Soothing on All Topics (add yours!)

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Soothing on All Topics (add yours!)

Post by spiritualcookie »

A thread with a collection of soothing words and phrases on specific topics, to help one another out in every situation.

Feel free to add any soothing phrases you find that feel soothing to you (it could be Abraham quotes but could be by anyone - including words written by yourself! - anything soothing is good 😊 ) :hearts:


Index (in alphabetical order)
  • Bored at work (1)
  • Death (1)
  • Fear (1)
  • Figuring it out (1)
  • General soothing (1)
  • Health
    - Ageing concerns (1)
    - Low energy (1)
    - Scary diagnosis (1)
  • Home improvement & renovations (1)
  • Impatience (1)
  • Insisting on certain results (1)
  • Job hunting (1)
  • Losing weight (1)
  • Messy living space (1)
  • Money
    - Lack of money (for parents) (1)
  • Morning soothing (1)
  • Neighbour issues (1)
  • Politics - Unwanted Election Results (1)
  • Problem solving (1) (2)
  • Purpose / Not knowing what to do in life (1)
  • Relationships (1)
    - Being bossed around and told what to do (1)
    - Rude people (1)
  • Travel desire that can't be fulfilled right now (1)
  • Urgency to reply asap (1)
  • Work
    - Self-employed business difficulties (1)
  • World affairs (1)
As you soothe yourself,
you're doing something about tending to your point of Attraction,
and that's all that matters!

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Urgency to reply asap

"Say goodbye to urgency culture.
You don't have to reply to that message now.
Your email can wait.
You don't have to live with anxiety because of the weird expectations of others. "

- Word credit: Member of facebook group: Bashar - Higher States of Awareness
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Ohhh, I love this!!
Cookie, you just have the best ideas for threads!!!! :woohoo: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Post by spiritualcookie »

:hearts: :dancing: :in_love:

Topic: Morning Soothing:

- This morning is a new, fresh starting point
- I love knowing that a night's sleep has reset my momentum
- I like knowing that wellness and well-being is my natural state. All I have to do is relax and allow them to flow naturally.
- I like knowing that when I relax I let in my wellness and well-being.
- I like intending to feel nice and relaxed today
- I like knowing that I can intend to set a positive point of attraction for today, and that my team of spiritual helpers are on my side, helping me in this intention
- I like knowing that if I believe my spiritual helpers are helping me - I allow their help to flow even more. I like the thought of them saying: "We've got you!"
- I like the idea of finding a good feeling place today and maintain it as long as I can
- It's a new day - and everything is possible!
We've got this! :hearts:
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: General Soothing to Build yourself up & Gain Positive Momentum

I am a good person
I am doing well and all is really well.
And it's getting better,
and I am figuring this out and that's all that matters.
Things are going my way,
and I'm getting clearer every day.
And I'm having fun in the process of doing this!
And I'm understanding the creative process
and I know that this is a universe based upon attraction.
And I know about vibration,
and I know what I'm doing with vibration.
I'm getting better at it every day!
And there's evidence every day, that lets me know that.

- Abraham Hicks
from the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks 2023 You Want the Freedom and Security, Not Money!


All is well!
I'm on the right track. I'm doing extremely well.
Look how far I have come!
I am where I am, and all is really well!
Things always work out for me!
Life is really good for me.
Source energy is aware of me.
Source is always calling me, and I can hear source
to whatever degree from wherever I am.
And whatever I hear is ALLRIGHT.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Fear

- All fear is, is a difference of opinion between my Inner Being and me, about this subject. It's a sign that my Inner Being is not agreeing with me on this topic. And my Inner Being is very wise, so if it knows there is nothing to fear, I would like to believe it is right :hearts:
- Fear is just an indicator saying "Hey, there's another way of looking at this, that would feel better"
- Feeling a fear doesn't mean it will come true - it's just a thought; just an idea; not a fact.
- And because well-being is our dominant state of being, it alllows for a huge buffer of time between having a fearful thought and a potential related manifestation. This is why fears don't come true in the vast majority of cases. As long as you have awareness, noticing you are having a fearful thought, and are doing your best to soothe yourself and then change the subject, and be more deliberate about your thoughts, there is no reason for this fear to gain any momentum, and well-being will continue being the dominant active vibration.
- Feeling a fear just means I'm on the vibrational disk of fear at the moment - it doesn't mean anything more sinister than that - I can shift upwards from this disk bit by bit
- It's good that I have this awareness
- I can be more deliberate about trying to to let go of thinking about this fear, by putting my attention on others things; thinking about other things that feel a little better. Distacting myself into a higher vibration by putting my focus elsewhere.
- I like that I found the trick of singing a song in my head to help pivot away from a fearful thought. Songs are so much more neutral and positive-feeling - it doesn't leave much room for any negative thinking when I have a song in my head!
- It's good that I have this desire to soothe myself and shift upwards bit by bit
- I can do this bit by bit
- And it's ok if a fearful thought pops back up - it's natural for this to happen with thoughts that have some momentum. It's ok - I have the tools to pivot this. It's like a baby learning to walk; At first they may fall and you lovingly, patiently, help them up again, and again and again - until they pick up momentum of how to be more stable, and one day, they can stand without a wobble and can walk happily ahead :)
- We got this - we can do it!
- I'm feeling a little better already :hearts:
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Rude People / People who are mean to you

- That person's response to me had far less to do with me, than it did with them.
- I don't have control of how they feel, before I get there. And I'm going to stop taking credit for how they feel, when I get there! Because they already felt that way before I got there.
- I'm sure that this isn't such a personal thing: This person is probably behaving that way to a lot of people. It isn't about me.
- somebody who doesn't feel good in the moment can't respond nicely to me, no matter how wonderful I am
- This interaction and my feelings about it is a helpful indicator of where I am vibrationally. It's always good to have an awareness of where I am to help me to figure out how to raise my vibration and attract more positive experiences in the future.
- What they're thinking about me has far less to do with me, than what *I'm* thinking about me - or what I'm thinking about them-thinking-about-me.
- I get along with people really well,
- this is sort of an isolated incidence.
- This isn't the majority of what happens to me - This is an anomaly
- If I think about it - it doesn't really matter what someone else thinks about me. All that matters is what *I'm* thinking and what *I'm* feeling - and I have control of that regardless of what anyone else says or does.

- I like the clarity that this interaction brought: It shows me what I DO want:
I want to get along with people.
I don't want to care what anybody else is thinking about me
When I meet people, I like the best of both of us to rendezvous.
I like to bring uplifting things from them
I like them to feel glad that they saw me.
I want them to greet me in a way that lets me know that they're glad to see me

paraphrased from a rampage by Abraham Hicks
from the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks ~ SAY THESE EXACT WORDS WHEN THEY TREAT YOU BADLY
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Soothing Death:

- Death is just a part of life
- Since we are really Eternal Beings there really is no such thing as "death" - no-one really truly disappears completely because they remain in Non-physical reality even if they're no longer in physical reality. So they're not really gone.
- I appreciate the people who have offered their love and comfort to me at this time
- I'm so looking forward to smiling and meaning it, and laughing and really feeling it.
- I know that in time I'll feel better
- It's ok to give myself time

(paraphrased from Abraham's words in Ask and it is Given pg 302)
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Soothing Impatience

Thanks for this quote FloatingBoat :hearts:

What's the rush?
There is no rush.
I've got plenty of time
It's ok if it doesn't come this red hot minute.
I don't have to figure it all out this red hot minute
I can wait a little.
I can take a breath
I can relax into this
In fact, if I relax, according to Abraham, relaxing helps release resistance and then I will be more Allowing and then it'll come sooner! So relaxing about sounds like a good way to go!
It'll come.
It's just a matter of time but it'll come.
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Post by spiritualcookie »

I think this fits here well :) - Thank you FeelGood :hearts:

Topic: Worry about Figuring it Out
FeelGood wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 7:33 am

I figure it out as I go.
I figure it out as I go.
I don’t have to figure it out all today.
I’m figuring it out as I go.
Look how well I’m doing. I figure it out as I go.
The Universe adores me. The Universe is yielding to me.
Good things are lined up for me.
All good things coming to me.
There’s not a reason in the world for me to worry.
When I worry, it’s old patterns of thought that
Have nothing to do with my current reality
Or my current vibrational stance
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