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Quotes on Habits & Bad Habits
Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 9:33 pm
by spiritualcookie
You may be filled with a very strong desire
to control ALL THOUGHT
that you may always create in the direction of what you are wanting
Of course, that is deilberate creating at its best.
[However there are] hindrances that prevent you from that constant deliberate control:
1. Influence from others:
As you receive stimualtion of thought from others,
you may begin to think upon that thought
and thereby create in the direction of it. (...)
You may be influenced by the thoughts or words or actions
of those who surround you
to create something that you do not want.
2. Influence of your own habits,
developed at a time when your intentions were different than they are now.
[In order to overcome these hindrances,
you can use the Processes ]
See Abraham Hicks Quotes on Processes
Re: Quotes on Habits & Bad Habits
Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 9:40 pm
by spiritualcookie
[When you find yourself creating by default instead of creating deliberately]
you may be influenced by your own habits
to think or speak or act in the direction of that which you are not wanting.
It is not possible to create in the direction of your current intentions when you are acting out of habit,
for your habits were developed in another time,
perhaps when you intentions were different.
Many of your habits are tied to other beings
that you are now participating with in this physical experience.
You often begin to participate in conversation with others
who are speaking in opposition to what you want,
even though you now understand the power of your words,
because you habitually speak with these people about these things.
And rather than removing yourself,
you remain,
for you are not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings or seem unusual.
As you walk into your house,
out of habit you turn on your television set and sit and listen to what is offered
and as you hear words that are not in the direction of what you are wanting -
and you participate in those words with your thought -
you are thereby setting into motion the creation of that which you are not wanting.
There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of opportunities in every day
for creating by default and
unless you have made a very strong and deilberate decision
to give your conscious attention and focus
only to that which you want
you will find yourself participating in negative creation
many times in the course of only one day.
- Abraham, 1987
Re: Quotes on Habits & Bad Habits
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:04 am
by spiritualcookie
Stop using the word "struggle".
Use a less strugglesome word,
like, "I'm sifting"
- Abraham Hicks
Re: Quotes on Habits & Bad Habits
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2024 11:35 pm
by spiritualcookie
When you have a bad habit of thinking upstream thoughts...
[If thinking downstream] is not the way you usually think about [a] situation,
it is likely that your thoughts will return to the more usual upstream thoughts.
So in order to hold your vibrational ground, so to speak, it is helpful to
try to stay there longer by reaching for more statements of relief.
The longer you remain in the improved feelings of relief,
the more those better-feeling thoughts will attract other better-feeling thoughts,
until in time, you will be in alignment with your own desire.
- Abraham
Re: Quotes on Habits & Bad Habits
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 2:14 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
When you die, the first thing you do when you cross over is LAUGH
Laughter might be the most profound state of Alignment that exists.
Laughter is your first impulse, when you re-emerge into nonphysical!
And you realize, how idiotically seriously you've been taking all this stuff.
In that final recognition of the Wellbeing of you, and the worthiness of you,
and the value of you,
there will be a laughing feast
the likes of which you have not yet experienced in this physical form.
Abraham Hicks
Re: Quotes on Habits & Bad Habits
Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 6:08 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Worrying is using your imagination
to create something that you don't want.
Abraham Hicks
When you desire something, and you DOUBT it,
that tortured feeling is: Summoning life, and not letting it flow.
When you desire something and you EXPECT it,
that delicious feeling is: Summoning life, and letting it flow!
Abraham Hicks
Re: Quotes on Habits & Bad Habits
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2024 3:10 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
full quote from this interaction:
You know people that run around as victims. And don't they always have a problem? Doesn't the world treat them badly? And don't you want to say to them:
"You're not making this stuff up, I don't blame you for feeling bad about that that happened. Or that that happened, or that that happened or that that happened. You're dealt a very bad hand." But then what we want to say to all of them is:
You're dealing your own hand! And all the cards are face up. You get to choose every single thing.
Abraham Hicks
Re: Quotes on Habits & Bad Habits
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2024 1:57 pm
by spiritualcookie
Most, because they live lives of sameness,
because they operate more from habit,
or acting out of influence,
offer the same thoughts, segment after segment, day after day,
and so, what they are living actually changes very little.
Forgetting the Abraham Teachings is just a return to a Bad Habit that has momentum
Hotseater wonders why people read the teachings of Abraham and then seemingly forget it all soon after.
They don't forget.
They are just stepping back into an old pattern of thought.
Re: Quotes on Habits & Bad Habits
Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 7:18 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Don't try to talk yourself out of your desires by diminishing them!
How how did you feel about me, wanting to look more attractive?
I mean, I... as I was writing today about that, in my positivistic book- I remember that one time, I felt that it was important for me to accept...
You are upon something very important here!
See, here is the way it has come about, not just with you, but with almost all that we know. You have this desire; you are born with it, for freedom and growth and joy. And as you look around the world, you choose things that you want. But because, for the most part, you have not understood (you or anyone else) the power of thought, or how it all fits together, you have found yourself seeing things that you want, that you're not believing that you have.
Or even in the comparison, seeing someone who is beautiful and comparing yourself, and not feeling as beautiful. And so, in the comparison you say: "I don't want those grapes anyway, for they're sour." and so, from that has become the attitude, that it is not proper to be vain! In other words, "one should not give so much attention to something so vain as beauty... after all, beauty is only skin-deep" or, "after all, the true merit of a being is within." -That sort of thing. And all of that is alright. We are not saying that that is not all right to feel that way! What we are saying is, that
when you don't feel that way, but you say the words, then you are resisting.
You're actually adding unto the thing that you do not want!
From the youtube clip "Abraham Hicks - It's Ok To Want To Be Beautiful"
Re: Quotes on Habits & Bad Habits
Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 9:53 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
When you don't get wanted movement, you probably tell an "old story" with lots of unwanted momentum
Whatever you're living-
whether it is about your body, or whether it is about your relationship, or whether it is about your money- no matter what it is about, whatever you're living is only a temporary, in-the-moment INDICATOR of your temporary in-the-moment vibrational offering. That's all it is! The only problem is, you don't know that your vibrational offering is temporary.
-Because you've been speaking those words for so long, they're stuck in your vibrational craw.
-You've been telling the same story for so long, you don't know any new stories!
-Somehow you got convinced that you should tell it "like it is".
Now, let's play that over! What we were just saying, "tell it like it is": Your mother says "tell me the truth of what is!" -so you say: "I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I don't like what you're doing. I don't like what you're doing with my money. I don't like what you're doing with my government! I don't like what you're doing..." -we're making a point here. And we know it's getting annoying to you, but
we want you to understand, that you got to tell a different story!!
Did we make a point with you about these two points of vibrational offerings, that are going on? There's the larger you, and then there's the physical you. Do you get that? Do you believe it? Do you understand that you are this Source-energy-being? So, listen to the difference in the drums that are being beat!
-"I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I've never had enough money!"
-"There's plenty of money! The money is here. The things are lined up. The resources are in place. Circumstances and events have been arranged! The money is here. The money is here! Look over here! Look over here! Look over here! Look over here! Look over here!"
Now we want to depict the emotional difference:
-"I don't have enough money! I don't have enough money. Why don't I have enough money? I'm so sorry that I don't have enough money! What have I done wrong? I should have known better! They should have known better!"
-"There's plenty of money! Nothing has gone wrong. Everything that you want is lined up for you! Whenever you're ready, it's right here for you! There's nothing you need to do. You've done all the work. All you need to do, is relax and allow what you want, to flow into your experience!"
You want to begin to listen to the drum of the source within you!
You want to listen to the call of source source, that is calling you in the direction of what you want.
And the way you know that you're moving in the direction, is because things start lighting up for you. Meaning, that they begin feeling really really good to you, when you get on this track of following the trail, that has been pre-paved by you, and being tended by the Source within you, and is calling you toward what you're wanting!
You feel energized. You feel enthusiasm! And yet, you know what your physical world trains you to do. Your physical world says: "if it feels good, you need to be wary." You say to your friends: "Oh, I'm so excited about this!" and they say: "Watch out! Watch out, that positive emotion could mean something's going very very wrong for you! I've known other people, who were positive. And bad things happened to them. I think, you better play it safe. I think, you better stay right where you are! I know he beats you, but he makes a good living!"
And what we're wanting you to understand, is the way you feel is everything.
Because the way you feel is your indication of whether you're closing the gap between who you're letting yourself be, and who you really are. Or whether you're widening the gap.
And you're going to get so, that you can feel statement by statement, whether it's downstream or upstream, downstream or upstream.
The downstream statement always feels like relief.
It doesn't always feel like sunshine, lollipops and roses. It doesn't always feel like the best-feeling thing that you've ever felt! But the downstream thought, from where you stand, always feels better.
from the clip "Tell a New Story to Yourself and Get What You Want Abraham Hicks"