Quotes on Your Past & Your History

Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Quotes on Your Past & Your History

Post by spiritualcookie »

Your Vibration NOW is all that matters in terms of what you attract now

There are all kinds of things that happened in your past
but none of them need to have anything to do
with what you're offering vibrationally now.

It's only what you're focused upon that is active in your vibration.

- Abraham

- - -

Rockets of desires launched by past generations are still manifesting NOW
Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:15 pm Past generations have lived contrast that launched rockets of desires
that future generations, even those like you, are now living.

And it’s a wonderful thing that has happened,
because when they asked,
now YOU are receiving the benefit of it.

But we want to say to you,
you can ask,
and YOU can be the recipient of what you’re asking for.

You don’t have to launch things into your grandchildren’s experience
and deprive yourself of them now, you see.

The reason that the grandchildren will benefit by the launched rockets that you’ve set forth is because they’re born with no resistance to the rockets that you’ve launched forth.

You’ve seen those little ones on computers?
They have no problem with that.
They were born with computers in their life.
They’re born cable-ready.
They’re already up to speed with what you’ve launched into vibrational future.

~ Abraham-Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »


If you're not finding pleasure in the here and now
you're not "doing it right".
You're bringing too much of the past
or too much of the future
into the now
and you're messing up your vibration.

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Post by spiritualcookie »


Hot Seater: Abraham, I recently saw a documentary film on the Holocaust,
and in it they said:
"Unless we remember the past, we're bound to repeat it".

Abe: Nothing could be further from the truth.
That is one of the biggest false premises that exists in your world.
The truth is,
The more you remember the past
the more you're bound to repeat it.

You get what you think about
whether you want it or not.

- 2019

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Post by spiritualcookie »

It doesn't matter what you thought or did
a year ago
a week ago
a day ago
or a minute ago.

The Universe is only ever responding
to what you are thinkin and feeling

- Abraham

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Post by spiritualcookie »

What happens in humandom
is often, you feel like you have to justify where you're going
by explaining where you've been, or where you are.
And we're wanting you to understand that
by explaining where you've been and where you are,
it just keeps you from going where you want to go.

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Post by spiritualcookie »

Whether you are remembering something from your past,

imagining something about your future

or observing something in your present...

you are offering thought vibrations NOW
that the Law of Attraction is responding to NOW.

- Abraham Hicks, from Money and the Law of Attraction

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Post by spiritualcookie »

It is wonderful that what you have experienced
to this point in your physical experience
need not influence that which you WILL experience.

For as you are making your deicisions NOW
about what you are wanting,
you begin creating toward those decisions.

You need not continue to exprience a life of pain
if you are now creating a life of joy.

- Abraham


For most of you there is little change
for you usually pursue the same thoughts,
the same other beings,
the same life experiences
that have brought you to the point that you are currently experiencing.

And as you continue to pursue more of that,
you continue to create more of that.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

simon wrote: Wed Dec 14, 2022 2:50 pm “There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now.
Every part of your life has unfolded just right.”
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 8:19 am Image

The reason you don't realize who you really are,
is because you are so busy realizing who you have been.
-Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Jenny Lee wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2024 2:16 am
HS: Thank you. I think what I'm wondering with my bag of marbles, the ones that I've carried from the past

Abe: They don't have to be active though.
In other words, it's a big bag and it's full of--every thought you've ever thought still exists.
The question is: Is it active?
And is the law of attraction therefore responding to it? That's all.

In other words, don't ask yourself to lose your marbles.
Just activate the ones that serve you the best.
And let it be all right wherever you are.


HS: Like for example with my family

Abe: Yeah?

HS: I love them and ...

Abe: Love some of the marbles about them, yes. Some of the marbles about them you really want to keep active; others, not so much. And does it make you a bad person to not want to keep some of them active? It makes you a selective sifter. It makes you someone who's calibrating to Source, not to needs and neediness of others.

"So if I'm going back to interact with them, how do I set myself up to activate the marbles I want and not the ones that bring up a lot of bad memories for me?"

The first way we approached this in terms of a process was The Book of Positive Aspects.
You just take a notebook and write your/a name on a page and just write their positive aspects, the easy matches. But there's a tendency to try to turn negative aspects into positive aspects, and that still gathers up the marbles and activates them. It's like deciding you're gonna quit smoking, you never,ever want to smoke so much as you've ever wanted to smoke this when you decided you're not gonna smoke. It's active, yes? Pick one in your mind. You don't have to name them or even describe them. But give us your best, easiest-to-find, most comfortable positive aspect of this family member.

HS: I like the feeling of being together.

Abe: There you go. There,it is. That's really enough for a good rendezvous, anything else?

HS: A sense of belonging.

Abe: We get that. We are encouraging your sense of belonging to be about your connection to your Inner Being rather than that, because those guys hold you hostage. Wanna belong here? Gotta pay your dues, gotta be willing to talk about negative stuff with us,

HS: Right

Abe: Get off your high horse, talk about this stuff that makes you uncomfortable when you talk about it. Don't come around here, pretending like you love us unless you're going to join our misery because misery loves company. Yeah? You gotta do a workaround. What's it gonna be? If you don't wait till you get there, the universe helps you because you'll have momentum already going. So when you've made a list of positive aspects--start out with them just one of the time--it's easier. You walk into an ambush, a vibrational ambush. It's kind of like that, but they're not doing the ambushing, you are. Your past thoughts about them are ambushing you.

HS: Yes.

Abe: That's why Esther just loved strangers. Because she doesn't have any marbles about them.
And so they just present themselves in such lovely ways. It's like my new best friend. I met another new best friend on the airplane today.

HS: So if I go back and visit, and say my brother teases me. I'm bringing that old marble back into the interaction. I'm bringing that back.

Abe: It's active within you, and so you're rendezvousing. It's a win-win, it's active, active,and so we're experiencing it.

But now you talked about that feeling of homecoming and that feeling of having a place, and so in that activation of that marble, isn't it a little fun to have somebody love you enough to tease you? be interested enough in you to make you laugh? Is that really a marble that you don't want activated, or is there part of you that always really likes that?
Have you ever been in a group where people were getting teased and you weren't? Because they didn't know you well enough to tease you, they didn't know enough about you, you didn't have any of that old funny history.
Esther's family teases her incessantly and she pretends that she doesn't like it, and she loves every minute of it and what she really loves is when she hears them telling those stories about her to other people.

HS: Is this what it is when you say your vibration is where you last left it?

Abe: Yeah, it's where I've practiced it to be, and it could change if I want to change it. But it's where I last left it, and so that's the position from which you will light up next, and so you can move it to a new place, and it won't light up the old way again once you've practiced the new way.

HS: I can create any new vibration in any situation I want.

Abe: Yes, you can. And the way you do it is by trying, and then you get the first one in the hot seat. “I just wrote that down, connect those dots.” And then you get a little momentum until you begin to really believe in your deserving worthiness to be the recipient of the steady constant unerring gaze of your own Inner Being.
And once you practice that alignment, then you put that gaze on other people who have never experienced their Inner Being before.
It's too wild of a concept. "What? I was alive before I was in this body, that can't be true. There's a god. Oh,come on, that can't be true. There's a bigger picture than what's happening in this physical experience? That can't possibly be true."
A lot of people, they are so focused on what-is then when you activate in their what-isness non-diluted appreciation--
that's what we were describing about Jerry did to Esther. He focused so steadily on what he saw as her positive aspects that those positive aspects just had to be, and Esther had to feel them too. That's what the power of influence is.
And we have to say, when you are in alignment with your Inner Being and you are focused upon someone, your power of influence is more powerful than millions of disconnected people giving you attention.

HS: Yes.

Abe: Complete?

HS: yes,

Abe: Really good.

Abraham Hicks 2023 - You can control the behaviour of all others as relates to you ✨ LOA):
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