Quotes on Laws, Rules & Policing

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Quotes on Laws, Rules & Policing

Post by spiritualcookie »

Laws about things like capital punishment come out of fear

The only reason that you feel that you need to protect yourself from others
is because you don't understand that they can't get into your experience without your invitation, through thought.

When you really understand that another
- no matter what their intentions and no matter how close they are -
cannot invade your experience,
then you don't feel the need for those things.


Many of your laws have been created out of fear,
and when you focus upon anything that has been created out of fear,
then you begin to attract that very thing into your life experience.
And so then you need more laws!
And so then you create more laws,
which cause more thought and more focus and more attention to it,
and then you need more laws.


As you are intending that which you want
it makes ltitle difference what laws are passed around you.

- Abraham, Feb 3 1988


It is your rules that make unlawful beings.
You would get along better
if you would just trust each other to treat each other appropriately,
but you don't.
So you keep making laws -
until you make criminals of everyone.

Abe, Chicago, IL, 4/25/99
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Post by spiritualcookie »

People often attempt to gain control of the behaviour of their children, their employees, or the members of their clubs, political parties, or churches, by offering rewards for good behaviour and punishment for bad behaviour.
But we have never seen any beneficial behavioural change as a result of that.

Rules and punishments that are effected from the outside usually only cause a hiding of the unwanted behaviour - or an even stronger defiant offering of it - because people innately understand that they are not here living their lives to please others. (...)

It is our absolute knowing that if you believe that your happiness depends upon your ability to control the behaviour of any other, you will never find happiness. For control of others is not possible.

There are many who spend their entire lifetimes attempting to gain control of another, only to discover that absolute control of another requires the giving up of much of their own freedom as they turn their undivided attention toward that impractical effort that wastes their life experience, because it runs crosscurrent to the Laws of the Universe.

- Abraham, 2007


Suing & Taking People to Court is not Worth the Vibrational Upset

In most lawsuits, most people just use each other as their excuse to disconnect from the Stream.
And then they just suffer until the one who is the least disconnected wins the lawsuit.

But it is still an exercise in disconnecting from Source Energy that we think is never worth the price of the reward,
no matter how great the reward of a lawsuit is.

Excerpted from Buffalo, NY on 9/27/00, Daily Quote – January 20, 2024
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Looking to Rules & Laws is Looking Outside of Ourselves, Ignoring our Inner Guidance & Inner Wisdom

Because he has forgotten the existence of his own guidance mechanism,
physical man looks outside of himself for guideposts,
or the "books of rules",
or the groups of powerful influence for rules of right and wrong.
("For if there are many that believe that it is right, it must surely be.")
And as he looks outside of himself, into the inconsistencies that abound,
into the vast divergence of intenions and beliefs,
he finds only confusion.

- Abraham


Most think that they prefer someone sure and powerful and strong, outside of themselves, making the decisions about what is right and what is wrong, while they merely assume the role of conforming to those rules.

However, few have found great satisfaction or success in that way of viewing physical life experience.
Because they soon discover that there are endless interpretations of what is right and wrong.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

There is no one single right or wrong way - which is why rules don't work

"While cloistered in a small family, or even a small community, where ideas are limited in a particular direction, not so much confusion occurs [about commonly determined rules set by that small community, and whether it's a good idea to follow them].

But as you are exposed to a broader spectrum of people, with a broader spectrum of ideas and beliefs, then you begin to recognize that, as a people upon your Earth, you will never reach the point where you agree with ALL others, or even understand why they do what they do, or want what they want, or believe as they believe, [or have the rules that they have set].

As that discovery is made, most either give up [on the idea of trying to get their own learned rules across], overwhelmed by the vastness of the project, drawing back into their own quiet shell of discontent;

Or they strike out, trying to change the world, organizing others, gaining numbers, trying to convince others of a better way of life [to live by THEIR rules] - sometimes even trying to physically destroy others who differ in interest or beliefs.

It is our wanting to help you discover that your joy or growth or freedom does not depend on what others outside of you are choosing for themselves.

We want you to re-discover the feeling of freedom you knew at the time that you emerged into your physical body. "

- Abraham


Those who want others to follow the rules are actually wanting to try and control conditions so that they can feel a conditional sense of contentment

"We want to stimulate you to the awareness that [those of you who are the rule-makers, who want others to follow the rules you believe in] - what you seek is not to control others to what you consider to be a better way of life.

But instead, [what you seek is] to find your own personal, eternal balance of freedom, growth and joy - that others may also be inspired to find their own balance."

- AH
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Expect your every need to be met!
Expect the answer to every problem.
Expect Abundance on every level.
Expect to grow spiritually.

You are not living by Human laws!

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

There is NOTHING else, anywhere,
there is NOT a set of rules,
there is NOT a stack of books,
there are NOT teachers,
there are NOT hidden documents,
there is NOTHING outside of you that can come anywhere close
to the GUIDANCE that comes forth FROM WITHIN YOU!

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

About "being right"...

We're saying to all of you, who are so interested in finding the "reality" of things, and trying to find the rightness of reality, and sorting out alllll of the components of life on the planet, we say:

Ooh what a big job you have, first of all! And what really a waste of time it is to try to sort it all out, and put it into good piles and bad piles, when what you really want to do, is let life cause you to expand. And then, do the only thing that is necessary, or that you can do, or that is a value to you, or that will help you fulfill your reason for being!

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Post by spiritualcookie »

On resentment: about certain laws

Hotseater is resentful that he has to wear seatbelts by law.

Abraham: Every time you buckle your seat belt, resenting the idea that they have passed a law that says that you must, how are you utilizing the non-physical energy on your behalf?

And so, you are much better off not to buckle it and not to feel the resentment, than you are to buckle it and feel the resentment.

Either that, or you must pivot yourself into a position of buckling it because you know that YOU are making the decision to buckle it, not because it's a law, but because you, at this time, are choosing it.


You have many laws in your nation that you don't even know about. They do not attract any attention. Nobody really cares about them. They are written, but they affect you, not at all, because you give no attention to them.

And then there are laws that you give tremendous amount of attention to, and so they affect you more.

If you would put all of them in one bucket and just say, "We have laws, some of them affect me and some of them don't, and I don't give much attention to any of them," then you would be in a much better emotional state about them.

- Abraham


We have been hearing Jerry... as he hears about the new considerations by the Supreme Court to have the sobriety check-point whether you are drinking or not, whether there is any reason or not to be stopped and examined, and another ruling regarding punishment for flag-burning.

As these issues begin to come forth, many of you, who are freedom seekers at your very core, begin to acknowledge,
"Where will it all end? If they can begin offering these sorts of legislations to control our behaviour on one thing, then where will it end?"

And we say to you - What are you doing with the non-physical energy regarding that subject? When you have those sorts of feelings that say "What is it going to lead to?" then we say, you are utilizing the non-physical energy against the freedom that you seek.

Your resistance to what you think they're doing to you, is what is really affecting your experience more than what they are doing to you with their laws.

- AH
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Some people are intolerable.
And some of them, as they decide that there are things that you ought to do - whether you want to do them or not - that is intolerable.
It is so intolerable that Natural Law does not allow it!
And so, don't worry about it.

They can flap their mouths all they want about it.
They can tell you that it is law all that they want,
but if you do not give your attention to it,
it will never be a part of your experience.

- AH


Hotseater says he dislikes wearing a helmet when riding his motorcycle, but knows it is against the law not to wear one, and doesn't want to get a ticket for rebelling against the law.

Abraham: We are knowing that the current set of beliefs that you hold would asure you a traffic ticket. As you see yourself as not able to go anywhere without attracting tickets, then you surely would.

On the other hand, if you can acknowledge yourself as being free, then just as you are able to drive faster than the speed limit, just as there are all sorts of beings that are doing all sorts of things [and not getting caught]...

You see, there are not enough persons in the enforcement system to give their attention to all places at once. And really, they are not even wanting to.
They are not really interested in enforcing the law.
They're interested in justifying their reason for existence.

If what we (Abraham) know to be was believed by all, then they would have to find some other means of employment and their current set of beliefs does not provide for them that sort of idea.

And so, most of what you are seeing regarding government, is an exercise in self-perpetuation:
"We must find this cause to stand for so that we can help these people."

Well, that is what they say, but it is really because that is the way they perpetuate the employment that gives them the dollars that gives them the freedom that they are trying to take away from you with their enforcement!

It is a very strange cycle that is taking place.

Our point to you is, that when you acknowledge yourself as the free being that you are, that you will take your helmet and you will wear it in the appropriate times, and you will remove it in the appropriate times, just as Esther drives 55 in the appropriate times and 75 in the appropriate times.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

The individual will always be challenged by those beings who, from their feelings of weakness have gathered together in numbers and made some sort of law. (...)

Those.. who established the beginning foundation for your nation had the tremendous foresight of recognizing that it is man's nature to confine one another, and so you built into the very precepts of your Constitution, Bill of Rights, and all of those wonderful documents that began, words to protect you from each other.

- Abraham


On laws being passed that seem to curtail people's freedoms

Abraham talks about people who are worried that laws are being passed that violate their rights and freedoms.

What we say is,
"If you will stop seeing your freedoms as being eroded, and instead see your civilisation as evolving - so that you do not give your attention to the lack of what you want, but again, you are giving your attention to what you DO want - you will see that these laws that are being passed, one by one, will also be released." (...)

All it may take is a handful of beings (there are enough of you in this room right now) to set forth your thought regarding your absolute freedom, and your full expectation that these rules that have just been passed that are out of order with your idea of what freedom is, just see them as non-existent, and you, in this room, this handful of concentrated beings, as a result of this concentrated conversation today, are enough to reverse those laws.

And now we say to you, begin to watch. Watch for it.
Watch the debates that will begin to take place.
You have launched it very effectively here together today.
Now watch what happens.
And tae delight as you see the evidence coming toward the dissolution of these cumbersome laws.

And in the meantime, do not give your attention to anything that gives you any sort of negative emotion.

We have launched it together.
Now let it go, and watch how far and how fast it will go. Truly.
And take credit for it if you want.
"We did that."

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