Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

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Post by spiritualcookie »

[When you do a process,
it] will help you train yourself to feel better more of the time.
And like working a muscle,
the more you do it,
the better it works for you.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

The Prosperity Game
(aka The Checkbook Process)

In this process, you will begin by establishing an imaginary checking account. (...)
You could use an old checkbook system that's no longer in use, an accounting program in your computer or you could even manufacture a complete system by using a notebook as your checkbook register and blank pieces of paper for your deposite slips an checks.
It is of value to make this process feel as real to you as possible.

On the first day, deposit $1000 and spend it.
In other words, make a $1000 deposit entry into your checkbook register, then write out checks to spend those dollars.
You could spend your money all in one place, using one check, or you could spend it for several different things using several different checks.
The point of the game is to have fun thinking about what you would like to purchase and to enjoy the process of actually writing out the checks.

Be descriptive on the memo portion of the check.
For example: For a beautiful writing pen.
or Great running shoes.
or Membership at Gordon's Health Spa.

You can spend it all today, or save some of it for another day, however we encourage you to do your best to spend it today, because tomorrow you will be making another wonderful deposit.

On the second day, deposit $2,000
On the third day, deposit $3,000
On the fourth day deposit $4,000.
When you reach day 50, deposit $50,000.
When you reach day 300, deposit $300,000.

If you play this game every day for 1 year, you will have deposited and spent more than $66 million.

You will be benefiting by increasing your ability to imagine.
In other words, you will discover as you play the game for a few weeks, that it will begin to take real concentration to spend that much money. And so, your ability to imagine will expand tremendously. (...)

By playing this game, you will find yourself reaching for new ideas, and in time, you will feel the expansion of your own desire and expectation. In doing so, you will benefit by shifting your point of attraction.


By writing the checks, using your imagination, writing the memos, focusing as your write, and feeling no resistance as you write the checks because there is no fear of overspending, you will achieve what is necessary in the achievement of anything: You will have made a statement of desire while you are in the state of non=-resistance. Or better said, in the state of allowing.

So not only will you have the benefit of an expanded imagination, but your point of attraction will shift, and your life experience will then shift as well.

Not only will your financial situation improve, but all manner of things that you have focused upon with pleasure will begin to flow into your experience.

... There are no rules (...) But the important thing is: Do your best to exercise your imagination.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

When to apply "chilling out" / "relaxing" processes, and when to apply more active processes

It must feel confusing:
"Which is it Abraham?
- Do I just chill and let it be,
- or do I [actively] guide it with the specifics of my mind? Do I set goals? do I be deliberate?
- or do I [relax to] allow?
Make up your mind you silly ghost! which is it?!"

So we want to explain to you that when you understand the way it all fits together then you can more clearly understand where you are standing within that in any moment in time.

So here's what we mean by that:

So let's say that life has touched you in some way, bothered you a lot and caused you to launch a specific rocket of Desire about something,
But you're not a vibrational match to [the desire yet].
You were sort of prodded into your awareness that it could be a whole lot better and you do prefer this. So you've launched it but you're not a match to it - not even close to a match to
it yet,
So even the idea of the desire irritates you because you want something that you see no way to,

But then you hear us say: "step one, step two, step three"
We say:
- chill out,
- meditate,
- trust ,
- have faith,
- it's a done deal ,
- don't get in the way of it
and so you do that.
You don't be the drum of what isn't happening.
You distract yourself and focus on other things that are working out
and you cease the opposing vibration.

Now that you cease the opposing vibration,
you are now one of the cooperative components that law of attraction is calling into fruition, [into manifestation] - into further clarity,

So you begin having ideas - ideas begin to occur to you
because [now you're allowing in the vibration you want; now you're receiving information on this vibrational level].
You begin translating the vibration of this vibrational reality into something that is manifested like a thought. manifested like an emotion .
Well now you're beginning to roll!
Now you're not resistant at least in this moment that we are describing.

So now is a good time for you [to start being more active in the processes you apply]:
- to imagine it the way you want it to be
- to think about how it will feel
- to describe it with more detail if you can
- to sort of milk the vibration of it
And what you're really doing, you're practicing the vibration of your pure desire when it feels good like that. You are no longer practicing the absence of it.
You're practicing the vibration of your pure desire

Well your desire has a life of its own.
It has a point of Attraction and it's being tended by your inner being - by The Source within you -
so as you talk it up with more detail what you're actually doing is practicing the
vibration of what Source already has going on.
It's you getting in sync with your own desire .
it's you coming into alignment with something that you gave birth to you see,
it's so delicious

Abraham, from the clip Abraham Hicks 2024 | How to Heal Your Divided Self and Harmonize Your Energies with Universe🙏
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Some ways to Raise your Vibration:

- Meditation (...)
- Listening to music that makes your heart sing
- Jogging in a beautiful place
- Petting your cat
- Walking your dog
- (...) After spending time with a family they adore, Jerry and Esther enjoyed many pleasant hours of thought and conversation about that wonderful day. Anytime they wanted a good-feeling moment, they had only to remember something about that day - something one of them said, something one of the children did, the beautiful weather, the delicious food, the invigorating walk through the woods... In other words, it is quite easy to find something that is pure positive Energy.
- Thinking about your pets can be a good source of positive thought because animals are so unconditional in their love.

Just find any thought that feels good when you think it, and practice it until you begin to set that tone within you. And then other good-feeling thoughts will follow.

- Excerpt from Ask and it is Given, pg 187
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Abraham: No Gain In Pain

(Explanation of "the Stream", "going with the Flow", "Trying hard", "upstream" and "downstream")

So there is a vibrational version of you, that is preceding you.
Even now, where you are IN this physical body- just like that vibrational version of you preceded you BEFORE you came into this physical body. And when this leading edge genius creative physical You explores contrast, and gives birth to a new desire, that the non-physical part of you rides that rocket, and becomes it. That's what that feeling of excitement or expectation is.

When you feel that joyous positive motion, that means that you are within the vibrational vicinity of this powerful attraction. And the sensation to you is, that it's like a powerful river, that is moving downstream. And if you even stick your toe in it, the river will sweep you with its current toward what you are wanting. And when you understand that, everything that you want is within that current, and it is moving downstream, and you begin to relax and allow yourself to go with that steady flow- everything that you want will begin showing up in your experience!

We see so many of you. You take your raft or your boat down to the river's edge, and you get into the raft and almost without exception you turn it upstream and begin paddling very hard. We know. It is illogical, isn't it? And we say: why not go with the flow? And our human friends think about it briefly and then say: "That just seems lazy. The people who try hard - Look at them all. Look how hard they try! And those are the ones who are rewarded. I learned it when I was little:

The harder you try, the better things will go for you, and there is no gain without pain. -I was told that over and over and over again, and since I want gain, then I want pain. So get out of my way and let me paddle! Look how strong I am becoming!" -And then they point out to us all the other strong ones, that are virtuous and valiant and paddling upstream, too. And we listen politely. Because,

We have seen the big picture, and we know who you are, and we know why you came and we know that everything that you want is downstream and that nothing that you want is upstream.

Without knowing it, most of our human friends have picked up very upstream habits.
You've been trained by others who've been paddling upstream very hard, and The Art of Allowing is about letting go of those oars!
-And it's easy to let go of the oars when you know that everything that you want, is downstream.
-And when you know that the Source Energy within you is down there, tending what you are wanting.
-But when you believe that you have to work hard, when you believe that struggle is inherent in achieving- then, while we will admit that you can move some physical things around, we have to say to you, that

Creation through action is mediocre at best, in terms of the results it brings to you! And that
Creation through alignment of energy is where all of the masters and all of those that you revere have found their place.

You can not be a magnificent creator without alignment to the energy of the power that creates worlds.

And when you hold yourself apart from it, you know it. You feel rotten. And when you find yourself aligning to it ,you feel wonderful! Isn't it nice that you were born with a guidance system, that lets you easily know, from wherever you stand, if the thought you are choosing to say, right now -if the thought you are thinking if the words you are speaking -you can tell by the way you feel, if it's upstream in nature or downstream in nature.

The way you are feeling right now won’t tell you the best thought you've ever thought!
It will only tell you the directional choice of your thoughts. It will let you know if you're going toward what you want, or away from what you want. Toward who you really are or away from who you really are.

Jerry and Esther went whitewater rafting, and it was such a fun day. And as they put their boat in the water -there were a lot of them that went. Six of them went together, and several other rafts, full of high school wrestlers. And as they put their boat in the water, not one of them even thought about turning the raft upstream! They knew that fast moving river was going to have its way with them. Nobody even thought about paddling upstream.

And the river guide said to them: "First thing, friends: This is not Disney Land. We can not turn this river off."

And this is the thing that we most want to say to you: We can not turn this river off! Further, you're the one who made the river go so fast! You hit the ground running when you were born. You had so much intention. And all day every day, you're sifting through that data of life, and asking asking asking asking asking.
-You're the reason the river's moving fast!
-And you're the reason that you're going with it, or not.
-You have total control in all of this, and nothing that you are doing has anything to do with anybody else or anybody else's river.

In other words, stay out of their boat. And don't invite them in your boat! In other words, the only awareness that you need to have -if you want to utilize the guidance system that you were born with, is: you want to know one thing and one thing only, moment by moment, thought by thought. Is this upstream or downstream? -And then the next statement is: How can I make it more downstream? How can I turn this thought and this feeling more downstream? What could I do to soften the resistance? What could I do to release the resistance a little more?

-And trying harder is the wrong answer. Trying harder makes the resistance more!
It's letting go of the oars that makes it less.
It's trusting the process.
It's trusting The Stream.

This is such an important message, that a while back, we wrote a book and we gave it the best title of any book that's ever been written: "Ask, and It Is Given." And we just explained to you, how that is so. Life causes you to ask, and Source not only gives it to you. Source literally becomes the vibrational essence of that which you are asking for, and stands in such complete alignment with the ever-expanding version of you, and offers a signal unto the Universe, that Law of Attraction is responding to.

Which creates the sensation within you of a current, that is indescribable. And when you allow yourself to move in the direction of that current, you feel wonderful and when you don't... you don't.

We have enjoyed this interaction immensely. There is great love here for you! And as always, we remain incomplete.

from the official Abraham Hicks- youtube channel, "Abraham: NO GAIN IN PAIN - Esther & Jerry Hicks"
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Process of Evaluating Dreams
(A process not so much to raise vibration, as to become AWARE of your vibration)

"The process of Evaluating Dreams is as follows:

As you go to bed, consciously acknowledge that you dreams accurately reflect your thoughts.
Say to yourself: It is my intention to rest well and to awaken refreshed.
And if there is anything important for me to recall from my dream state, I will recall it when I awaken.

Then as you awaken, before you get up, lie there for a few minutes and ask yourself: Do I remember anything from my dream state?

Although you may be able to recall different aspects of your dream state throughout the day, usually the best chance of recalling your dreams is when you first awaken. And as you begin to recall one of your dreams, relax and try to remember how you felt during the dream sequence, for recalling your emotions will give you even more important information than recalling the details of your dream.

Quite a bit of attention must also be given to a subject for it to begin to show up in your dream state. For that reason, your more meaningful dreams are always accompanied by strong emotion. The emotion may feel good or bad - but it will always be strong enough so that you will recognize the feeling.

If you have awakened from a very good-feeling dream, you can be confident that your dominant thoughts surrounding that subject are pointed toward manifestations that you DO want.

When you awaken from a bad-feeling dream, know that your dominant thoughts are in the process of attracting something that you do NOT want; however no matter where you stand (...) you can always make a new decision and change the manifestation to something that is even more pleasing. (...)

As soon as you begin to understand that your dreams are wonderful reflections of how you really feel and what you are creating, then you can begin to deliberately change your thoughts in order to positively affect your dreams. And as soon as you receive the positive dream, you will know that you are on the path of a more positive real life manifestation.


If you awaken from a bad dream, do not worry.
Instead, feel appreciation for your awareness that you have been giving attention to something you do not want.
In the same way you appreciate the sensors in your skin that alert you to the fact that you are approaching something that is very hot, appreciate that your emotions have made you aware that your thought are approaching something unwanted."


It is helpful to keep a written record of your dreams, but it is not necessary to be extremely elaborate in the recording of the details. [especially of bad dreams, because] once you are awake and you are now thinking about or discussing your dream, those thoughts DO affect your future creations.

Record the general setting where the dream took place, the basic people who appeared in the dream, what you were doing in the dream, what others were doing in the dream, and most significantly, how you FELT within the dream. (...)

Once you have identified how the dream felt, (...) you may want to move on to [another] process [to] move up the Emotional Scale.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Book of Positive Aspects Process

To being the process of the Book of Positive Aspects, purchase a notebook that feels good when you hold it in your hands. Choose a pleasing color with a line width that matches your writing style, ith paper that allows your favorite pen to glide along comfortably, and which opens comfortably and lies flat.

At the top of the first page of your notebook write the name or a brief description of someone or something that you always feel good about. IT could be the name of your lovable cat, your best friend, or the person you are in love with. It could be the name of your favorite city or restaurant.

And as you focus upon the name or title that you have written, ask yourself these question:
What do I like about you?
Why do I love you so much?
What are your positive aspects?

Then, gently and easily begin writing down the thoughts that come to you in response to your questions.
Do not try to force these ideas, but let them flow easily through you onto your paper.
Write as long as the thoughts flow, and then read what you have written and enjoy your own words.

The more positive aspects you search for, the more you are going to find. (...)
In the process, you will activate within yourself a high vibration of Well-Being (which matches who you really are), and you will feel wonderful.

The benefits of this process will be many:
- You will feel wonderful during this process.
- Your point of attraction will continue to improve, no matter how good it is now.
- Your relationship with each subject that you write about will become richer and more satisfying,
- And the Law of Attraction will deliver even more wonderful people, places, experience and things for you to enjoy.

- AH
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Example of Esther Using the Book of Positive Aspects Process

Jerry and Esther had been giving workshops at a hotel in Austin, Texas, which seemed to regularly forget that they were coming. (...) And then there was always a scurry to get things ready for their workshop.

Esther said to us, "Maybe we should find another hotel!"
And we said (...) it is our expectation that wherever you go, you will take yourself with you, for you take your vibrational habits and patterns with you everywhere you go.

So we told them to (...) write: My Book of Positive Aspects. And then turn to the first page and write: Positive Aspects of Southpark Hotel in Austin.

So Esther began to write:
- It is a beautiful facility.
- It is well situated, very easy access to the interstate and easy to give directions to.
- The parking lot is adequate and convenient
- Our room is always very clean
- There are many sizes of rooms, so we can accommodate whatever size group will be attending...

And as she made these entries, she found herself wondering why she had ever considered finding a new hotel.

In other words, her attention to the positive aspects put her in such a mode of feeling good about this hotel that she cannot attract anything that is not good from that hotel.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Scripting Process

Pretend that you are a writer and that whatever you write will be performed exactly as you write it. Your only job is to describe in detail everything, exactly as you want it to be.

As you are having fun playing this game, and are not taking it too seriously, any of your hindering beliefs are less likely to be activated. In other words, by pretending that your (...) computer or notebook is magical, and that whatever you write can be realized, you accomplish the two things that are necessary in the achievement of anything. You focus the lens of your desire and you offer no resistance. (...)

The longer you concentrate on a subject, and the more detail you give to it, the faster the Energy moves. (...)

If you play the game often and enjoy it when you play it, you will begin to see amazing evidence of the power of the game. Things that you have written will begin to occur in your experience as if you are directing a play upon a stage. And when someone you are interacting with says words to you that you have scripted, you will be delighted as you recognize the power of your own intent.

You are the vibrational writers of the script of your life. And everyone else in the Universe is playing the part that you have assigned to them.
You can literally script any life that you desire, and the Universe will deliver to you the people, places and events just as you decide them to be. For you are the creator of your own experience. You have only to decide it and allow it to be.

- Abraham


If you are already in vibrational harmony with your desire, you know it because your desire is already a physical reality.

But if there is something that you want that has not yet come to fruition, then scripting is a good way to speed it up.

Scripting will help you break your habit of talking about things as they are, and will help you begin talking about how you would like things to be. (...)

The purpose of this process it to practice the FEELING of the life you would like to live

- AH
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Post by spiritualcookie »

The Place Mat Process

Take this large paper place mat. (...)
Draw a line down the center of your place mat.
As a heading on the left side of the line write: Things I Will Do Today.
As a heading on the right side of the line write: Things I would Like The Universe To Do.

Now, looking over your long Things To Do Today list, select only those things that you absolutely intend to do this day. Things you feel you must do. Things you really want to do. Select only those things that no matter what, you intend to do today, and enter them on the left side of your Place Mat beneath the heading Things I Will Do Today.

Now enter all the other tasks on the Universe's side of your place mat. (...)

During the process of transferring these items to the Universe's side of the place mat, [Esther's] resistance began to soften, and her vibration began to lift. And while she did not realize it in that moment, her point of attraction had shifted, and she had begun immediately to allow the realization of her desires.

What Esther experienced in the next few days left her feeling amazed. Not only was she able to easily accomplish her own short and manageable list, but the items on the Universe's side of the place mat were accomplished too, but without requiring Esther's time, attention or action. People she had been unable to reach by telephone called her. Employees on her staff felt inspired to assist in some ways, and they would accomplish something that was on Esther's list and then report it to her after it was done without Esther's attention ro request.

- Abraham
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