Procrastination is having the wisdom not to force something,
that you are not vibrationally ready for.
It is what aligned people do when they are not in alignment.
Abraham Hicks
Procrastination- is it a good thing?
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Paradise-on-Earth
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What is the definition of procrastination?
It means: I can feel within my Energy sensor,
that this action is not in perfect alignment at this time.
It means: I can feel within my Energy sensor,
that this action is not in perfect alignment at this time.
- spiritualcookie
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Waiting to take action when you're vibrationally ready is not laziness
Many people will say, "Abraham you teach laziness."
We say, "Not at all, we teach doing it in the way which is powerful."
- Abraham
Many people will say, "Abraham you teach laziness."
We say, "Not at all, we teach doing it in the way which is powerful."
- Abraham
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am

Ignore Reality!
Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am

It's not your job to clean up your issues!
It's your job to ignore your issues!
Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am

You'r all trying too hard!
You'r all thinking too much.
It's exhausting and impossible,
you'r not EVER going to sort it out!
But you could just find a reason to feel good!
And milk that, for a little while.
And then, tap into your Inner Being- who does feel good!
Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
Be NICER to yourself!
So, let's find the takeaway from this:
It's really important that you be nicer to yourselves!
TO YOU!! To your family, too. And to people around you. Yeah, you want to be nice! You want to feel good. But it's really important that you give yourself permission. that you give yourself permission to just feel good!
Because you deserve to feel good, without jumping through any hoops that any other human has assigned.
Because, we promise you, there's no one non-physically, that is assigning the hoops that you jump through!
Do you believe that? Once you know it... Esther remembers looking in the mirror at herself, after she'd done something really bad and she thought: "I don't look the same now. Wish I could go back to that time before I did that really bad thing!" and we say: You got to get over that!
Because, when you look in the mirror, your Inner Being is looking back at you. There just isn't any of that!!
YOU'VE assigned the resistance that you carry around as guilt!
YOU'VE assigned the resistance that you carry around as hate!
Here's the reason. We want to give you your reason: You think you're right! Think about the last person that you really told off. Think about the last fit you through, this morning. Just think about the last fit you threw, and weren't you sure that your perspective was right? Weren't you defending a perspective? But what if everybody gets to be right?
Because, everyone is free to create. So, start by saying "I was right! ...And they were, too."
Just start giving them the benefit of the doubt. Because when you give somebody the benefit of doubt, you're the one that gets the benefit, right? So, be nicer to yourself! Be nicer to yourself!
Can you think of anything that you want to do? That, on a day-to-day basis, you want to do... that you don't do?
What are some of those things, you ever wish you could, take a nap in the afternoon? Do you let yourself do that, or is that just too lazy for you? Is that just something you should not do? Are you trying to honor some other criteria, other than doing something that's nice for you? We're just taking your temperature, and we want to say to you:
You're not even hardly very nice to yourselves, hardly, in relationship to the way your Inner Being would treat you!
If you're Inner Being was calling the shots about how you would behave, do you know how your Inner Being would spend your day? Want to know?
-Your Inner Being would wake up and feel glad to be awake, again!
-And then think: What's the most fun thing that I could do, today?
-And then, your Inner Being would do it. And you're thinking: "I'd get fired!"
...and your Inner Being would do it, anyway! Because your Inner Being knows, that when you're Tuned in, Tapped in, Turned on, and when you care about your job, that you won't get fired- you'll get understanding. In other words, things can't go wrong for you! -You don't believe, that nothing goes wrong for you, when you're tuned in to Source energy, but it doesn't!
It's resistance that causes all of the things that feel like they're going wrong for you. This is worth thinking about!
"If I could do anything that I wanted to do... since I can do anything that I want to do, since I've already told through Rockets of Desire my Vortex, what those things are, and my Inner Being knows what they are, and has already queued them all up- since everything that I want is already in the process of becoming, and the only thing that is missing is me, letting it in- then what could I do now, that would let a little more of it in?"
That's the question:
"How could I let a little more of what's already there, in?"
So, we're just going to ask you:
-Do you believe that it's there, in a vibrational form?
-Do you believe it? Like the seed in the ground that you can't see, that will be a plant- so it's there.
-Do you believe that? You have access to it, if you play your vibration right!
-Do you believe that? You can let it in, or not let it in.
-And do you believe, that you get to decide how long it is that you don't let it in- or that you let it in?
-Do you believe that you get to decide how much you let in,
-And do you believe that what other people think about you, has a lot to do with why you let in, what you let in?
So, wouldn't one of the first things that you might do, that is really nice for yourself, is decide that you're going to care more about what YOU think, and less about what THEY think?
But how you'r going to do that- do you get in their face and say: "I don't care what you think!" or do you just think, "well, you're right, too. You're right, but so am I. And you're choosing for you, and I'm choosing for me!" -and then you think: "No, you're trying to choose for me. And I'm not going to let you get away with that- whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa whoa!"
They CAN'T choose for you, remember? Only you can choose for you.
So, get that straight, right away. And then enjoy the show! Watch them throwing fits to try to get you to be different, while you stand there, being who you want, to be loving them, anyway. You don't fight back! There won't be a fight for long: Most of the juice in most of the fights are knee-jerk responses. Let them yank your chain or push your button, or get your goat. Esther's friend says, that her grandmother said:
"I'm trying to keep my goat in the backyard, where no one can get it!"
from the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks 2024 - Be NICER to YOURSELF