When your news, media & television gives attention to anything unwanted, it helps the unwanted to grow
The more of their negative attention they're giving to it,
the more famous this [person or thing] is becoming,
and many millions more are hearing it now than ever would have heard it before.
- Abraham
Quotes on Media: News, Television, Movies etc
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
- Paradise-on-Earth
- Plus Member
- Posts: 4484
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
You want to be an Advocate to the wanted,
not a protester for unwanted.
Abraham Hicks
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
In earlier times, before the technology of your planet gave you the ability to see what is happening in every village or city on your planet, it was possible to observe those around you and for the most part, maintain your awareness of Well-Being.
But in these modern times with so much emphasis placed on pockets of unrest, war and natural calamities, your observation of your world - through the negatively slanted view of your news media gives you an enormously distorted perspective of the Well-Being of your planet.
Nothing fosters your perception of your lack of empowerment more than constant graphic reminders of tragedies occurring that you have no personal involvement in, or the power to change.
It is our desire that you come to understand that those things are not your work.
Your work is to tend to your own Energy Balance and when you do, your world will come into perfect alignment.
- AH
But in these modern times with so much emphasis placed on pockets of unrest, war and natural calamities, your observation of your world - through the negatively slanted view of your news media gives you an enormously distorted perspective of the Well-Being of your planet.
Nothing fosters your perception of your lack of empowerment more than constant graphic reminders of tragedies occurring that you have no personal involvement in, or the power to change.
It is our desire that you come to understand that those things are not your work.
Your work is to tend to your own Energy Balance and when you do, your world will come into perfect alignment.
- AH
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