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Quotes on Belief & Believing

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 7:16 pm
by spiritualcookie
Beliefs Quote index:

- What is a belief? (1i), (2ii), (3)
- Where do beliefs come from? (1ii), (2)
- How do you change a belief? (1iii), (2), (3), (4), (5ii), (6), (7)
- Dormant vs Active beliefs (1iv), (2i)
- Limiting beliefs are never true (1)
- Result of Belief = Manifestation (1), (2), (3ii), (4i), (5), (6), (7), (8)
- Results of Limiting Beliefs that resist your desires = Slowing down of desired manifestation (1i), (2)

(Last quote added to the above list June 23 2024)



A belief is nothing more
than a thought that you have thought before,
that you continue to think.

- Abraham 1987


When you understand that your beliefs
also are creations
set into motion by you
because of previous experience,
then you realize that your beliefs are not unchangeable,
but instead they are pliable and moldable.

- Abraham



You alter your beliefs by applying new or additional thoughts
to those beliefs [that you already have]
until you have molded them into that which you now prefer.


There are limitless beliefs
that are stored within your conscious thinking physical being.

Most of them are dormant
and will remain dormant.
But as you make a statement of intent,
your beliefs that are within you regarding that subject will surface immediately.

Once one of your beliefs has surfaced,
that belief or thought
will attract other thoughts that are like it [via] the Law of Attraction.

Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:44 pm
by spiritualcookie

As you enter physical experience,
you are surrounded by beings who have already arrived at many conclusions.
They have created within themselves many beliefs based upon the life experience that they have lived -
or upon stories that they have heard from those who surrounded them at the time that they were born.

As you are stimulated to think about beliefs that others offer,
very often you attract life experience that "proves" to you
that it is just as they have said that it is.
For as you believe that it is, it is,
and for that reason, beliefs change very slowly.

Rather than absorbing the beliefs of others,
we encourage you as you receive thought stimulation,
to weigh it against the emotion that is coming forth from inside,
and as the emotion that you feel is positive, continue the process of thought,
and as the emotion that you feel is negative, release the thought immediately.

If you allow the "guidance" from your Inner being to assist you
rather than listening to the varied opinions and beliefs of those who surround you -
you will have a much faster, clearer growth experience.

- Abraham 1987

Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:33 am
by spiritualcookie
simon wrote: Wed Dec 14, 2022 2:50 pm

“Believe in what you want so much that it has no choice but to materialize.”

Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 12:13 am
by spiritualcookie
A belief is a creation, and a creation is never complete.
You mold your belief - or your creation of thought, which is a belief -
by applying new thought to it.
And once you have done that, it will no longer hinder you,
for now you have changed it.

But if you [only] use the route of distraction,
never bothering to bridge and change the thought [and your belief],
then it can continue to come up to haunt you.

- Abraham Hicks

Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 9:53 am
by spiritualcookie

Your limiting beliefs are a lie.
Anything is possible

- Abraham Hicks

Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 4:06 pm
by spiritualcookie

When your desire and belief are the same - it is. (...)
When there is something that you want - you must believe it.

That's a hard thing for people to grasp,
because you've been carrying some of these uncomfortable beliefs around for a long time.

And we would like to help all of you let yourselves off the hook,
because you can't buck Law of Attraction.
If you've been thinking this thought,
and thinking this thought,
and thinking this thought,
that's the thought that's active in you now.
And Law of Attraction is going to bring you more stuff that matches that thought all the time.

And then you beat up on yourself.
You say: "I shouldn't be thinking those thought"
when in truth, you can't stop thinking those thoughts because your radio signal is programmed to those,
and so Law of Attraction is bringing you more. (...)

We don't want you to try to buck that current.
We want you to start setting a Tone that is more in alignment with the current that is really already you.

- Abe

Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 4:11 pm
by spiritualcookie

You can be chock full up to the brim with beliefs that do not serve you well
and not one of them will affect you unless it is activated.
And when it is activated, you'll have a feeling response to it.

When a belief that is not in harmony with your Source Energy is activated,
you'll get that funny feeling in your stomach.
And as you get that funny feeling in your stomach, what it is telling you is:
This thought in this moment does not match who you are
and what you are wanting.

And so, you have a simple choice.
You can go with it,
you can try to beat it to death,
you can get people together,
you can try to isolate it,
you can add to it and get it bigger and bigger,
or you can, as Jesus said, turn the other cheek, and allow that vibration to become inactive again,
while you are tuning your vibration to that which feels better.

And so, you see, it's all about choices.
Which feels better?

- Abraham


everything is all right - AbeForum net.jpg
everything is all right - AbeForum net.jpg (102.24 KiB) Viewed 1453 times

If you knew everything was really all right,
and that it always has a happy ending,
then you would not feel trepidacious about your future.

Everything IS really so very all right!
If you could believe and trust that,
then immediately everything would automatically
and instantly become all right.

Abraham Hicks, Silver Springs, MD, 4/11/99



A belief is only a practiced vibration.
IOW once you have practiced a thought long enough,
then, anytime you approach the subject of that thought,
the Law of Attraction will take you easily into the full vibration of your belief.

And so, as you have a life experience that matches those thoughts you were pondering,
you conclude: "Yes, this is truth."
And while it may be accurate to call it "truth",
we would prefer to call it attraction, or creation.

- Abraham

Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 7:48 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

True patience is knowing that you want it
and knowing that it's coming
and actually enjoying the unfolding along the way.


Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2024 8:16 am
by spiritualcookie

We really think it would be a wonderful idea
if you could break your addiction to beliefs that don't serve you,
which just means, for a very brief period of time,
use your focus - call it power if you want -
and stop making sentences that work against you.

- AH


Thank you FeelGood :heart:

Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:27 pm
by spiritualcookie
Beliefs we have in place can help to slow down thoughts from manifesting instantly, providing a time buffer

"It is nice that in the receiving of one thought, you do not speedily zoom off in the direction of that thought.

It is wonderful that you have beliefs within you that temper the new stimulation of thoughts."

- Abraham


Some of our physical friends, when they realize that they have current desires, but that their current beliefs keep neutralizing or opposing these desires, think that they would like to rid themselves swiftly and finally of all existing beliefs, so that they could move quickly to the current decisions.
But that is not a good idea, and fortunately will not be their experience.

For the beliefs that you presently hold provide a good balance or cornerstone, for you to create from.

Without those beliefs, you could be stimulated to some new thought - and off you would go.

We might say to you, "We have heard it is a wonderful experience to jump from the top of 20 story buildings." And [without a belief that this isn't a good idea,] off you would go.

Your true work - here as physical beings in this perfectly balanced Universe - is to continually weigh your new stimulation of thought against the set of existing beliefs within you, thereby deciding what you now want.
Then your work is to deliberately and decisively focus your thought in the direction of - and only in the direction of - this decision.

- AH