Quotes on Rascals
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
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Quotes on Rascals
Sub-topics on different types of Rascals
On rude people
You are always living a reflection of whatever you are outputting. And so, if you get into a little pocket where a lot of people are being rude, it’s probably because you are being rude—or because you have been aware of people being rude. Nothing ever happens to you that is not part of your vibration!
Excerpted from Chicago, IL on 4/25/99
On rude people
You are always living a reflection of whatever you are outputting. And so, if you get into a little pocket where a lot of people are being rude, it’s probably because you are being rude—or because you have been aware of people being rude. Nothing ever happens to you that is not part of your vibration!
Excerpted from Chicago, IL on 4/25/99
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
HS has drawn away from her family but really wants to re-connect.
Stabilize here (on the high disc), first. STABILIZE here, first!
Because, you are here (high disc) and then you are not, and
you are here and then you are not, you are here and then you are not...
you're feeling better and then not, feeling better and then not...
So when you take the steps, and we know, the inspiration
keeps coming to you!- if you take the steps to put yourself
in closer proximity to them, BEFORE you really stabilized there,
then it´s more likely that they will influence you to their (low) disc,
then that you will influence them to yours.
So the question that we really want to ask you is,
would it be really be so terrible, if someone that you love resides
PERPETUALLY on a disc, that is different from yours?
Think about it! Would that be such a terrible thing?
from the clip Abraham Hicks ~ My Family Makes My Life Hard
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
[HS has difficulty with her mother and wants her mother's approval and love rather than her mother behaving in ways that are displeasing to her:]
So, if she would stop fussing over me, or needing stuff from me,
or not believing in me, I would feel...
I would feel...
I would feel ease.
I would feel calm.
I would feel joyful.
I would feel sufficiant.
I would feel energized.
I would feel invincible.
I would feel clarity.
I would feel sure.
(HS nods and closes her eyes, and gives in to Abe´s words)
I would feel whole,
I would feel sure,
I would feel balanced,
I would feel ease,
I would feel love,
I would feel fun,
I would feel clarity,
I would feel passion,
I would feel sure,
I would feel confident,
I would feel knowing,
I would feel alive,
I would feel invigorated,
I would feel sure,
I would feel knowing,
I would feel love,
I would feel fun,
I would feel easy,
I would feel eager...
Now, just saying that, don´t you feel more of all of that?
Just saying it for a little while?
Yeah. Definitely.
Without your mother, changing ANYTHING.
[HS has difficulty with her mother and wants her mother's approval and love rather than her mother behaving in ways that are displeasing to her:]
So, if she would stop fussing over me, or needing stuff from me,
or not believing in me, I would feel...
I would feel...
I would feel ease.
I would feel calm.
I would feel joyful.
I would feel sufficiant.
I would feel energized.
I would feel invincible.
I would feel clarity.
I would feel sure.
(HS nods and closes her eyes, and gives in to Abe´s words)
I would feel whole,
I would feel sure,
I would feel balanced,
I would feel ease,
I would feel love,
I would feel fun,
I would feel clarity,
I would feel passion,
I would feel sure,
I would feel confident,
I would feel knowing,
I would feel alive,
I would feel invigorated,
I would feel sure,
I would feel knowing,
I would feel love,
I would feel fun,
I would feel easy,
I would feel eager...
Now, just saying that, don´t you feel more of all of that?
Just saying it for a little while?
Yeah. Definitely.
Without your mother, changing ANYTHING.
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
When dealing with Rascals in your life:
"Ignore what you don't like" - Abraham
"Ignore what you don't like" - Abraham
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
We've never been one to forgive.
And people are aghast.
And we say: "We dont' forgive because we never condemned to begin with.
So forgiveness is coming back into alignment after you've been out.
Forgiveness is alignment.
It's giving up resistance.
We know your world is a long way from your collective consciousness forgiving rascals who make conditions that upset you.
But it's not the forgiving of THEM we're asking for.
It's your forgiving of your own point of attention,
so that you can align with the love rather than with the hate.
You cannot focus upon something that feels awful without perpetuating it.
You cannot focus upon something that makes you feel good without perpetuating it.
So you've just got to decide. - Abraham
We've never been one to forgive.
And people are aghast.
And we say: "We dont' forgive because we never condemned to begin with.
So forgiveness is coming back into alignment after you've been out.
Forgiveness is alignment.
It's giving up resistance.
We know your world is a long way from your collective consciousness forgiving rascals who make conditions that upset you.
But it's not the forgiving of THEM we're asking for.
It's your forgiving of your own point of attention,
so that you can align with the love rather than with the hate.
You cannot focus upon something that feels awful without perpetuating it.
You cannot focus upon something that makes you feel good without perpetuating it.
So you've just got to decide. - Abraham
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
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The moment you stop the judgement on yourself
about the rightness or wrongness of where you are,
then you'll be able to be more forgiving relative to where others are.
You have to make peace with their discord.
And before you make peace with their discord, you have to make peace with your own.
- Abraham
The moment you stop the judgement on yourself
about the rightness or wrongness of where you are,
then you'll be able to be more forgiving relative to where others are.
You have to make peace with their discord.
And before you make peace with their discord, you have to make peace with your own.
- Abraham
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
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If you feel drawn to someone
but you are annoyed because you think that they are telling you some lies,
try to look beyond the lies and try to focus upon the feeling.
People offer all kinds of words for all kinds of different reasons.
Most lies are offered to try and keep things in alignment.
We're not encouraging it,
but the motive behind lying is usually a pretty honorable motice.
IOW, when a child lies to their parents,
it's usually because they want to be free to do what they want to do,
and they don't want their parents to be upset about it.
It's about wanting an alignment.
Physical ears have a hard tiem hearing this.
You keep talking about:
"We need to be honest".
And we say, we don't meet any of you who are honest.
Even those who claim to be the most virtuous, are not honest,
but your vibration always is.
We would trust the feeling more than the words.
- Abraham Hicks, Houston, Texas 1/13/01
If you feel drawn to someone
but you are annoyed because you think that they are telling you some lies,
try to look beyond the lies and try to focus upon the feeling.
People offer all kinds of words for all kinds of different reasons.
Most lies are offered to try and keep things in alignment.
We're not encouraging it,
but the motive behind lying is usually a pretty honorable motice.
IOW, when a child lies to their parents,
it's usually because they want to be free to do what they want to do,
and they don't want their parents to be upset about it.
It's about wanting an alignment.
Physical ears have a hard tiem hearing this.
You keep talking about:
"We need to be honest".
And we say, we don't meet any of you who are honest.
Even those who claim to be the most virtuous, are not honest,
but your vibration always is.
We would trust the feeling more than the words.
- Abraham Hicks, Houston, Texas 1/13/01
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Q: [What do you do when there are things that are] just outside of you, just things happening that kind of…
A: Nothing is outside of you -
nothing that comes to you, is apart from you
because everything that comes to you is a response to the vibration of you.
If there’s a lovely person speaking with you it’s in response to your vibration.
If there’s a trickster or a gangster or a robber or a raper speaking to you, it’s in response to your vibration.
Nothing comes into your experience that is not vivid, perfect feedback to your vibration – everything is an indicator.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 4/2/2008
A: Nothing is outside of you -
nothing that comes to you, is apart from you
because everything that comes to you is a response to the vibration of you.
If there’s a lovely person speaking with you it’s in response to your vibration.
If there’s a trickster or a gangster or a robber or a raper speaking to you, it’s in response to your vibration.
Nothing comes into your experience that is not vivid, perfect feedback to your vibration – everything is an indicator.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 4/2/2008
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
"I want to stand in the feeling of love mostly.
And I will never appreciate the feeling of love within me more than when I've hated it a little bit over here.
And so I bless the rascals that I easily hate
on my way to feeling the relief of coming into the wholeness of who I am."
~ Abraham-Hicks
Atlanta, GA 3/23/2019
And I will never appreciate the feeling of love within me more than when I've hated it a little bit over here.
And so I bless the rascals that I easily hate
on my way to feeling the relief of coming into the wholeness of who I am."
~ Abraham-Hicks
Atlanta, GA 3/23/2019
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
When someone says you're not being realistic about something, and they offer you their "realistic" perspective that negates what you want, what's a good comeback to them?
Abraham: What is your intent in "coming back?"
[If it is] to stimulate them to the knowing that you have come to, this is what you would say:
"I have come to know that my realism holds me right here,
for if I will only allow what is presently real in my experience,
then I will never grow beyond it.
And so, I have decided to forget about current reality
and to think about future reality.
And the future holds much more for me than the present,
for I am getting better at creating every day."
And the one who is seeking will say, "... What?!"
- Abraham
Abraham: What is your intent in "coming back?"
[If it is] to stimulate them to the knowing that you have come to, this is what you would say:
"I have come to know that my realism holds me right here,
for if I will only allow what is presently real in my experience,
then I will never grow beyond it.
And so, I have decided to forget about current reality
and to think about future reality.
And the future holds much more for me than the present,
for I am getting better at creating every day."
And the one who is seeking will say, "... What?!"
- Abraham