Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

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Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

Intro to Processes: (1)

Abe Processes in alphabetical order (with links to quotes on them)
  • 17 seconds of positive focus (to 68 seconds) (1)
  • Acting Process: Stay in Character & Vibe of what you want. Practice that feeling (1)
  • Appreciation (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7)
  • Awareness of your point of focus and its vibrational tone (eg when watching TV, reading, thinking, talking) - Choose your vibrational point of focus more deliberately - Give More "Air Time" to the Wanted, and as little as possible Air Time to the unwanted (1), (2), (2)
  • Awareness of Emotional Guidance (1), (2)
  • Awareness of Language & Words you use (1)
  • Awareness of Split Energy / Forking Energy (and soothing the negative to "close the gap" in the fork) (1)
  • Awareness of Thoughts: Catch a negative thought in the early stages before it gathers momentum (1)
  • Be Have Do Process (1)
  • Better Feeling Thought Process (aka Downstream Thoughts aka Seeking Relief) (1)
  • Book of Positive Aspects (a type of Appreciation) (1), (2)
  • Care about how you feel: Make Feeling Good a Priority (1)
  • Checkbook Game (1)
  • Creative Workshop Process (utilizing WHY process) (1)
  • Desire Statements (as long as they feel good) (1)
  • Doors Process (a type of Soothing) (1)
  • Easy Matching (a type of Appreciation where you write easy-to-find things to appreciate) (1)
  • FEEL your way into the Vortex (don't *think* your way there, feel it) (1)
  • Focus on what you want via writing a Statement of Belief Process (1)
  • Focus Wheel (1)
  • Going General vs Getting Specific (1)
  • Inactive Box Process (1)
  • Intending (1) (2), (3), (4), (5)
  • "I want to feel good. How does this fit in with that?" (1)
  • Letting go / Letting Go of what doesn't serve you / Letting go of resistance / Releasing thoughts that don't serve you / Surrendering / Relaxing into What Is / Making Peace with What Is (1), (2)
  • Look for reasons to feel good (1), (2), (3), (4)
  • Magical Creation Box Process (1)
  • Meditation (1)
  • Morning Setpoint Setting aka The Reset Process (1), (2), (3)
  • Pivoting (aka Belief Bridging) (1), (2), (3)
  • Positive Memory Activation - Remembering Good Things (1), (2)
  • Pre-paving (1), (2)
  • Relief: Seeking thoughts that give Relief (1), (2)
  • Scripting (aka Storytelling) (pre-paving and visualization in written form) (1)
  • Segment Intending (1), (2)
  • Soothing (1), (2), (3)
  • Sleep / Napping to break negative momentum (1), (2)
  • Statement of Belief Process (1)
  • Tell a Better-Feeling Story (a version of Scripting & Pre-paving) (1)
  • Visualization (aka Virtual Reality Process) (1), (2). (3), (4)
  • Which Thought Feels Better? (1), (2)
  • Wallet Process for Abundance (1)
  • WHY Process ( a part of The Creative Workshop) (1)
  • Writing to help you focus on the wanted (1), (2)

(Entries added to list up to 1/8/24)




If you would spend just a little bit of time
over the next few days
just making lists of things that you appreciate
from right where you stand,
you would shore up a grid that would begin to fill in immediately.

But if you do it because you want the grid to fill in
rather than because you're appreciating
then you're not appreciating.
Then you're trying to fill the grid in.
And that's what goes wrong with so many Deliberate Creators.
You're getting your cart before your horse.

- Abraham, Orlando FL 31st March 2012

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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »


When we speak of The Vortex
it's not a place.
It's a state of Being.

- Abraham

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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »


Select those desires or wants or intentions that are most important to you in this time
and write each of them at the top of a separate sheet of paper in this way:

"I intend to receive..." and then write whatever it is that you are intending to receive.

And then take each of those sheets of paper, individually, and complete them one at a time as follows:

Below your statement of intent, write,
"These are the reasons that I intend..."
and then restate your intention.
And write all of the reasons that you want this.

When you are writing you are at the strongest point of focus that you can achieve with your conscious thinking being.


Then turn your sheet of paper to the other side, and write at the top:
"I know that this is (or "that it will be") for the following reasons..."
And then state and write all of the reasons that you know that you will achieve that which you have written on the other side.

Once you have completed your statement of belief, fold the paper and put it some place where it will be convenient for you to retrieve it and read it during the day,
and know that your creative work is complete.
Consider it done!

[Stop yourself from taking score of the results too soon, thinking of the "lack" end of the stick or adding any "Buts", resistant thoughts and split energy into the equation.]

- Abraham 1987, A New Beginning I, pg 12
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »


As you are moving through your day... be sensitive to the way you are feeling. (...)

If you feel negative emotion... stop immediately in the moment... and ask yourself
what thought or word or action brought forth that emotion. (...)
As you recall it, the negative emotion will be intensified.

As soon as you identify what thought, word or action has brought forth your negative emotion,
ask yourself,
"What is it that I [DO] want?"
Make your positive statement of what it is that you want.
And then make strong statements that will lead you
from your current state of negative thought and negative emotion
to yoru desired state of positive thought.

We will call it building a bridge from where you are
to where you are wanting to be.

[As you choose your words to pivot your thoughts, do not] make a very wide jump.
Take small spans,
making one statement after another.
You will find yourself arriving at the positive position that you are wanting,
and you will find yourself feeling positive emotion.

-Excerpt from A New Beginning I, 1987
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by FeelGood »

I like this very much, thankyou for posting this. 😎🥰
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »

aw I'm glad you are enjoying them too! ❤️
I'm loving reading through quotes & revising the material as I post them.
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by FeelGood »

spiritualcookie wrote: Sat Dec 09, 2023 8:44 am aw I'm glad you are enjoying them too! ❤️
I'm loving reading through quotes & revising the material as I post them.
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »


[What is a segment?]

[Some examples of segments: ]
When you wake up in the morning, the time that you remain in bed after you are awake is a segment.
After you get out of bed, the time that you are in your house making preparations to leave for work, is a segment.
When you get into your automobile, the time you are in your automobile is a segment.
When you answer the telephon it begins a new segment.
When someone walks into your office, it begins a new segment, and so on.

[How to do segment intending]

If at the beginning of each segment you take a moment to clarify
what your dominant intentions are -
what you most want to receive, or give during that segment -
then you will be in deliberate control of your life experience.

[Why segment intending is helpful]
You are beings who hold many intentions
and every intention does not apply to every moment of your life experience.
Some of your intentions are more appropriate in some moments,
while others are more appropriate in others.
It is necessary for you to identify which intetions are most important during which moments
in order to be in complete and deliberate control of your life experience.

[For example]
In your automobile, intend
keen awareness
perceptiveness of what other drivers are intending.

When you answer your telephone, take a moment, once you know who is calling,
to intend that which you most want to communicate to that person.
clarity of thought
clarity of expression
brevity if it is important.
Intend to uplift the caller.

[This all helps] thinking specifically about what you want
moment by moment as you move through your day. (...)

You will find much more joyous contentment within each day
as you are receiving that which you ahve deilberately intended.

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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »

For Quotes on the Meditation Process see here:
Abraham Hicks Quotes on Meditation

- - -

For tips on how to do the Focus Wheel Process, see here:
Focus Wheel / Block tips
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »


simon wrote: Wed Dec 14, 2022 2:50 pm “It is our promise to you -
if you write things you appreciate in others, in life and in yourself,
you will have such a dramatic change in 30 days.
And if you continued for 6 months, the change will be so powerful, so strong,
that others who know you will not recognize the old you.”


“Look for good things about where you are,
and in your state of appreciation, you lift all self-imposed limitations – and all limitations are self-imposed –
and you free yourself for the receiving of wonderful things.”
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