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Post by FloatingBoat »

Topic: How to soothe yourself in the times of stress

I don’t have to solve this negative situation.
I just let go and trust the process.
I trust my vortex.
I trust in the goodness of what I’ve put in there.
I trust my well-being.
I trust in the goodness of who I am.
I’m not going to fix it.
I’m going to go to the vortex.
I’ll get in the vortex when I get in the vortex.
There is no more struggle,
because I don’t have to struggle to succeed.
I’ve already accomplished,
my work is done.
Now it’s time for me to claim the benefit of it.
I’m going to chill.
I’m going to let the universe prove to me how good I am. :hearts:

(paraphrased from the Youtube Clip "How to soothe yourself in the times of stress" by Abraham Hicks)
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Post by FloatingBoat »

All fear is, is a difference of opinion between my Inner Being and me, about this subject. It's a sign that my Inner Being is not agreeing with me on this topic. And my Inner Being is very wise, so if it knows there is nothing to fear, I would like to believe it is right

Hello, spiritualcookie, :balloons_wave:

Is this a channeling from you?

This last line is simply amazing. I believe there is nothing more soothing for anxiety than reading this. I love it. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Thank you, spiritualcookie, for this topic and this line. I often felt anxious in my life and I will definitely print this out because it is just so helpful.

:ta: :ta: :dancing: :dancing: :angelic-whiteflying: :angelic-whiteflying: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying: :nyan:
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Post by spiritualcookie »

FloatingBoat wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 11:21 am All fear is, is a difference of opinion between my Inner Being and me, about this subject. It's a sign that my Inner Being is not agreeing with me on this topic. And my Inner Being is very wise, so if it knows there is nothing to fear, I would like to believe it is right
Hello, spiritualcookie,
Is this a channeling from you?
Not an official channeling - just putting my knowledge of what Abraham say in my own words :)
I'm happy it felt helpful to you :in_love: :five: :vortex:

Thank you for your brilliant contribution to this thread too! I have added it to the index :hearts:
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Not knowing what your purpose is, or what to do next in life
spiritualcookie wrote: Sat Jan 18, 2025 11:57 pm My life has caused me to create it.
I know it's waiting for me.
My Source is there not only tending to it but being it.

I can feel that I'm being called toward it.
I don't know exactly what to do or where to go
but I can feel the call
and I know that as I relax more
that I will begin to translate the call of Source into more real details
where I will be able to identify and describe this wonderful creation more vividly. (...)

There is no rush
I got plenty of time (...)
I don't have to figure it all out this red hot minute

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks ~ It´s easy to feel good! SasM!X
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Aligning with losing weight:

- I have weighed more than I do right now in the past, so I'm doing better than in the past.
- I've had the experience of losing some weight in the past - if I did it before, I could do it again
- I'm aware of some things that have worked for me in the past
- There are things I've put my mind to on other subjects that I've managed to keep to - so this can be like those things.
- When I put my mind to those other subjects, I got desired results.
- All I have to do is decide I'm going to do things a little differently. I can do that. I can take baby steps in the right direction.
- I can take my time to do this in my own way, in my own time - I'll find my way and it's ok if it's not a straight perfect line - as long as I'm generally going in the direction I desire, that's the main thing.
- I've got this. I can do this.

(Source: Taken in part from the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent" and added to by me )
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Scary Health Diagnosis

- A diagnosis is not a death sentence
- A diagnosis is just a snapshot in time; it can be a temporary state that can shift and change.
- People HAVE recovered from this
- There are many degrees of sickness with the same label
- There are mild cases of this disease
- I haven't been feeling that bad
- I actually have a hearty body
- I've always been quick to bounce back from sickness
- I can bounce back from this too
- I am not totally powerless here. I have these wonderful Abraham tools at my fingertips to help me align with wellness and wellbeing. I can apply them more and more to my life. Wouldn't it be nice if that'll help me manifest a state of health I desire? It's worth a try!
- I would like to believe that intending is a powerful creative force and I would like to intend perfect health.
- Everytime I have a fearful thought I can tell myself "[insert fearful thought about health]... but I'm intending perfect health" - and that helps me feel a little bit more hopeful.
- I like the thought of intending perfect health before I go to sleep and setting that intention going to work for me while I sleep, uninterrupted by other thoughts.
- I like believing that my cells are intelligent and want wellness too - they are on my side, helping me.
- We've got this cells! I'll do my best to relax and allow my natural state of wellness and wellbeing to flow, and you keep allowing wellness and wellbeing to flow and we'll co-create perfect health together! :hearts:


(Source: Taken in part from the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent" with additions by me )
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Feeling Low Energy

- Regardless of how I perceive my energy levels, I always manage to accomplish what is really necessary
- When I decide to do something I can do whatever needs to be done
- Even if I have moments of low energy, I do notice that my energy fluctuates and there are times when I feel a little more energy
- If I focus on other subjects and won't give much air time to how my energy levels feel, maybe I can slow the momentum down on this idea of having low energy
- It would be nice if I could distract myself so I don't even notice my energy levels... and with lack of focus on them, maybe they will naturally rise, like a floating cork. That would be nice.

(Source: Taken in part from the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent" with additions by me )
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Ageing worries

- Most of my life I've been a generally healthy individual
- How my body feels doesn't have to have anything to do with age. There are young people that sometimes feel certain aches and pains or are unfit - it doesn't have to be because of age.
- If I put my focus on other subjects, it would be nice if these sensations would dim because they no longer have the creative=power-of-focus making them strong. It would be nice if my power of focus elsewhere could help them diminish.
- I'm glad I know the laws of the Universe so I can play with this a little. It'll be interesting to see just how good my body I can feel when I put my focus on other subjects.

(Source: Taken in part from the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent" with additions by me )
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Soothing stress from living in a small cluttered, messy space

- I know I have it within me to be quite organized. I have been organized with other things in my life.
- I've organized smaller areas than this living space (eg a suitcase; a bag, a folder on the computer) - so maybe I can organize this space too.
- I do have some things in this space that maybe I don't really need, so maybe I could clear some of those out to make more space.
- I don't have to do it all at once. I can organize and make space a little at a time.. bit by bit. I don't have to rush. I can take my time with this and gradually make this place feel better.

(Source: Taken in part from the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent" with additions by me )
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Soothing stress about doing household renovations

- I do love this home and want the best for it.
- My family and I have been happy in this house
- I appreciate the many conveniences of this home
- It's logical that more conveniences and improvements mean more maintenance.
- Even though I'm dreading doing these household renovations, maybe there could be moments in the process that could help me expand and grow in a positive way.
- Maybe through my interactions with the work people, there could be surprising, positive moments resulting from our rendezvousing too..
- These improvements would make my house safer, sturdier and longer lasting
- These improvements would make my house look nicer - and I'm looking forward to that
- These improvements would bring some fresh new energy, like a breath of fresh air; like a spring clean
- These improvements would add to the value of my home, and that would be nice.

(Source: Taken in part from the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent" with additions by me )
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