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Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2024 12:00 pm
by spiritualcookie
Day 39:


Dear beautiful, loving Source, Inner Being, and spirit guides of love, light and high vibration, Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for guiding me today through my day, so that I find things that are of interest to me, things that feel good and satisfying; and things that are of benefit to me and all that is. Thank you for your love; thank you for your help; thank you for helping me to be as aligned as I can be. Thank you for looking out for me. I appreciate you lighting up the path for me so that I can easily feel out which step to take next. Thank you for your clarity, your kindness, your infinite patience, and infinite love. I send you my love and appreciation. I look forward to more co-creating together with you to create beautiful experiences of love, light, joy, interest and fun, and a sense of ever-growing feel-good expansion. From my heart, much, much love to you! :hearts:


I liked the feeling of completion I got when finishing reading the book I was reading. I like how it feels like a kind of wholeness. It's a satisfying feeling : )

I liked that he opened up and volunteered info I didn't know about today. I love it when he shares, communicates and opens up without me asking. It feels so lovely when someone reaches out to you like that; and wants to give you the gift of interesting tidbits of information : )

I love that I googled "what does this hand symbol mean?" this morning, and later on my review list I got the exact same hand symbol as a possible item to review :lol:

I like that it means "I love you" : )

I loved seeing this picture by photographer Paul Mortz on the aurora watch page. "aurora above the Volcano in Iceland". So beautiful! So dramatic! So vibrant! So full of life! So full of colour! and full of the magic of nature : )

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2024 9:15 am
by spiritualcookie
Day 40:


I am intending to have a good day : )

I am intending to honour and respect my body's needs - I am intending to hear my body's guidance and listen to it.

I am intending an easy flow of interesting things, fun and joy : )



I appreciate I had a good night's sleep. I like that I slept all night through - it feels good to have a good, continuous rest : )

I appreciate that today is overcast and just the right balance of warm-to-cool. It's soothing for my eyes to have this soft lighting from the sky. It feels comfortable ~ I like that : )

When I was changing my bedding today, I liked the way my silk pillowcase felt. It's so soft and silky and smooth and cool to the touch. I love how fine it feels, how luxurious. I love how it connects me with feelings of abundance, comfort and loving self-care.

I enjoyed listening to the interview with Darryl Anka by Tricia Carr called "Prepare for 2027: BASHAR Explains We Are to CONTACT; DARRYL ANKA LIVE" ~ I love it when little-known youtube channels are really good quality like this; I love seeing how sometimes I enjoy their interviews more than I enjoy the ones by big, well-known channels. I like rooting for the little guy and seeing them grow and succeed :hearts: I like how different interviewers bring out different sides of Darryl. I like observing how different interviewers approach things with their questions; bringing out new information that I haven't heard before. I liked discovering Tricia. I liked imagining how exciting it must have been for her to interview Darryl! It must have felt like winning the interview lottery :lol:


I thought I could do another poetic exercise for tuning into feel-good vibes : )

If Joy were a Person...

Joy is my friend.
She bounces, skips and jumps
and dances lightly as she walks.
Light-footed, she flits here and there.

All smiles.
She giggles to herself every so often as she goes.

She's quick to laugh;
Happy squinty eyes
and hearty guffaws!

Chatty, energetic and sparkly,
bubbling with good news she's eager to share.

She's friendly and enthusiastic,
happily greeting and chatting with all who cross her path.

She radiates wellness,
Skin aglow!
Eyes bright!
exuding a sense that All Is Well.
On her heals are her friends Inspiration and Well-Being.

She is sunshine!
She is light!
She touches your heart with an open warm palm as she speaks to you.

And when she speaks she says:
I am always in your heart
I am always with you!
We are one! :hearts:

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 6:14 pm
by spiritualcookie
Day 41:



Day 42:

✅ Music meditation


I liked our talk today. I appreciate the new understanding

It's split energy!

I like that I always have another chance to do better tomorrow if I didn't listen to my angel on my shoulder / Inner Being today. I intend to listen better to my kind, loving, wise guidance tomorrow!

I liked that chewing on fennel seeds helped :)
I'm so appreciative of the magic of natural things that can help our bodies find balance again! I'm always so amazed that something that grows out in nature somewhere has this power!

I liked watching the reality program today. Seeing the silly things he did made me somehow feel like the silly things I do are more "normal" and it made me feel better :lol: It offered a feeling of relief : )

I liked hearing about his trip to Amsterdam. He is so vibrant and lively and funny in his delivery. It makes hearing his stories so enjoyable and interesting : ) I liked hearing about some places I didn't know existed that he visited. It was a fun feeling of discovery and expansion! I love how he wants to share and volunteer information; how he seeks to give something interesting; something entertaining; something that will be of value to you; something that will uplift you; someting to make you laugh. I love how he is so giving in this way! It is like giving a beautiful gift! It's wonderful and generous and I appreciate it very much :hearts:

I liked the designs I made today. It felt good ticking off another niche of designs - filling a need that people are looking for. I liked how the designs came together to surprise and delight me as they came along.

I like receiving the flow for new ideas for designs. It feels stimulating and has bits of excitement in it when I think "oh! someone would like this!" or "I really think there's a market for this idea!" - I like that feeling that I'm fulfilling a desire for someone, bringing them something they want and like.

I liked hearing the idea about the physical artwork business. It's an interesting idea! I look forward to seeing how it develops for this company that is working on it. It felt like something that maaaaybe may be something I may want to join one day. maybe :D
It's a baby spark.. a tiny speck of desire :D
I like the feeling of new desires being born - even if they are just specks :lol:

I loved my hot hot shower :lol: It was so soothing and comforting and warming and lovely. I liked how it felt almost meditative - the whole time I was in a state of almost no-thought. It felt good : ) I liked the smell of my shower gel - like some delicious caramel hazelnut dessert!

I enjoyed reviewing some of the snacks that arrived. It felt fun giving the time to really tune in to how I feel about them, put it into words. It feels like clarity and it also feels like I'm potentialy helping others by sharing my impressions ~ I like that! I also like the feeling that I'm helping their website be more established by adding reviews so people get the impression that real customers buy from them; and this gives them the confidence to buy from them too. I like supporting a good business! I love their website - it offers so many beautiful products that I love! I hope they see a lot of success : )

I liked noticing how much she takes care. It helped me clarify how much I want to take care.

I liked the fresh, clean feeling today : )

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:20 pm
by Pollyanna
spiritualcookie wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 9:15 am I thought I could do another poetic exercise for tuning into feel-good vibes : )

If Joy were a Person...
Dear Cookie, I love your daily practices! And your poetic exercises have inspired me to do a few of my own. You are so creative and fun - I envisioned you as the model of the poem for joy! 🤩

I love practicing with you and everyone on the forum. Together we find peace, joy, and profound alignment with Source! ♥️🙏♥️

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 9:33 pm
by spiritualcookie
Pollyanna wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:20 pm Dear Cookie, I love your daily practices! And your poetic exercises have inspired me to do a few of my own. You are so creative and fun - I envisioned you as the model of the poem for joy! 🤩

I love practicing with you and everyone on the forum. Together we find peace, joy, and profound alignment with Source! ♥️🙏♥️
I'm so glad the poetry technique resonated with you too! They can be quite fun to write and I found them helpful in aligning with feel-good vibes 😊 I was just thinking today I want to try your fantasy visualization technique for aligning too! I love how we can inspire one another!

Thank you for your beautiful and kind words! I sense you are a creative soul too! And I always enjoy your appreciations - they are so friendly and feel-good! 🥰
I look forward to practising more together! :D :hearts:

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:37 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
I, too, enjoy "being back" and reading cookies wonderful practices! It is soothing and inspiring and I learn each time, and it feels like a warm blanket of unconditional love and joy.

Thank you for being you, cookie! :hearts: :vortex:
Polyanna, so nice to see you again! :wave:

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:52 am
by spiritualcookie
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:37 am I, too, enjoy "being back" and reading cookies wonderful practices! It is soothing and inspiring and I learn each time, and it feels like a warm blanket of unconditional love and joy.

Thank you for being you, cookie! :hearts: :vortex:
aww this makes me so happy to hear! :in_love: :hugs: :grouphug: :beating-the-drum: :balloons_wave: :angelic-whiteflying:

Day 43:


I am intending to follow my inner guidance today
I am intending to make choices that help me feel good
I am intending to listen to twinges of warning and pivot accordingly
I am intending to feel good
I am intending to experience interest, stimulation and fun
I am intending to find things to appreciate
I am intending to tune into lighter, happier vibes
I am intending to breathe deeply
I am intending to be easy
I am intending to feel light and bright
I am intending to feel fresh and vibrant
I am intending to feel energized and tuned into enthusiasm
I am intending to tune into love
I am intending to have a really good day



I wake up as the sun is low and golden in the sky, casting long shadows.
As I draw open my curtains, I see the majestic, snow-peaked mountains before me. Grass of the greenest green and flower fields fill the foreground. The flower stems sway gently in the morning breeze. Their heads glint as they occasionally catch a sunbeam, just so.
The sky is clear and blue.
I open the windows and smell the fresh mountain air. It feels invigorating; it smells delicious: like green and nature and morning dew.
It smells like vacation : )
I love how it's so peaceful and quiet here. I hear the birds singing their morning song, saying "Good Morning!"
I stand at my open window, taking it all in; soaking it up; basking; basking.
I have a sense of how lucky I am to be here.
How lucky I am to see such beauty before me.
How fortunate I am be able to tune in to such serene tranquility,
and enjoy these treasures of nature on our planet.
This is going to be a very good day! 🥰

Jan van Haren ''Spring in the mountains''

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2024 9:19 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:52 am I hear the birds singing their morning song, saying "Good Morning!"
I stand at my open window, taking it all in; soaking it up; basking; basking.
I have a sense of how lucky I am to be here.
How lucky I am to see such beauty before me.
How fortunate I am be able to tune in to such serene tranquility,
and enjoy these treasures of nature on our planet.
ooooooohhhh yeah!!! :vortex: This is it. I decide, THIS IS HOW IT IS... :in_love: :grouphug: :happygaze:
How WONDERFUL!! And we can have it in the moment we focus there... :romance-hearteyes:

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:37 am
by spiritualcookie
Day 44:


Where do I want to visit in my fantasy visualization today? Hmm!


Today I am in an imaginary glasshouse where the walls are all made of beautiful stained glass, and the ceiling is also a dome of colourful stained glass.

As I stand here and take it all in, I am in awe by the artistry of the people who built this. How they found the different coloured glass panels to go together, to form a beautiful mosaic of glass all around.

I enjoy the way the light streams through the coloured glass, making the whole walls and ceiling seem to glow. The whole room is lit up with a collage of different colours. It is like being inside a painting; inside a work of art.

The space is large and quiet; it feels calm and peaceful.
It is pleasantly cool here, a little like the inside of a church.
I stand and look all around; taking it all in. breathing it all in. Turning and seeing the space from every angle. I hear the soft taps of my footsteps on the smooth stone paving beneath as I walk leisurely .

Here and there a beam of light breaks through into the dimmly lit space, like a Jacob's ladder

I am enveloped by a sense of beauty; a sense of calm; a sense of wonder and awe.
I am filled with a sense of appreciation and gentle joy. :)

- ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

Ok that was so fun, I want to do another one :D


Since this is one of my favourite images of abundance, I thought I could imagine being inside this image :D

I go down the stairs to the basement floor in my luxurious mansion ( :D ) where there is a big heavy silver vault door. I turn the wheel on the door and pull with all my might to swing it open. The smell of cool metal wafts from the dark interior inside. I flick the light switch, and light shines and glitters from everywhere! The light from the ceiling reflects off the sea of gold coins that fill the room. Golden glints sparkle everywhere.

Amidst the gold coins are also big gemstones: diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds. It's a sea of wealth! A sea of abundance! A sea of treasure!

I stand on the balcony-like platform near the entrance, taking in this amazing sight. It never ceases to amaze me even though I've seen this before many times. Every time I'm here, it feels like admiring a beautiful artwork; a masterpiece. It feels beautiful! And it fills me with a very real, tangible feel of my abundance! This is all the result of what I've collected and accumulated!

I start my way down the ladder at the edge of the platform, so that I can walk on these hills of gold. The phrase from the Eva Cassidy song pops into my mind "When we walked in fields of gold". As my foot leaves the last rung of the ladder, it makes a soft "clink" as it lands on the hard surface of the gold coins beneath. It is surprisingly solid! As I walk, the coins skid and slide a bit under my feet, a little like walking on twigs and leaves on the forest floor. I enjoy the sensation and metallic clinking sound effects of my footsteps for a little while.

I bend down and run my hand over the surface of a mound of glittering gold coins. I make patterns in the gold as if playing with sand, making ripples and swirls like in a pond. "This would be a fun sensory experience for babies and toddlers" I muse, enjoying the soft high-pitched metallic sounds; the coolness of the metal underneath my fingers, and the way the light reflects off everything as I play with it and move it around.

As if I am at a day at the beach, next I decide to dig a hole! Why not! I take whole handfuls of gold coins and shovel them to the sides, digging, digging. It's a little tricky as there is so much gold, it wants to slide back into the hole I'm making, but eventually, I make a nice sized hole. Who needs to play in the sand at the beach when you can play in gold coins? :lol:

Next I try to swim in the gold! I lie down on my back and move my arms and legs to try and generate movement. Instead I sort of make a snow angel out of gold. That's alright! That's an experience too! :D

Another fun thing to do is to play with the gold, piling it up, trying to build it into towers. I make single coin towers first. Not bad! That one was pretty tall! Then I play with making a triangular base out of several coins and piling them up like the Eiffel Tower. this one goes even taller than the last! That was fun!

And when I've had my fill of fun for the day, I clink and clank my way back to the ladder, kicking up some coins, as if kicking up autumn leaves as I go. I climb back up to the platform; admire the beauty of it all once more, before turning off the light, to return again another day to this; my playground of abundance. :money-bag-gold:

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2024 9:08 pm
by Pollyanna
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:37 am I, too, enjoy "being back" and reading cookies wonderful practices! It is soothing and inspiring and I learn each time, and it feels like a warm blanket of unconditional love and joy.

Thank you for being you, cookie!
Polyanna, so nice to see you again!
Thank you for your lovely fellowship, beautiful Paradise and Cookie! I love the incredible energy you flow, and it moves me deeply! So happy to realize there is such an amazing abundance of fun processes and friendship to allow our vibration to rise naturally together... your comments are like sunshine and blue sky to me! Thank you both again for being such wonderful sources of inspiration to me!