Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »


You may be one who cannot remember the last time you felt good about anything.

Through the circumstances of your life that you have been observing,
you may have developed a set-point that hold you consistently out of range of your connection to Well-Being. (...)

The only thing that matters is that you CONSCIOUSLY discover some relief, no mater how slight it is. And that you understand that your relief has come in response to some deliberate effort that you have offered.
For when you are able to find relief, then you have regained creative control of your own experience, and then you are on your way to wherever you desire to go.

- AH
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

What is the purpose of the processes?

The purpose of each process is to raise your vibrational frequency.

Another way of saying that is:
- The purpose of each process is to release your resistance, or
- The purpose of the process is to find the relief from resistance, or
- The purpose of this process is an improved feeling, or
- The purpose of this process is to improve my emotional set-point.

If after a few minutes with a process you do not feel as good or better than when you began, simply discontinue it and choose another. (...)

A deliberate utilization of these processes will help you move your Emotional Set point and therefore change your point of attraction.

You will begin to observe immediate improvement - even on your first day of the application of these games.

And with more practice, you will improve your point of attraction on every subject of your life. (...)

The processes that we offer here will help you transform yourself from:
one who may be creating your own reality unwittingly or by default,
to someone who is the deliberate creator of your own reality.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

When to apply the Appreciation Process:

- When you want to parlay a good mood into an even better one
- When you want to enhance your relationship with someone or something
- When you want to maintain or even improve your current good feeling
- When you are driving, walking, or standing in line and want to do something that is creatively productive
- When there is something in your line of sight that could potentially take you to a place of negative emotion and you want to maintain control of our own vibration.
- When your own thoughts or the words of someone you are with start off in a potentially negative direction, and you want to control the direction of the subject matter.
- When you are aware that you are experiencing negative emotion and you want to change the way you feel.

- AH
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

Appreciation Process: Scanning your Environment for Things to Appreciate

Begin by looking around your immediate environment and gently noticing something that pleases you.

Try to hold you attention on this pleasing object as you consider how wonderful, beautiful or useful it is.

As you focus upon it longer, your positive feelings about it will increase.


Now notice your improved feeling and be appreciative of the way you feel.


Look around your environment and choose another pleasing object for your positive attention.

Make it your objective to choose objects of attention that easily evoke your appreciation, for this is not a process of finding something troubling and fixing it. This is a process of practising the higher vibrations.

The longer you focus upon things that feel good to you, the easier it is for you to maintain those vibrational frequencies that feel good.
And the more you maintain these god-feeling frequencies, the more the LOA will deliver to you other thoughts ,experiences, people and things that match your practiced vibration. (...)

[When you[ find things to appreciate, you are practicing a vibration of less resistance and you are making your connection to your own Source Energy stronger.

Because the vibration of appreciation is the most powerful connection between the physical you and the Non-physical you, this process will also put you in a position to receive even clearer guidance from your Inner Being.

The more you practice appreciation, the less resistance you will have (...) and the better your life will be. (...) In this wonderful-feeling vibration where no resistance exists, you will be in an exaggerated state of allowing, and you will be in the vibrational state where the things that you desire can flow easily into your experience.

- AH
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

Some examples of everyday rampages of appreciation:

While standing in line at the post office you may think:
This is a very nice building.
There's so much more parking here than at the old post office.
There are more counters here and the line moves much faster than before.
The big windows make this room feel much airier.
It's great that they keep it so clean.
I like how friendly hat postal worker is.
I appreciate the way that that mother i interacting with her child.
That's a good-looking jacket.
My day is really going well.

While driving to work you may think:
I love my car
This new freeway is wonderful.
There are no traffic lights to slow me down.
I can travel so much faster than before.
This drive offers such a beautiful view.
Even though it's raining, I'm making very good time.
I love how reliable my vehicle is.
I'm grateful for my job.

- AH
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

The Magical Creation Box Process

To begin the Creation Box process, find a nice-looking box, one that is pleasing to you when you see it.

On the lid, in a conspicuous place that you will easily notice, write the words:
"Whatever is contained in this box - IS!"

Next, gather magazines, catalogues and brochures and leisurely look through them for whatever you would like to include in your experience.
Then clip out pictures of anything that exemplifies any desires that you hold:
- pictures of furniture
- clothing
- landscaping
- buildings
- travel destinations
- vehicles
- images of physical characteristics
- photos of people interacting with one another...
If it feels appealing to you in any way, clip it and drop it into your Creation Box.
And say, as you drop it in,
"Whatever is contained in this box - IS!"

When you are away from your box, continue to gather more pictures, and then drop them in when you return home.

If you witness something you would like to experience, write a description of it and drop that into your box.

The more things you find for your box, the more the Universe will deliver to you other ideas to match them. And the more ideas you drop into your box, the more your desire wil be focused. And the more your desire is focused, the more alive you will feel - for this Energy flowing through you is what life is.

If you have little or no resistance - in other words, if you have no doubt that you can achieve these things, the experience will feel invigorating to you.
The more you clip, the better you will feel and you will begin to see evidence of these things moving closer and closer into your experience.
Doors will begin to open to make it possible for many of these things to easily come in right now.

The process will help you focus your desires, and so, you will consciously amplify Step 1 (Ask) - and now in your absence of resistance, things will begin to happen quickly. (...)

Your good-feeling emotion is telling you that you are in the receiving mode right now. (...)
You are practicing the Art of Allowing


You will begin to notice that when you put something in your Creation Box that does not have a pattern of resistance, the Universe will bring it to you right away.

The things you drop into the box where you do have patterns of resistance will take more time in coming.


Example of practising the Creation Box game:

Esther was playing the Creation Box game as she and Jerry were flying home from New York City to San Antonio one day. And as she was packing and getting ready for the airport she was mentally dropping things in her box - for example:
- A beautiful sky; a beautiful clear day (she loves it when they take off from LaGuardia Airport and she can see all the landmark that she has come to kno and recognize.
- Such a beautiful place, so many bridges and all that shimmering water, and all those majestic buildings.
- She thought about happy flight attendants
- joyful passengers around her
- and lots of fun on the trip.

- Excerpt from the book, Ask and it is Given, pg 150
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

The WHY Process

Go into the WHYs behind your desires.

When you think about WHY you want those things you can usually be softening your resistance around the subject while you are adding even more clarity and power to the thoughts.

WHY you want something defines the essence of what you want.
The Universe always delivers to you the vibrational essence of your desire.


I want to feel strong and fit...
... because I love the feeling of stamina
... because I love having the energy to do all of the things I want to do.
... because it feels good to feel good!


I want to have more fun together ...
... because that's the first thing we loved about each other.
... because I love laughing
... because I love finding even more things to do that are fun.
... because having fun feels so good.

- Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

The Creative Workshop

Begin this Creative Workshop Process with four pieces of paper, and at hte top of each sheet write one of the following headings or categories:
- My Body
- My Home
- My Relationships
- My Work

Now focus on the first topic (My Body) and on your first page write: "This is what I desire regarding my body". Do not work hard on this list. If you cannot think of anything, move on to the next category. Write a short list o things that easily come to your mind that you desire right now about your body.
For example:
- I want to return to my ideal body weight (...)

Now focus on each statement of desire that you have written about your body and write the reasons why you want each of those things.

For example:
- I want to return to my ideal body weight
... because I feel best when I'm at that weight
... because I'll be able to wear some of my favourite clothes.
... because it will be fun to shop for a new wardrobe. (...)

When you think about WHY you want something, you usually soften resistance, but when you think about WHEN it will come to you or HOW it will come , or WHO will help it to come, you often add resistance, especially if you do not already know the answers to those questions. (...)

[The idea behind the Creative Workshop Process is] as you see things as you would LIKE them to be, you attract them as you would like them to be. (...)

Your workshop (...) is a place where you will go, clearly giving thought to what you want, so much so that it stirs positive emotion within you.

- AH
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

Virtual Reality Process (aka Visualization)

This Virtual Reality Process... is one where you deliberately activate a scene in your own mind that causes you to offer a vibration matching the scene you have activated.

And as you practice visualizing pleasant scenes in your mind, these good-feeling vibrations can then become your new set-point. (...)

Since the Universe responds to your vibration - and not to what you are living right now - amazing things can now begin to flow into your experience even though they have never done so before.

- AH


There is nothing more important than that you feel good.
And there is nothing better than creating images that cause you to feel good.

- Abraham


This process of Virtual Reality will help you in two specific ways:

(1.) You will become accustomed to the way non-resistance feels, so you will recognize when you have moved into resistant thought at an earlier stage hen it is easier to move back out again. And

(2.) In every moment that you are in your state of non-resistance, the Law of Attraction will be responding to you in a positive way.

- Abraham


Virtual Reality is a process where you get to choose everything about this moment in time, just like a director in a movie would do.

To begin this process, you would first decide:

Where does this scene take place?
Choose a location that feels really good to you. It could be a place that you may have visited, heard about, seen in a movie or even imagined.
Is it indoors or outdoors? What time of day is it? Is it morning, afternoon or evening? Is the sun just coming up or going down? Is it broad daylight? What does the air feel like? What is the temperature? How are you dressed? Who else is there?
Choose something that feels good to you. (...)
What kind of mood are you in? Are you laughing? Are you sitting and quietly contemplating?

Once you have set the scene, you can imagine what you might say to each other.

The purpose of this Virtual Reality Process is to cause you to activate vibrations within you that put you in the place of allowing your Well-Being. (...)
In your Virtual Reality, you can make it be precisely the way you want it to be.

Do not use this process to try to improve a specific existing situation, because in your attempt to fix something, you will bring the existing vibration into your Virtual Reality , and in doing so, you will lose the power of the Virtual Reality Process.

- Abe


Esther once practiced this game of Virtual Reality while she was driving the big bus she and Jerry travel in.

She discovered that it worked best for her to get into the scene quickly,
bring herself to a place of really feeling good,
and then get out.

If she stayed too long, she would get too practical and try to reform people or fix things.

But when she would just decide where the good-feeling place was going to be by picking something that made her heart sing,
deciding who else was going to be there, identifying what kind of mood they would be in, and then just speaking a few words of dialogue - and getting out - it felt wonderful.

- Abraham


Example Virtual Reality Exercise by Esther:

Place: A lovely, white sandy beach.
It's winter time, but the weather is delightful.
It's 70 degrees with scattered clouds, and the air feels wonderful on my skin.
I have no shoes on, so I'm enjoying the feeling of the cool, clean sand under my feet.
My clothes are loose-fitting and very comfortable, and I feel very good in m body.
And I am lazily walking own the beach, feeling strong, happy and secure.
My 5 year old granddaughter is with me, and she is loving this glorious day, as I am.
She is glad to be with me, but she does not seem to need me to entertain her.
And I'm enjoying watching her happy, self-empowered activity as she runs, digs in the sand and enjoys this lovely beach.
I'm very glad that we've come to this place.
It was a very good choice.
My granddaughter runs up to me, holding a shell that she's discovered, and with a gleeful sweet voice and bright sparkling eyes, she says, "Grandma, I'ms o happy we're here. Thank you for bringing us here".
And I tell her, "You are most welcome, sweet girl. I love being here with you."

Now this is a good time to get out.

- Excerpt from the book Ask and it is Given, pg 174

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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

The inactive-box Process

You render the thought inactive by saying
"it doesn't serve me. I'm not going to think about that".

Esther's words are, as she writes on her little card to drop into her inactive-box:
"It is my intention to render inactive my propensity to worry about stuff that I can't do anything about."

So, she'll write that down and drop it in the box.
Well, just having done that sets her in a little less resistant stance!

Now she might drop a card similar to that in her box 20 or 30 40 times
and it might happen all today if there's something really bothering her about something.

But every time she decides that she's going to release that,
and then goes through those sort of antics of
- writing it down,
- [making the intention to let it go and release it,] making it so,
- and dropping it in the inactive box,
she's a little less resistant!

[As you become less resistant] negative emotion- is SLOWING.
And eventually it will slow enough that there it will feel to you like a Tipping Point.

What it really is, is: you'll slow it enough that this calling will be able to grab you, as a Cooperative component, and begin pulling you in the direction of what you want!
So, your expectation will improve and improve and improve and improve-
until there will be another Tipping Point, where it will drop right into your "see it- hear it- smell it- taste it- touch it- physical manifested awareness.

- Abraham,
from the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks ~ Improve Your Expectations
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