Topic: Fear
- All fear is, is a difference of opinion between my Inner Being and me, about this subject. It's a sign that my Inner Being is not agreeing with me on this topic. And my Inner Being is very wise, so if it knows there is nothing to fear, I would like to believe it is right

- Fear is just an indicator saying "Hey, there's another way of looking at this, that would feel better"
- Feeling a fear doesn't mean it will come true - it's just a thought; just an idea; not a fact.
- And because well-being is our dominant state of being, it alllows for a huge buffer of time between having a fearful thought and a potential related manifestation. This is why fears don't come true in the vast majority of cases. As long as you have awareness, noticing you are having a fearful thought, and are doing your best to soothe yourself and then change the subject, and be more deliberate about your thoughts, there is no reason for this fear to gain any momentum, and well-being will continue being the dominant active vibration.
- Feeling a fear just means I'm on the vibrational disk of fear at the moment - it doesn't mean anything more sinister than that - I can shift upwards from this disk bit by bit
- It's good that I have this awareness
- I can be more deliberate about trying to to let go of thinking about this fear, by putting my attention on others things; thinking about other things that feel a little better. Distacting myself into a higher vibration by putting my focus elsewhere.
- I like that I found the trick of singing a song in my head to help pivot away from a fearful thought. Songs are so much more neutral and positive-feeling - it doesn't leave much room for any negative thinking when I have a song in my head!
- It's good that I have this desire to soothe myself and shift upwards bit by bit
- I can do this bit by bit
- And it's ok if a fearful thought pops back up - it's natural for this to happen with thoughts that have some momentum. It's ok - I have the tools to pivot this. It's like a baby learning to walk; At first they may fall and you lovingly, patiently, help them up again, and again and again - until they pick up momentum of how to be more stable, and one day, they can stand without a wobble and can walk happily ahead

- We got this - we can do it!
- I'm feeling a little better already