that you are sliding away from later. In other words, you're all worried about this, this, uh "prime of life" that you are then sliding down from. And somehow you've got yourself convinced that the Earth has gone past her prime, and now she is sliding down into into endedness.
And we want you to understand: It does not work this way!
The universe is this expansive, ever increasing, always, always evolving experience! It is. It has always been true, and always will be!
So, what comes next will always be more expansive. More expressive, and potentially more enjoyable than what came before!
So the worst thing that could happen to an individual, is that he could find something -whether it's global warming or terrorism or government, or spouse, or anything that he uses as his excuse to not allow himself alignment with that broader perspective. Think about what we're talking about here today! How you are Source energy. You come into this experience, and the contrast causes you, as Source-energy, to become yet more.
And it's only when you don't go, to that which you become, that you feel worse.
So, think about that in terms of this conversation over global warming! Think about why it is so disruptive and so uncomfortable for people, who are beating the drum of those sorts of of things, when every fiber of your non-physical non- beingness knows that we are all eternally expanding.
And knows, that this time-space-reality is the stuff that causes the Catalyst for the expansion! And so, to have all that life-experience, that's accumulated in the eternal nature of your being, and then to be focused in saying "but wait, there's a flaw in this whole process! And this Earth, upon which I am standing is dying. And it is my fault!"
-Have you ever heard a string of sentences, that is more out of alignment with what you know your Source knows about all of those subjects??
So, do I spend my time following my Bliss, staying in alignment with me, focusing on what I want and and putting the emotion behind it, and ignore all the folks out there, that want to, uh, change the way I live, and how I'm taxed, and what I'm allowed to do... because they are so concerned, uh, uh, and they think that somehow I'm... because I'm driving a car and using premium gasoline, I'm going to destroy their habitat... or do I, do I pay any attention to any of that? Or do I just recognize what I know to be true, that you've just explained so eloquently, and just go on, about finding my own bliss?
Well we'll we'll reflect that question back to you in another way. In more the Abraham-speak, that we gave you earlier: Can you control those conditions?
Certainly not.
And, and... can you be happy without controlling them?
I'm working on it.
You see, that's got to be the answer! They must be allowed to feel, however they feel! Just as you must be allowed, to feel however you feel. We're saying, they may very well be using you, and what they think you're doing to your planet, as their excuse to not allow their connection with source. And in their not allowing their connection with with Source, they may, very well, then be trying to motivate people to action. Because, after all- so many people of the world are trying to affect conditions, so that they feel better, in looking at those conditions!
But it's too big and they try and try on subject after subject- and they eventually give it up. Everything always falls of its economic weight! It always does.
From the youtube-clip:
Abraham Hicks 2024 || Get Ready A Big Global Shift Is Coming ! || Abraham Hicks
Planet Earth
Let's talk about the planet. And we want you to understand that the planet -like you!- is a being also!
In other words, it is infused with Spirit. It has Soul, as you do. Just as every particle of Consciousness, even that which you call dirt does, so your planet is an extension of source energy. It was once an idea or a thought, that was thought upon. But it is a being in its own right! And it is having its experience of expansion, as are all of the participants upon it.
So, in the same way that we were leading you to understand
-that human can align with what he desires, and accomplish it easily;
-that the beast is more likely to do that, because he is less Intoxicated by the resistance-prone ideas; and
-your planet is even more than the beast in alignment with its own expansion.
Now, human is easily influenced by other humans.
Beasts are rarely influenced by other humans!
Earth is never influenced by human!
Does the Planet need us to stop driving our SUV's?
One of the big topics these days, that is a subject of a lot of heated discussion and political activity is climate change. Global warming, and, uh, there's a lot of people that are very invested in suggesting that we are responsible for global warming and climate change, and therefore we can or should do something to alleviate it. In understanding that you look at things from a different perspective than most of us, I was wondering if you could enlighten us, as to whether or not we should be considering buying hybrids, and uh, getting rid of our SUVs, and uh, generating power in green ways, and all those other things- to see if we can, uh, lower the temperature of the planet? Or are we just wasting our time, and it will all take care of itself anyway?
Well, it will all take care of itself, that is certain.
It's a sort of tricky subject, because when we say to you that you create your own reality, we mean that in every sense of the word. You create your own reality! But you do not create someone else's reality. So, as we have these discussions, it is of great interest to us to help you recognize your vibrational gap, and manage it.
But you never hear us talking about managing someone else's vibrational gap!
So, as we are interacting with humans, sometimes we meet someone- in fact almost all humans that we meet, your vibrational gap seems to be continually influenced by what other people are doing. Not because they have power in your experience, but because you've got your nose in their business! So, two people- let's say, two people who want... (stay with us: we're really answering your question! It just seems a bit off the way!) ...two people, who -let's say they're living together, who seem to want two different things.
If this one would focus upon what he wants, and become a vibrational match to it, the universe must deliver it to him, in the fullest sense of the word. And if the other wants what they want, -even though it's different from what the other wants!- and if this one focuses upon it completely, then the universe must deliver it!
And so, both
-even when they're living together,
-even when they're cooperating together,
-even when they're working together,
each of them can receive exactly what they want. Provided, each of them focuses upon exactly what they want!
But what happens with most humans is: This one wants what they want, but notices what that one wants. So, this one's vibration isn't in alignment with what they want! And this one knows what they want, but notices what that one wants- so this one's vibration isn't in alignment with what they want.
So now neither one of them are a match to what they want.
Neither one of them are getting what they want-
and they're both blaming each other for it.
Now let's take a human and a beast, one of the magnificent animals on your planet. The more you domesticate them, the more they begin to act like you do! But animals, for the most part, don't have a difficult time managing their own gap. They live their contrast, they give birth to what they want, they line up with it and...
the beasts of your planet are doing a better job of allowing, than most humans are!
The beasts of your planet are much better allowers than the humans of your planet. They are born in vibrational alignment with Source! Nothing that they live gets them much out of alignment with Source, and they are inspired from that calling. And human... when human watches the beasts of your planet, human calls it Instinct in the Beast. We call it alignment! Alignment, and seeing the world through the eyes of source, and responding to the world through the eyes of source!
Now let's talk about the planet. And we want you to understand that the planet -like you!- is a being also!
In other words, it is infused with Spirit. It has Soul, as you do. Just as every particle of Consciousness, even that which you call dirt does, so your planet is an extension of source energy. It was once an idea or a thought, that was thought upon. But it is a being in its own right! And it is having its experience of expansion, as are all of the participants upon it.
So, in the same way that we were leading you to understand
-that human can align with what he desires, and accomplish it easily;
-that the beast is more likely to do that, because he is less Intoxicated by the resistance-prone ideas; and
-your planet is even more than the beast in alignment with its own expansion.
Now, human is easily influenced by other humans.
Beasts are rarely influenced by other humans!
Earth is never influenced by human!
So what that means- in other words, it's like a very small flea on the back of a very big dog, the amount of influence that you actually have about it!
So, what we notice about humans, and this goes back to what we were talking about as we began here today, -as you explore this contrast, so many of you want to find a problem in order to be motivated to a solution. So many of you want to find a way to control conditions, so that you can have better feeling responses to conditions! But when any of you begins to see your world through the eyes of source- then you understand.
And this is what the last part of your statement is: That you have nothing to worry about!
Because you understand, that in the same way, that anything that any of you live in contrast, causes you to ask for something more, that the source energy -which is feeding everything from its origin, is always answering from that Leading Edge perspective! We'll say that in another way: Even if humans could affect the planet... let's just play that game for just a moment! So let's say that your planet is really out of balance.
Which causes all of the people on the planet in the evaluating of that contrast, to desire the realignment of the planet!
-As you're giving birth to that desire, and source is answering that desire, and old ornery resistant ones are croaking, and new in-alignment ones are being born, and those like you, who are old and ornery and coming into alignment... what you begin to understand is: That with every problem there is a solution! With every question, there is an answer.
Which means, you will never get yourself, in terms of your Earth-life, in a place where where you are so out of balance, that you cannot receive the answer, or the improved life-experience that you are asking for! It's just too big of an environment, with so much well-being.
We touched on this briefly, as we began about the the enormous well-being of the source-energy part of you. And how law of attraction is responding to that, so much so, that we could say accurately: Every human on the planet could get so out of whack vibrationally, that you could be depriving yourself for the most part of the well-being that is there for you, and all you would do is create a miserable life for yourself, again and again and again self self self self self -all the trillions of you.
But in all of that, you're launching further rockets! So, that the new ones being born, are even more in a place of alignment than the generation that came before! In other words, the expansion is always better! What comes next is always better than that, which came before. And it is just such an interesting thing to watch, generation after generation, look around their planet to find things that are wrong with it! And try to use what's wrong as their justification for then asking for something, or letting something be improved... When it's just the natural process of all things!
The population of your planet is managed from that broader non-physical perspective.
Don't you find it remarkable, that humans have not been able to gather enough dirt together, to launch into orbit, to create another planet? In other words, that is so illogical! And so, when you step back just a little bit and you try to see your planet through the eyes of source, you understand
it is not diminishing.
It is not fading.
It is not in trouble!
It is thriving!
And it is thriving in the next generation even more, than the last generation. And it has always been thus! And it always will be thus!
And I understand that, and I know that. And my concern is, that more and more people are coming from the other viewpoint of thinking, somehow they can do something...
Doesn't matter! All they are doing, is using that one thing, one more thing, as their excuse to not allow their own alignment with Source. That's all!
In other words, we know -even in an audience as enlightened and leading edge as this one, we can feel your confusion on this topic. Because your logic says, almost all people have been taught from the begin of their experience, that you are either born flawed or that you are reaching a peak, that you are sliding away from later. In other words, you're all worried about this, this, uh "prime of life" that you are then sliding down from. And somehow you've got yourself convinced that the Earth has gone past her prime, and now she is sliding down into into endedness.
And we want you to understand: It does not work this way!
The universe is this expansive, ever increasing, always, always evolving experience! It is. It has always been true, and always will be!
So, what comes next will always be more expansive. More expressive, and potentially more enjoyable than what came before!
So the worst thing that could happen to an individual, is that he could find something -whether it's global warming or terrorism or government, or spouse, or anything that he uses as his excuse to not allow himself alignment with that broader perspective. Think about what we're talking about here today! How you are Source energy. You come into this experience, and the contrast causes you, as Source-energy, to become yet more.
And it's only when you don't go, to that which you become, that you feel worse.
So, think about that in terms of this conversation over global warming! Think about why it is so disruptive and so uncomfortable for people, who are beating the drum of those sorts of of things, when every fiber of your non-physical non- beingness knows that we are all eternally expanding.
And knows, that this time-space-reality is the stuff that causes the Catalyst for the expansion! And so, to have all that life-experience, that's accumulated in the eternal nature of your being, and then to be focused in saying "but wait, there's a flaw in this whole process! And this Earth, upon which I am standing is dying. And it is my fault!"
-Have you ever heard a string of sentences, that is more out of alignment with what you know your Source knows about all of those subjects??
So, do I spend my time following my Bliss, staying in alignment with me, focusing on what I want and and putting the emotion behind it, and ignore all the folks out there, that want to, uh, change the way I live, and how I'm taxed, and what I'm allowed to do... because they are so concerned, uh, uh, and they think that somehow I'm... because I'm driving a car and using premium gasoline, I'm going to destroy their habitat... or do I, do I pay any attention to any of that? Or do I just recognize what I know to be true, that you've just explained so eloquently, and just go on, about finding my own bliss?
Well we'll we'll reflect that question back to you in another way. In more the Abraham-speak, that we gave you earlier: Can you control those conditions?
Certainly not.
And, and... can you be happy without controlling them?
I'm working on it.
You see, that's got to be the answer! They must be allowed to feel, however they feel! Just as you must be allowed, to feel however you feel. We're saying, they may very well be using you, and what they think you're doing to your planet, as their excuse to not allow their connection with source. And in their not allowing their connection with with Source, they may, very well, then be trying to motivate people to action. Because, after all- so many people of the world are trying to affect conditions, so that they feel better, in looking at those conditions!
But it's too big and they try and try on subject after subject- and they eventually give it up. Everything always falls of its economic weight! It always does.
From the youtube-clip:
Abraham Hicks 2024 || Get Ready A Big Global Shift Is Coming ! || Abraham Hicks
Planet Earth
Let's talk about the planet. And we want you to understand that the planet -like you!- is a being also!
In other words, it is infused with Spirit. It has Soul, as you do. Just as every particle of Consciousness, even that which you call dirt does, so your planet is an extension of source energy. It was once an idea or a thought, that was thought upon. But it is a being in its own right! And it is having its experience of expansion, as are all of the participants upon it.
So, in the same way that we were leading you to understand
-that human can align with what he desires, and accomplish it easily;
-that the beast is more likely to do that, because he is less Intoxicated by the resistance-prone ideas; and
-your planet is even more than the beast in alignment with its own expansion.
Now, human is easily influenced by other humans.
Beasts are rarely influenced by other humans!
Earth is never influenced by human!