Practice a little every day

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 29:


I appreciate the delivery I received today. Lots of lovely things to review. I feel so abundant : )

I liked making the artwork today - it was satisfying seeing it come together and enjoying how pretty it looked : )

I loved discovering these cute snacks today! I love that companies design cute foods! :D

I appreciate having the option to use a salt water gargle that helps provide some relief for my throat : )

I appreciate having Eucalyptus globulus essential oil that helps provide relief to my breathing passages : )

I love that I can choose how long or short to make these appreciations - Today is going to be a short one :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 30:


I liked seeing this post today, and learning that sunspot clusters can be seen on the sun if you take a photo of the Sun from Earth! I so appreciate people like Eric Snitil who share interesting, educational, expansive information like this; and who are such talented photographers!

I like my recently born, fresh-feeling rocket of desire to see the aurora with my own eyes in the UK one of these days. I liked reading today that "Solar maximum has only just begun and the next few years we expect more solar storms meaning more opportunities to see the Aurora further south than usual ☺️"

I liked watching the tv movie Holiday in the Vineyards : ) I liked the character development and I always like that tv movies like this one have happy endings :D And I liked learning a new term: Garagistes: people who make wine in their garages / on a small homely scale.

I liked spotting the competition whose prize I had a rocket of desire to win, though it's a "win by getting likes on twitter" competition. I enjoyed getting my cogs turning to try and think "How can I get strangers to click "like" on a simple post by me - a person they don't know?" and I enjoyed the idea I came up with which felt like it had some potential. Looking at the anaytics though I see only 2 people even SAW my post :contrast: It clarified - I have some work to do on my thoughts and beliefs about how easy it is to get people to find and "like" your stuff ~ and also about how others are likely to use nefarious ways to attain that goal. In the end maybe I got some clarity that in my sifting and sorting, perhaps I can sift out competitions that are "win by popularity" and choose ones that are based more on talent / merit - or are random! That feels like it levels the playing fields in a more fair way to me :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 31:


I liked my manifestation of the day which I wrote about here.

I liked reading that other people echoed my thoughts about the competition the other day. It felt like relief to know I wasn't the only one feeling that the competition could have been handled better. It felt like relief to know the subject was brought to the attention of those who have the power to change things to make it a happier, fairer experience in the future.

I liked that he installed the lights for us today and was so happy to do it :hearts:
I liked seeing his face all lit up from his eagerness to do this for us! So sweet!
I like that the lights look so good and how they really brighten up the space so nicely! It's a real upgrade!

I liked testing out the little hand vacuum today. It has such strong suction power I think it got dirt out of the carpet that my regular vacuum hasn't gotten out in years! I love when I receive wonderful quality products! I love finding out "what's good" and getting a feel for which brands take pride in providing a really high quality product. I liked their attention to detail too in providing a spare filter, and a little cleaning brush along with the vac. I've never seen a hand held vac provide these things before! So kind and thoughtful!

I liked that it was a rainy day today. It's such a nice feeling to have this variety in the weather :) I like variety.

I'm so happy I put in the order for all those organic European snacks today that meet my dietary needs! I'm so excited to try them! I'm so happy there's a website that exists which gives me access to products and brands that ordinarily are impossible to find in the UK. I love that I feel like I'm shopping at a health shop / supermarket in Germany or Austria all from the comfort of my own home, and that it'll all be delivered to my door in a short space of time. It's so convenient! I love how the world is so accessible these days without needing to travel! I'm so happy Germany and Austria have such a well-developed Bio / organic culture. There were like 14 varieties of organic pretzels! In the UK we only have 1! And all 14 were cheaper than the one we have here even though they will be imported! I felt like a kid in a candy store! :lol: I liked discovering there is such a thing as chickpea couscous too!

I liked discovering the brand Zotter that does marzipan chocolates. My family looooves marzipan chocolates so this will be such a great gift for them next time there's a birthday. I'm very curious to try them too!

I liked hearing about his culinary adventure at the Persian restaurant. It sounded fun. I liked learning about their interesting dishes and drinks.

I liked discovering the Royal Astronomical Society. I liked learning they sometimes do talks for the public to attend : )

I liked receiving their recommendation for another fun movie to watch - I happy I'm enjoying it so far! : )

I like seeing the shapes of the clouds; how they looks so soft and fluffy. I like how they make the sky so interesting-looking with the positive and negative space. It's pretty seeing how their tops become peach and pink at sunset. The fact they're ever-changing, ever-moving, and sometimes resemble things also makes them that much more interesting to gaze at. At the moment there's one outside my window that looks like a mermaid swimming through the sky, complete with a wavy trail left behind her : )

I liked discovering the cartoonist Hilary B Price today and her "Rhymes with Orange" comics. I posted some of my faves in the Just for Fun thread :) There was some sifting and sorting to find ones that made me smile but that made the ones that brought a smile feel all the more satisfying :D
I enjoyed feeling like I was helping her promote her talent by putting some of my fave comics of hers on pinterest :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 32:


I appreciate the bread she baked for me - it was a nice way to start the day ^_^
She's so kind she wanted to make something for me!
I liked how crispy the exterior of the loaf was - nice and crunchy!

I appreciate the order arrived today so I'm all stocked up for goods for a good while. It feels safe and secure seeing my cupboards full of my essentials.

I liked how I helped him double check his sums and together we found the correct important calculation. It felt satisfying getting to the correct figure together on which we can base our decisions more securely.

I appreciate she offered to send me reiki - that was kind :hearts:
I like that she wants to help :hearts: and I liked that she felt better after helping too!
I like the idea of receiving and allowing in energy of love, wellness and wellbeing.
I appreciated my body could tolerate the essential oil with ease and comfort.

I appreciated that he read up on tips on freelance graphic designing because he wanted to help me! That was sweet of him!

I appreciate the beautiful art I made today : )
I liked the pastel colours - so soothing and pretty.
I liked the pattern that came out so full of life and vibrant.

I like it when I can feel release and relief. It feels satisfying. It feels soothing. It feels like one step closer towards where I want to go.

I liked the small moments of clarification and understanding that came from asking certain questions and receiving certain answers. It felt satisfying understanding something that had been mysterious. It felt like a kind of relief going from unknown-wondering to understanding and clarity.

I like it when we have beautiful, clear, loving communication.

I like it when they express appreciation - it's so nice to hear those things they like, enjoy, appreciate, love, find satisfying :) And I love knowing that in expressing this they are helping raise their own vibration - that makes me happy to witness this vibrational upliftment : )
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 33:


I liked that I got so much done today - it feels satisfying to me to be productive :)

I liked that the gift I gave him fit him so well and that he seemed to like it : )

I liked learning some new facts. It felt useful and important to know, and there's satisfaction in that.

I liked when she said I inspired her to discover something new : ) It's always nice to hear my words or actions have a positive impact somehow.

I liked finding some things to want :D

I liked hearing about her wonderful experiences. I love hearing when people do lovely, fun things and enjoy themselves. And in the details they share, sometimes new rockets of desire fire off within me too for things I would like to experience. I like that too : )

I liked that I was completely free of responsibilities today. It felt so carefree and lucky and fortunate; I felt so "taken care of" - it was nice :)

I like when they show care, interest and love :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 34:

✅ APPRECIATION: - Did some appreciation in my head :)
✅ MEDITATION: - Did Suzanne Giesemann's Snag Meditation and received a helpful insight from Source. It was my first time doing a conversation with Source in my head without the Inspired Writing technique. This felt like progress, being able to receive just through my mind without leaning on an intermediary activity like writing / typing :)

I liked this intention I read in Suzanne's book, and I would like to apply it tomorrow:

I am intending to make higher choices, aligned with Love :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 35:



✅ APPRECIATION: "making a person out of something"

A new way to appreciate:

I was reading a children's book about writing poetry ("You're a poet" by Sean Taylor), and it gave me an idea of a new way to appreciate.

In the children's book, they suggest writing a "making a person out of something" poem. The example in the book is making a person out of the breeze. The example poem they give is as follows:

The breeze is my friend.
He skips around without any shoes.

The breeze is my friend.
He plays and plays and
plays and plays.

The breeze is my friend.
He whispers,
"Catch me if you can!"

The breeze is my friend.
I can't see him smiling
but I know that he is!


The author recommends doing this for other objects and things, and I thought it can help tap into feeling out the things we appreciate about inanimate objects.

I thought I'd have a play with this idea!
Let's have a go!

If my bed were a person...:

The bed is my friend.
It stretches out lazily
relaxed and calm.

The bed is my friend.
It reaches out to me
wanting a cosy snuggly cuddle!

The bed is my friend.
It's always there for me
holding me, supporting me
always there for me.

The bed is my friend.
It whispers to me
everything will be ok,
you can relax now


If the Sun were a person...

The sun is laughing brightly
smiling down upon the Earth.

The sun sings loudly
together with the birds
and the flying jet planes.

The sun is always lively
full of energy
and bubbling over with fun.

The sun sends out its friendly beams
that dance together with the leaves
and skip in mottled patterns
on the forest floor

The sun is warm-hearted
offering a comforting caress on your back
when you need a comforting touch

The sun is strong and supportive.
It's always there, unfailingly!
Eternally bright,
Eternally consistent,
Eternally warm and bright.

It smiles and calls:
"You too are powerful and bright!
You too have the power to light up your world!"

Suggestions for others "friends" you can write about and turn into people in a poem to appreciate them: Sunday, "calmness" or any other emotion, your favourite mug, a favourite food, your car, your home, a flower, a raindrop, an object you love.


✅ APPRECIATION: "If I was a..."

Continuing reading the children's book, they have another idea for a poem that I think can help tap into appreciation :)

The idea is writing as if you were an inanimate object.
eg "If I was a tree..." what kind of tree would you be?

Let's have a go!

If I was a tree...

If I was a tree, my leaves would be glossy and green.
They would catch the sunlight and reflect it,
looking like diamonds in the sun!

If I was a tree I'd enjoy feeling the breeze tickling my leaves!
I'd love the way they frolic and sway this way and that
hushing their soothing soft rustly tune to me.

If I was a tree I'd be a tall one, up on a hill so that I could see faaaar and wide!
I'd see the view and all that goes on all around!

If I was a tree, I'd enjoy showing off my flowers when spring came round,
showering the world with my petals like soft fragrant confetti!
My petals would be bright hot pink!
And they would smell like the most delicious flower you've ever smelled!
They would lighten the hearts of all passersby because of their beauty!
I would stand tall and proud in my full fragrant blossom!

If I was a tree, I'd enjoy the little squirrels running along my branches
The birds clicking their feet as they land on me.
I'd enjoy giving them shelter and comfort,
giving them a place to rest
shade from the sun
and cover from the rain.

I'd enjoy feeling the collared doves cooing in my arms
bowing their appreciation to one another
raising their tail feathers
in their courtship dance

If I was a tree I would be still and calm
I would have infinite patience
seeing, observing, being.
Quiet, peaceful,
strong and solid
poised and tranqil.

Some other suggestions for "If I was a...": a colour, a musical instrument, an object, a mode of transportation.


✅ VISUALIZATION: I would give you... poems

Ok, so I'm still reading this poetry book :lol:
They suggest a "I would give you..." poem to think up what things you would enjoy giving someone if you could. I guess this is kind of like a visualization exercise! What would you find joyful to give a loved one? It could be fun to imagine : )

Let's see:

I would give you a 100 million euro winning lottery ticket so that you had happy abundance to do with as your please forevermore!

I would give you the most delicious food that agreed with you and made your tummy feel happy!

I would give you all the hugs!

I would give you books to read that you'd find interesting, stimulating and inspiring.

I would give you a teleporter so that you could travel anywhere in the world in a flash and come home in a flash when you wanted too!

I would give you a replicator so that you could make any delicious food you wanted in an instant, to your exact specifications! It would free up your time to do other things you wanted to do : )

I would give you the smell of a newly bloomed rose
on a fresh summer morning;
And on another day, the smell of the lemon blossom;
And on another day, the smell of the honeysuckle flower ~
A different beautiful scent, for every mood!

I would give you all the sunshiney good vibes I could give you!

I would give you my love and give you all you need to fill your heart with beautiful, feel-good love and appreciation!

I would give you all you need to feel your alignment and happiness :hearts:


PS This exercise also reminds me of the book "I'll give you the Sun" by Jandy Nelson - such a good book! It's certainly not all feel-good, but it is a beautifully written book that gave me much joy in its unputdownable beauty! :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 36:



I appreciate that wellness and wellbeing is flowing through my body : )

I appreciated the breakfast of delicious gem squashes :D It was so interesting tasting them at different ages of maturity. They all tasted so different!

I enjoyed making some quote art today - it was fun : )

I appreciated receiving the chocolate shop recommendations from Elke for
- Pralinenbote (Germany)
- "Elly Seidel" (who is located in Munich, Germany)
I am eager to try them one day : )

I appreciated hearing him share his readings and interesting thoughts on AI. I am glad I feel peaceful about it all : )

I appreciated his energy - feeling the desire for togetherness this evening. It was sweet and easily tuned me to love : )

I appreciated he was happy to let me finish my things in my own time - that was so convenient and easy flowing. Perfect timing.

I appreciated the song I heard today, "A Wink and a Smile" by Harry Connick Jr - it has happy vibes :) I liked that it was running through my head all evening :lol:
I enjoyed going through some of his songs this evening ~ It Had To Be You is also a fun good vibe tune.
I love Hollywood style jazz ~ it's so uplifting and light-hearted.

I enjoyed finishing watching Sleepless in Seattle ~ It's not one I'd too quickly recommend to others since it's not the highest vibe for most of the movie, but I did find things to appreciate about it - Meg Ryan was so pretty and the chemistry between her and Tom Hanks is so lovely!
I liked the line where the child said he believes in this story about reincarnation, and past lives, and he is able to intuitively feels that this woman is perfect for their family "because I'm younger and pure, so I'm more in touch with cosmic forces" :lol: :hearts:

Loving listening to Sia - Underneath the Mistletoe this evening :hearts: I love the tune so much! It's so catchy. Sia's so talented at making unique songs that are unlike other songs I've heard! I love her originality!
I loved the amazing synchronicity seeing who directed her music video for this song! :lol: :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 37:


"It's the relationship with your Inner Being that you are craving." - Abraham

I am intending on strengthening my relationship with my Inner Being.
What would this look like?

- Awareness throughout the day: I feel like X, but how would my Inner Being feel about this? Using your Emotional Guidance System as an indicator pointing you to what your Inner Being is trying to tell you.

- Sending Love & Appreciation: Every so often when you remember, you can send a loving greeting, love and appreciation to your Inner Being, acknowledging it, sending it good vibes; and thus strengthening your relationship with it.

- Talking in your head to your Inner Being, checking in with it throughout the day, and tuning in to hear its answers. Literally asking it, "Inner Being, how do you feel / think about this?" and then tuning in to the answer.

- Writing: Talking with your Inner Being through writing: Making space in your day to do writing exercises (inspired writing / automatic writing) to receive information from your Inner Being.

- Meditation: Making time to meditate (or pray / do self-hypnosis) to receive info from your Inner Being. Utilizing the question “what does my soul want me to hear right now?” and receiving the answer through hearing / images / or writing.

- Aligning work: Raising your vibration consistently (through all the Abraham Processes, and doing anything that feels good and helps you align), to better hear and communicate with your Inner Being, so that you can have good contact in this relationship.


I appreciate the clarity of knowing what I want, and what I don't want.

I appreciate the kind help I received from kind strangers :)
I love knowing there are kind souls in the world, wanting to help, wanting to offer value to others - for no other reason than because they are kind, loving souls, and it makes them feel good to help :hearts:

I loved how there was just enough for me today : )

I enjoyed neatening things up in the garden. It felt good seeing things refreshed; leaving the lush green leaves to thrive; giving them space.

I enjoyed finding a new old movie I hadn't seen before. It's nice that even in the old, there is new!

It was a sweet gesture leaving me a little love heart on my pillow - so lovely! :hearts:

I appreciated her appreciation for the children's poetry book! I'm glad she enjoyed it as much as I did! :It feels good sharing things that bring joy to others : )

I liked that my new top fit me so beautifully! It's so satisfying to feel such a good fit!

I liked hearing the aurora alert on his phone and checking the window to see. It felt exciting and fresh and reminded me of running to the window to see the fireworks on Guy Fawkes night as a child, which was also a fun feeling : )

It was satisfying finally selling a yoga mat! :lol: That summer I made a ton - It feels satisfying seeing some result from that! And I enjoyed remembering the design I made, and seeing it with fresh eyes - appreciating how beautiful it is - no wonder it sold! And I wouldn't be surprised if it sells again. It's such a beautiful mat!

I appreciated that my colleague was so "on it", calling up the people to sort things out for all of us. It felt like delegating to the universe to work things out for me without me having to lift a finger. It felt like "everything is working out for me". I so appreciate her for having the initiative to look into it for us, and I look forward to hearing the updates of how everything works out and getting a nice check at the end of it : )
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 38:


I liked hearing the Bashar clip this morning about how the fact that aliens interacted with humans 300,000 - 500,000 years ago to alter their genetic makeup, made the humans see the aliens as "gods", and that this set off the whole tendency for humans to create religions. No wonder in Star Trek they have the Prime Directive to prevent aliens making such huge impacts on a species! 500,000 years later and religions are still in existence because of something a few aliens did all those years ago! I found it also interesting how Bashar said that had aliens not interfered with the genetic makeup of humans, we'd all be Sasquatches right now! :lol:
I liked that I felt interest, curiosity and fascination hearing all this : ) It felt stimulating and fresh. I like how new ideas feel this way!

I enjoyed the opportunity to "find something to want" in dreaming up what to do with our garden. I enjoyed the feeling of the creative juices flowing; the inspiration firing; the ideas coming in; the dream-like images of possibilities in my mind; and how bit by bit, more ideas floated in throughout the day. It felt satisfying and fun receiving all this. I like feeling creative : )

I appreciate I could show my idea for how we could re-do the garden thanks to AI imagining of my vision. It was so much easier to convey my idea to them that way in full colour! I love how AI is so helpful! And I had fun getting the AI to draw what I wanted :)

I liked receiving their kind, positive response.

I appreciate I got so much done today! It feels satisfying having completely cleared the To Do list!

I appreciate I got to taste something new today - It was fun experiencing new flavours; new textures. And I liked getting the clarity on whether I like it or not; whether I want to experience it again or not. The clarity of my desires felt good : )

I loved getting another High Five email today from youtube with more rewards and treats! I guess it's a monthly thing where you get treats once a month! I'm so happy I was chosen to be part of this club! This month's treat was a free meal at Wagamama! Such a nice gift!

I liked seeing the photos of the practising pilots making smiley faces and hearts in the air for the air show. I like how playful they are - how creative they are - and how skilled they are to be able to draw with an airplane! I love how they want to bring joy to others with their creativity and skill : )
I liked the synchronicity that after seeing the photos, my dad sent me a several-year-old video of a pilot making a happy face in the sky too! Like attracts like! And the video he sent was set to the music of Sia who I was just appreciating last night! Another synchronicity!

I liked the feeling of clarity that came from doing some sifting and sorting of desires today.

I liked watching some Star Trek Voyager today ~ It's my 3rd time watching this series :lol: ~ I know not all the episodes are feel-good, but I like the feeling of familiarity and cosy vibes from seeing the characters on their familiar adventures. I like the humourous interactions between some of the characters : ) I so appreciate the script writers who came up with SO many original and unique ideas for stories for that series! I love their creativity!

I liked seeing Tom Fletcher on The Voice - I so love his fun-loving, creative energy :hearts: He's so talented! And I liked seeing how his wife and sister supported him so lovingly on insta. They are such an inspirational family, the Fletchers!

I loved manifesting a quote on Emptiness in the Suzanne Giesemann book. I love how in recent days, every time I had a question about a subject, it just happened to be the next topic of discussion that the book covered in the part I'd gotten to :lol:
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