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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Living In Heaven on Earth:
There is NO list of "what you ought to do"! It is all for the JOY of it!

Your contribution cannot be appreciated fully enough through words!
We just cannot tell you how valuable it is, that you're here, sifting and sorting and deciding.

All-that-is is expanding dramatically, as a result of that which you are doing!
But you know what every bit has, every bit of every bit of all of that exists-
for only one reason in all of the creation, of all of eternity.
And that is for the thrill you get, as you come into alignment with that which you've created!

There's not this long list of stuff written out there in the heaven somewhere, by who knows who that is, defining what needs to be done in this creation of life! Not one of you came forth, because it needs to be done. We're not here because you need to know how to do it!

In other words, this creative dance is only about the joy in the dance, you see!
It's time to stop worrying about what you're getting done. And what you're not getting done. And just to make an unequivocal determination set forth, your intention to get in that vortex, and live as you intended to live! Because when you get in there, and you experience the juicy delicious tactile sensual fragrant wonderful exposure to life, that you have from inside the vortex- then you'll start to get it.

You'll say: "I am good! Otherwise I couldn't feel this way. And I am valuable! Otherwise I couldn't feel this way. And I am a value, otherwise I couldn't feel this way. And people wouldn't be responding to me in this way! And, well-being does abound- otherwise I couldn't feel this way."
-And all of that stuff that's outside the vortex that has formerly worried you or annoyed you, becomes this blessed contrast that you knew it would be, when you made the decision to come forth!
-And then enemies become valued partners!
-And contradictions become reasons for expansion,
-and negative emotion becomes guidance and clarity.

And people- you love easily! You love more than you ever thought was possible. And then the world that you are creating- there will always be those who aren't ready to hear. But as more of you know it, and more of you live it, and more of you aren't bothered by those who don't hear it, and who aren't living it-

before long, you can have that Heaven on Earth that you've been talking about!

Where you can be physically focused, and in the vortex with contrast subsiding, being more refined.
Where your planet has less suffering, less sickness, less confusion, less poverty-
more abundance, more clarity, more well-being, and more understanding because it is right that you feel good, you see!

You are supposed to feel good. Life is supposed to be fun!
You didn't come to get it done! You came for the thrill of doing it.
You didn't come to get there- you came for the thrill of going there!
You didn't come to fix something that is broken.
You came for the new idea that was born out of the idea, that it could be better.

from the youtube-clip Heaven On Earth ⚡ Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

There are 20 or 30 viable rendezvous points in every day for everything you want!
And the better you feel, the more you line up with them.
The worse you feel, the more you zig while they zag.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Financial Abundance is simply the Universes Response to
consistent Thoughts and Feelings of Abundance.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

If the Universe is making you wait,
prepare to receive MUCH more than you asked for!

Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

If something that you desire is not coming,
it can only be that you are not allowing it to come
because of the thoughts that you practice that are contrary to your own desire.
Nothing else prohibits you from realizing every dream.

- Abraham
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

NEVER again say "I have enough!"

If I'm honest with myself, the truth is is, that in my life, I've always had enough: Enough!
And when I talk...

you know, you- whether you use honest words or not, doesn't matter, because you can't be dishonest with your vibration. Your vibration is what it is and law of attraction is responding to what it is! So, you don't have to you don't have to say whether it's truthful or not. Because what it is, is what it is! And law of attraction is bearing out what it is. So if what it is is enough- then don't change anything. And if what is is is not enough, then change some things!

Well, here's the dilemma... it's that in one sense, I've had enough. I've had enough money is... I've had enough money but...

You see, that statement is not even accurate on any level. And let us tell you, let us tell you why! Anyone who says "I have enough" is... now, now stay with us a little bit! You're going to bock at this a little bit, because it's going to sound different than you want source energy to sound.

But anyone who says "I have enough" is not, in that moment, in alignment with the expanding being that is them -who understands there will never be enough!!

Because there will will never be a cessation of expanding.
When someone says "I have enough", what they are doing... they're focused upon limitation. They're focused on finite resources! And they are concluding: "Given the others that may be watching me at this time, that I have more than my fair share." And we want you to understand, that even at its best, that is very limited thinking!

Because there is no ending to what the universe has the ability to yield to you.

And you did not say, as you made the decision to come forth into physical experience: "I've had enough. I've had I've had enough exposure for life!" because that that would defy your being here. "I've had enough contrasts, that will lead me to more desires" -because that would defy the fact that you are here, giving birth to new desires! In other words, "I've had enough" defies everything. Because Source energy is becoming the new you, constantly!

So, what we think you've had enough of, is feeling the gap between the expanded you and the you you're letting yourself be.

We think that's what you've had enough of, right? (HS, chuckling: Right. I hear you.) And... and so, you say: "I don't want to put myself in that position anymore!" Have you ever been feeling pretty good, and then you saw something that you wanted that you couldn't afford, and then you said "oh man, I wish I didn't know I wanted that! Because now... now I feel tension about it. I didn't care before I drove it. But now I rode in it... now... (unhappy sighs)
I didn't care before I saw her! Before I smelled her, before I touched her, but now I want her!" -In other words, there are so many things that your life experience causes you to become.

And you have no choice if you are to be joyful than to stay up to speed with it!
So, never again say "I have enough!"

But say instead: "I have a way of keeping myself in perfect alignment on my way to eternal expansion!"

And that feeling of not enough, that feeling of discord is the feeling of the stream going this way, and me going this way. That's what you're trying to describe with those words, you see.

from the clip Abraham Hicks 💸NEVER AGAIN SAY 'I HAVE ENOUGH MONEY' ~ SAY THIS INSTEAD!🎉💸 🎉 Law of Attraction
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

There are not enough words to express the BIGNESS
of the Wellbeing, that is focused upon you

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

When you desire something so much that it hurts...
-It is not possible to give up on a big dream!

(Abe to an author)
...that's really an interesting place to be, where you want something so much that it hurts when it isn't... we're going to talk about that. Brace yourself, because we we want to tell you something really important, okay?

It is not possible to give up on a big dream.

So. But it is possible to torture yourself in relationship to it, and then to lie to yourself, by saying you've given it up. But if the pain is still there- in other words, and it is... so, are you braced?

You have no choice but to line up with it!

-You have to give in to your desire! You have to GIVE IN, to your desire.
You can't let what-Is, in all of its frivolous, inaccurate, temporary indicators-

you can't let that hold you from your alignment!

You've got to go with your desire, in order to feel good! (HS: So neat to hear that!)
Why would you give up on something that matters SOO much?
-Because you forgot about the vortex.
You forgot about the power of the Universe.
You forgot about your power of Focus!

But now, you'r remembering all of that. So, line up with your desire!!
It is our promise to you: Your desire will not torture you. And it will not misbehave. It will not let you down! Your desire is real. It's in the vortex, you can have it! Line up with it, line up with it- and then revel in the evidence of your Alignment!

from the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks 2024 | This Remarkable Transformation Is Poised To Profoundly Impact Your World!
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

How to not needing Glasses anymore?
(Esther, performing "the Impossible")

I've worn glasses since I got out of college, and I'm wondering how can I see better? How can I see without my glasses? What can I do so, that I can improve my vision, like... it's a muscle that can be enhanced? So, is there any way where I could eventually either eat more carrots or do more eye exercises, right so I could see better, and maybe not even use these... is there a possibility of curing or bettering my eyesight?

Yes there is.

The most important thing to understand about any desire that you hold is, that it's all about focus.

And it's interesting that we're talking about eyes and focusing at the same time, that we're talking about vibrational Focus! So the thing that is interesting about the way you feel about it, and even about the things that you said about it, is as- you took your glasses off. Your belief and expectation is that you could not see as well! And so, of course, have you noticed these differences? Have you noticed that when you are tired or even, you might say when your eyes are more tired, that your vision is more blurred? And have you noticed that when you wear your glasses, that your eyes do become dependent upon them?

In other words, the lenses do the focusing, so that your eyes can become lazier. That's why your prescriptions usually, as you go through time, become stronger and stronger. It isn't necessary that your eyes change! They just do, because you don't give them a reason to focus in the way they are capable of doing!

Don't you think that's an interesting thing? And so, behind everything... now we know, there are a lot of physical people and a lot of physical places- mostly optometrist offices who would disagree with what we've just said. Because they are looking at the results. They're looking at the manifestation of people's vision! They're not looking at the vibrational reason for it. They're not looking for the vibrational Focus. They're not looking for the emotional Focus! They're just looking for the results of whatever is going on.

And so, it would be helpful to begin saying things such as: "I'm really appreciating these lenses, which help me at times to focus more clearly. And then occasionally, don't put them on, and expect the same thing of your own eyes! The best example that we have of this to give you: Esther and Jerry moved from Arizona to Texas, and it required a new driver's test. And therefore, a new eye examination. And Esther looked into the little Contraption, and she said: "This is broken!" because the last time she looked in it, things were much clearer.

And so, the nice woman explained to her: "Well, no problem! If you can't see clearly, we'll- just come back. But in the meantime go get some glasses, so that you can see what's here." And Esther thought "that seems like a lot of trouble!" so she said to us: "Abraham, can you see can you see what's in here?" and so we just tipped her head a little bit this way, and a little bit that way. Asked her to breathe deeply, and look again- and she read the letters off from inside of the contraption.

And Esther was astounded by the experience!!
Because she knows they are the same eyes! It's just different point of focus, you see what we're getting at!?

So we can tell you're not really having any of this, yet. Because it feels like, there's something that you need to be doing that you're not doing! But you just haven't looked at it this way- before your beliefs get in your way! And there is a common belief that your eyes get worse as you get older, or "how you explain, Abraham that some of you are born with better vision than others!?" -In other words, sometimes children at an early age- we know, we know, we know! There are all kinds of manifestations that you use as your justification, to not have things the way you would really like them to be.

But you ask this question: How could I see more clearly through these eyes? -That's what we heard you ask. And the answer to that is, first understand that you can expect that it is possible! Don't get all excited, all at once. Don't try to be healed suddenly! It's not like that. Just care about your focus, sometimes, when you look at things. It depends upon what else is going on in the atmosphere also. And we want to say to you, that the new lights, that you are putting in your homes, are of a different vibrational frequency, and they make it more difficult for you to see, have you noticed?

And all of you are putting more strain on your eyes, as you are reorienting yourself to the world within the little thing in your hand, rather than the world out there. We're surprised you can see anyone's face, anymore- unless it's on Facebook! (laughter) And so, it really is a matter of using your eyes in a broader way. Look out into the distance, every day! Look up close, every day! In other words- in the same way you said, "eat carrots"- that's always nice. "Eye exercises?" Yes, yes! Use your eyes to focus! But dependency on the lenses will keep you from deliberately focusing your eyes and then your vision, most likely, will require more and more focused lenses. [Applause]

I do get that. I do.

from the youtube clip "Should I Eat More Carrots Or Do More Eye Exercises? Say This To Stop Wearing Glasses. ~Abraham Hicks"
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